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Posts by Barney  

Joined: 26 May 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 18 Oct 2024
Threads: Total: 17 / In This Archive: 8
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26 Jan 2014
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

the author was pointing out cultural differences between Muslims and Christians/Jews.

There is no such thing it's made up nonsense, trying to group Christianity into one group is silly let alone adding another religion.

really barney??? really???

Yes really,the nuts that trot out this Judo/Christian stuff do so because it sounds good.
26 Jan 2014
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

Judeo-Christian foundations

Every time I see phrases like this or cognitive dissonance, suspend belief/disbelief or the elephant in the room I hang my head. It's like wood chip wall paper in the 70s everywhere but still a bad idea.

Judeo-Christian foundations what a load of crap.....
23 Jan 2014
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

I live in the southwest suburbs of Chicago

You are not European, you arrive in some other country as part of an army and expect everyone to love you, whats wrong have you run out of blacks and Jews to hate?
6 Jan 2014
Love / Poland's virginity market [17]

Christ on a horse, are you scraping the bottom of the barrel for every story.

Jesus, english (as foreign) language papers are generally trash but that takes some beating. Are there no stories about how no one speaks English in the town hall or how things are better back home?
29 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? [240]

All I'm doing is pointing out the inconsistencies that free market evangelists gloss over.
You stated that richer countries tend to have less government intervention I'm saying that that is not true.
You want to remove benefits from the poor but not the rich I'm saying that is socialism for the rich.

Thats it really, nothing too complicated.

Its not really about winning or loosing, exchanging ideas in some cases allows openminded people to change or refine their view of things.
28 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? [240]

No government nothing to get in the way of the free market so all should be good after all you said that rich countries tend to have less government. Are you not astounded that Somalia isnt thriving?

If a lack of a functioning government is a problem for economic growth move next door and look at other African countries. What one finds is that as the state becomes more competent and regulatory the economy becomes more productive. Rich countries have more government intervention than poor countries. If you are suggesting that there is some kind of threshold after which government intervention becomes a hinderance I can only point you to the disaster that hit the west when socialist nationalisation saved the day. Regulation was removed in the financial sector and look what happened.

You have no problem with the state subsidising everything but the poor, look at the amount of money thrown at the banking sector for example, socialism in practice for the rich but how dare the poor be subsidised. It is morally and economically wrong to write off whole generations of people but why should they not be subsidised like the rich in the absence of any other strategy. EU citizens going to Britain have to be treated the same as everyone else the tiny amount of money involved is not an issue.
28 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? [240]

The richest countries tend to be those where the state does the least.

The converse is true, poor countries have next to no regulation rich countries have lots.

The point is that benefits subsidise the rich by supplying a cheap pool of labour so that industry and commerce can thrive, thats the business plan Thatcher implemented. Of course they had to go back to good old nationalisation to save the western economies, its great to be able to say I told you so when the benefits of Socialism have been tested and worked.
28 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? [240]

Haulage companies are just an example of subsidies that free marketeers like. In places like Dublin or London the entire economy is propped up with state subsidies. Without benefits these places would stop generating wealth.

The free movement of capital means the free movement of people that's what the EU is designed for. With the lack of an economic policy beyond nationalise debt, privatise profit it's not really surprising that people have been ignored. The crazy economic nonsense of the 80s is responsible for this mess.
28 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? [240]

How much would things cost if haulage companies had to pay for the roads and their upkeep? Removing subsidies from the unemployed or people with large families is easy to argue while enjoying all the other state subsidies however the economic and social consequences would be too big to hide.

It's a self flattering delusion that one can be an independent man island which is impossible unless one is Robinson Crusoe.
28 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? [240]

However, it doesn't make sense for me to pay young and healthy people to do nothing.

I dont mean royalty, would you like to see all subsidies removed not just subsidies to individuals.

It would be strange to remove subsidies from the unemployed yet retain them for farmers and most commerce for example
28 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? [240]

How about. No benefits for anyone. No NHS, NO DSS no nothing. Boom! 10% flat tax for workers.

That would never work the middle class would be up in arms, no one to subsidise their cleaners, where are they supposed to get cheap labour, that would be a breach of their human rights.

Farmers not being subsidised is unthinkable never mind the opera or theatre, transport would be great without benefits, all those businesses having to pay for the roads they dont pay for at the moment. I'm with you, benefits should only be for royalty.
25 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / Mentally ill people in British society [55]

Mental illness or disability carried a stigma once - fortunately ideas have changed for a lot of people in the UK and the welfare system helps with the others

I remember watching a current affairs doc, the mid week ITV one, called Italy's mad law the double meaning was intended. It was about care in the community and was seen as revolutionary at the time. Italy's practice wasn't the penny pinching variety Thatcher introduced in Britain but a true example of care in the community and the first in Europe.
25 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / The Changing Attitude Towards the Poles in Ireland [21]

And the Irish don't have any issues with immigration .....

What are you talking about?

I dont believe his story, he said he was treated as 2nd class in Ireland compared with his treatment in other countries then changed it to say others felt the same. I know you dont like Irish people but what are you saying?
25 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / The Changing Attitude Towards the Poles in Ireland [21]

Hi pass
You have a hard time and I must say met some strange people. Its universally accepted that the crash was caused by rampant freemarket madness, no one blames anyone other than Bankers, property developers and FF for the crash.

Irish people going on holiday.............ah crap I just dont believe your story its so full of holes, if this is your level of English its no surprise you haven't got the CEO job you feel entitled to.
25 Nov 2013
UK, Ireland / The Changing Attitude Towards the Poles in Ireland [21]

Ireland's economy is based on turning the country into a tax haven within the EU that is not exactly locking out the rest of the world, nor is welcoming huge numbers of immigrants.

Could you expand on being treated as a second class citizen in Ireland as opposed to the other places you have been?
11 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

I can see that you are not telling the truth.

At the risk of repeating myself, the film makers filmed hooligans doing hooligan stuff at a football match or two. They showed the footage to Sol Campbell who said don't go to either country. He didn't say go, enjoy the countries but avoid the stadia he said don't go full stop.

It was broadcast just before the Euros began and claimed to tell the truth of what people visiting Poland and Ukraine could expect.
That was not true as we now know, his opinion was given prominence by the BBC which added weight to his words. Now when he claims that Britain is racist his opinion has suddenly become meaningless.....Other contributors to this broadcast distanced themselves from it claiming that it wasn't an accurate representation of Poland and that it was clear that the film makers were working to a not too flattering agenda, the BBC denied this.

So we are left with a situation where the program contained material from someone the BBC effectively said was unreliable yet you still think that it painted a realistic picture, I find that particularly odd.
4 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

No one is denying that some Polish football fans are racist despite you saying that I was denying that fact Several pages ago.

Some Irish are racist some British are racist this may be news to you but the vast majority are not. Paulina and myself have attempted to point this out while you and Harry said that I was only saying bad things about Britain and that she was a typical Polish person denying racism.

The BBC broadcast was biased as evidenced by some of the contributors distancing themselves from it, It's also clear that Sol Campbell's comments were about both countries as a whole and not just the ultras. I can only come to one conclusion as to why You cannot see that.
4 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

One of those interviewed for this broadcast released a statement

On April 30th, 2012 I was interviewed by Chris Rogers for a BBC Panorama about racism and anti-Semitism in Polish and Ukrainian football ahead of the Euro2012 football championships taking place in those two countries. The interview lasted approximately one hour during which I emphasized that the small number of football fans in Poland engaging in anti-Semitic and racist behavior do not represent Polish society as a whole............
.........I suggested to the reporting team that they interview the two Israeli footballers who played for Wisla Krakow this season and were active members of the community so that they could hear firsthand about their positive experiences. The reporters responded that this line of inquiry "didn't fit their story", a response which perplexed me at the time.

From [economist]

This broadcast was a disgrace painting Polish people as racist, how it came to be broadcast is a mystery to me.

Yes I have and I have to say that Paulina is correct in her opinion of it.
The show was biased

Being able to self criticise is important to a normal person that is why I find it strange that the xenophobic stuff was posted cos I don't do xenophobia ever.
3 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

I'm convinced that you are totally in denial about what you typed, you spent several posts accusing me of being anti British for no reason except that I am Irish. And you have form on that point

I'm qualified to give my opinion which is that the BBC broadcast a biased piece and I have repeatedly pointed out how it was biased. You clearly have difficulty understanding that the program broadcast said one thing and an other different thing happened. The program was not about local football it was about an international tournament.

I am now of the firm opinion that you are not the sharpest tool in the box.
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

The BBC broadcast footage of hooligans doing hooligan stuff then dragged a totally unqualified figure to comment. He said don't go to Poland or Ukraine. That is not the makings of a balanced programme, it was a sensationalist piece of lazy journalism. Attributing such negative behaviour as typical of the countries was demonstrated for the nonsense it was. Campbell had no grounds to make those claims at all.

There is no conspiracy, the English FA would love to have the Euros but they need to build political support. You clearly have no idea how these things work, it's not good enough to turn up and say "we invented football". As I said when I posted it was an aside.

If you believe that Campbell is somehow an expert on Polish or Ukranian affairs can you state why you believe his opinion as broadcast by the BBC and dismiss his current opinion of Britain?

It does seem that you don't understand what prejudice is, attributing actions/ behaviour of a few to a group as a whole, the BBC did it to Polish And Ukranian people.

It's not a personal attack just a statement of fact.

Do You accept that Campbell is correct in his opinion of Britain because I don't? You clearly think that he is qualified to comment on other matters and I don't.
2 Oct 2013
UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK [187]

The context is that they pointed a camera at hooligans who behaved like hooligans then asked Campbell his opinion. This guy is a footballer who said don't go to Poland etc.

How was he qualified to make a pronouncement on either country? He was used as a mouthpiece for the film makers, now his opinion is that Britain is racist but that now is a worthless opinion.