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Posts by Easy_Terran  

Joined: 31 Mar 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Aug 2010
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 311 / In This Archive: 102

Speaks Polish?: Not at all.
Interests: Hero in my avatar, Witold Pilecki, signed in for KL Auschwitz, VOLUNTARILY, brought the reports to da west, ignored, died by hands of commie Jews

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3 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

all Poles bravely rescued Jews during the war

The problem is that an average Pole tends to extend the 6.135 Righteous` heroic deeds over the whole Polish nation.

Few of the biggest falsities being sold by the Jews is that all Poles were nothing but nazis, were all szmalcowniks and allowed the Gerries to build the camps actively helping them with that task.

Is the lie (because I agree it's a lie, although I've never heard about that) about 'all Poles helping the Jews' daily spread in newspapers and TV worldwide, manipulated and sold as one and only truth?

The truth is that most Poles remained indifferent and many were glad that Jewish problem was solved by Germans. Only a few helped.

How even dare you to say something like that. Indifferent?
Would you risk your children lives to help a Jew? Would you and other moral judges (sic!) of what Poles should have or should have not done?
3 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

True but it works vice versa: lies about Poland and Poles doesn't justify us to spit out hateful words and made up 'facts' about Jews.

Now, tell me what Polish lies about the Jews are viciously spread worldwide by Polish community and repeated over and over again by other communities?
3 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

You just can't resist yourself from your childish behavior ... Happens ...

Spare me that patronizing tone of yours, thank you.

little knows history of their nation except "victim role playing" mainstream

That doesn't justify them to spit out hateful words and made up 'facts' about Poland and the Poles.

Most Jews don't care about Poland and Poles

Is that so?
3 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

is completely irrelevant

You must have been born yesterday if you claim 'some' Jews are antiPolish.

The correct statement would be: some are NOT antiPolish.
3 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

F%@k Yeah it could.
Anything else you want to say?

Yeah, relax. Sarcastically I accepted your argument.

Antipolonism represented by some Jews

You must have been born yesterday.

As I said some are retarded.

Indeed, some are.
3 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

No ****, could it be?

some posters proves worldwide opinion that Poles are retarded.

Are you saying that some Poles (and none-Poles) who are AWARE of Jewish's antiPolish nasty and sick propaganda are nothing less but retarded ones?

sad but true...

Indeed SAD it is.

But fook mi, that is a good one..
2 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

is still present in Poland. I've met quite a few Poles who openly showed their hatrded toward jews

Quite shocking considering waves of love only when Jews all around the world are speaking about Poland. Really shocking.
20 Feb 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

Yeah, never heard that either. I am considered white by all of my friends/co-workers.
16 Feb 2009
Food / Polish food in Pictures. [277]

Thread attached on merging:
Cooking thread

And my attempts to make 'kopytka' with grilled pork.

Served with grilled pork and Polish dills:

Yummy :)

Bon Apetite,
Itadaki Mas,
Enjoy your meal,


PS. My cholesterol most likely meets the highest levels :)

13 Feb 2009
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

California, we're talking about the discoteques.
A girl, totally surprised asked 'do you have discos in Poland'
To my remark 'Yes, and the richest ones even have an electricity' she responded 'wow, cool!'

Many fell for the story that peeps in Poland live in caves and ride camels, for there are no cars, hence no roads. I was actually going for months making up ridiculously stupid visions of Poland and a few of the peeps who were listening to it, totally fell for it.
6 Feb 2009
Language / Word order and swearing in Polish [44]

they still think that youre discussing the linguistic issues.

ROTFL :)))

całuję rączki pięknych pań
6 Feb 2009
Language / Word order and swearing in Polish [44]

On paper, yes.

On paper AND in real life.

Kurwa and kurwo - two different things (well, in this case)

Głupia kurwa - a stupid whore
Głupia kurwo - you stupid whore
5 Feb 2009
Language / Word order and swearing in Polish [44]

"Kurwa, co ty robisz?!" may sound like you call her a whore


"Kurwo, to ty robisz" - yes, that's exactly it, calling a girl a whore.

Kurwa co ty robisz?
Co ty kurwa robisz?
Co ty robisz kurwa?

Fuck, what you're doing?
What the fuck are you doing?
What are you doing for fuck sake?
9 Dec 2008
Food / Cooking Polish kiszka [99]

kiszka is also called kaszanka

I never heard it being called a 'kiszka' until I came to the US :)

It always was kaszanka and I stopped eating damn thing when I witnessed how it was made ;P
3 Dec 2008

I was laughing my a$$ off, too, got tears in my eyes :))
17 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

The fact is that all elites in Israel are Polish Jews.

That is so true.

Question is: what will happen to that country when all of those men simplyv have die-off?! XXI'century's nation of Israel is nothing but spoiled brats with guns, ZERO of intelligence and HATE towards the whole World.

XXI to you: Israeli retards and American Israeli retards and simply dumb American retards, means: TWENTY FIRST (th).
17 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Poland, first to fight (and first to surrender).

Enemy attacked. From two sides. One was pretending to be friends (foking Soviets), the other attacked openly.

What were the chances of Polish army to stand against two enemies, and win?

Nevertheless Polish army stood up. Nevertheless they fought. Till the end.

Tell me. Tell me, Harry. Why do you hate Poland and the Poles so bad?
You don't have to answer, I know.
16 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

place blame where it is due

That's how the book on history subject should be written, isn't it?

Thanks, Bathory!
16 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Norman Davies

I was browsing the net to find any info about pre-war concentration camps established by the Poles and ran by them, couldn't find any, so can you tell me what's the title of Davies' book? I'll read it.

Whilst browsing, I found a site about camps ran by JEWS, though.

Sack was shocked with what he found in his seven years of research on the subject: 60,000-80,000 Germans and Poles were murdered in Jewish-run concentration camps, "more than the number of [Jews] who died at Belsen and Buchenwald.

"Jews," says Sack, "were sometimes as cruel as their exemplars at Auschwitz, and they even ran the organization that ran the prisons and ... the concentration camps for German civilians in Poland and Poland-administered Germany ... "

Sack notes Jewish torturers sticking toads down peoples' throats, whippings, and some victims buried alive in potato sacks. A hundred non-Jews at the Myslowitz concentration camp, for instance, were murdered each day; the death rate in some Jewish-controlled camps was 80%.

From different site, a comment by a user:

it must be difficult to be a jewish youth indeed.

sums it up, doesn't it, Harry?

Poland, first to fight (and first to surrender).

You are truly twisted and vicious dude.
16 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

silly old me

Yes indeed, silly you. Germany and Soviets partitioned Poland for the fourth time, western parts were annexed by Germany and estern parts by Soviets.

Ribbentrop-Molotov pact.

15 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

capture Jews hiding in the forests

Are you refering to murderous bands, like Bielskis, the Polish underground was trying to capture?
15 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

happened to be in Poland

There was no Poland when the camps were built.

what do you propose

I don't have to propose ANYTHING. There is an official name for the camps, one that should be used. Your little sarkasm isn't funny at all.

"Following Polish request, UNESCO agrees to officially change name of WWII death camp to 'Auschwitz-Birkenau. German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp' to stress that Poland had no role in camp"

BTW It's not just about Poland, there were plenty of Camps.

Show me any other camp that is called this-nation's concentration camp with a stubborness of a maniac, as all former-Nazi camps on the soil of today Poland are called that way.
14 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

British kids are visiting the camp

It's not about the Brits. The article was titled 'Student to visit Polish concentration camps'. It was removed after bunch of people sent emails to the editor-in-chief, however in search results, it still read POLISH CC.

That's the point.
13 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

The thought of your whiney pathetic fukwitted personage

Get a grip on yourself, mate. No need for shite like that.
9 May 2008
History / Polish 304 SQUADRON IN THE RAF IN WW2 - Davidstow in Cornwall [16]

I am an Englishman who feels that we owe a great debt of honour to the Poles who fought

Why bother, Tornado soon will explain that dwelling, whining and moaning about the past serves no purpose. Future! Future we all should be focusing on!

How about that, Tornado ;)
7 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

did anyone actually clarify the difference between a jewish pole and a polish jew?

It's actually very simple.

Władysław Szpilman, Janusz Korczak, Jan Brzechwa - all Jews.
Jakub Berman, Hilary Minc, Solomon Morel - all Polish.

Both lists consist of hundred of names.
Clear and obvious, isn't it?