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Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Mar 2011
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From: Warszawa
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27 Apr 2010
Life / Saw a girl in black openly smoking a spliff on a Katowice street today [49]

One can roll either one anyway one wants to

There are pretty good reasons why roll-ups are rolled thin and short and joints thicker and longer. I remember some of the fancier joints back in the late 70s/early 80s and there's always the classic smack-heads' joint, a bit shorter and weaker than normal (and always strangely unsatisfying but maybe that's just the company) but most are much of a muchness.

many spliffs are rolled by mixing tobacco and marijuana.

Many? 99% at least.
27 Apr 2010
Life / Saw a girl in black openly smoking a spliff on a Katowice street today [49]

glass pipes were better because you could inhale more smoke

I find the hit's a bit too quick with a pipe. I see what you mean about saving money but I like the subtlety of the sensation developing.

Some friends just bought a vaporizer machine, called a volcano, which vapourises the weed at very high temperature and fills a large plastic bag with smoke. Too much pissing about for the breakfast joint, but great fun at a party!
27 Apr 2010
Life / Saw a girl in black openly smoking a spliff on a Katowice street today [49]

Those are there for people who want to buy them same as tobacco

So who on earth buys them? Why smoke tobacco in what you call "a joint form"? I've seen them in a couple of kiosks but they seem to be marketed entirely to stoners, and flavoured tobacco to elderly pipe-smokers. I ain't arguing - as a chain smoker who's tried tobacco in every form, I just don't see the point.

Even in Poland, the land of fancy cigarettes and weed smokers who use glass pipes because they haven't got the manual dexterity to skin up.
27 Apr 2010
News / 2010 Polish Presidential Election [39]

The fact that enough Poles are hopefully fed up of the (supposedly non-existent) presidential veto?

Exactly. We hear about the laws that he's vetoed, but people don't so much hear of the public appointments (especially professorships) that the clown Kaczyński refused to sign off leaving departments without heads and people's careers on hold. Jaroslaw would be even worse. A vindictive pair.

But Komorowski will win.
27 Apr 2010
Life / Saw a girl in black openly smoking a spliff on a Katowice street today [49]

but there's lots of such tobbaco shops that sell rolling paper and different tobbaco flavours, you can't deny that.

Those are for teenagers to make fancy joints with. Nobody just uses them for tobacco - and if they do, they should get a good kicking.

If you don't stuff a great amount of leaves in there and they are not gonna be sticking out it's really gonna be unrecognizable.. you either haven't seen a join or rolled up cig.

Darling, I've smoked both by the tens of thousands and been making both joints and roll-ups since before most of the posters on here were born. If you think a joint looks like a roll up, you must have only seen very bad roll-ups or very bad joints.
26 Apr 2010
Life / Alcohol problems of Polish people [141]

the average for European countries puts Poland somewhere in the middle.

If it averages out, then yes. There seem to be more extremes here than in most places. A lot of teetotal people and plenty who consume a huge amount as a matter of course.
26 Apr 2010
Work / No English Speaking Jobs in Poland...At All? [34]

It depends upon your own level of education.

Yes, that and aptitude. There are some very well educated people who can't get the hang of a foreign language, and some people who didn't finish school who can pick up languages quickly.
25 Apr 2010
Love / Church of England - Catholic Marriage in Poland. [23]

I don't think they can really insist on a baptism

They can if the person wants a marriage or any other sacrament in a church.

an unbaptised Christian

There is no such thing - baptism is the 'entry ticket' to Christianity and the first step on the Christian journey of faith.

to consummate a marriage

I think you mean 'to solemnise' a marriage. Consummate is what happens in the honeymoon bed. ;-)
25 Apr 2010
Love / Church of England - Catholic Marriage in Poland. [23]

they regard a Christian as someone who has been baptised

This is accurate. If they're not sure if the baptism was a valid one (i.e. with flowing water and in the name of the Trinity) they may do a conditional baptism - just like a normal one but saying "If you are not baptised already, I baptise you in the name of...". A person who is not baptised can not under any circumstances be married in a Christian ceremony.
24 Apr 2010
Love / SHE'S 25, HE'S 85 (Polish actor Andrzej Łapicki) -- ANY FUTURE? [82]

I saw them a while ago - they look like a genuinely happy couple. A big contrast to Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz and Izabela who I also saw - they looked like a mid-life crisis who's already regretting it and a low-brow but demanding gold-digger.
24 Apr 2010
Food / Best Farmer's Market in Warsaw area? [14]

Is it true that the Polish farmers' markets such as Hala Mirowska and Hala Marymoncka

I don't know about those two specific examples but a lot (if not most) Warsaw street stalls selling fruit and veg, who theoretically are supposed to be selling their own produce, buy it at the big wholesale market at Broniszewo (amazing place - worth a visit in the night - good bars and cafes for the workers and drivers). A lot is Polish produce (notice that the street stalls don't usually sell obviously imported things like bananas - they aren't allowed to unless they register for tax etc) but obviously they just buy the cheapest, wherever it's from.

I have a friend with such a stall. Some of the things like potatoes and ogórki are from his own farm but selling vegetables takes a lot of time and hard work, and to grow and pick everything as well would be an impossibility. The real money apparently comes from summer fruit, which also comes from the wholesale market but is almost certainly local.
24 Apr 2010
News / Michał Kamiński - referred to not by name on the UK Leaders Debate but ... [47]

Well, one party fought for and won for us free compulsory schooling, a ban on child labour, health and safety at work regulations, a national minimum wage, sickness benefits, free healthcare, the right to divorce, equal pay for women and open access to university education. The other party fought against and tried to stop all of those.
23 Apr 2010
Life / Any place like a "Goodwill" in Warsaw? [10]

There are quite a few, but usually in the middle of housing estates, so you have to know where to find them. There's a couple near me but they are often stuffed with household waste, broken bottles and worse, so the clothes inside get damaged.
23 Apr 2010
Life / Any place like a "Goodwill" in Warsaw? [10]

If you're going there and want some English language reading materials, it could be a good idea to wait until after Monday or Tuesday - I'm leaving Poland for a while and closing up my apartment, so I'll be taking a big box of books in early next week.
23 Apr 2010
Language / About: w tytę [12]

Maybe bugging or hassling or really irritating somebody? My friend sat opposite, from Podlasia, doesn't know the word tyta - perhaps it's specific nowadays to that expression. Perhaps it's an undergarment - I'm thinking ants in the pants.
23 Apr 2010
Language / About: w tytę [12]

Maybe "w tyle" - not very nice!
22 Apr 2010
Life / Any place like a "Goodwill" in Warsaw? [10]

The Sue Ryder Shop on ul. Bagatela (the pl. Unii Lubelskie end) is the nearest thing. They have English language books too.

Donating things to the shop helps support the care home for disabled veterans they run in Piaseczno.