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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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18 Aug 2011
Life / Have many Poles had enough of one another? [198]

The rudest people I've met were in railway/bus stations (the women who sell tickets), whenever I go, they are always in bad mood and answer in rude tone.

Ahh,thats universal,grumpy buggers world wide,maybe it has something to do with being sat in a fishtank all day watching people setting off on exciting trips?

(coz lets face it,after a few hours in the office a trip to the loo's is a bit of an adventure :) )
18 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

Why are you stuck here ?

Partly to be entertained by fruit loops such as yourself. Unfortunatly day trips to bedlam Hospital are frowned upon these days so our basic human curiosity and primative urge to gawk at the lunatics is salved somewhat by the internet and the various kooks and moon howlers who appear from time to time.most of whom inevetably start to talk about jewish conspiracies at some point..................
17 Aug 2011
Travel / Souvenirs in Krakow/Katowice? [15]

Listen to pip and pawian. I cant comment on prices these days but when I was in Krakow as a student I still managed to come home loaded with cheap but chearfull stuff from the centre of Krakow (and bought my cigs off some dudes in the coach park on the river bank....not recomended...).
16 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / I need help!! (problems with my Polish coworkers) [41]

My boss has tried to tell them that when they r in the kitchen they r to speak English 4 H&S reasons

Remind them of this in the interview love. Anyone playing this down doesnt understand how a proffesional kitchen works. dangerous places if your not switched on and comunicating easily with all around you.

But Ewa & Anna can swear at us in polish and get away with on the grounds of racism/discrimination.

Unfortunatly this is far too common..........

Tell anna to grow the fek up......(nah,dont,but she should,she is acting like a l'il schollgirl whispering in her playmates ear.....)
16 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in England / English in Poland crime [25]

Not funny at all. I saw a pillock do just that back in 04 on the M18,fek knows how far he'd come,or just done a U'y but this PL plate banger drove up the down ramp straight at me................to say I experienced arse pucker factor 10 for a second puts it mild.

Mind,the French car that pulled to a stop in the middle of a duel carraige way into Doncaster to read a map came close..............hand on heart,theres a reason i dont drive on the continent :)
15 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

Sums things up nicely,the Eton multimillionare and the Colonial both have the same outlook on Britain,seperated by thousands of miles,united in a complete lack of any first hand experience of what they pontificate about............
15 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish Family stabbed to death in St Helier. [40]

and the truth of the matter in todays world is that we are divided and speak different languages for a reason..because we dont mix and dont want to mix

coz thats why there are people from all over the world coming on here using english as a second language to,erm,mix.....................
15 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish Family stabbed to death in St Helier. [40]

/\ Huh??????????????? Nice ramble..welcome to the forum,you'll fit right in,nowt to do with the issue but hey, why not chip in with your POV,when more facts come out about this case Im sure you wont be alone in linking some alcohol fuelled nightmare to race or immigration...........
15 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

Do you think its too late to send them off to oz again?? :D

Well,if we only sent the under 18s it wouldnt be a problem for Oz as theyd ship them straight off to malaysia to be pimped out to chinese kiddie fiddlers............as for the adults,nah,send em to the 13 colonies.
14 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish Family stabbed to death in St Helier. [40]

You think a smiley face is appropriate in this thread seanus?
Seriously,this thread is top in google search and people get to see you grinning? if you can,edit it.

A family **** up goes tragically wrong from the reports I heard, arguments all afternoon spilled out onto the street untill something snapped.
Who really knows though,just more deaths in what seems a sudden explosion of violance.
14 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Polish person in America (firing a gun for the first time) [18]

Yeah,um,er, the AR 15 is NOT the civilian version of the M4,its the civilian version of the M16 A2............he's just stuck a load of pointless plastic crap on his to look like an "army mans gun"...........and,what "expert" shoves a sidearm down their pants while on a range shooting a carbine?

Oh,my frakking gawd.he doesnt know who hit the can,him,the Pole or GOD......FFS...............Yanks eh? ;) Yeah,God has nothing better to do than feck around with some geezers target shooting :)

But apart from that, a fun day out and a couple of great mates enjoying each others company,whats not to like ? :)
13 Aug 2011
Love / Don't want others to join us at a table - is it normal for Polish girls to get angry? [161]

Confused, weve all been there mate,dont worry about it.
I apologise again for the label I first gave you,but,with the caveat that I still say this is how you could come across to *some* women, at the worst,at the best,they will see you as either a soft touch or way too clingy if by the second date you are showering her with compliments,treating her like a princess etc etc.

Im not saying "treat em mean,keep em keen" as that,although with some poor cows with low self esteem that can work, but on the second date its only in hollywood musicals that people start falling in love :)

Also,remember ,if she is as fit and tidy as you make out,frankly she will be bored witless of lads fawning over her. As a kid I was always puzzled how a mate of mine always got outstandingly gorgeous GFs when he was nothing to look at. Looking back it was precisly because he didnt treat them like godesses to begin with,he treated them like mates who he could have a good laugh with while still making it obvious he fancied them....jammy sod had it sewn even at 16 :)
13 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

It is sad , I do wish I could meet all Poles off the plane or ferry and take them round the majority good parts of England,the places that are still like a cozy 1980s middle class sit com. The villages and towns I know where you can still leave your doors unlocked to let a neighbour in to feed your fish over a weekend ,all the normal places where reading the local papers crime reports are hilarious; Local boys told off for playing football on village green.Amnesty on overdue library books etc etc

Unfortunatly Poles have tended either to arrive here and head straight for major cities and ended up in the cheapest,roughest areas, or, arrived en masse in small villages and themselves been responsable for the change in culture suddenly foisted on small communities. Like seanus said, it would do well for Poles to consider what their reaction would be if in the space of a few weeks several hundred ,I dont know, Albanians turned up in a village of 900 souls.
13 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

Yeah,my mum.
erm,the Sun is a rag read by people who frankly need lots and lots of pictures in a paper to follow a story..............
If you take on board what they say and take it to heart maybe,with kindness meant,you aint cut out for work in England. What you should do is ignore this pond life,be proud of who you are and rise above it.

the problem is though,many Poles came here not expecting to be classed as "second class" ,infact,they came here expecting to be classed as superior to some of our own people. The creepiest comments in this line tend to be from Poles whinging that "Blacks and asians get better XYZ then we white europeans".....................
13 Aug 2011
Love / Don't want others to join us at a table - is it normal for Polish girls to get angry? [161]

as a sweeping gen' Id say southeners are more wary maybe?
When Ive worked down in the big smoke or been visiting mates in Kent it tickles me how shy they are,bless 'em. Walk into a shop and say Hi to the person behind the counter you can see them reaching for the panic button,general pleasantries and banter between strangers seems totally taboo darn sarf too so???????????????

Edit, he's from bloody LEEDS he's more Northern than me !!! :)
13 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

My ex,bless her heart expected England to be like "keeping up appearances"....and you know what, some of what I showed her was but,of course, not the entire country.

But again,why on earth do people move to a huge city and expect a bed of roses? Would a country bumpkin from Poland expect an easy life in Warsaw?

Of course getting burnt out of the flat she rented was terrible,and my heart goes out for her,but see all those arms reaching up to catch her as she jumped, is someone seriously going to tell me they were all Poles?
13 Aug 2011
Love / Don't want others to join us at a table - is it normal for Polish girls to get angry? [161]

Isthatu2, you are from Yorkshire, right? People have a rep for being more abrasive there. My Scottish friend, a very honest man, found that to be the case. Maybe there is a slight difference in approach between Northerners and Southerners? Would you agree?

Not sure what you are getting at? Surely in that case he,the presumed southerner would have kept quiet and I the "northener" would be the one advocating him having a pop at the third wheel? Instead its vice versa ....but,actually,no,I wouldnt agree on such a blanket idea,so,some cockernee wide boy is less "abrasive" than Alan Bennet? ;)

To be honest some of what you guys are saying is probably right, my last relationship was pretty f&%ked up and this the first time I've considered a relationship other than very casual for 3 years

Ok,from that comment, I get where you are coming from.....only problem is,Im a geezer,she is a woman on here second date, you may not be what I suggested you sound like,but to her alarm bells would have been blaring.
13 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

I could probably fill a book full of antipolish comments coming from British people

And I could fill a website with whinging moaning anti British comments from Poles. so friggin what?!?

You make of the place what you can, she moved to a sh!ty area of a sh!ty city and worked in a sh!ty job,like many deluded dreamers she expects a 21st century metropolis to be like some friggin ealing comedy from the 1950s..............................
13 Aug 2011
Love / Don't want others to join us at a table - is it normal for Polish girls to get angry? [161]

Maybe I am a little possessive but when a woman is with me I treat her like a queen and maybe I am a little insecure about this girl, I really like her @grubas

A little possesive???FFS,its the second date!!!! Sorry, any girl would be well wise in steering clear of you as you are the perfect profile of a spousal abuser; controlling,possesive and overly romanticising someone you barely know...............

No,its not normal behaviour in England .
13 Aug 2011
News / Poland's Organized Crime [58]

what, exactly is mafia?

Its the old name for Cosa Nostra, the Sicilian "mafia", Mafia is wrong for any other organisation. All the others are(just like the Mafia) simply parasitic scumbags leaching mostly off the poorest in sociaty,if you want to give them a name call them a gang of thugs.
13 Aug 2011
Love / Expecting a baby with Polish partner - "multi-cultural pregnancy/parenting"? [45]

Kids brains cant get fried,they just stop taking in when it gets too much,and,frankly,unless your kid has problems( and it wont ) the limit is far higher than most expect.

Think about it,essentially in the space of 4 or 5 years a child learns more than an adult does in a lifetime.
And,at first if they add in one or two Polish words in an English sentence,hey,c'est la vie ;)
12 Aug 2011
Language / Double meanings, Polish slang and embarrassment [49]

I knew from movies that British say something like "soooord" but I always thought that sword is also correct. Good to know.

It maybe was at some point inour dim and distant past but no,the W is effectivley silent.

Could you give other examples of common mispronounciation commited by Poles?

Not off the top of my head,but to be a little contraversial,Poles do seem to be convinced that they speak english with a perfect accent when in fact,to most people unfamiliar with the language they kinda still sound like Count Dracula ;)

But,again,dont worry about it, we have so many very distinctive native english ( and British) accents that we are used to words being pronunced differently and frankly no one worries if you have an accent or not apart from a few dumb bigots,but who cares what they think eh? IMHO its not pronuncing english thats a problem but figuring out just which meaning for a word we mean;" They're over there putting polish on their Polish boots"........:)

Neither do we

Yes,but atleast Polish seems to have hard and fast rules,where as with english you often simply have to know the word .