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Posts by JonnyM  

Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 2607 / In This Archive: 2054
From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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15 Dec 2011
News / Polish Doctor Burzynski finds a cure for incurable cancer [22]

He (or rather his menacing PR operation) has been in the news a lot lately - one to avoid 'movie' or not. If it was any good, every hospital in the world would be clamouring to offer the treatment.

skeptico.blogs.com/skeptico/2011/11/the-burzynski-clinicanother-b ullying-quack.html
freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2011/11/28/burzynski-clinic-the-d omain-of-scoundrels-and-quacks/
and rather disturbingly
15 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Is the UK referred to as the Islands in Polish media back home? [62]

It's come to the attention that most immigrant Polish folks tend to refer to the UK and Ireland collectively as "The Islands"

I'm curious, is this something brought over from Poland?

Yes - they have been using the term for many years.
15 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish is an official language in the UK? [68]

can't be bothered to learn the language of the host country properly.

Rather like most of the British immigrants in Spain, Bulgaria, Cyprus etc.
15 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Missing Poles in London, Sylwester Goralski or Goranski / Rynczak [5]

On the Polish missing persons' database there's only one person called Sylwester who's about that height. He's 29 but not blond. Different surname too.


If the police were looking for him, could he have been arrested and taken back to Poland?

Goranski is a rare name, but unfortunately Sylwester Goralski also means 'Highland New Year's Eve' in Polish so a google search would throw up a lot of hotel websites etc. Nevertheless, there's someone with that name on Facebook whose photo is available for all to see - why not see if that's him.
13 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish is an official language in the UK? [68]

Tram passengers are not exactly passers by or are they

Yes, they are, for want of a better lemma.

You better tell me what's the pharse we, the Poles allegedlly say when see person urinating on the street.

You might recall my post asking if anyone remembered.

.Also in Poland it's considered impolite to stare and/or comment and you may get punched in the face for doing it.

Proof you're crazy - Poles stare all the time and there are even threads on here about it.

There isn't an official language in the UK - Welsh, Scots Gaelic, Ulster Scots and Irish have a special status in their territories. But except for that, even English isn't mandatory. But British pragmatism dictates that signs should be understood by whoever is meant to see them. Hence a few roadsigns in areas where the drivers are likely to be Polish:


And allegedly signs in Haworth in Japanese, pointing to the Bronte Parsonage.
13 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish is an official language in the UK? [68]

Have you been to London?

Often and recently. Dreadful place.

I doubt there are enough Polacks living there to do the job properly.

I wouldn't personally use that word for Poles however it seems they do need some things in life explaining to them - another Polish language notice, in this case instructions on how to use a lavatory:

Was that somewhere near Fantom by any chance?

No but I did hear of a German guy who was kicked out for walking round suggesting something like that.
13 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish is an official language in the UK? [68]

Jebnij się w łeb człowieku.

Much less crude than that.

Traditionally majority of passers-by look the other way.

Everyone was staring when the tram passed not one but two men performing the other bodily function a few weeks ago in Warsaw. Right in the street, by Most Gdanski. Though you're unlikely to see any signs about that in London, whether in Polish or not.
13 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish is an official language in the UK? [68]

I am 100% certain this sign is not an official sign from the City of Westminster.

I've seen this one before, about a year ago. Apparently it's real and the mistakes are due to the sign being printed by computer.
13 Dec 2011
Work / Poland salary and compensation package - What is included? [28]

No , it is not !

According to data issued by GUS ( Polish Statistical Office )

usable floor space of
dwellings in square meters

total space 938 475 000 m²

ownership of

47 973 000 Gminas (municipal)
2 788 000 State Treasury

Which means a ratio of 20 m² to 1 m ² , so it means that only a small fraction of space is owned by municipal or state bodies.

You have misunderstood his post. A council estate is a council estate, even if the flat has been bought. And an estate that belongs to a spoldzenie is social housing.


You don't see many Camry in PL, and apples are an odd choice. Try 4WD or Cheddar.
13 Dec 2011
Food / Coffee in Poland: cheap and undrinkable / expensive and good [89]

so in other words, they do what every single other big company does or is currently trying to do.

There's a lot to be said for supporting locally owned companies. Karma in pl Zbawicela is also OK as is Cup of Pleasure on Nowy Swiat.
13 Dec 2011
Food / Coffee in Poland: cheap and undrinkable / expensive and good [89]

so you don't drink starbucks or tim hortons because you don't like the people that buy their coffee. that is silly.

I've never heard of Tim Horton's, but one reason to avoid Starbucks (apart from the silly prices, loud music and irritating clientele are the allegations that they use their financial clout to put independent competitors out of business.


In Warsaw, Green Coffee (a local company) is expanding and is a class apart.
13 Dec 2011
Polonia / TRAVEL TO DUBAI - VISA for a POLE? [29]

Primaverka - check with airlines, but I don't think you need visa to stay in transfer hall.

You definitely don't need one just for changing planes at Dubai Airport.
11 Dec 2011
News / Y Shaped high speed rail line Poland [78]

and there are plenty of people willing to pay a lot of money to travel quickly.

Very much so.

Perhaps you should leave the discussions about such systems to people who actually leave their PGR village once in a while.

PKP has been too much of a 'spolka nomenklatura' for too long. Privatisation would make a lot of sense.
10 Dec 2011
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

DNA tests on Sarmatian remains suggests the romantic ideal of Sarmatism is precisely that. A romantic ideal.
10 Dec 2011
Life / What is the penalty for driving a car without the annual technical inspection? [17]

a 50 PLN fine.

Rather more than that.

Is it mainly for safety? Or for pollution?

For safety and out of respect for the lives of other road users.

For now I have bought a car with 10 months left before technical inspection, but I am wondering about all those nice old beaters that are for sale but need the inspection.

Not a good idea, especially with winter coming.
10 Dec 2011
Work / 47zl net - good for teaching in Lodz? [9]

You'll find that EFL salaries haven't really changed much over the past ten years. You can earn good money teaching in-company if you work direct for the company however you'll need to be established with extensive contacts to get that. And in a place like Lodz, every HR Director knows a school owner.
10 Dec 2011
Love / Do polish men like career women? [60]

I suggest you to stop posting here , it is not a dating site for gay/lesbian people

A very strange thing to say.

My life is as rosy as has never been before - if you are interested .

I'm not really, however since you mention it, I refer you to the post above.

So you don't regard CPD as a private matter, polmed?

I had to look it up and found only Continuing Professional Development (may well relate to her sex life), Central Procurement Directorate (likewise) or Ceilings, Partitions, Drylining (the mind boggles). When I searched 'CPD sex' all I got was stuff about transvestites. Then again, I have seen her photo so who knows?
10 Dec 2011
Work / Need details for working in POLAND, LODZ. [27]

The OP's asked for opinions on specific questions. Have you actually got anything constructive to say in this thread or do you just prefer to ineffectively snipe at other posters?

Anyway, judging by some of your posts in other threads, you aren't exactly a genius in financial matters, are you?
10 Dec 2011
Work / Need details for working in POLAND, LODZ. [27]

fooling this guy

Do the maths. 7k, minus 2.5 for a flat. That leaves 5k for living - many families save on half that. And his wife's a dentist.

Somehow, I suspect you don't smile very much. Stop trolling and get a life.
10 Dec 2011
News / Will Poland ever host the Olympics? [18]

and no desperate need to show off

Are you joking? Anything 'reprezentacyjny' is to Poland what a nice well fed cat is to a Chinaman.
10 Dec 2011
Work / Need details for working in POLAND, LODZ. [27]

He'll have the chance to travel for a couple of years, and as you may have noticed from the original message, he is being posted here by his Indian company.

Anyway, for what it's worth:

1. I will be getting workpermit and I think residence permit too. Will my wife can work as she is not holding any job. Which type of visa/work permit will she get.

No, unless her employer applies for a permit

2. I will be getting gross salary around 10000 PLN per month. Any idea how much will I get in Hand(Net). WHat will be deductions in this.

You'll end up with about 7 after tax and ZUS.

3. What are the expense of Child education in English school.

Quite a lot.

4. How much could I save and what will be an average expenses (rent, basic amenities, grossaries,travels)

You can live well and save on 7. Rent will be about 2.5.

5. My Wife is dental doctor from INDIA. Does she have any opportunity.

Probably, though she'll have to have her qualifications attested.

6. For an SAP Consultant howz scope in Poland. If we need to change over from current compnay to anohter how difficult it is.

Not so easy unless you have very desirable skills. Many large companies in Poland are rolling out SAP programmes at the moment but the market is fierce - if you learn Polish this will help
10 Dec 2011
Work / Need details for working in POLAND, LODZ. [27]

Somebody's having a bad day...

The OP sounds a decent guy. I'm tired of answering questions about tax etc. Perhaps someone else would care to answer.
10 Dec 2011
Love / Do polish men like career women? [60]

I have a happy personal life

All those adverts on (English-language) online dating sites suggest that everything isn't quite as rosy as you paint it.
10 Dec 2011
Travel / Are restaurants or kantors open at Christmas in Poland? [6]

27 - 30th should be business as usual, though in one horse towns, be careful if there's only one kantor who has inexplicably decided to take his holidays then. Bring your cashpoint card just in case. Anyway, you may get a slightly better rate from the cashpoint (answer no if the machine offers a fixed rate - this is a rip off) than at some kantors, especially 24 hour ones which are notoriously bad.