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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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1 Sep 2011
Life / Worlds most liveable cities (Krakow or Warsaw don't even hit the radar screens) [104]

Its got gorgeous parts even in the midst of its ugly parts ,but, she really must drive around in rose tinted glasses all day.
And dont blame the bloody war either, most European cities got plastered then rebuilt in the brutalist manner......
I doubt even the Polish Tourist board would make some of those claims :)
1 Sep 2011
Life / Worlds most liveable cities (Krakow or Warsaw don't even hit the radar screens) [104]

for me , the most liveable city is Warsaw , have you got any doubts ? Nice and friendly people , clean steets and buildings , no ghetto or slum areas , no poverty , many green areas , lots of public space , s

Hahahabloodyhardyharhar........now,dont get me wrong,I love Warsaw,but............OMFGG................Rude as sin people (unless you know them then the nicest around :) ) that make Paris feel friendly in comparison, dog sh!t everywhere,graffitti everywhere, ghetto....maybe not in the western sense,but,well,Praga is still not Bel Air is it? No poverty,lols,all those rich young lay abouts with nothing better to do than hang out in front of the railway station all day.....yes,many "green areas" ,just fekking try actually stepping on the green bits though !!!

Its touching you love your city,but that aint a healthy version of love,love.......
I'll say one thing for you though....youve not blamed "the Jews" yet for Warsaw not being in the top 10 :)
1 Sep 2011
History / Today is the 1st of September (WWII start in Poland) [138]

Traditional date of destruction of Jerusalem 69 AD?

Wladislaw Gomulka, Polish partisan/party leader, dies at 76 in 1982?

Libyan revolution, Col Moammar Gadhafi deposes King Idris in 1969? ( a welsh king...wtf???)
31 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

Huh??? If you are going to try to troll at least make an effort to keep up.
What on earth do you mean "London is not the Uk"? Of course its not but what the hell has that got to do with anything?

Im not talking about london,dont know about anyone else talking about london either.....Birmingham,Scotland ,Ruislip,Donny.no london though....
31 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish eligibility to claim benefits in the UK [30]

.Im sorry but you are responsible for her state and situation.

bollox, you lived in london too long,caught the blame every bugger else for your situation disease.

Have u ever thought guys how difficult to is actually find a job for a non-uk citizen while being discriminated because of not having English language as your first language?

well they know where the fekkin door is!
Try being discriminated against in the UK because you dont speak fekkin Polish,now thats a knicker twister.
30 Aug 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

Bullspit. A mate told me he'd been stared out of a pub by Poles in Ruislip. When were you in UK last, a lot of what you say doesn't ring true. Maybe stop imagining and know.

been saying the same for a while now, he is well intentioned but completly out of touch with what Britain is like these days.
30 Aug 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

Get back on topic, please.

Ok, as long as multi kulti doesnt became an excuse to let zombies run free.
See what I did there roz'?
How can you beat the classic choosing which lp's to throw at the living dead in your back garden?
Especialy if they are islam zombies,gggrr,I hates them immagrint zombie islams!!!! ;)
But,seriously for a sec' spot on, "multi culti" meant telling me that not only did i have to play lipservice to the home grown god botherers and play along with their delusions,I also had to pretend to show the same respect for allah botherers,vishnu botherers and bloody wiccans.......chances of that happening in Polska? Nil,zero,never gonna happen.
30 Aug 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

Yes,but as he said,round here in former mining communities,far worse off than anyone living in the middle of london (ffs,get on a fekking bus and leave your "ends innit bruv" ...and get a job in london!!) we dont tend to hand out guns to children and dont tend to blow people away in the street.

So, he was right. Just why did someplaces explode in rioting and other,far worse of economicaly places didnt...........there was one black kid in my high school and one Sihk lad.....

Im a certified tree hugging black and white unite battles veteren but sorry,the dangerous places in the UK are those areas where there is a Black majority and a majority of people playing a victim card.
29 Aug 2011
History / Has Poland ever participated in any big wars (except WW2)? [73]

Rightly so. It was Brits who invented

and you prove my point perfectly. Instead of answering any questions as to just why Poland rode the coat tails of nazi germany and invaded czechoslovakia your first,very fekking first reaction is " Oh,well,its your fault,you brits invented concentration camps and blah de blah (BTW,wrong on both counts,Germans,late 19th century in west africa did that,and catholic empires were massacring natives centuries before the british empire....).

Well played that man, point proven with zero effort on my part.
29 Aug 2011
History / Has Poland ever participated in any big wars (except WW2)? [73]

I never said or intended to imply that :)
It just puzzles me that there are two reactions from Poles when it is mentioned;most have never heard of it,the rest hesitate then make a dozen excuses.......its funny really,because as a brit' Im held responsible on here for the most bizzare actions of British governments from decades and centuries before my birth yet Ive never seen the reverse implications yet some primal reaction takes over in Poles to deny everything yet expect others to confess all real or imagined sins..........ah well,......
29 Aug 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

Britain was a much richer country when there were only about 40-50 million people

The single biggest rise in wide spread prosperity and the greatest leap forward in emancipating serfs into citizens ,in englands history came about when the population had been halved from around 5 million to 2.5 million by the Black death :)

Dont let "the man" tell you we need more people,we need less people or just wtf are we all supposed to do all day? A country should collapse with 3 million out of work,yet does it? No,it just keeps growing with more and more immigrants arriving ,to do what?
29 Aug 2011
History / Has Poland ever participated in any big wars (except WW2)? [73]

and that small actions such as events in Zaolzie in 1938 were used against Poland on an international level by Goebbels' propaganda machine is very interesting.

But that was an epic fail, no one I know has ever heard of it,and Im a WW2 nerd on a dozen different forums :)
29 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Gift idea for something uniquely American that is difficult to find in Poland? [67]

I stand by my statements, modi' threw in a curve ball with that crabbies stuff,its a product thats only been on the market for about 6 months and you would have to ask specificaly for alcoholic crabbies ginger ale/beer or you will get a non alcoholic "soda" every single time :)

What I can fully agree on though is that US made soda can taste totally different to euro made soda of the same brand, I spent some time on a USAF base in the 90s and with typical US profligacy all the stuff on base was flown in from the US even when identical products were sold off base,I say identical but,you are right, the cokes and mountain dews def' tasted different,mind you, a DR Pepper bought in the UK tastes totaly different to one bought in Poland (or a Polski Sklep ;) ).

If the OP is still around,from a Euro, get something local not "American",in the 40s (or 80s in Poland) something "American" might have been exotic but not anymore :)

ps,next time I have a drink I may just try that,anyone ever had Dr Pepper and Jagermeister? ;)
29 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Gift idea for something uniquely American that is difficult to find in Poland? [67]

IT IS :)
Old farts call it Ginger Ale, young uns call it Ginger Beer, apart from that weird Crabbies stuff its never been alchoholic,always been a kids drink, hence the famous fives obssesion with "lashings and lashings of ginger beer" :)

either way,I think we have established its about as uniquly american as a pair of denim "pants"....:)
29 Aug 2011
History / Has Poland ever participated in any big wars (except WW2)? [73]

lols,and just happened over night to change over 250,ooo people from Czech citizens to proud Poles................yeah,teeny tiny ickle thing that :)

Pole to Brit " Munich Munich sell out czechoslovakia Munich Chamberlin British let hitler invade blah de blah blah" reply, "yeah,what ever..."

Brit to Pole " Poland invades czechoslovakia just as the germans did" reply " Lies,all lies I tell you,show me proof ,I demand proof it ever happened. Oh, you have proof,er,um,argh............we had good reasons blah de blah,you must be commie jew nazi polonophobe it was Poland,we just took it back..........etc etc etc etc ad nauseum."

ho hum.
26 Aug 2011
History / Bad luck of Poland or something else? - constant occupatiuon by different vermin [11]

if you have some seriuos sources that contradict it just post it

Oh, I dont know,how about official Polish photographs of the invasion of Zaolzie,would they do?
Or is it the case ,still,that germans invading a part of czechoslovakia with a large "german population" is bad, but the Polish invading a part of Czechoslovakia with a "Polish population" is good? Do I wiff double standards at play?

On 1 October 1938 the area was annexed by Poland following the Munich Conference. The Polish Army, commanded by General Władysław Bortnowski, annexed an area of 801.5 km² with a population of 227,399 people. Within the region originally demanded by Nazi Germany was the important railway junction city of Bohumín. The Poles regarded the city as of crucial importance to the area. Polish leader, Colonel Józef Beck believed that he must act rapidly to forestall the German occupation of the city. At noon on 30 September, Poland gave an ultimatum to the Czech government. It demanded the immediate evacuation of Czech troops and police and gave Prague time until noon the following day. At 11:45 a.m. on 1 October the Czech foreign ministry called the Polish ambassador in Prague and told him that Poland could have what it wanted. The Germans were delighted with this outcome. They were happy to give up a provincial rail centre to Poland; it was a small sacrifice indeed. It spread the blame and confused the issue. Poland was accused of being an accomplice of Germany – a charge that Warsaw was hard put to deny.

The Polish side argued that Poles in Zaolzie deserved the same rights as Germans in the Munich Agreement. The vast majority of the local Polish population enthusiastically welcomed the change, seeing it as a liberation and a form of historical justice. But they quickly changed their mood. The new Polish authorities appointed people from Poland to various key positions from which Czechs were fired. The Polish language became the official language. Using Czech (or German) by Czechs (or Germans) in public was prohibited and Czechs and Germans were being forced to leave the annexed area. Rapid Polonization followed. Czech organizations were dismantled and their activity was prohibited. Czech education ceased to exist. About 35,000 Czechs emigrated to Czechoslovakia by choice or forcibly. The behaviour of the new Polish authorities was different but similar in nature to that of the Czech ones before 1938. Two political factions appeared: socialists (the opposition) and rightists (loyal to the new authorities). Leftist politicians and sympathizers were discriminated against and often fired from work. The Polish political system was artificially implemented in Zaolzie. Local Polish people continued to feel like second-class citizens and a majority of them were dissatisfied with the situation after October 1938. Zaolzie remained a part of Poland for only 11 months.

  • Goose stepping invaders
26 Aug 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

you know, Mary and Joseph were those unskilled immigrants, too..

Funny,I thought he was a highly skilled carpenter....:)
Mind,I imagine a couple of locals in bethlehem would have a hard enough job these days even getting out of town,never mind across the Eygiptian border.......
24 Aug 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

great grandfather helped make the liberty bell

The liberty bell was made in London :)
BTW, Ive an appointment with my GP tommorow, a Nigerian chappie,the best,most dilegent and darnright friendly GP Ive had since the mad aussie who saw me as a child at deaths door:)
24 Aug 2011
Law / An Unpaid Fine For J Walking Issued By Police In 2007. Still on my record? [15]

Lols,is that why so many Poles in Doncaster clog up the crossings and dont dream of actually crossing the road when there are ZERO CARS IN SIGHT ,just because the red fella is flashing?

I shall be slightly less forcefull in my use of sharp elbows next time( a techneque incidently I picked up from Nuns riding Warsaw trams....;) ) then.
18 Aug 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]

Sheeet,I feel sorry for you guys,there is a Polish pub /restaurant and a Polish fast food place 10 miles from me :)
I go to both in winter but in summer,nah,the food is just not designed for the weather of even an English summer :)
But,its got to be said, from all my times in Poland I dont have many memories of many "Polish" restaurants TBH unless you count the milk bar I ate in in Ochota once just for the experience,my Polish mate wanted Pizza from next door .....,even that posh old traditional one in Krakow Rynek wasnt exactly Polish in its menu.
18 Aug 2011
Life / Have many Poles had enough of one another? [198]

and can often be seen with a can of Lech in hand at 9am.

these slackers have been here since 04,but you dont see the vast majority of Poles because they are at work by 9 am.
It is funny playing guess the nationality of the shaven headed rat faced sports clothing wearing slacker hanging on the corners of one area of Doncaster I have to pass through .......It takes a close look to see whether its Lech or Special brew,sometimes the shady Poles try and hide their nationality with a sneaky can of stella or Special brew themselves but the distinctive aroma of LMs is the giveaway........................