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Posts by Antek_Stalich  

Joined: 6 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jun 2011
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 997 / In This Archive: 862
From: Poland, Brwinów
Speaks Polish?: Native speaker
Interests: Making music, photography

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24 May 2011
Love / Any particular Polish customs or traditions that I should know about in my relationship? [45]

A general rule (not written in stone though) is that people celebrate the name day that is the first in the calendar after the person's birthday.

Unless you are Andrzej and it would be a shame on you not to celebrate it on 29/30 November, although it is 15 different name days for that name ;-)

Casual wear, yes. Unless you are told to wear the suit by your employer.
24 May 2011
Life / Why do people think that I'm Polish ? [92]

I was taken for a Yugoslav when I was younger and more handsome ;-)
Perhaps due to the fact I wore a white jacket during summertime in Germany ;-)
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Antek_Stalich: Yes, and Breslau is German. Danzig & Stettin too
Wrocław and Szczecin used to be German thats correct, the university in Vilinus was founded by Stefan Batory and staffed with polish scholars from Poznań and Kraków.

See? You're still an idiot but you learned something.

I would not go so far as calling you an idiot, Sokrates.

You live in the past and spread hatred in the present. We live in 21st century, it is 66 years after WWII and 93 years after WWI.

Any practical points to make real, Sokrates? And give good reasons, O Wise ;-)
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

For example the university of Vilinus was founded by the polish king and staffed with polish scholars, churches, houses, schools... For a lithuanian city Vilinus is sure full of Poland.

Yes, and Breslau is German. Danzig & Stettin too. Probably Königshütte and Hindenburg, too. I've almost forgotten Oppeln.
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

You asked where else they should go to, but they went exactly to Soviet Union. The inhabitants of Wilno and the surroundings wanted to be a part of Poland, Lithuanians were the occupants after they entered the territory.

Where should the Lithuanians have gone to? To Poland and ask Poland to give Lithuania back to Lithuanians?
It was Polish who became the occupants of part of Lithuania, not only Wilno. Perhaps a Free City of Wilno could be possible but we know the fates of the Freistadt Danzig, don't we.
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Koala, it does neither justify Gen. Zeligowski nor the Polish authorities who knew about that action, and the action was breaking international treaties. What had we got? Enmity of Lithuanians. Nowadays we have no Wilno, and do we suffer because of that?

Technically speaking, we should trade Wrocław for Lwów, too. Are you in? I'm not. Nowadays Wrocław is the purest Polish city.
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Remember Silesian Uprisings? Technically speaking, Upper Silesia should have been divided into a number of boroughs belonging to Poland and other boroughs belonging to Germany, if it had to be right. I do not think there were many Poles in villages surrounding Wilno.

Sokrates, I believe Ukies are the same kind of humans as we Polish are. It was Hitler who promoted racial differences which cost life of many Poles.
24 May 2011
Language / Polish Conditional - if you would.. [24]

A nice learning example for conditionals, taken from the song "Klub wesołego szampana":

A gdybymmiał cię zjeść
To co byś powiedziała
A ugryźć gdybym chciał
Czy coś byś przeciw miała

Chciałabym, chciała, chciałabym, chciała
Chciałabym, chciała, chciałabym, chciała

A gdybymbył krogulcem
To co byś powiedziała
I gdybym przyszedł z teczką
Do łóżka i twego ciała

Chciałabym, chciała, chciałabym, chciała
Chciałabym, chciała, chciałabym, chciała

A gdybym był młotkowym
W fabryce z młotkiem szalał
To co byś powiedziała
Czy coś byś przeciw miała

Drżałabym, drżała, drżałabym, drżała

A gdybymmusiał odejść
Z teczką od twego ciała
Uciekać do robala
To co byś powiedziała

Żałowałabym ...je..a..je..a..je..a..je..a..
24 May 2011
Life / Observation of Polish drivers, by and English anthropologist. [94]

Softsong, the things are however not so optimistic.

First of all, Polish drivers are in general bad drivers. Speeding, overtaking in forbidden places, overtaking as described by OP, driving under influence, forced joining the traffic from subordinate road... Many more vices. Then irresponsible or drunk pedestrians. Then bicycle riders doing whatever they please (and often riding with no lights and/or drunk); bikers believing they are Easy Riders; and so on and so on. There is something such as "Uhlans' fantasy" or irresponsibility that does not fir driving very much. Or "nie na nas Polaków zakazy!" (Nothing is forbidden to us, Poles!).

Unluckily, it is hard not to spot an accident on a longer journey. Excellent weather, straight road and bang! a completely damaged car there in the fields!

Secondly, some principal roads are still really underdeveloped and people want to get to their destination fast. This makes them act even more irresponsibly.

Next, the problem inherited from the Commies. Many roads lead through urban areas. This is disaster; building beltways would require a lot of money. Luckily, there are more and more beltways built.

Since I have to drive, I have to get my destinations in realistic time, and I want to decrease the risk, I choose secondary and ternary roads. This makes me sure I will cover Masovia - Wrocław in 5 hours or better, no irritation, far less risk. The pain is if I should go to Gdańsk (no good secondary/ternary roads in that direction). Before the highways are completed, I simply start earlier and drive slower but securely. No other choice.
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

From across the ocean, it looks like everybody needs each other to prosper. But yeah...it is understandable that the past still haunts. But it is the past. You know the saying, nothing can change the past, and all the worrying about the future cannot accomplish anything. Now is the only time we have where what we do makes a difference.

I could not say it better, and it also explains my point related to Sokrates. This intelligent guy continues spreading hate against Ukies without any understandable reason. (I do not comment PolskiMoc because I only can say I avoid feeding trolls and lunatics).

Big Polish historical blunders were: Invasion of Lithuania after WWI, invasion of Zaolzie after WWI and invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. None of these acts helped Poland gaining anything than hatred of her neighbours. Only in 1968 Poland had no chance to avoid her participation in the act.
24 May 2011
Life / Observation of Polish drivers, by and English anthropologist. [94]

Antek_Stalich told me that the speed limit in Poland is going to be increased to 160 KM/h. I say go for it.

This is a direct lie.

The speed limit in Poland has been increased to 140 km/h or 87 mph, on highways.
120 km/h, on expressways.
110 km/h, on 2-lane dual carriageways (so 4-lanes in total).

For the last time, Havok: Please stop lying.
24 May 2011
Life / Observation of Polish drivers, by and English anthropologist. [94]

The thing that really irritated me on my Sunday's return home from Wrocław to Masovia were the "Sunday drivers". On a 22-km route from Żyrardów in direction to Warsaw, approximately half of drivers were ones returning home. They seemed to be extremely careful about their large, expensive, brand new cars, so they crawled, and they were taking turns to local streets enormously slowly. The rage was growing in me, since it looked like they wanted driving as slow as to reach the traffic lights turning red... I actually exploded when those cars still drove 50-60 km/h after leaving the last town (so the speed limit was 90 km/h there). Sometimes I wonder if really so many people must drive cars...
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Sokrates: I believe that the only solution in Ukraine, whether against Cossacks, ukrainian fascists from UPA or Banderas army is, was and will be overwhelming terror, thats the only thing these people respect,try and talk to them like a human being and they'll murder your family, kill off half of them and they'll make you king.

You have a dislike of Ukrainians?...Is this personal or is there more to it?...

Yes, Sok is anti-Ukrainian. He tried to remind me of Ukrainian Uprising Army (UPA) to generate hatred in me now, over 60 years after the WWII was over, and no doubt he holds low opinion of Ukrainian girls. This is the same as if I was reminding of SS to generate hatred against German people now, or would say bad things on German girls.

To avoid any misunderstanding, my Mother was born and grew up in former East Lesser Poland (now Western Ukraine), so I should be anti-Ukrainian but I'm not.
24 May 2011
Love / Any particular Polish customs or traditions that I should know about in my relationship? [45]

"May Long Weekend". End of April/Beginning of May. Since May 1st (Labour's Day) and May 3rd (Constitution Day) are public holidays and there will be Saturday/Sunday around, people stop working for around a week, and it is very hard to find an open shop. Be prepared!

During the Long Weekend, open-air parties are popular, with bonfire or grill.
23 May 2011
News / IS Poland prepared for what is coming during the Euro 2012? [10]

I only wonder why a Moderator removed my legal on-topic answer "I gotta survive"?

He can express his opinion, I can express my opinion as well, even in pictorial format.

The OP offered thoughts for discussion. He didn't ask for a video playlist.
23 May 2011
Love / Any particular Polish customs or traditions that I should know about in my relationship? [45]

Another particular customs in Poland are All Saints Day (Wszystkich Świętych) on November 1st and Zaduszki on November 2nd.

All Saints means people visit cemeteries to light candles on family graves. Meaning crowds and traffic jams, just to mention the reality. Zaduszki is the memorial day. Not only prayers for souls but also numerous solemn concerts in all genres of music to commemorate great people who had died.

Interestingly, Halloween is accepted as imported custom and people enjoy parties before the two next solemn days.
23 May 2011
Love / Any particular Polish customs or traditions that I should know about in my relationship? [45]

Yes, name days are more commonly celebrated, birthdays - not so much, only the memorable ones (for example 18th)

This is how woman in Poland think -- they simply do not like celebrating birthdays. Birthday celebration is more popular with men. For example, I do not celebrate my nameday myself but do it on birthday.

Rubyoptics, it is OK to ask your girlfriend about the date of her nameday. The same name can be celebrated on different days of year; this is the person's choice for her/his nameday.
22 May 2011
Life / Observation of Polish drivers, by and English anthropologist. [94]


Really, why not? This morning, the only vehicles I met on the road were delivery vans. Not much trouble. The only slowdown was on the last segment, the remaining part of the Eight from Walichnowy to Wrocław, when everything slowed down, as always on primary road.
21 May 2011
Life / Observation of Polish drivers, by and English anthropologist. [94]

This is why I try driving through either 4-lanes or -- caution -- ternary roads, where hardly any traffic exists. This is how I made Wrocław from Masovia last morning: Since the Eight (especially near to Piotrków) is under total repairs (and that route from Bełchatów is classical example of bad two-lane primary road), I have driven by secondary and ternary roads making my route in 4:30.
20 May 2011
Po polsku / Oda do Marysi [54]

Trochę z innej beczki:
Mnie to tak trochę uderzyło jak mało zarabiają amerykańscy muzycy grający w knajpach. Nasi w Polsce biorą co najmniej dwa razy tyle. Potem nie dziwota, jak się Amerykanie dziwią, że gram na "boutique bass", niemieckim zresztą, a sami grywają często na chińskich podróbach za $150, bo za mało zarabiają ;) No, oni mają po 10 takich basów, żeby mieć co fotografować jak na kanapie stoi, a wszystko to kosztuje razem mniej niż mój Sandberg :-)))
20 May 2011
Po polsku / Oda do Marysi [54]

To chyba wy Polacy w Polsce macie uraz na to i zazdrość, że udało się komuś wyjechać, a wam nie. Cokolwiek ktos cos powie nagatywnie o Polakach, to wy w Polsce od razu rzucacie sie na niego. Ale taka jest prawda.

Wiesz, koleżko, skoro byłem w 29 krajach świata, w tym 3 razy w USA i jakoś nie miałem potrzeby tam pozostać, to chyba najlepiej świadczy, że nikomu nie zazdroszczę wyjazdu? Natomiast wielu z Was Pol-Amów nie ma pojęcia o realiach życia w Polsce, natomiast NIESTETY wolno Wam glosować w sprawach Kraju. Czyli siedzi sobie Havok w USA, nic mu do Polski, ale zagłosować czyli zmienić NASZE losy mu wolno.

Antek_Stalich: Wstyd mi za Ciebie i już rozumiem kogo nazywają polaczkami.
Może on się wstydzi takimi Polakami jak ty?

To po co w ogóle zajmuje się sprawami polskimi w Polsce? Dobrze mu w Teksasie, to niech się tym cieszy.

Antek_Stalich: No to ja nie rozumiem, jak udało Ci się przeliczyć 140 km/h na 65 mph, a potem twierdziłeś, że nikt nie zrozumiał żartu.
I to byl bardzo dobry zart. Przyjezdzają tu Polacy, chwalą sie, że wiedzą wszystko o budowie np, potem jak trzeba odmierzyć w calach, spedzają godzine na przeliczke do centymetrow.

Wybacz, świadczy to tylko o tym, że Havok nie umie przeliczyć kilometrów na mile. Fatalnie to o nim świadczy.
20 May 2011
Travel / Częstochowa - could give me some good info on the place? [14]

There are many bands in Częstochowa, of any genres, and a lot of concerts.

For those who don't know:
T.Love with Muniek Staszczyk are a Częstochowa band.
The guitarist for Maanam (now Kora Band) Janusz Yanina Iwański lives in Częstochowa.
20 May 2011
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

Another popular word used in the musical production market in Poland is an "endorser". So, for example "Jest endorserem wzmacniaczy Marshall" (He is a Marshall amps endorser). Probably no Polish word would fit better.
20 May 2011
Po polsku / Oda do Marysi [54]

Havok, znasz ten cytat o tym, że najtrudniej zauważyć belkę we własnym oku?

Oczywiscie że mam prawo do mojej opini, i nie szukam zeby sie dowartościowywac. Za przeproszeniem mam gdzieś co ludzie myślą na moj temat w Polsce.

Niestety, wygląda na to, że ciągle musisz się dowartościowywać. My w Polsce jesteśmy idiotami, nie wiemy co dla nas dobre, natomiast Ty wiesz najlepiej i jeszcze przy tym ciągle Polaków w Kraju oraz Polskę obrażasz.

Po prostu męczy mnie to że tyle ludzi na tym forum jest kompletnymi debilami. A ci ktorzy mają coś inteligentnego do powiedzenia są wysmiewani.

Już oceniłeś. A jak zapatrujesz się na myśl, że może to z Tobą coś nie w porządku? Zauważyłeś, że posty A J, rozsądne, najczęściej lądują w koszu?

Wiem ze ludzie nie lubią jak się tu wypowiadam, ale cóż, przynajmniej nie kłamie i nie udaje że nie jestem świną jak cała reszta.

No to ja nie rozumiem, jak udało Ci się przeliczyć 140 km/h na 65 mph, a potem twierdziłeś, że nikt nie zrozumiał żartu.

Myślę także ze są odrobinę zazdrośni, bo jestem lepszą Polską świną od nich.

Masz na myśli Polaków w Kraju, Pol-Amów czy wszystkich Polaków? Naprawdę nie widzisz co piszesz, jak się wywyższasz i obrażasz innych?

Wstyd mi za Ciebie i już rozumiem kogo nazywają polaczkami.
20 May 2011
Law / T-Mobile replaces Era [21]

My other phone took not-so-great pictures and this one is night and day. It is as good as an inexpensive point and shoot which means I can get all those unexpected pictures that I would otherwise miss.

Exactly. The old Nokia I'm talking about (6220 Classic) even has perhaps not-so-great movie camera, but the recorded audio is just fantastic!