Language /
Łejterka dostaje duże typy? [16]
SORKI (to utter a 'high Polish' apology!) -- 'twas a typo and should've been bejzment.
frd -- I have heard each and every one of these Polglish words on a regular basis. None have been contrived or concocted for comic effect! Of coruse, you are right -- the degree varies from community to community and person to person. Some would always say ulica (never stryta) and dom (never hauza), but these same people might regularly use jarda, korner and sztor (podwórko, róg and sklep).
Very common are graduacja (W sobotę mój syn ma graduację), hajłej (highway),gazolina or just gaz (petrol), treki (tory kolejowe), insiura (insurance), forman (brygadzista), etc. Sometimes they involve only syntax: On był wczoraj na telewizji or słyszałem go na radio.
Other include norska (pielęgniarka), plombierz (hydraulik), buczer or bucier (rzeźnik), balbierz (fryzjer), drajwer (keirowca), pajnciarz (malarz), ticzerka (nauczycielka) and policman (policjant).