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Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
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13 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Ive been in the UK for 6 days to relocate and im going back to Poland. [281]

Pinching Pete

Bullsh/t.. in his own country?

Some 15 years ago, I remember talking to a friend who was an ambulance driver. He had just been instructed by his superiors, not to use his siren in the St.Pauls area of Bristol as it might upset the residents of this predominently coloured, part of the city. "They might mistake it for a police siren and it could cause them to riot again."

The writing was on the wall and nobody bothered to read it. I pray that Poland is never that stupid.
This is one of the main reasons I left the UK 7 years ago and there is no way that I would want my new family to live there. It is safer in Poland, even with the Polish drivers.
13 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Ive been in the UK for 6 days to relocate and im going back to Poland. [281]

Wroclaw Boy

"After 4 days i was convinced it was a bad idea."

WB, I have known this for years. Last time I went back was in April 2006, I was disgusted with it then. My partner and the kids want to go on holiday there but I keep putting them off. It would be like visiting a very sick friend, you want to remember them as they were, not see them as they as they are now.

Whenever I phone family and friends, they all say the same as you.
many, wish they were younger so that they could leave and start again. I feel so sorry for, those who have retired abroad and cannot now afford to stay in their new homes, they have no choice but to return and will suffer for many years because of the last government's incompetence, wrecking the economy and devaluing their pensions.

I think you are making the right decision, staying in Poland. The UK is going to be very unpredictable for a long while. Like you, I rant and rave about the lack of logic and common sense here, but, better the devil you know.
12 Aug 2010
Love / Maintenance for child born between Irish/Polish parents. [60]

The child is Polish as well as Irish. I would imagine that the Polish courts would accept that the father has to pay for the upkeep of the child. Take legal advice and then try to get him to agree to a voluntary arrangement as the courts may award a much higher figure than he thinks.

Good luck to you and I hope you meet a much nicer person in the future.
7 Aug 2010
Real Estate / PLN 2,500 the going rate for an apartment in Poland [210]


"logical debate"

You have no idea what this means. You have never provided any links to facts. Everyone bar you and your make believe friends is a liar, so how do you have a debate or discussion with normal people?

Your just a self opinionated, twisted, bitter, nobody. And there endeth the sermon.
7 Aug 2010
Real Estate / PLN 2,500 the going rate for an apartment in Poland [210]

The truth always suffers in the end. Anyone who produces facts and not fiction on here is threatened with suspension, whilst a total moron is allowed to disrupt and destroy any help which genuine, facual, information that people may be searching for.

You mods may just as well delete this thread, you have no idea how to do your jobs anyway. you must be the only people on Polish Forums that does not recognize this multiple spammer.
6 Aug 2010
Real Estate / PLN 2,500 the going rate for an apartment in Poland [210]

I'd be saving money for that but instead I'm going to spend it all on the 4,000/sq.m flats in Krakow old town that Mark Beernut's been talking about (the ones that are too expensive for him). No doubt Milky will post the details about those any day now.

Do you mean the new flats that are going to be 2000 PLN m2? If you hear of any developers selling for this price, give me a shout, will you?

According to GUS, you will be buying at below the cost of new construction so you are onto a winner. I keep trying to find these articals that state that prices are crashing by 50%.
5 Aug 2010
Real Estate / PLN 2,500 the going rate for an apartment in Poland [210]

Today's artical from Reuters answers your question. Poland does not have the biggest property bubble in Europe, or do you simply want to argue about the cost of construction in Poland?. Something you probably know nothing about.
5 Aug 2010
Real Estate / PLN 2,500 the going rate for an apartment in Poland [210]

No, you are wrong. Read following from todays news, not rumours from 2 years ago.

Breaking News

3 hours 46 mins ago

More distressed property sales are expected in the next 12 months as changes to international regulations will likely raise the capital cost of holding commercial property on banks' balance sheets, an industry body said. Skip related content

Related content

Growth in distressed property listings eased slightly in the second quarter of this year, but are expected to worsen in the third quarter, the UK Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) said on Thursday, based on the results of a survey of its members.

RICS defines distressed properties as those with foreclosure orders or which are advertised for sale by their mortgagee, and which tend to fetch lower prices than their market value.

Three European countries -- Portugal, Spain and Germany -- were worse off in the second quarter, reporting distress in their market had risen at a faster pace than in Q1.
3 Aug 2010
Real Estate / PLN 2,500 the going rate for an apartment in Poland [210]

Unfortunately, that will not solve the problem. Polish people who have jobs do not want to move away from their families/relatives to go and live in the big cities. Not everything revolves around Wroclaw, Poznan, Krakow, Warsaw etc. There are huge numbers of people who live in bad housing, especially in the small to large towns. They do not have much choice as the developers tend to go for the large cities where they hope to earn higher profits.

I would not worry about the empty new apartments in Wroclaw. According to Polsky (for the past two years), prices are going to fall to 1000 PLN m2 so they should all be gone soon.

And if you read the following artical, this company must also have got there sums wrong. It appears that there may be more empty apartments on the market in Wroclaw.

Warsaw Business Journal
Fadesa builds in Wrocław

12th July 2010

Developer Fadesa Polnord Polska has kicked off its first residential investment in Wrocław. Within a multi-phase project called Osiedle Innova, the company will deliver a total of 850 units. In the first phase of the development Fadesa has planned around 230 apartments sized 32-75 sqm. In the next few weeks the units will be sold at a promotional price of zł.5,957 per sqm. Fadesa Polnord Polska is best known for its Ostoja Wilanów project in Warsaw.
3 Aug 2010
Real Estate / PLN 2,500 the going rate for an apartment in Poland [210]

And, a further report.

Warsaw Business Journal
Primary market appeal

26th July 2010

In Q2 the share of new apartments in the total number of units bought in Poland amounted to 41 percent, according to a recent report by real estate advisory Home Broker. According to the company's analysts, this is relatively high in comparison to more mature property markets. In the US, for one, new units generally account for five to seven percent of total sales. The discrepancy shows that the Polish market is still characterized by a considerable shortage of units.

What part of "there is a shortage of new builds" did you not understand?
17 Jul 2010
Law / Non-EU country citizen on tourist visa - could anyone help me with Karta Pobytu? [63]


you need to be in full time employment.

Not technically correct. I received mine in April and I have not worked since 2004. I have only had a NIP number for the past year. Maybe the authourities have treated me as an exception but it seems that you get told different, criteria requirements, whichever office you contact.
27 Jun 2010
Life / What are the poorest regions of Poland? [15]

Eastern border lands and south-central countryside (I hear-tell.)

I "here-tell", that we are in Afghanistan and Iraq to bring democracy to the people. Do you believe that as well?
3 Jun 2010
Real Estate / PLN 2,500 the going rate for an apartment in Poland [210]

And below you can read an extract from the Warsaw Business Journal, in which, the Polish government will put up another barrier for the provision of affordable housing in Poland. Like interest rates, construction materials are cheap at the moment but as the "financial crises" sorts itself out, prices will rise. I also note that two of the largest developers in Poland are about to start new projects in Krakow with a starting price of 8000 PLN m2. Whether you think that they can sell them or not is immaterial, the one thing I am sure of is that they are not going to be selling them for 2000 PLN m2.

Families on their own
17th May 2010

Plans to change the state's mortgage program have some worried.

"Let's be honest ... [the government] is trying to suffocate the program," Mr Bielecki said.
"It takes two years from the time I make the decision to build to the time I start selling - which is the moment I get construction permits," he stated. "When the government says it will do something in a year, it usually gets done in five years or not at all ... so I can't make any decisions now."

Mr Bielecki also said, limitations, on the total area of homes covered by the program was "complete nonsense" and contradictory to the government's pro-family policy. Moreover, in his opinion the price per square meter limit is unrealistic because time constraints, rising building costs and demand could force prices over the threshold.
25 May 2010
Real Estate / Making an offer for Polish houses [30]

Mark, you already know that I am a builder. Its been made perfectly clear in earlier posts.

If you offered me 60% of the asking price for a property I owned I would tell you to fcuk off, in fact, I would tell you to fcuk of anyway as you are an idiot.


Unlike oil, property is not a compulsory purchase

Are you sleeping on the streets?, do you rent somewhere to live? I would say that property is compulsory, whichever way you pay for it.
25 May 2010
Real Estate / Making an offer for Polish houses [30]

Yes, I did mean that the auction in Poland was a silly idea., plus, mortgage facilities are not in place.

Not if the seller sets a reserve

bingo.. you just admitted that it's the seller who dictates the "value"

Skibum does not seem to understand that if the seller sets a reserve price which is not reached, the potential buyer is not going to be able to purchase, therefore the buyer does not dictate the price, the seller does. Whether the seller is greedy, stupid, whatever.

I would offer him 50 % and wait and if no reply wait a bit longer and if no reply wait a bit longer and hopefully by then he would be delighted with the 50% maybe even 30%. Or just rent and wait as gravity always wins..Buying now would not be a gamble just acute stupidity .

hope you're not holding your breath at the same time.. sellers in PL rarely budge.

plk123, you are dealing with Mark Biernat (alias "Milky") so either give up or accept that this person is mentally deranged and will answer you with about 30 other different names and has been predicting an 80% price crash for the past two years.


I'll try to explain in words of few syllables so you can understand.

If a seller sets a reserve at auction and it doesn't sell then that is probably not the market value, because if it were it would have sold.

Skibum. It does not matter if its overvalued, the buyer still does not dictate the price.
Since last Summer, the price of a barrel of oil has dropped from nearly $140 a barrel to $60 a barrel at the beginning of this week. Have you seen petrol prices fall by 50%. You might use the argument that petrol is not the same as property but the principles are just the same, the oil companies do not care if you buy less petrol now, they know that you will have to buy eventually and they will get the price they want.

If somebody is desperate for money then they may sell their property/assets at a knock down price (distressed sales/reposessions). Firstly you have to find a person in these circumstanes and secondly, you have to really want what they have to sell. You should also realise that 10% of the people who put their property on the market, change their minds and withdraw the property, even after serious offers.

80% of buyers are trading up to more expensive properties, so, with the banks wanting larger deposits to safeguard the equity, many sellers, will not move unless they get the price they want for their existing property.
24 May 2010
Real Estate / Making an offer for Polish houses [30]


Haven't you just disproven your own point

No, the point being that if the buyer dictated the price, they would have sold everything.

Having an auction was a stupid idea. Cash investors would want to pay silly money and first time buyers would have to risk paying a deposit and then trying to get a mortgage. In the UK, a buyer would already have a "firm" mortgage offer in place before bidding. You cannot do that in Poland. The banks here want all the paperwork and then they still take 4-8weeks to make a decision.
24 May 2010
Real Estate / Making an offer for Polish houses [30]

If this were true, why, at the first property auction in Warsaw last year, out of 27 lots, only 7 were sold. The rest failed to reach the reserve price and there were 300 potential buyers bidding.

I would assume that this means the buyer does not dictate the price.
The next time you fill your car up with petrol, offer 2 zlóty per litre and tell us the response you get.
30 Apr 2010
Real Estate / Buying/Building a house in Poland/Wroclaw metro area [12]

Is it 100,000 PLN or even more?.

How long is a piece of string?. Renovation work is always a lot more expensive than new build and with a house that is 80 years old it can be an absolute "bottomless pit". Before you even start on the shell, you will need to check the foundations (if there are any), roof/floor timbers, electric and plumbing and external drainage. If you are talking about a complete refurbishment then it may be cheaper to knock it down and start again.

Spend a little money on a full survey before you contemplate buying, it could save you a fortune.
10 Apr 2010
News / Will todays tragedy effect the economy of Poland? [34]

I am touched that your thoughts are of the economy, rather than the dead and the relatives that are left to mourne. I suppose that business is business, you should fit in well if you are thinking of investing in Poland. Perhaps you can set up a chain of shops selling plastic figurines of the ex-president of maybe even scarves to sell to the football fans.
29 Mar 2010
Real Estate / How are Poland's properties priced? [51]

No, in PLN. Some of the flats I see for 160-200k are not worth that.

My flats are priced at 2,900 - 3,500 PLN m2. They are not in Krakow. They are at the moment an hours drive from Krakow. The new motorway will be a 2 minute drive away (completion 2011) and then the journey will take about 30 mins. There is a communial garden, external storage sheds for bikes/skis, 2 parking spaces for each flat, all fenced in with remote contol gates and security lighting.

Try getting that in Krakow.

What the fcuk do I know about pricing in Poland, I'm just a rip of developer, according to Mark Biernat.

29 Mar 2010
Real Estate / How are Poland's properties priced? [51]


I agree with most of your post but if development in smaller towns and rural areas is not carried out it will lead to many of the younger workers moving to the larger cities, thus exasperating the problem.
29 Mar 2010
Real Estate / How are Poland's properties priced? [51]


"Bidding one dollar for a house means that the banker says "this house here is worth nothing to me"

No. What the banker is saying is that "why should I pay security guards to look after the house, pay city/state land taxes, renovate the house before I can sell it, when all I have to do is write it off as a bad debt and claim tax relief/TARP funds and get my money back from the taxpayer"
29 Mar 2010
News / Can a Polish person give up EU handouts? [15]

I never thought I would agree with you RN

This morning I watched a tv reporter interviewing some farmers in Central France who were complaining that their subsidies from the EU had been lowered and that they were all going bankrupt.

This brought back to mind a sequence of events from last Summer.

July 2009........EU commission decides that France has illegally claimed 500 million Euros in subsidies for its farmers and fruit growers, going back to 2002. French government admits this.

It askes France to pay this money back with interest. French government goes back to the farmers and tells them they have to pay the money back. French farmers tell the government to fek off.

EU commission tells French government that money must be repaid by September, when this does not happen they extend the deadline until January 2010

Sept/Oct 2009.....Sarkosy spends 90 million euros on swine flue injections of which only 5 million is actually used.

Feb 2010...After Haiti earthquake, Sarkosy visits and cancels Haitian debt of 53 million euros and promises aid of 326 million euros.

By my calculations, France is still 41 million euros up on the deal and its countries like the UK who are paying in 43 million pounds per day into the EU coffers who have to fund this.

I have no problem with giving aid to the Haitians, but I wish the French would use their own money for once.
26 Mar 2010
Real Estate / How are Poland's properties priced? [51]

Or what someone will loan you to pay for it. Money is close to free at the moment, once that changes, prices will adjust accordingly.

I find this post interesting. Its not just how properties are valued.
I was looking at some Polish property websites the other day and decided to play around with their "mortgage calculators", it seemed on average that to buy a house or apartment in the region of 300,000 PLN, the maximum they would lend you was 154,000 PLN, only 50% of the cost.

My conclusion was that the banks are still unwilling to take even the minutist risk at all.
This Summer, the EU Banks, UK and USA are supposed to be coming up with proposals to regulate all banks. This will involve, setting a limit to the amounts of liquidity that these banks have to hold at all times to protect them from any future crises.

The percentage of ther liquidity has still not been decided so in the meantime, the banks are only investing in government bonds and increasing the interest rates to existing customers to build up as much cash as possible to make sure that they have adequate reserves to meet any regulations that may be brought in.

A prime example of this is the UK. Many billions of pounds of tax payers money was used to bail out the Royal Bank of Scotland and yet this bank is constantly being criticised for failing to lend to small business's, despite so called pressure from the British government which holds a 70% stake in the bank.

A large number of small business's in the UK who have never been in trouble financially are now having their overdraft facilities withdrawn or having to pay ursuary rates of interest on exisitng loans. The UK government bleats on about "recovery" and as usual, does nothing.

The banks do not seem interested in long term loans, they are so used to making huge amounts in the short term. Credit cards at 26% interest, small loan amounts ie:3,000 - 10,000 PLN and paying huge bonus's and dividents to their shareholders, that, they seem to have lost the plot about what the banks are there for.

Everyone now has to pay for the irresponsible lending/greed of these banks and indeed, to a certain extent, irresponsible borrowers. But, if you offer large amounts of money to people, without checking carefully on their ability to repay, defaults are bound to happen.

The value of property will be governed by the ability to borrow and the supply and demand.
24 Mar 2010
Law / I have to fix Karta Pobytu for EU citizens [20]

I had the 5 year residence permit which ran out December. Applied to Krakow for permanent residence (office is at Ul.Ronda 6, which is not mentioned on the government website).

Filled in the forms (downloaded online) in Polish, sent reference letter from local mayor, had to get Zamedlowanie from local office as my address on the residence card is the same, but, they would not believe me. Sent 5 photo's (which they lost), another copy of my passport (which is exactly the same as the one they took a copy of 5 years ago). No fee is mentioned on the website so added a note explaining this and to let me know if there was a fee so I could transfer it.

Two weeks later they replied that I had to attend in person. I explained that it does not say this on the website and that I was told on the phone to "send" these documents.

I refused to go to Krakow so they agreed to let me take the documents to a local office in Tarnow (why they did not let me do this in the first place is beyond my comprehension).

A week later 2 policemen came to the house, looked at my details and informed me that my 5 year residence permit had expired, after explaining that I could live anywhere in the EU without a permit and that Polish people in the UK did not get issued with them. they told me that their job was to see if I was a risk to state security, which is a bit late after 6 years. This was about a month ago. So all in all, I am expecting to hear something in April but I am not going to hold my breath while I'm waiting.

I love this country.
24 Mar 2010

You can always tell when Polish men are lying. Their lips move.
12 Feb 2010
Real Estate / Has the Poland real estate bubble popped? [12]


So you are back to using this name Mark?.......well you are only a year out on your prediction so there is still plenty of time. I was wondering if you actually write letters to the Warsaw Business Journal to tell them what liars they are? You do read financial journals, don't you?