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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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10 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

PWEI you have to stop saying that a person who leaves Poland has turned his back on the country and therefore does not deserve to vote. I know many people who do not live in their countries, but are very patriotic, not just Polish people, but people from other countries. Sometimes someone who leaves is more patriotic than someone who still lives there and does nothing but criticize it. I have heard a lot of folks in Poland say they do not care about the country. Perhaps, as an example, some people left in recent years, as they did not like the way PO was ruling Poland, but they want to vote to put a different party in, and hope to return. Some people leave and then decide to give up their citizenship, that is a different story. Some on the other hand, just want to make a bit of many before returning.
10 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

You might look at the 40-30% split and think 'hmm, close' - but when you consider that 70% of the seats in the Sejm have gone to parties that are ideologically opposed to PiS - it's a very clear rejection.

Well you could use the same argument for other parties. 60% rejected PO, but yet you think they are 'all the rage.' If PiS is finished then Palikot might as well not bother either [wish he didn't] since 90% rejected him. Same goes for SLD, rejected by about 92%.

I basically disagree with just about everything Palikot stands for. I think PiS is far from finished, they just need a new direction. I agree that they might need a different style and talk about different things in order to bring in new voters. I also don't think there is much of a danger in losing much of their current electorate, even if they made a few changes, because there is no alternative. A PiS voter is not likely to turn to PO, and even less likely to turn to any of the others, even if PiS made a few alterations in their politics.
10 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

I think Ironside said it well a few posts up. PiS wants the country to be run by the state, to some degree, to avoid the chance of Poland one say being run by a bunch of foreign companies. If you leave it open and let anyone in, the consequences could be worse than you can imagine.

I mean look at Biedronka as just one example. I know it is just a shop but we see adverts of the wonderful Polish products that have, and what? The profits go to foreigners. Great. No imagine railways also being run by foreigners, and perhaps other transport. Factories too. As far as I know there are already a number of factories that are foreign. As you see, slowly but surely the country is going to be a goldmine for foreing businesses, using a Polish worker as labour, and cheap I might add. Hey who knows, eventually they might not even use the Polish people but find foreigners who can do it for even less. I see this happening where I am and do not want to see it happening in Poland. People can laugh it off as a conspiracy theory but if it does happen, it's going to be too late.

Also to comment on polititions who go out and talk to people before the elections. It is getting tedious. Why do they not do this while they are in charge? Pope John Paul II did not go and visit countries in the last few years of his life to show that he cares, he did it throughout his 27 year reign as Pope. What polititians do before an election is what they need to be doing in their 4 years of rule.
10 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

That is why he did not mingle with normal people during the campaign-like Tusk, or dared to take Tusk on in a debate.

Er no. Where did you get this information? Is that what Polsat and TVN told you? He went to see many people and so did Tusk, only Tusk did it with a Tusk-o-bus.

As far as him not daring to have a debate with Tusk, that is not because he fears Tusk. He is simply not trusting of the media. The debate would never take a place on an even playing field. Unfortunately they are currently the mainstream media so PiS polititians have to sometimes go on there or they would have practically zero media coverage. They try to get a word in, when they can, but are rarely given the chance to.
10 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

They way some people talk it is as if PiS being in power for the brief time they were, was the worst thing that has happened to Poland in years. Is PO seriously better? I don't think so.

Gumishu, as for American polonia, I think a lot of them have Polish television as well, I assume, so they probably saw the anti PiS propaganda in the media, but didn't go for it. For some reason people in Poland went for it. I think that living in the USA, even if it is financially better, is not that fun, at least on a morale ground. There is too much liberalism. I see it too in GB. People in Poland, the younger ones, might still have this sort of idealic view of the west, like people had in communist times, and want Poland to go that way. I personally, when I look around where I live, am proud that Poland has stayed true to many of it's values. I don't want it to be some liberal mixed race melting pot like here. Do you know how many people are unhappy here? They talk a good talk but in reality they are devasted at what is going on in the country. Same in the USA probably, and even in France.

Financially I doubt PO and PiS are too different. They might have slightly difference ideas of how to sort [or not sort] problems out, but it is in the morale and social areas of life, as well as fighting for your rights, rather than being a head bobbler who just agrees to do what they are told, where they differ.
10 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

By the way - as a PiS voter - how do you feel about Kaczynski's leadership from here? Are you still behind him - or do you think it's time for a change?

I know this question was aimed at gumishu but I think he is a good leader who knows his stuff. There is nothing wrong with him being in charge. In terms of winning an election though, I say with a lot of deep regret, that the media has destroyed Kaczynski so much now, that PiS may need someone else to take charge to be able to convince people who don't normally vote for them, to vote for them. Problem is the media might just do the same to whoever took charge of PiS next.

As for the elections themselves. Delphiandomine you made a comment on how there is no Poland A and Poland B and that Poland now supports PO. [About] 40% voted for PO and [about] 30% voted for PiS, if the exit polls are right. How is that a PO dominance?

I was surprised at how well the RP Palikota did. To be honest it shocked me when they made it over 1% so to see them get close to 10% was frightening. I assume he mostly took the SLD electorate, possibly a few unhappy PO voters.

It is a shame [in my view] that PO is still in charge, but it was predictable. This means we are not going to have a fair and detailed investigation in to the airplane crash in Russia, that is put forward by the government [although PiS are still going to do what they can]. It also means corruption is still going to reign supreme in certain areas. I wonder what it is going to take for people to wake up? Perhaps if they find that almost every business in Poland is run by Germans and they are just cheap workers. Perhaps if Putin or Medvedev openly says he cannot stand our country. I dunno.
9 Oct 2011
Language / Polish insult that sounds kinda like " e sha vees ta" ? [16]

It does not sound like anything that I can think of. It might be 'idz [ić?] sie wysraj,' that would mean go do a poo, but that does not sound like something many people say to each other, even to be rude, it just makes no sense to me whatsoever. Unless of course she said it to him when he was moaning that his stomach hurts or wants to go to the bathroom.
9 Oct 2011
Love / Are Polish Girls scared of English Guys [124]

Well that explains the Catholic daughter of minor nobility going out with me back when I was a penniless agnostic student then. Thanks for clearing that up, she was with me to look good in front of her highly educated middle class business owning family

Well I dont remember mentioning that if a Polish girl is with a British guy it is only because she wants to show off her high status. I just said this is often the case and if you look around you can find a lot of example of it. My theory is not going to cover every base and there are going to be situations that do not fit in to it but I think there is a feeling that many Polish girls and perhaps girls from other countries, like to try the unknown. If she goes out with a guy from a different country, it is unusual and slightly exotic, as stupid as it seems. A lot of Polish girls find a Polish man, but if they find a foreigner, they have gone out of the boundries that might have thought were 'holding them back.' These days it is not such a big deal as many Polish girls can do it, back when you were studying, [a long time ago?] it was.
8 Oct 2011
Love / Are Polish Girls scared of English Guys [124]

Personally I am surprised at how many Polish girls do decide to be with a British guy. I tihnk some of them do it just to show off, they have a inferiority complex and want to show friends and relatives that they have 'moved up' in the world, since this country is rich, whatever way you look at it. There might be problems financially like in Europe and generally, the world, but it is still an easier place to live than Poland. I think there is a big cultural difference. I do not know how a girl who has lived in Poland most of her life, then moves here, can accept not speaking in Polish at home and to her children, as many girls, and guys, do. It is strange. I am pretty sure I want to a girl that is Polish as I want to speak in Polish in our house. Hey a Polish girl can make her own decisions and she can marry who she wants but it does not stop me struggling to understand it. I know and have heard of many Polish girls who married a non Polish man and later realised how different their cultures were.
8 Oct 2011
Law / Polish Citizenship, do I have to travel to Warszawa (Warsaw) to get it? [13]

Look at question 2 on the link above. According to this if you are born on British soil , do I have citizenship or would I have it only if it was applied for when I was still a child? Hence do I have to now confirm it or actually apply for it?


According to this link it says a child aquires citizenship regardless of where it is born as long as one parent is Polish [my situation]. When they say aquires does it mean I just get it or would it have to be applied for? Similar to my question above.
8 Oct 2011
Law / Polish Citizenship, do I have to travel to Warszawa (Warsaw) to get it? [13]

No unfortunately I do not live in Poland. I live in Britain. Does that mean I would have to go to Poland? That is not so much of a problem, just would be better if it does not have to be Warszawa as that is an area I am unfamiliar with. If I could go to a place near where I normally travel to [in Cieszyn or near there] when I go to Poland then that would be more conveniant but obviously if there is no alternative then I can go to Warszawa as well if I had to.
8 Oct 2011
Law / Polish Citizenship, do I have to travel to Warszawa (Warsaw) to get it? [13]

I am [seriously] thinking of applying for a Polish citizenship. I wanted to ask if I have to travel to Warszawa to get it? I know there is a site that deals with it and where to find it but to be honest, there is a lot to read. I do plan to read it when I have time, but I wanted to ask on here, for people who know how it works, how complicated this is? It is no problem for me to get it, my mother is Polish and I speak in Polish at home, it is more about the proceedure.
5 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

I think the newest PO vid clip is below the belt. It is one thing to be promoting your own party, but to try to frighten people about how PiS might win because a lot of fanatical people are going to vote for them, it unfair. They had that clip that had different PiS supporters being rude or aggresive [usually to the mainstream media who they know is anti PiS]. To be honest thought PiS could have done a similar video with anti PiS people being aggresive and singing songs that make fun of PiS and even the Catholic Church. I also find it interesting how one day they say that PO has a 5% advantage in the media, then a day later they say it is PO 32% and PiS %21 or something. They try to mislead. If someone is unsure but was considering voting for PiS and they see that percentage, they might think there use voting for PiS since it is not going to make a difference anyway. Not only that but I doubt it is accurate, I mean how many peeps do you think they ask to get the results?
1 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

I highly doubt many youth in Poland vote for PiS

Oh you'd be surprised. That it what PO wants you to think but there a lot of young peep in Poland who support PiS and not they are not all from Toruń. I would say the younger generation who does go for PO are those who like to have a good time, do not care a whole lot about the country [i.e they'll live anywhere as long as they have a nice life] and think PO is cool, hip and 'in the now' because they like to play football and 'have a laugh' sometimes.

As for an ealier post I saw about how PiS only has 'psycho' people who vote for them, why is it that if you are a patriot and stand up for your beliefs, you're proud of the country, want it to be prosperous and are perhaps slightly suspicious of neighbours, who have in the past, done bad things to you, you are seen as a 'nacjonalista' and 'extremist?'
23 Sep 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

I'm not sure what streets you hear this on but I have heard many opinions from people who voted for PO in the past, that have said that they feel 'let down' and are not going to vote PO again. Yes the election results show that more people prefer PO, not sure about being satisfied, but certainly PO do have less backing now, even if still more than others [for now, according to surveys, however much you can trust them].

As for SLD. Yes it is true that many PiS supporters would be furious if PiS went with SLD but do you think PO supporters would be happy if PO did it? I think you underestimate just how much a lot of people [apart from an SLD voter obviously] in Poland are against SLD. They are still thought of as commies, so if PO, however we look at it, still a right wing party, had anything to do with SLD, it would be frowned upon.
22 Sep 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

I have to disagree, partially. I do not think PO is going to lose votes because of youth not bothering to turn up to votes. I think there are a lot of people frustrated with the way they have run the country [including football fans].

I think SLD will take some of the frustrated PO voters but Palikot, as much as I dislike this man, is playing his part in taking some of the voters too. Apparently his movement/party now has close to a 5% backing [if what the media say is true, although recently he was supposed to have had only 1%]. Funnily enough this could play in to the hands of PiS. If he takes away some more of the PO frustrated voters, perhaps SLD takes a few more as well, PiS could get really close. The media is frightened of this [TVN, Polsat etc] so they would actually prefer people to vote any other party but PiS, even Palikot, who you might have noticed is getting a lot of TV time lately. The thing is this plan can backfire and work for PiS, because noone else has got a realistic chance of beating PO.

As for the PiS corny advertising. I think they are just trying to appeal to the younger audience who seem to like the 'ura bura' Tusk types, not the old little man Kaczynski types, so they have brought in some youngers candidates. Look above my post, now there is a corny ad [that I mentioned before].
21 Sep 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Have you seen some of the corny campaign vids? It makes you wonder 2 things. Do they know the meaning of 'cheesy' or 'corny?' Are they even taking this seriously or do they have so much money that they just do not care anymore?

I tried to find the Pawlak clip with the Adamek music and the heavy metal SLD stuff but it is not up on youtube, probably because it is fresh. Has anyone seen them? If you can get hold of these clips then please to post them.
16 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / The British law on someone cutting down a piece of your garden [13]

They did nothing wrong

Actually I think they did. I also did some research in to this.

1/ It was not on his land, it was over the fence on to an alley way between their property and our garden. The alley is public for people that have gardens there, not part of his land.

2/ Some branches were over it but he cut the top of the whole tree [as beckski said]. He went and cut it at the trunk, that is inside our property [I know it is him as I know who did it now].
15 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / The British law on someone cutting down a piece of your garden [13]

This might seem like a very weird question, I would like people to take it seriously though. If someone cuts down a part of a tree from our garden, what can we do about it [legally]? I live in London so if someone that lives here knows the law about it, could they tell me. In fact even if you live somewhere else, can you tell me how it would work there, in Poland or the USA. I want to take some action as it has really seriously angered me that someone had the nerve to do that. I'll explain the situation with me just so you can understand it properly.

We have a garden and at the back of it, by the fence, some trees. One of them is quite high up [but not that high up, enough to cover our land] and someone took it upon themselves today to cut it down from the other side and leave the cut part lying in our garden. They did not ask us or write to us if they could? The hedge was not going in to their part of land, it was just high, but we like it like that as we like to have our land covered and I am assuming that we he a right to have it high if we want. So like I said could you tell me what I can do [other than go and punch them in the face.] It is really bothering me.
4 Sep 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

I read it a few times and couldn't stop laughing - the whole thing is just trash journalism designed to appeal to the underclasses of Polish society. Nothing more, nothing less.

A few times is not regularly but your mind was probably made up before then. I agree Rzeczpospolita might actually be neutral, well as neutral as it can be. I have not read it myself but I know people who say it is a decent, fair, even playing field newspaper.

TVP should just get closed down/

I do not think it should be closed down. Most news channels are mouthpieces for politians. Even if TVP was pro PiS [it is not anymore], that would even it up. Since TVN and Polsat, and Superstacja. although I would not say Superstacja is really considered mainstream media, blatantly seem to be anti PiS [do not bother trying to tell me they are neutral], it seems fair that TVP was more on their side.
4 Sep 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

You could start with their recent nonsense about "invalid votes" in the 2007 election.

But enough - no point arguing about the media in Poland. It always was, and always will be political. TVP until recently was horribly pro-PiS, for instance.

See what I think is, you don't actually read Gazeta Polska, this is why the above, is the only so called 'lie' you can come up with, because you assumed, since I mentioned it, that Gazeta Polska must have had it, since once again, you assumed, that I read Gazeta Polska. What is happening is, you are criticizing me for having an opinion about TVN and Polsat based on what Gazeta Polska tells me, when actually I watch TVN24, Polsat News and even occasionally Superstacja and make up my mind from that. You on the other hand probably make up your mind about a paper like Gazeta Polska based on what TVN, Polsat, Gazeta Wyborcza or other anti PiS newspapers tell you. I wonder if you actually read the paper regularly and then decide for yourself whether it is full of lies, or whether you just accept what those who dislike it say, that is is full of lies? This is why you do not want to argue about the media in Poland, you do not know about what the opposition media says, you just hear what the anti PiS media tells you about how awful they are. As for the media being political, of course it is, I already told you that. TVP is certainly is starting to get a little anti PiS now [since PO have put their guys to alter it], on issues like the crash it is still antil PO [but probably more anti Russian], but on other stuff I can see how it is turning. I would not say TVP used to be pro PiS, I thought it was neutral, this is why PO did not like it, because there was a lack of PiS criticism. The only truely pro PiS TV channel is TRWAM, but TRWAM do not pretend to be neutral like Polsat or TVN, they are PiS supporters and it is clear.

The problem is that they didn't fight corruption - they fought political enemies.

This is just it, they did not just fight political enemies, they also found guys in PiS who were also guilty of corruption and threw them out, this is why the coallition dissolved. It was not, you are guilty, only if you are in an opposing party, but you are guilty if you do something wrong. As it happened, most of the corruption was in the other parties. Anyway it was not just the political corruption they tried to stop but corruption in general.

Sadly, they are - you should examine what kind of nonsense they were upto. Did you know, for instance, that many professorships were blocked by Lech Kaczynski if they weren't PiS members/supporters? Or - did you know that they loaded the board of public television with their own "men" - to the point of ridicule?

I have not heard of the denial of proffesorships, but I'll try to look in to it. As for the TVP thing, if true, PO is hardly doing anything different now.

Because it has a good Government who are generally doing a good job, and fun things are happening here.

To comment on a previous post that you made as to why you live in Poland. This is a weird responce. Why Poland? There are probably plenty of countries with better governments where more 'fun things' are happening?
4 Sep 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Okay and then the following quote.

Because it has a good Government who are generally doing a good job, and fun things are happening here. As I said - you don't live here, you've got no idea.

So hold on. Things are so terrible, as you described in the above paragragh, and yet you like the job that the current government is doing? I see. Oh I am assuming this mess is all left over from the PiS era right? You realise you are full on contraditions? You did if before too. You said you were glad that Kaczynski signed the Lisbon treaty but spend a number of posts criticizing him for doing it.

You do not like PiS, therefore you dislike Gazeta Polska, as it is pro PiS.

Again, opinion based. Show me proof of them having told lies. I suppose that all the lies from other anti PiS media is true by your standards right? PO also had no corrupt polititions, it was all lies. No?

Try reading/watching the media you've mentioned, rather than repeating what you've read in Gazeta Polska. Most of the time, they aren't 'anti-PiS' at all - they just let PiS say their part and leave the reader/viewer to make their own minds up.

As it happens I watch a lot of it as they are the main media. My mother has it on all the time when she is at home as she wants to know what is going on and these are the mainstream media. The anti PiS bias is glaringly obvious and actually a little frightening. Not to say they never criticize PO, they do sometimes. Things in Poland are bad, so they have to. Do you want me to list you examples of when I have seen anit PiS bias in Polsat and TVN? I could do it, off the top of my head, if you want me to.

Tell me - how would you describe PiS as a party? I'm genuinely curious... (let's agree - no insults - just a description of them)

Well I would describe it as a party of patriots firstly. I know this is unpopular with a lot of people who think it is just a slogan and excuse not to do anything and criticise others as not being patriotic, but I really do think they are patriotic. Are they perfect? No. Are they going to sort all the 'bad stuff' out? No. However, they are not corrupt. They have previously thrown out people from their party who were corrupt. They did not treat them 'differently' because they were in their party. PO seems to find this difficult. They also find it difficult to throw someone out, who did a terrible job. With Klich, what did they do? They let him go after explaining that he has done a wonderful job. What sense does that make? If PiS wins I think they will

A/ Continue to fight corruption, hard.

B/ Have a proper investigation done regarding the airplane disaster in Russia. No accusations. A proper investigation with all the evidence there to examine, to find out the truth and then and only then, put the case to rest.

C/ Not make Poland a tiny land who just sits quietly in Europe and does what it is told, but make them a country that also has a right to have an opinion and disagree with certain rules and regulations if they feel that way.

D/ Improve financial situation in Poland, or try to. I have not yet had a look at their financial plan but they have one and I think J. Kaczynski talked about it recently in an interview on Polsat. PO had a plan to make the country in to a new Ireland, it failed. Perhaps PiS can have a go now?
4 Sep 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

It's what Gazeta Polska has been pushing for months now - it seems that they've realised that PiS can't win, so they're resorting to smearing the name of the PKW instead. Shameful.

You really are a twerp. First you say I am not a true Polak because I have never lived in Poland. I suppose having a Polish name and family, speaking Polish at home, eating Polish food, reading Polish newspapers, going to a Polish Church, supporting the Polish teams in sports, going to Poland often etc is not enough? You on the other hand live [or lived?] in Poland and have much more right to speak out than me. Why do you even live in the country? Why did you leave your native land? Just curious about that.

Secondly. This Gazeta Polska crap. You go on and on. How about admitting reality and not being so biased? How about not acting like such a baby and insulting those who disagree with you by saying they do not have a clue? You are a class example of 'zarozumiały.' Let us tak a look at it from a distance, from a Sociological point of view. You do not like PiS, therefore you dislike Gazeta Polska, as it is pro PiS. I like PiS and therefore I do not like anti PiS media such as Polsat, TVN, Gazeta Wyborcza etc. People like the media that supports what they think and dislike those who criticise it, or praise ideas that they disagree with.
4 Sep 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

You know what I noticed from your post. You don't know how to have a discussion. You attack and insult those who disagree with what you believe. You are so ignorant in what you believe that if someone thinks otherwise, then they have 'no clue.' There is no use debating with you and I now understand why so many people on the board consider you an absolute idiot. Oh and by the way, I am more Polish than you are ever going to be and care about the country more than you ever in your cold Russian heart, will, so go spout your crap elsewhere.
3 Sep 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

It doesn't matter. The point is that Lech Kaczynski sold out on the one thing that he claimed to stand against - for reasons utterly unknown to most of us. I can't understand why he did it - after all the ranting about the EU taking over, and all the POLSKA POLSKA stuff - he signed Lisbon. Hypocrite.

Erm would this anger about him signing it have anything to do with you being Russian? You know that he sided with the European's and when someone does that the Russians feel it is a step against them? Like with NATO.

But you don't live here, so why do you fear it? You're not going to come regardless of who wins.

Well yeah but I still care about the country. I do not just look at what I can gain from it, I hope the country keeps its traditional values and is fair and just.

Nah, stupid is people saying "IM POLISH" and then refusing to pay taxes/reside here. False nationalism and all that.

Not sure if that line is aimed at me but if it was, I never left Poland, I never lived there, so I never 'ran away.' My family is from there and I go there a lot.

That indeed is the case. I mean, modern people vote PO, while backwards village idiots vote PiS. Not much to say, to be honest.

A bit of a generalisation. I suppose it is not too dissimilar to what Adam Hoffman of PiS said about the people from the village who have gone mad that got an angry reaction.

Thing is, for all this claims of PO ARE CORRUPT, there's been remarkably little corruption going on.

Not sure where you get this information from but I would say there was actually quite a bit of corruption.

Yes, some of us (who actually travel, unlike village-dwelling PiS voting drunks) don't like the fact that we lose money on currency exchange.

This is still totally normal for in many countries who have their own currency, to have to exchange money.

Why would it be a mess? Finland, Estonia, Slovakia, Germany and others are doing just fine.

What about the countries going bankrupt or close to it?

You heard where, "Gazeta Polska" which publishes outright lies? In fact, one bad thing about Poland is that such lies are allowed to be printed freely.

Actually it is a fact that that many [or a similar amount, I know it was more than a million] votes were void and were not counted because they were filled in, supposedly, badly. A bit suspicious that so many would get a simple voting application wrong. All it takes is for the vote counters to add a tick or 2 and it's void. Anyway if you think that the newspaper Gazeta Polska publishes lies, I wonder what truthful newspapers you read? Gazeta Wyborcza probably.

As for the last election - if you actually knew a damned thing about Poland, you'd question why there was masses of people queuing up to vote in London when there wasn't in 2005. You'd also have heard the voice on the UK streets - "we're not going back if PiS win".

I love how someone who is not Polish [I assume from what you told me in another post] is telling someone who is, that they do not know anything about their own country. Yet you seem to know so much. I also hear an awful lot of voices on the streets here and in the USA from people who are fed up of PO and want them out. Not to mention voices from people in Poland.
3 Sep 2011
Love / Do Polish girls like a guy to kiss them on the first date? [13]

No need to answer the question. I just want to make a statement on here. I am tired of all the posts from perverts who, for some odd reason, really want to be with a girl who has to be Polish. They keep on asking us these annoying questions about Polish girls, as if you can box them in to a category and say 'yeah they do this and this and they react like this to these situations etc.' If you see a girl who you like, talk to her, be yourself, if she does not like you, then leave it at that. If you try to find out what she would like and dislike about a man so you can be with her, sooner or later it is going to turn on you. You cannot be something you are not for your whole life.

Now some answers for any future questions people might have

Q - Do Polish girls like Chinese guys?
A - No they can't stand them and think they are a lower form of life.

Q - Do Polish girls like non white men?
A - Same as above.

Q - Do Polish girls like short fat guys with glasses.
A - If they are poor, no. If they are rich, no, but they might be with them for a while for the money.

Q - When a Polish girl tells you to leave her alone, does that mean she likes you?
A - No, leave her alone.

Q - If a Polish girl does not want to make out with you, is she just teasing you?
A - Same as above.

Q - Do Polish girls like to go you and have fun?
A - No they like to stay in and do all the housework for you.

Q - Would a Polish girl date a guy who is a Muslim?
A - Do dogs have wings?

Q - Are Polish girls easy?
A - Depends how desperate they are.

PS - The above question and answer is a joke, in case you missed that.
2 Sep 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

May I remind you that Lech Kaczynski signed Lisbon?

It was his worst hour - after all the abuse towards the EU, he chickened out and signed it. He didn't have to - all he had to do was wait until May, wait until the UK Conservatives got elected and bang - Lisbon wouldn't have been ratified. But no, he bottled it.

I think we had this debate previously. You can be angry that he went ahead and signed it but if it was Komorowski he would have signed it even quicker without a thought.

I really hope PO do not win again but I fear they will. People in Poland are too stupid. They think PO is the modern way to go and PiS is old fashioned and backwards. They do not care much that PO is as corrupt as they get, as long as they continue the 'modernisation spiel' they should win. They want to have the Euro. Imagine if Poland had the Euro right now, what a mess that would be. PiS goes for the patriotic arguments that a lot of people seem not to care too much about, since PO won the last elections [although I have doubts about the fairness of the last elections. I heard about 1.4 millions votes were void].