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Posts by Polonius3  

Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
Posts: Total: 12275 / In This Archive: 6848
From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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30 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Polish Last Name..Putrykow? [8]

No Putrykow in Poland. 8 people use Petrykow, more than 2,100 Petrykowskis.
Name's root is some from of Piotr/Pieter (Peter).
30 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Nawrot surname source (Jewish converts to Catholicisim?) [7]

Nawrót, Nawrotek, Nawracaj, Naracała, Nawrocki and Czech-influenced Nawrat (Navrat in Czech) all suggested conversion, from Judaeism to Christianity but possibly also from Calvinism, Lutheranism, etc. to Catholicism.
29 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Those interested in the problem of homosexual health risks and problems should read:
If not interested in Catholic teaching, then skip it and just deal with the facts and figures.
Too many people have no knowledge of homosexuality other than soem silly slogan like 'gay is OK', ignoring the diverse physical, psychological, ethical, public-health, political economic and demographic aspects of the question.
29 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

It's not just the therapy issue. If someone provides statistics showing that homosexuals live on average 20-25 years shorter precisely because of their risky lifestyle, the HOMOPHOBE label is hurled. If someone opposes homosexual activists who not only try to brainwash schoolchildren but tell the kids not to tell their parents about what went on, he/she also becomes a HOMOPHOBE. That is potentially dangerous because the agitators convey a glamourised image of hteir community but conveniently conceal the full picture including shorter life expectancy, a higher death rate, predominantly unstable, short-term relationships, higher substance abuse, higher domestic violence levels, or more frequent mental health problems compared with society as a whole. If someone shows evidence showing that 2-3% of the homosexual population accounts for more than one-third of all paedophile offences, the HOMOPHOBE epithet again gets trotted out. That buzz-word is mainly used by the go-with-the-flow conformists who prefer to parrot maintream media slogans rather than thinking for themselves. Najpierw pomyśl...to nic nie kosztuje! - First think, it doesn't cost a thing!

BTW the official generic term is homosexual. I have used homo for short with no negative intent, but if it is offensive then I will bash out the whole word. Gay is not an orientation but a lifestyle, a form of activism and ideology. Some gay activist stupidly claim Michelangelo was a gay. No, he may have been a homosexual, but gaydom is a very recent invention.
29 Aug 2010
Genealogy / connecting w/ gramza and kobza [6]

GRAMZA: from dialectic verb gramać się -- in standard Polish gramolić się -- to awkwardly lumber along, growingly climb something.
KOBZA: bagpipes (usually goatskin).

For more info please contact me
29 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

What's the point of creating new taboos? Any time someone wnats to discuss the homos, their activities, problems or itneraction with the rest of society, the old HOMOPHOBE epitet is trotted out. Its purpose is to silence all discourse. Reminds oen of the Stalinists. Anyone who dared disagree with them became a 'wróg ludu' (enemy of trhe people), and that label was enough to liquidate, jail or otherwise persecute the alleged offender.

In a free society we should be able to openly discuss Muslims, those with Downe's syndrome, Catholics, Harley Davidson Buffs, kleptomaniacs, Republicans, Amish, hockey fans, surfers, hiphop artists and any other group. Homos are not some sacrosanct sacred cow.
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Read the article. If your Polish isn't good enough have someone translate it. I didn't write the article, only ran across it. I am wondering myself what kind of behaviour modification could be used to de-homosexualise someone who sought such treatment and how it would work in practice.
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Society, espeiclal young children, is harmed by homo activists who insist on infiltrating schools and even kindergaretns and try to make innocent children opt for this or that orientation. Let them do whatever they do in the privacy of their bedrooms but don't involve others in their options or hangups and hold their lewd, noisy parades where those who don't want to are not forced to watch. Live and let live!
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

The concept of behaviour modification has been around for quite some time. A person wanting to shed some behavioural pattern would be highly motivated to cooperate with the therapy and might evnetually succeed.
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

There exist homo treatment clinics -- I did not invent them or set them up and merely wondered whether this was also the case in Poland. Nobody said this should be mandatory treatment for homos in general but only those who seek it. And such people also exist. And they do are entitled to theri human rights, aren't they? But even mention the fact that such an option exists and the homo crowd goes bananas.
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

It is widely known known that Amsterdam is the homo capital of Europe (clubs, publications, events, even openly paedophilia-promoting groups, etc.), so I was surprised to learn that it is also a major centre for curing homosexuals. This is a super no-no to homo activists, but why deprive those who want it of that option? There are procedures to remove or attach penises (trans-geneder types), cultivate breasts and other such bizarre practices which are not only accepted but actually promoted as a celebration of individual choice. At least curing a homo of his prefernece gives him a chance to live longer. (Active male homosexuals live at least 20 years less on average.) Are such medical options already avbailable in Poland?
28 Aug 2010
USA, Canada / PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'? [187]

I regard myself as a Polish American first, last and always. Ethnicity is a matter of both genetics and subjective self-awareness. But since genes cannot write in our cross out anything, it is the consciousness that prompts a person to identify or disidentify.
28 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

I agree.. Kaczyński, once viewed as a poltical animal, seems to have lost his savvy...
Could the loss of his twin brother have shell-shocked him to that extent? Indeed, the cross war is serving the PO As long as they remain aloof and don't get involved. That

is why Komroowski has so far done nothing to terminate the row.
28 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

At first glance, it may seem that the Warsaw muincipal authorities,Episcopate and president's office are repeatedly lobbing the ball of the Smolensk cross issue away from each other. But the town hall claims it is not on municipal property, and Church officials say they did not plant it there, which is true. It is on presidential porperty and was set up by boy scouts, so the Komorowski gang should sort it out with the scouts directly. But the PR-obsessed president prefers to turn a blind eye lest any action on his part should affect the PO's ratings ahead of next year's general poll.
26 Aug 2010
USA, Canada / PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'? [187]

The US Census seems to divides Americans into white, black, Hispanic, orietnal, Pacific Islanders, native Americans and a few other, but lumps all the rest in the 'white American' categoo. There has been a movement in somw quarters of Polonia to have PolAms cross out that term and pen in 'Polish American'. How do you feel about that?
26 Aug 2010
News / Poland's fight against paedophilia [277]

Thread attached on merging:
Chemical castration proposed by PM Tusk - is it lawful already?

A while back I recall PM Tusk calling for chemical castration of pedophiles. Has this become law in Poland or not? Anyone know?
23 Aug 2010
Life / Things we enjoyed as kids in Poland [140]

If you're right, then why do people put up with it? I would would like to see my bike on the porch where I left it. Am I the only one and most of the rest are masochists who find having their bike stolen to be an interesting adventure?
23 Aug 2010
Life / Things we enjoyed as kids in Poland [140]

RE: This was back in the days when shops used to have coin-operated sweet machines outside their premises... can you imagine how long those would stay on the wall these days??

I know this is a nostalgia thread, but what interests me the most in this quote is why the
coin-operated sweet machines would not stay on the wall these days. In other words, what factors have led to the collapse of public morality.
Sure, I've got my own ideas on the subject, but I'm interested to hear what others have to say. Incidentally, things are the same in the USA. At one time you could leave a bike out on the porch overnight. Now they'll break into your locked garage and steal your car, quad and power mower to boot.
22 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

The cross row illustrates a well-known fact that whenever anything out of the ordinary
is happening, it activates all kinds of peripheral individuals, in this case the man with the excrement in a jar or hand grenade. Legitimate protests often are taken advantage of by lootters, and every large crowd -- be it a rock concert or a pilgrimage -- creates a certain amount of confusion behind which pickpockets and other wrongdoers can hide.
22 Aug 2010
History / Boycotts of Solidarity's anniversary celebrations. Poland's Solidarity - Now and Then? [16]

Wałęsa is boycotting Solidarity's 30th anniversary celebrations in Gdańsk. Solidarność coalminers in Jastrzębiec have refused to invite Wałęsa, Tusk and Komorowski to their commemoration. Last year, Tusk & Co. boycotted the 30th anniversary of the June 1989 elections and held his own separatist celebrations in Kraków.... Are these symptoms of the eternal and unavoidable Polish disease of divisiveness? Is it incurable?
22 Aug 2010
USA, Canada / Michigan Polish markets and places? [20]

Islands of Polishness may also be found in Michigan in Saginaw and Bay City, Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Flint, Gaylord and Alpena (village of Posen/Poznań nearby).
21 Aug 2010
Language / here / there - difference rules in Polish [7]

Oto is the equivalent of French voilà. English lacks a direct equivalent but could be expressed by 'here you are', 'here it is' or 'and there you have it!' Tutaj is a variant form of tu (here).
21 Aug 2010
Language / Polish filler words? [24]

paranoja (spelling?) is also used to express a negative feeling, but has nothing to do with being paranoid (excessively anxious and apprehensive)....
BTW do you perceive the recent overuse of dokładnie as a carbon-copy translation of exactly, precisely, quite?
20 Aug 2010
News / Poland's elite more pro-US than society? [29]

Wilson's 13th point helped resurrect Poland, as did Hoover's post-WWI relief mission. Roosevelt sold Poland down the river, but Radio Free Europe and VOA in the Truman, Eisnehower and later epriods helped keep Poles' hope alive. Ford's gaffe claimed Poland was not under Soviet domination. Reagan and Bush senior have all but been canonised in Poland for their support of Solidarność and pro-independence activities. Bush junior and Obama have been disappointing (visa requirements, reneging on the missile shield). So it has been a chequered picture all in all.