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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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25 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Szczepanski from Warsaw, Poland [11]

The Dołęga coat of arms was said to have originated during the campaigns of Bolesław Kryzwousty (Boleslaus Wrymouth) against the pagan Prussians. With a well-place shot of his crossbow, a knight named Dołęga killed the enemy commander, sowing panic in the enemy ranks which were easily defeated. In tribute to his feat, the king added an arrow to the knight’s Pobóg coat of arms, replaced the hound with an arrow-pierced wing, signifying the enemy commander’s demise, and renamed it Dołęga. This c-o-a is shared by 298 mostly unrelated and variously surnamed Polish noble families from Babicki to Żeleski.
21 Oct 2010
Travel / Fr Rydzyk's Toruń wins hands down (best city to spend a weekend in Poland)! [5]

In reply to a poland.pl survey, net surfers replied as follows to the question:Which Polish city would you choose to spend your weekend in?

Do you think it has anything to do withToruń being Father Rydzyk's famous stronghold?
Poznań 6%
Gdańsk 7%
Wrocław 7%
Lublin 2%
Cracow 16%
Toruń 38%
Warsaw 11%
Other 13%
21 Oct 2010

I too have wondered about that for years. Indeed it seems that Poles have frequently got the wrong end of the stick, been snubbed, cold-shouldered, marginalised or ignored. OK, so there was no independent Poland on the map during the great 19th-century immigration to the US and most of those who went were illiterate peasants. But so where Slovaks, Ukrainians and Hungarians, and yet who has ever heard of Hungarian, Ukrainian or Slovak jokes? There must have been some but not on the scale of the 'Pollack joke'.

Obama outdid himself trying to curry favour with the 6-million-strong Jewish electorate but never bothered to address a single PolAm group during his campaign although our Polonia number 9-10 million.

Some say that America's culturally WASPified and financially largely Jewish controlled media are responsible for Poland's poor PR image. Maybe Poles themselves are to blame for not being assertive enough. They are often at each others throats but towards foreigners or the host society as émigrés they tend to be meek, mild, complaisant and try to melt into the woodwork rather than stand up for their rights.

What rights? Well, for one taxpayer-funded Polish studies in schools similar to holocaust studies, Afro-American curricula, Hispanic studies and the like.
21 Oct 2010
Food / Any królik (rabbit) fanciers on PF? [76]

I believe Hasenpfeffer (ATT: Bratwurst Boy for spelling!) is made from hare (zając), a dark, gamey meat quite unlike the white delciate flesh of the farm-bred rabbit (królik).
21 Oct 2010
News / Designer drugs kill 18 in Poland [32]

The English service of Polish Radio today carries the following item:

As many as 18 people have died and 304 poisoned after taking designer, or smart drugs in Poland, claims a report by the Health Ministry.

In 2010, 304 people were hospitalized after taking the drugs which have prompted the government to crack down on shops selling previously “legal highs”.

According to Deputy Health Minister Adam Fronczak, the number of designer drug victims has fallen dramatically after the government launched its campaign at the beginning of October, however.

“Most cases were reported in the two first weeks of October,” said Fronczak, after blanket coverage of the issue in Polish media.
21 Oct 2010
Food / Any królik (rabbit) fanciers on PF? [76]

Poland's little red squirrels are on the scrawny side. I'm sure after skinning one you'd get something resemblign an underfed vole or large mosue. Our Michigan squirrels are larger and quite plumb and have brownish-gray fur. Many people shoot and eat them. Quite nice.
20 Oct 2010
News / Should government monitor the net in Poland? [38]

Books in a library are signed by authors and publishers are identified. I'm sure this forum would be far more civilised -- less nonsense, trolling, mud-slinging and pure BS -- if participants had to identify themselves with their true name, address and e-mail. Some forums work that way.

Of course, the net is a medium. Anything functioning in public space, whether a magazine, billboard, neon or virtual reality, is, so it differs from a friendly chat in the privacy of one's own home.

I just wanted to know what other PF-ers think on the subejct.
20 Oct 2010
News / Should government monitor the net in Poland? [38]

At one press conference during the recent designer drug outburst, asked what he would do about smart-drug-mongers peddling their wares on the net. Tusk replied something to the effect: 'We will also see what can be done about that.'

Mine is not a question about technical feasibility or economic cost, but rather advisability. Yes, it can be done -- the Chinese are effectively expunging what they regard as poltically objectionable content.

Do you believ the net should enjoy privileged status and preferential treatment as the only medium not subject to libel laws or editorial control. If you write a letter to a newspaper, it must be signed with full name and address and the editor can edit out offensive content. TV and radio do the same and with live shows use a several-second delay mechanism to bleep out obscenities.

The net is so full of garbage, hate content, dangerous instructions (how to build a bomb at home, etc.), bad examples, lewd proposals, questionable role models, etc. precisely because it is anonymous. If people had to identify themselves and were subject to editorial oversight, the net would be a far less toxic and would be comparable to ther remaining media.

What do you think: privileged status for the net or equal treatment for all media?
20 Oct 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

There are those who try to offset their anti-Judaeo-Chrisitian animosity by invoking some of that hippy-exotic guru-maharajah-nirvana-karma BS which they tend to idealise. Well, the Buddha statue destryoed by the Taliban a decade ago in Afghnaistan stood 55 m tall which certainly suggests megalomanic grandiosity. Just think of the thousands of poor, malnourished and ill-clad kids that could have helped!

Incidentally, at present nowhere are there as more relgious crimes (murders, destruction, pillage, house and church burnings, etc.) as is going on than in Hinduist India against Christians. Somehow PF is silent on that subejct. Reckon it doesn't fit the de rigueur PC mould.
20 Oct 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

It's funny the way those who never throw even a buck/quid in the collection plate balk at how others are spending their money, be it on churches or monuments or whatever. These are probably the very same people who eagerly squander their own cash to make the filthy rich beer barons, gadgetmongers, fashion freaks, druglords and celebrity types even richer. Somehow they never say that money could be better spent helping flood victims or hungry kids!
20 Oct 2010
News / Politician shot in Lodz - two assistants to lawmakers from Law and Justice (PiS) party [66]

If Michnik was against communism how is it that he has always been soft communists, never publcily denoucned his traitor dad hobnobbed with Popiełuszko killers Jaruzel & Kiszczak as well as Urban whose artuicle inspired the murder? He consistently opposed any form of decommunisation or justice for victims of communism and provided the media smokescreen needed for ex-SB thugs to worm their way into the state adminmistration, industry, banking and privatisation system. Most of his Gazeta Wybiórcza mates came from good, atheist, commie families like his own. Birds of a feather..... And what about him calling the first Polish offcier in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński, a traitor whilst extolling Soviet agent Jaruzel as a patriot....

BTW, Lech Kaczyński was jailed under martial law. Jarosław wasn't bercause the Jatruzel scum let one of the twins roam at liberty so they could follow him. Jarek personally told me as much about 5 years ago.
19 Oct 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

According to Father Sylwester Zawadzki, who masterminded the project, the statue of Christ the King near the German border will welcome visitors to Catholic Poland. Thank God our ancestral homeland has yet to be Amsterdamised! Hopefully it never will!

Tylko pod krzyżem, tylko pod tym znakiem
Polska jest Polską a Polak Polakiem.
Adam Mickiewicz
19 Oct 2010
Food / Any królik (rabbit) fanciers on PF? [76]

Venison (deer meat) kiełbasa is very nice when made 50-50 with fatty pork and generously seasoned with garlic, pepper, juniper and marjoram.
19 Oct 2010
Food / Any królik (rabbit) fanciers on PF? [76]

Rabbit meat is healthy, low in fat, delicate and delicious. I'm surprised it isn't more widely consumed in Poland. Anyone out there raise rabbits in hutches? Anyone got a good rabbit recipe?
17 Oct 2010
Life / Good Polish cigarette brands? [7]

Are such cigarette brands such as Carmen, Caro, Piast, Extra Mocne, Klubowe and Popularne (formerly Sport) still produced?
16 Oct 2010
History / Star shaped symbol on Polish Eagle? [22]

I have heard it said that those stars are Masonic pentagrams imbedded into the national emblem after the Great War by influential Freemasons in the Polish leadership. But the pentagram is by no means a strictly Masonic symbol and appears in all kind of ancient and contemporary usage and is associated with such diverse groups as Chrsitians, Bolsheviks and Satanists.

14 Oct 2010
Food / Polish fast food joints? [59]

Anybody ever heard of or ate at one of the stands of New York Hot Dog or a Mr Hamburger restaurant in Poland? I understand both outfits are Polish-owned. What about Szybki Kęs?
11 Oct 2010
Life / Foreign crap OK, Pułaski not! [14]

Poles back then eagerly lapped up any rubbish thtrown their way as long as it had a foreign ring flavour to it. They wore T-shirts with writing they didn't understand, as long is they looked foreign. You surely must be familiar with Mickiewicz's line: Co Francuz wymyśli Polak polubi. Only now, the term Jankes would be more appropriate.

That xenophilic trait is among the reasons Poles have not really developed their own, indigenous style in many areas. It it largely a copy-cat society.
11 Oct 2010
Food / Any czernina fans on PF? [23]

Anyone ever heard of czernina being called jusznik (from the peasant word for blood jucha)?
11 Oct 2010
Food / Cornish game hens in Poland? [13]

Thanks for the input. I had always thought of them as a wild species (like pheasants only smaller) that was being farm-bred. Whatever the case, they are very nice and 1 bird = 1 serving.
11 Oct 2010
Law / Best Polish returns on $100,000? [23]

If a hypothetical PolAm wanted to invest $100,000. in some Polish business enterprise where could he count on the highest returns and the lowest risk:
-- pizza place
-- café
-- restaurant
-- pub
-- retail shop (which sector)
-- manufacturing workshop
-- repair services (electrical, plumbing, carpentry)
-- other services (child-minding, dog-walking, elder care)
-- car hire, car repair, car wash, second-hand car sales
-- investing in and upgrading an existing buisness
-- savings account
-- CD (lokata)
-- bonds
-- shares
-- other
11 Oct 2010
Food / Cornish game hens in Poland? [13]

Are there any Cornish game hens in Poland? In the US these are small patridge-sized fowl usually sold frozen. Meaty nad very nice.
11 Oct 2010
Language / déjà vu in Polish [23]

kudejTA would be closer. Of coruse Americans are not in general good at languages, except those with stronger ethnic (Italian, Polish, Hispanic, etc.) ties.