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Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
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23 Oct 2010
Real Estate / Poland real estate transaction prices higher than at the beginning of 2010 [28]

Thank you for providing this useless bit of information. I could have taken it seriously except for the two "WARNINGS" at the top, which state, "These submissions need to be verified with facts", it kind off gives doubts as to the veracity of whats being stated. For all I know, this could have been your contribution to "Wikipedia". You also fail to mention the section at the bottom which gives the reasons for property prices to increase.

Oil per barrel in 2007 went up by 100%, its now dropped down to half of this, but, the price to you at the pumps has not been passed on, its still the same as two years ago.

"Fear The Boom And Bust" - Economics Rap Video

You will find the video and links quite enlightening in your Saturday afternoon debate.

I hardly think that a couple of rap videos are going to impress the meeting of the G20 finance ministers today. I am very wary of "economic experts", especially after their failure to predict the financial crisis in the first place. I notice that the "comments" space provided on this site did not elicit any intelligent replies. I don't think that "bring it on" counts in a serious debate.

The truth is what you see happening around you in your area, not what the media is reporting from another country. I have not heard of any house repossessions in my area. There have been job losses but nothing on a major scale. Millions are being spent on infrastructure, new shopping galleries, sports facilities and a new theatre. If this is the crash you are predicting then I hope it lasts another 20 years.
23 Oct 2010
Real Estate / Poland real estate transaction prices higher than at the beginning of 2010 [28]

A very stupid analogy. All I see is death and starvation, due to the inability to farm the land properly, corruption, ethnic/tribal wars, dictatorships and the exploitation of their mineral/oil wealth by Western/Asian nations. How did that happen under white rule?. The African countries are still crying out for huge amounts of international aid because of their total lack of understanding how to run a country. They cannot even agree on the way to vote let alone sort out their problems.

Perhaps the solution to your so say "bubble" is to kill all the landlords and property developers in Poland and share the land out amongst the people?
23 Oct 2010

Watching CNN and Blomberg financial programmes over the past couple of days and they are all raving about the latest growth figures for Germany, predictions of 3.5% next year which they say will be the best in Europe. No mention of the fact that Poland never went into recession or that Polish growth is predicted to be exactly the same.

I think that the uS and the rest if the G20 still regard Poland as a non-entity.
23 Oct 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


A very good (American) documentary which has nothing in common with the situation in Poland. The stock market here never reacted to the "buying and selling" attitude that happened on Wall Street. No Polish banks went bust. Polish banks never dealt in "complicated derivatives", Poland has not printed money for quantitative easing, therefore allowing their currency to devalue, so how the hell does this article have anything to do with the situation here? The interest rate in Poland is 4.25% which is just above the line of inflation, compare this to the interests rates in the States and the UK, 0.25%, (forecast to remain this way until 2015). People are getting no returns on their savings which are being eroded by inflation and the higher costs of living. There is now talk of currency wars where countries which have not had to debase their currencies will benefit from overseas investments as people look for returns elsewhere.

Even the past week will show how the strength of the Zloty has increased. Its going to be a roller coaster ride if you gamble on this sort of thing, but it seems to me that the Polish economy is very stable at the moment, which in turn, will keep property prices stable.

As for the Americans, you must remember that they do not seem to have found a solution to their own financial problems, in fact, they have not even found Bin Laden yet, so I would not put too much trust in what they have to say.

I have watched the property market pick up in the second half of this year and I feel confident that this increase, although slow, will continue. We will not see the 50% per year increases of 2007, but, I think that 5-8% a year will be realistic.
16 Oct 2010
News / Smoking ban in Polish bars and restaurants (AT LAST!) [400]


You just hate, anybody that disagrees with you. You state that you are 6.3 and weigh 90 KG,
and you say that you will fight anyone that disgrees with your principles. Come and visit me,. I am 5'9", weigh 100 kgs and I will beat rthe **** out of you Tell me that I cannot smoke in a bar where they allow smoking. I don't give fcuk. itd not your choice!!!!. its the choice of the owner of the bar.

You mentioned you.re 18 year od daughter. When she tries drugs or sex for the first time, are you going to cry on here that its the fault of the Polish people?

Grow up!!!, being English does not mean that you are perfect. Make an allowance that we are all human, we make mistakes. that is what makes life so interesting.
15 Oct 2010

Do you actually live here?

Yes.I do live here. Yes, its not perfect. But, if I felt the same way as you, I would fcuk off home to the perfect land. If you think its bad there at the moment, wait until you hear the cuts in services, the increase in taxation, the reduction in benefits, the cuts in education, the NHS, the armed services. All the things you took for granted will be gone. Nothing to do with the new government, purely the excess spending of the last government.

If you spend to exess, you go bankrupt, the last Labour government did this for you.
13 Oct 2010
News / Smoking ban in Polish bars and restaurants (AT LAST!) [400]

I have to agree with you Harry. Some two years ago I read a government report that stated that it was costing the NHS, some £700 million to treat patients with smoking related illness's.What they failed to mention was the £8 billion pounds collected from tobacco duties. This is why no UK government will ban smoking completely, it would add 5p in the pound to income tax. Its the same with the lst govenment, brought in 24 hour drinking and then complained that there were increased costs to the NHS for Alchohol related injuries as the A & E centres were full over the weekends with "binge" drinkers.

The solution seems to be that everything is banned, you live to be 100 and then you starve because there are too many people alive and not enough people working to fund the pension/health schemes. Take away drinking and smoking and the only thing left to do will be to shag like bunnies and overpopulate the world.

Am I really expected to talk to my Mrs when I am sober? what about my human rights?
26 Sep 2010
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

You wish the State and the Church to dictate how you live your life. What happens to freedom of choice?. We have laws to enable a civilized society to function without anarchy. Would you like to see the Chinese system enforced so that families can only have one child?

Our way of life has been changing for the past few decades and we have enjoyed a freedom which was unknown to past generations. The size of families has been declining, to the state, where there will be no young workers to contribute to the pensions of the people who have paid into the system for years.

I cannot think of any religion or government that has not had its share of scandles which would be any sort of inspiration of how people should live their lives, yet these are the very people who are elected to lead and set an example. Recent cases have been the corruption/expenses scandles of the UK, Italian, French parliments. They cheat, steal, lie and yet they are supposed to set an example to us, the common people. We then see them taken to court and get away with it.

The accountants for the EU have refused to "sign off" the accounts for the past 15 years due to massive corruption and yet these "unelected" spongers dictate how we should live our lives.

Stop generalizing and realise that we all have make the best out of bad lot.
The rule of "anything goes" only seems to apply to bankers and politicians. Most of the people I know seem to obey the simple rules of life.
26 Sep 2010
Life / How to Politely Refuse a Drink in Poland [72]

When the polish neighbours come around to visit, its when you are unconcious, they assume that you have refused to drink anymore, so, they come around at 7.30 the next morning to see if you want to continue!!!!!...Jezu, I love this country!!!!
26 Sep 2010
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

A few hundred years ago when the marriage act/service was introduced, the life expectancy for men/women was less than half of what it is now. Even the bible quotes that "the life of man, shall be four score years and ten", meaning 70. Not many people reached that age, due, to diseases, unsafe working conditions, poverty, wars etc. Large families were common as the infant mortality rate was very high ( the same principles apply to most of the 3rd world countries now, they have many children and hopefully, so that they will look after you in your old age). I cannot speak for what I have seen so far in Poland but in most of the Western countries, the UK in particular, you can walk into a pub or restaurant and see older couples sat side by side and if you watch carefully, they hardly speak to each other. The relationship has become more of a "habit" than love. They have spent so many Years together that communication has almost become "telepathic", they know what and when each other want to eat or drink, they have totally different interests, but, they are scared of trying to form a new relationship and they still enjoy each others company. So the irritating habits that they have formed over the years are ignored, the woman is houseproud and the man is a slob.

Do you honestly believe that men and women should spend 60-70years living togther?. Most get married in their 20's, their children (the ones you seem most concerned about) are married or left home by the time the parents are in their 40's. This age is the prime time of their lives, you have either made a good career/money by this age or you are going to have a very mediocore life. Why should a women/man be expected to carry on in an unhappy relationship for another 20, 30, 40 years, just to please public opinion?.

Why should two people remain living together, if, they are unhappy?. Surely, if all the responsibilities to the prodigeny of any relationship have been carried out, then, the parents should be allowed to seek/find happiness where they can. I am not condoning feckless fathers that breed whenever they get the opportunity and never even try to support thei wives or kids, but, I do object to so called "do-gooders" who cannot still "pull" even if they tried. You have one life, live it as fully as possible, but, do your damndest, not to hurt anyone else. you do not have enough experience to even broach this topic as it takes a lifetime to understand what was good and what was bad. Only the Pope is inffalible, the rest of us mortals have to learn from our mistakes.

NB. Blame this on the Sobieski and the fact I had to buy a dishwasher today. The one I've had for the last 5 years has refused to do it anymore. (selfish *****).
20 Sep 2010
Real Estate / Is this a bad time to buy an apartment in Poland? [142]

Excluding furniture, I would have thought you could achieve a decent finish for around 1200PLN m2 as a budget figure. SeanBM should be able to give you a more accurate figure as this is his line of work and he has a fitout company in the Krakow area.
17 Sep 2010
Real Estate / Is this a bad time to buy an apartment in Poland? [142]

This is exactly what I was thinking, all this sh1te talk about everything and nothing to do with the actual question..

I would have thought that the question from the original poster was very ambiguous and open to several types of answers/questions. He stated he was looking for flats at the top end of the market, requested prices from people here but made no mention if the flat was to be finished or left to developers standard. The cost equasion then becomes a "how long is a piece of string".

Other posters pointed out to him that prices can vary considerably, depending, on the type of finishes you require and the limit of your budget. How the subject got on to 100 000 euro bathrooms, I'm not quite sure but the quality of the build and finishes will always affect the price.

You have been told countless times by people who are experienced in dealing with property in Poland that there has been a correction to the huge price rises from 2005-2007, albeit, not as large a reduction as you would like. You want someone, anyone, to agree with you that prices are going to fall back to the levels of 2000-2002. This is not going to happen but I am very sure that in one or two weeks time you will repost the same question hoping that Polsky, Claritus or one of the others will be back to agree with you.

What follows is a recent artical in the Warsaw Business Journal:-

Invest Plan's lake project

13th September 2010

Developer Invest Plan Group has launched sales of homes in the first phase of its Wille nad Zalewem scheme - a project located in Białobrzegi on Zegrzyńskie Lake near Warsaw, a popular holiday destination for the capital's inhabitants.

The investment will be developed in two stages, delivering a total of 39 houses. Construction on the first stage, comprising 18 villas and a commercial building, started in June and is expected to finish in Q3 2011. The average price of houses in Wille nad Zalewem amounts to zł.1.5 million.

Now this may be what the original poster had in mind, but, with the best will in the world, apartments and houses are not going to go down to the 1500 PLNm2 that you seem to require.

What is my experience with property here in Poland?.......I have actually bought land, planned/designed, built and sold apartments from the ground up to the finishes. I think that qualifies me, along with over 30 years in the Federation of Master Builders and having given NHBC 10 years guarantees on apartments and houses I built in the UK.

I await with anticipation, the next load of crap you come out with.



I would like to buy an apartment in Poland and I'm wondering if the real estate prices are expected to slide? I'm particularly interested in centrally located high-end apartments in Krakow.

Two links to articals that may help you decide if the price of high end apartments are going to slide/crash. Whilst they refer to the market in Warsaw, Krakow is not that far behind.

16 Sep 2010
Real Estate / Is this a bad time to buy an apartment in Poland? [142]

The problem with ANY developer is that they always install the cheapest materials.

Then I must be the exception to the rule. The windows in the apartments I have just built are UPVC with a 5 year guarantee, pation doors are sliding, not the crappy Polish ones which open inwards. The main access doors to the building are "white powder coated aluminium", much stronger due to the additional wear of more passenger traffic, these also have a 5 year guarantee.

Think carefully before you "tar every builder with the same brush".

12 Sep 2010
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


Wroclaw Boy:
you're like a broken record you just keep saying the same things over and over

False statement my old joker. I ask a question and seek an answer. Simple,and if attacked with snark, I ask the question again.

Every week or so, you revive the same topics about property. As SeanBM states, "you supposedly live in Ireland, have no connection with Poland and yet you continue to provide false statements as to the health of the property market here. You never supply any up to date links or factual information that can be checked or challenged. You suggest that anybody who is involved with property, whether a builder/estate agent, fit-out specialist etc. is trying to talk the market up to get prices to rise.

You have predicted falls in the price of property which are absolutely rediculous, you have also predicted that many developers will go bankrupt. None of this has happened, indeed, if you can read the Warsaw Business Journal, you would understand that there are many reports of developers stepping up their new projects and announcing new starts in many of the major cities. These developers are shying away from the top end luxury market and concentrating on smaller, less expensive units, many with the starting price of 6-8000 PLN m2, not the 2000m2 which you and your other "associates" ( I will refrain from using the word alias's) seem to think should be the norm. These developers have "done their homework", they would not undertake to build these new apartments unless there was a high percentage in their favour that the units will sell and they will make a profit.

Since my own small project of 13 apartments was finished (building legalised) in January of this year, I have sold 10 of the apartments, many people viewed them but most had trouble getting a mortgage from the banks, but, in the past few months this has changed and there has been a surge of buyers. I took a chance on building in an area outside of the main town (10kms) next to the lakes and forests, my apartments are 1000 PLN m2 below the town prices. I have the confidence now to start preparing my next project as I still believe that there are not enough new, affordable places being built and the lower price of land in this area will enable me to keep the prices down. Everyone of my apartments has been sold to a Polish buyer which negates the statement that only foriegners can afford to buy in Poland.

Milky, I have read your posts and "English does not seem to be your main language", but, you may recall an old English adage, "better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and prove it".

You will now use this strange word "Snark" to descibe my post, as someone telling you the truth of the property market in Poland will not suit your agenda.

There are those that talk and those that do, you seem to be one of the latter.
30 Aug 2010
Travel / My (short) Poland experiences - bad luck? [142]


it's really depressing sometimes to read posts on this forum. i can't imagine being in Poland and thinking to myself that it's better here than where I came from.

What is wrong with that? I happen to believe its better here than the UK. I have a good life and I can earn money here if I want to. my kids can grow up safely and I have everything I want. 7 years now and I am not tired of Poland at all. As WB will tell you, you're in for a shock when you go back.
28 Aug 2010
Real Estate / PLN 2,500 the going rate for an apartment in Poland [210]


i thing for that price you would want to be getting a very large apartment or a house in the city centre.

I think that personal income tax should be 5%, but that is not going to happen either.

Milky, you say you are Irish, which, should mean that your native language is English. Is this the case or are you just, poorly educated?
26 Aug 2010
Love / Maintenance for child born between Irish/Polish parents. [60]


Did I mention that he is never wrong? And it is always someone elses fault when f**ks up. That giving apologies is a no no for him.

He is not the only one, here in Poland its a normal reaction, everyone else is to blame. I cannot believe how hard it is for a Polish person to say sorry!!!!, its always excuses.
20 Aug 2010
Work / Cost of Living, Average Salaries and Job sites in Poland [263]

Sorry, I was a few months behind with the figures for the american national debt, it's $13.5 trillion, not $11 trillion.

Fairly close? Polands is running at 57% for this year and the States are running at 100%, in fact, its predicted that the interest payments alone will soon be higher than their GDP.

What does it matter, they print their own currency anyway.
20 Aug 2010
Work / Cost of Living, Average Salaries and Job sites in Poland [263]


A new Honda Civic, Type S, in Poland, costs 68,000zl.

The same exact car in America doesn't exist, but the equivalent is the Honda Coupe, which costs $18,000.

A guy earning 3000 buying a car that is worth 68,000.

Another guy earning 3000 buying a car that costs 18,000.

300+ million people living in America, paying 18,000 for a new car, not 68,000. In an American's eyes, just about everything in Poland is a complete ripoff.

Firstly, we need to look at the price of this car. $18,000 (say 3 PLN to the $) so 54,000 PLN against the Polish price of 68,000 PLN. We then have to add import duty and 23% VAT tax, not the 6% sales tax that is charged, i believe, in the States.

The difference seems to be in the wages earnt and the taxation in europe, not so much in the cost of the product.Now we could argue that the Americans are subsidised with their cars and their fuel costs (lucy them) but, Poland does not have a $11 trillion dollar budget defecite which at some point in time is going to have to be tackled. Lets see if there is such a price difference for products then.

In an Americans eyes, everything is selecetive, especially figures.
18 Aug 2010
Real Estate / Noise levels from a building site in Poland [11]

In the UK, building works involving any noise near residential areas is limited from 07:30 until 18:00 on weekdays and 07:30 until 13:00 on Saturdays. No Sunday working is allowed and the local authourities will close the site if these hours are breeched. There are exceptions for the utility services such as repairs to highways which are busy in normal hours and emergency repairs to gas/electrical/water services.
15 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Ive been in the UK for 6 days to relocate and im going back to Poland. [281]


Well, the UK has to start paying in full now, eh? This rebate was about the biggest blunder ever made in the EU and a shame for the unity of Europe as a whole. It's ridiculous to have all the benefits, but not willing to pay the full monty like everybody else. There were plenty of ppl who were in favour of the UK leaving the EU at the time, including myself.

Unity of Europe? what fantasy land do you live in?

between 1992-2002, France fraudulently claimed 500 million euros in illegal subsidies for fruit/vegetable farmers. The EU ordered France to repay this money by July of 2009 with interest, total now some 731 million euros. This money is still outstanding.

"Despite the bad smell left by rotten fruit and vegetable payments, France is already preparing to negotiate another stitch-up with Germany, as it did in 2002, to perpetuate E.U. farm spending at current levels until the cows come home".

Paul Taylor is a Reuters columnist.

You wanted the UK out of europe!!!...what do you think the English people want?
15 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Ive been in the UK for 6 days to relocate and im going back to Poland. [281]


Thatcherism was only good for those who already had money.

Bollocks!!!.I and many of my friends started our business's up when she came to power. She gave us the incentive to work hard, to earn good money, and more inportantly, to be able to keep it.


We in the rest of Europe didn't shed a tear when she left the stage.

Perhaps that was because she negotiated an £11 billion rebate from the UK's contrubitions to the EU and always refused requests to recind it.


Correct. She was the only post-war PM to repay and reduce the national debt by half. Labour have now put us back into the worse situation since WW1.

Why not, when you said she increased debt when in fact she did the exact opposite? Not only was she able to decrease the country's debt she also managed to reduce taxes that damaged the country's wealth creation capacity.

14 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Ive been in the UK for 6 days to relocate and im going back to Poland. [281]


"Beacause I was brought up speaking English and I have the UK to thank for this"

Luck of the draw!!.if you had been born in India you would have learnt to speak Urdu or another dialect as well as English. I love England and I am dissapointed and heartbroken to see the decline of what was once a great country.

Giving people a "British Passport" does not make them English, nor does it give them the right to change the culture and history so that it does not offend their "alien" morals.
14 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Ive been in the UK for 6 days to relocate and im going back to Poland. [281]

Wroclaw Boy

The UK chopped my child benefit, ive paid taxes here my entire life even since ive lived in Poland, i always had a UK LTD company, im totally p1ssed right now. They can fcuk right off. Being British doesnt mean anything unless youre a foreigner, they (foreigners) work a few years and get child benefit for 16 years. I was honest and they now want the money back like £600, should have lied, but i shouldnt have to.

I missed your second post yesterday (above) and it brought to mind a couple of letters I have recently received from Her Majesty's (Labour) Government.

The 1st letter was regarding my National Insurance contributions. Apparently, to qualify for a full state pension in 9 years time, I needed to pay 44 years of contributions and to date, I haver only paid for 41 years. They asked if I would like to voluntarily pay for the 3 years (some £900).

The reply I sent went along the lines of :- " I have not lived in the UK for 6 years and have no thoughts of returning. My health has not been too good for the past 3 years and I have had to pay for my medicines and my heart bypass operation myself. If I should live for another 10 years and if there is any money left in the governments coffers to pay a pension, I will make do with the reduced pension that you have offered. If HMG is so desparate for this £900, I suggest that they stop paying £12,000 per month rent for Afghan asylum seekers to live in 5 Bedroom town houses in Central London.

I have not received a reply.

Letter number 2 was even better. I received my 1st English "Tax-self assessment form" since I came to Poland, even though I explained to them in 2004 that I no longer work, live or have any assets in the UK. This promised to fine me £100 if I never returned the form on time. I duely filled in "none" in every box that applied to me and sent it back.

A month later I recieved a reply, informing me, that I owed £0.00 in tax. Accompanying this reply was some litriture especially for people who have moved abroad. It basically said that " If you come into a windfall, inheritance, lottery win etc, please inform us so that the correct tax can be implemented.

Yes!!!, as if!!!. They can go forth and multiply.
13 Aug 2010
Travel / Fish and Chips in Warsaw [53]


What the hell are pickled eggs??

Traditional, working class food!!!!....Just don't stand, upwind of the people you love.