USA, Canada /
Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]
Political correctness is simply a not so bad
Political Correctness is a tool to spread Commie Socialism.
Another reason President Trump got elected is because he is not politically correct.
Yet, the alternative of returning to a time when pupils were regularly flogged for the most miniscule offense,
The only thing a spanking hurts is the child's feelings to humble him/her to straighten up.
Today the P.C. have had to create safe rooms so when a child's (Snowflakes) feelings get hurt because they were spoke to in the wrong tone. lol
We are creating a society of a bunch of wimps with P.C.
MERRY CHRISTMAS is even considered politically incorrect by the Commie P.C.
The Polish people that I have met here in America all spank their children when they need it.
Their philosophy is if a child gets spanked for something he/she didn't do was o.k. because that made up for the one the child got away with.
As far as this trolling thread name goes......I know of NO Polish people in America that hate Americans just because they are American and I know a boat load of Polish people.