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Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]
Listening to you I feel like I am at a cinema, forced to watch propaganda films. Basically you guys act like the voice of reason but the truth is simple. You don't like PiS, those who do are mad, in your opinion, so therefore almost 1/3 of Poland is mad, and it's as simple as that, for you. Someone said previously that I have to let democracy take its course and I am. It is a shame for me that PO is in charge again, but I accept it. I do not hate PO or Tusk, I just don't want them to be in charge and feel they have handled many of their obligations badly, but I accept that it was the choice that was made, democratically. It is funny to me though when I see so many people out demonstrating, not long after the elections. Oh they are probably PiS supporters right? If they are not then why on earth did PO get voted in?
On a side not by the way, in today's 'kawa na ławe' I noticed that RP Palikota had Palikot representing them. The other 4 parties had some other members of the party. My questions is, why?
Is it because Palikot has such a big ego he has to be in TV all the time?
Is it because he does not trust the other members from his party to put across his ideas well enough?
It is strange to me that the 3rd party in Poland is represented in debating programs by Palikot while other leaders are 'too important,' if you like, to take part.