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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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23 Oct 2011
Life / Do Poles wear (patriotic) Polish clothing abroad? [6]

If you live outside of Poland, do you ever go out with any Polish clothing on? I sometimes where a shirt that has the country of Poland on it, coloured in red and white. That is about it. I don't care if someone looks and does not approve. I do not where it all the time. I often read Polish papers when I am on public transport, that is probably the best way to tell that I am Polish, not that it is my main aim or anything, but I do like to read stuff in Polish, to brush up on vocab.
23 Oct 2011
Language / How hard is it to learn Polish? [178]

Honest answer to original question, if I had not spoken Polish at home since I was young, I doubt I would be able to pick it up. It is so hard. I am trying to learn some Spanish and find that difficult, but much easier than Polish. Uno! dos! tres! Nah Nah! Nah Nah! Nah Nah!
23 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Dunno why so many folks trust Komorowski to be honest. It could be because he doesn't do anything, so he can't be doing much wrong, can he? He seems to have put on weight and sort of waddles about. They needs to give him something to do.
22 Oct 2011
Love / Goal: Meet a nice Polish girl! [60]


How many more of these pathetic posts are we going to get from people?

Seriously what the **** is this? We're not a site that gives you advice on dating and meeting women.

I'm not usually this rude but seriously, dude has got such a high opinion of himself, saying he's above average in looks and well off. Not only that but he has an American accent! He thinks all this gives him an advantage over others. It might, if you want a shallow gold digger who is easily impressed. A girl with class and self respect won't want you, no matter how rich you are, how American you sound and how good looking you think you might be. If she doesn't feel the spark, that chemistry, that thing we call love, you aint getting anywhere. Of course in Warszawa there are a lot of gold diggers so you might find some girls.

You did some research. What is wrong with you? This isn't a product where you find out where you have the best chance and making at profiting on a situation, look at your qualities and the way to market them, then bam, go for it! Why tell us this crap anyway? We don't care are your desperate attemps to find a girlfriend. Just go search and get on with it. As someone said, there are many Polish girls in the USA so why not just stay and look among the American Polonia and you might find a nice girl. Unless of course the problem is that they are not as easily impressed with an American accent and money over there, because it's normal.
19 Oct 2011
News / The cross in Polish parliament - Does it bother you? [100]

I think a country needs to make decisions dependant on society, to a degree at least. In Saudi Islam is obviously the dominant religion and you have to conform to it. In Poland Catholicism is the dominant religion. If Poland lets in loads of foreigners and other religions, it might eventually lose its Catholic majority, forget its past, and have no crosses, obviously if the majority of the country are against it, but they are not, for now. If plenty of Europeans moved to S Arabia and the majority of the country was not made up of muslims, I am sure the law, eventually, would be different there too. Who decides in a country? The minority or majority? I mean does democracy not work by what the majority want? So in Poland the cross has to stay, if most people who have an opinion on the matter, want it to stay.
17 Oct 2011
News / The cross in Polish parliament - Does it bother you? [100]

Obviously there is quite a lot of debate currently going on in Poland about the cross.

What are your thoughts?

My thoughts are that it should stay and think the argument is covering up more important matters. Yes some people are not religious but does a cross on a wall really make it that hard to concentrate?

I can not stand adverts that I see all over the place out in the streets, they annoy me, but they are there, I just accept them.

Perhaps we can take crosses from cemeteries, they might distract those who go there and are not Christians? How about the roadside to commemorate a death as it might distract non religious drivers? I say just leave it, the majority of Poland is Catholic, so leave it alone.
16 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Listening to you I feel like I am at a cinema, forced to watch propaganda films. Basically you guys act like the voice of reason but the truth is simple. You don't like PiS, those who do are mad, in your opinion, so therefore almost 1/3 of Poland is mad, and it's as simple as that, for you. Someone said previously that I have to let democracy take its course and I am. It is a shame for me that PO is in charge again, but I accept it. I do not hate PO or Tusk, I just don't want them to be in charge and feel they have handled many of their obligations badly, but I accept that it was the choice that was made, democratically. It is funny to me though when I see so many people out demonstrating, not long after the elections. Oh they are probably PiS supporters right? If they are not then why on earth did PO get voted in?

On a side not by the way, in today's 'kawa na ławe' I noticed that RP Palikota had Palikot representing them. The other 4 parties had some other members of the party. My questions is, why?

Is it because Palikot has such a big ego he has to be in TV all the time?

Is it because he does not trust the other members from his party to put across his ideas well enough?

It is strange to me that the 3rd party in Poland is represented in debating programs by Palikot while other leaders are 'too important,' if you like, to take part.
16 Oct 2011
Love / Why are Varsovian women so uninteresting? [23]

latino I got the idea that you are only interested in a one night stand, from you. When I said ealier that you are having problems getting in to girls pants in the capital you said it was easy, well you tried to say that. Here is what you wrote.

It is easily but in Warsaw girls are much more material. While the way in the province is more genuine, in Warsaw it's about money.

So basically you can get in to their panties in other parts of Poland, but there, only if you prove that you have money.

The bottom line is, as most of the peeps on here have said, girls do not seem to be interested in you so you think there must be something wrong with them. You blame it on them. It must be they are only interested in money. Perhaps you're not as charming and nice as you thought. In the capital there are less naive girls. They have seen a lot. I know there a lot of shallow ones too, but they have a big choice. In other areas you might seem quite an exotic choice, being a latino. By the way if you want a long term girlfriend how about not going to clubs where a lot of folks just go to have fun for one night, very few of them are interested in finding a long term partner. I rarely here of 2 people who are married, saying they met in a night club.
16 Oct 2011
News / Poland's 'oburzeni' (indignant)? [41]

Well, look at this way - I know someone who has an amazing contract with an amazing salary by Polish standards, at the age of 26. She got there through many, many long nights - even now, she doesn't get much more than 5 hours sleep a night. But she worked for it - it wasn't handed to her.

I wonder what she did in those long nights to get the contract, and with who?
16 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Why shouldn`t they be against PiS and why do you think it is unfair?

Well first I want to say that pro PiS media is also against many bad things such as PO, fascism, Lukashenka, exploitation of women, corrupt politicians [not so sure the pro PO media is so against this], immoral clergy, bombings of civilians etc.

It is unfair that they act like they are just explaining what is happening, when actually they are taking quite an active part in politics themselves and some people do not realise this. They can be pro PO if they like but should stop pretending they are neutral when they are clearly not.
16 Oct 2011
News / What do PO voters expect from the new Polish government ? [32]

Talk about brainwashing. PO has actually succeeded in convincing it's supporters that if for nothing else, 1 reason to vote for them it to keep the 'extremists' of PiS out of power. Fantastic mind job, but can't quite believe that it actually worked.
16 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Oh I see so you that is how works. If Gazeta Wyborcza tells you something about how Gazeta Polska are liars, you go for it, but if Gazeta Polska uncovers something about the government or perhaps says something about Gazeta Wyborcza, it's clearly lies. Don't worry I understand your situation. You're biast and Gazeta Wyborcza supports the views you probably had already. It is like that with many of us.
16 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

You know delphiandomine you are the one who needs to 'get over' PiS supposedly manipulating TVP when they were in power. When I attack the media for being so anti PiS your argument is 'well PiS was manipulative so now media is getting back at them.' For so many years? Give me a break, that reasoning is bull! You know two wrongs don't make a right. To be fair though there is no use discussing it with you. I can see the hatred for PiS in the way you write on here. There is no way that you would ever try to be fair, you don't like them and you probably never will, end of story. Don't ask me for proof that mainstream media [Polsat, TVN, Gazeta Wyborcza] are anti PiS, it is clear as day. As for Gazeta Polska being a bunch of liars, I disagree. They have an agenda, yes, so does most media, but liars? No.
16 Oct 2011
Love / Why are Varsovian women so uninteresting? [23]

Definately an odd thread to make. He says it is easy to get a woman in to bed but finds the women in Warszawa are uninteresting and wanting money. So basically he only likes to have a one night stand with an interesting women. How about you stop looking for girls to bed latino and act like more of a gentleman?
16 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

So they shouldn't attack an opposition party? They should only attack the party who just won? They did plenty of that when PiS were (briefly) in government. Are you really saying that a newspaper or other media outlet shouldn't support a particular party simply because the voters chose it? Weird.

Did you read what you wrote? You just admitted they did attack the party who won when it was PiS, but they seem to do it less with PO. Not only that but they continue to attack PiS. I don't remember them attacking the opposition to PiS when they were in power. The media generally should not be supporting any party as it goes against what the media is supposed to do, give us information, not try to convince us to see stuff like they want us to. Unfortunately media is biased. There is both pro PiS and pro PO media but the mainstream media tends to be very anti PiS, whether they are in power or the opposition.
15 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

2 things worry me in Poland.

1/ The mainstream media seem to constantly attack PiS, even though they are not the ones in power!!!!

2/ So many people speak of the 30% of PiS supporters in Poland as whack jobs, 30% of Poland!!!! Yet the 10% who are supporting Palikot or 8% supporting SLD seem to be fine.
15 Oct 2011
Love / Why are Varsovian women so uninteresting? [23]

Sounds like Latino 'picks a lot of women' succesfully. What he's asking is why can't he get in to women's pants in the capital as easily?
12 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Where do people get the idea that those who live in the USA are stupid and those who live in Poland are so much smarter? Perhaps it is the other way round hence the voting went the way that it did?
12 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

@ boletus

Where did you get the quotes? That reliable site known as wikiquotes where any twerp can write what they want? Or some other unreliable sight. Why would he say religion is for a brainless person if he was religious?
12 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

You look my delphian, you always seem to reply to every point I make, negatively of course.

Firstly I am not a kid. Secondly I am slightly dissatisfied with life where I live, not on a financial level, but on a morale level. This is where I see Poland as vastly superior to GB, or it used to be anyway. As for tolerating Kashubians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians etc. They were and are, far closer to the our culture that Asians, Africans and even British folks. As for the values I talk about, I might not live there but I know about its past, Poland not only had the Christian religion for hundreds of years but it was part of its culture. The cross is also a part of the culture. PO does not push this but at least it does not try to get rid of completely, whereas I can think of at least 2 parties who would like to whipe out that past and pretend it was never a part of Poland. PS. I wonder if you could tell me more about yourself and how you got here. You seem to act as if you know a lot about the country, so what is your story? You like to call me a 'fake Polak,' even though I speak in Polish at home, keep a keen eye on what is happening in Poland and have even considered going to Poland permanently a few times. Of course unless I live in the country I can not be a real Polish guy right?

Side note. Apparently 15% of votes were void again [according to TVN i was watching today, not Gazeta Polska].
12 Oct 2011
Love / Should I bring gifts? - help with a Polish wedding [46]

I do not agree with delphiandomine on most stuff, usually political, but money does it seem a bit tacky. I mean you would not give an envelope with money at Christmas because it is practical. The only problem with gifts is that they might get 5 toasters and 5 kettels etc. Unless the people who are invited get together and know who is giving what.
12 Oct 2011
Law / Polish Citizenship, do I have to travel to Warszawa (Warsaw) to get it? [13]

My situations is, Polish parent, live in GB and have not lived in Poland, ever, but speak the language and often go there. Hey if Obraniak can get citizenship with a Polish grandmother I think I can, I just need to get the paperwork gathered together.
12 Oct 2011
Love / Are Polish Girls scared of English Guys [124]

I've noticed that most Polish girls in the UK prefer Arab men over Polish and British guys.

Yes some people make mistakes.
12 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Great news! Poland really is changing, for the worse!

One of 2 things are now going to happen.

Either people suddenly realise they have let it get to far and put a stop to it


Poland completely turns away from its past and turns in to a GB/USA wannabe, multiculturalist, foreign run, anti Church, do what you want, melting pot. Basically it would lose most of the values it used to have and proudly stand for. I wonder what some of the past greats such as John Paul II and Jozef Pilsudski are thinking?
11 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

gumishu you mean like sometimes on 'szklo kontaktowe.' PiS is often made fun of on there, but sometimes it is unnoticable unless ya look real close.
11 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

What I find amazing in Poland right now is how a party like RP Palikota is getting nowhere near as much criticism as PiS.

Here are some of their [his] policies

Yes to Abortion
Yes to transexuals, tranvestites and other pervertions.
Attack the Church
Legalise certain drugs

Yes PiS is evil, PiS is bad. They are racist. How dare they be patriotic? How dare they not trust neighbouring countries, even with Poland's past? How dare they be slightly suspicious? The only thing I am sometimes slightly frustrated with is seeing some, I repeat, some of the PiS supporters, during JK speeches, who chant his name every 15 seconds. This sometimes gives PiS electorate a bad name and of course the media jump on it and show it over and over. I do however think, that PO also has its over-enthusiastic supporters who have hatred in their eyes, not to mention RP Palikota. This party, along with PO, got the most votes from prisoners, i.e people who break the law, well how unsurprising.
11 Oct 2011
Language / Kurwa? at end of every sentence [51]

A lot of them seem to have moved to GB. You hear this almost all the time. It's not like an educated person or someone with a bit of class never uses the words, but every sentence, all the time and on public transport or somewhere, it is pathetic. A lot of people who are not Polish now know what it means so it is embarrasing. Anyway to the thread starter, don't say 'why do we say it?' We don't. Your friends do. I don't have any friends like this who swear in every sentence.