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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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20 Feb 2010
Life / The Poles - do they "bumble" through life? [29]

The bumbling ones either aren't open to improving themselves or don't get the chance. I understand their economy of effort philosophy. They really undergo rigorous study programmes and often they don't get rewarded after. I really feel that some try and prop themselves up by increasing their pride but they many are torn inside and go abroad.
20 Feb 2010
Work / Why Poland employers are afraid of hiring any foreign nationals? [171]

Bolek, you don't have the stats to make such a comment. Have you met most foreign teachers here? Don't you think they come for a new experience? That's been what I've gleaned from newbies.

Sorry but most Polish teachers just don't have the roundedness so the best systems will be where they work in harmony with native speakers.
20 Feb 2010
Life / Polish culture do's and dont's? [106]

I think certain Poles want instant solutions and results and this makes them abrupt and offhand. The same can be said about many cultures but it does seem to be quite prevalent in places here.
20 Feb 2010
Language / Coming back to Polish language studies [8]

Of sorts perhaps but it wasn't intended in that way. It's simply sth to test you and make you think, rack your brains so to speak.
20 Feb 2010
News / "Poles want cut on foreign workers" - (in Poland obviously) [47]

In Poland, yeah. Can't sleep? It was Friday night and I don't work on Saturdays anymore. I did for 3.5 years here but I put an end to that caper. 2 years in Japan I worked weekends too so I had to be disciplined. I'm 99.9% sure that you've had a bottle of wine before so you know that you tend to go with the flow unless it KO's you.

As for these cuts, I haven't heard about them.
20 Feb 2010
News / What is Poland's politics towards Norway? [56]

A PM would be nice. She is learning how to pronounce words and it's so different. Norwegians do so well given how different their language is. Are you Norwegian born and bred?
20 Feb 2010
Life / Polish culture do's and dont's? [106]

Poles love to talk about their culture so let's see some views here. It has the potential to be a revealing and enlightening thread.
20 Feb 2010
Language / Coming back to Polish language studies [8]

Come on, let's get some linguistic threads at the top of the board. So much drivel fills the top half of the board sometime. Let's get some language posers out there.
20 Feb 2010
Life / Should Poles be Polish? [44]

Poles are people, not polish. Of course Polish people should carve out their identity like any other group. They are quite homogeneous so it isn't hard. Suppress your national character for too long and there will be consequences.
19 Feb 2010
Language / Przypadki (Polish language cases) [59]

This is a great practice thread. I still need to polish up on them. I'm more comfortable with them now but would appreciate the resident Poles giving tough tests :)
19 Feb 2010
Law / PIT 1% - what are you donating it to? [5]

This is coming round again in the near future. I'd like to donate it to the Polish equivalent of the RSPCA which is? Animals really need our protection, they are God's creatures too.
19 Feb 2010
News / What is Poland's politics towards Norway? [56]

Interesting thread this. Mr Grunwald, my wife would be very grateful to learn about Norway and Norwegian language. I understand that Polish-Norwegian relations are quite healthy. She wants me to learn Norwegian with her so I might write a little.

I wonder if Tusk knows where Norway is, though :(
19 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

Poland did well with intercepts and code cracking. Churchill was such a bumptious git that he didn't conceal messages well enough in his correspondence with Roosevelt. Poland was realistic whereas Churchill was on a constant ego trip. He'd better have been grateful for the superb Polish and Scottish contributions. Scotland had nothing like the devastation of Coventry, for example, it was razed to the ground.
19 Feb 2010
News / Poland's Vietnamese: A tough transition but they're surviving [31]

I haven't seen my Vietnamese student for a while but I hope she is doing well. She tried her heart out in English and I hear in Polish too. It's good that Poland has given them an opportunity to thrive or even survive.
19 Feb 2010
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

Be prepared to blab away about all manner of nonsense. Remember that lower TTT is preferred. It's not you that needs the language practice. Keep the humour aspect alive, it really draws them out of their shells. Command respect, you are at the centre of the class and need to coordinate.
19 Feb 2010
Work / Is it normal for companies/schools in Poland to be rude? [116]

As regards the OP, have faith and stick with it. You may well come to find that you will be in a super team that you enjoy working in. Yes, first impressions last but remember that management anywhere tends to be impersonal at times.
19 Feb 2010
News / Belarus - grateful ally of Poland...? [16]

Especially when you have misgivings about them and feel superior to them. Besides, Russia has robbed Belarus of much of its identity. I had a second Belarussian student recently and he confirmed what the first told me early last year. He couldn't even give me some lines from his own language as he was forced to learn Russian.
19 Feb 2010
Work / Why Poland employers are afraid of hiring any foreign nationals? [171]

For4 is not Polish, Harry. I still think that a student of sth should not be teaching it until relative mastery is there. I wouldn't have much confidence in teachers of guesswork. I would want to know and have faith in my teacher that they know.
19 Feb 2010
Work / Why Poland employers are afraid of hiring any foreign nationals? [171]

I think Harry's point is that schools require their teachers to be flexible, Ziemowit. There may come a need to teach a variety of courses, Cambridge included. If a teacher doesn't have the tools/know-how then it curtails their options. I may be required to teach LCCI courses and I'm ready to do just that. Does your average Polish teacher have that skill?
19 Feb 2010

I'll likely be back in August but my parents have access to more than enough ale. I sampled quite a few types at Xmas.
19 Feb 2010
Work / Why Poland employers are afraid of hiring any foreign nationals? [171]

Harry is making good points. I'm gonna teach a very good conversation teacher CPE and she is not so confident about it. I've tried quite a few things in advance and a lot of it is news to her. A sharp native teacher uses and feels those expressions and can understand the material much better. Even CAE is not done effectively and I know this first-hand.
19 Feb 2010
News / What the Polish government do to bring back home Polish immigrants? [116]

Many people in Poland are ruled by money, steve. It's fine saying that they should improve their economy but many don't know how. Many university educated people in the UK don't have anything, nevermind employment in coffee shops.

Some of the work is drying up in the UK. Many Poles are said to be returning disillusioned but you have to make your own luck these days.
19 Feb 2010
Work / Why Poland employers are afraid of hiring any foreign nationals? [171]

They are there to use and hear English, not Polish. Besides, a good teacher should be able to give instructions without any hassle. I've had to teach absolute beginners and you just find a way to get your instructions across. Furthermore, some of the best native speakers I have worked with speak a bit of the local language so they can use it sparingly.
19 Feb 2010

That's reason enough in my book. Some Kent ale would go down very nicely right about now :)
19 Feb 2010
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

It's easy to slander a man but let's face it, nobody here could stand up to him in a debate. He's been around the block and has trawled all the major archives. He would wipe the floor with anyone here which means that his views hold precedence over anyone here. He is streets ahead in a research sense.
19 Feb 2010
Work / Why Poland employers are afraid of hiring any foreign nationals? [171]

Why on earth would I want to hold a degree in Education, Dariusz? What is this elitist crap you are full of? My education comes from book learning and the free acquisition of culture and other aspects around me. I don't need an Education degree.
18 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

I wasn't talking about me. There was a guy here who had that issue to think about. All the females recommended the Polish female come back with the kid and all the males felt that the guy should stay in the US with the kid. It told a story!