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Posts by Antek_Stalich  

Joined: 6 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jun 2011
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 997 / In This Archive: 862
From: Poland, Brwinów
Speaks Polish?: Native speaker
Interests: Making music, photography

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31 May 2011
Off-Topic / im a true polish patriot [30]

peanut butter and maple syrup. my relatives say you cant get these things in poland.

They've been cheating you, for how long? Poland peanut butter.

I had to look to my fridge to make sure. (Photo taken 5 minutes ago).
31 May 2011
Feedback / Suggestion: Skill test to eliminate moronic posters [7]

More questions:

I believe
1. That Serbia (Racove) and Poland shall create the Great Panslavic Imperium under the King Jaroslav the Short and evict all foreigners
2. Indian guys are the ones most popular amongst the Polish girls
3. Polish White Power RULEZ!
4. Black hair dyeing is the sign of collapse of the Western culture
5. Poland is a hopeless place to live, the poorest country in the world, slums on slums
6. I has a hamburger
7. All of the above
31 May 2011
News / RHD cars in Poland - my campaign to change the rules in Poland [128]

Has anyone on PF ever driven a lhd car in the British Isles?

Yes, I have. Had no problems except I had to take some roundabouts clockwise and some other anticlockwise. The simplest way to overtake a lorry was the identical technique I use in Poland: to fall off the truck and when I see the possibility gear down to 3rd and accelerate.

My golden rule was mentally reversing directions. Pointing to the left I would say "I pull over to the right" and opposite. This helped a lot.

There was one really funny incident in UK. I was waiting to join the main road and there was an English car just opposite, both I and them waiting for chance to join in the same direction. My wife, sitting in the right-hand passenger seat was perusing a large map. I started first, and the Englishman had the right of way... My wife told me both the driver and his gf looked at us unable to believe in what they saw: The Polish DRIVER reading the map covering half of windshield and accelerating on the turn! (At least it looked that way to them, since they expected the driver seated at the right...) ;-)))))))))))))))
31 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Really depending. A girl born in a village near Mielec (I know her personally) who is still in her 20's has 9 brothers and sisters.
31 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

I'm guessing you're putting a bit more than that on the table

Yes, the cigarettes alone cost EUR75 weekly.
31 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

assume for a moment the thing about the Jews was true

Was it before or after the Holocaust?

The danger with Jews is they are everywhere, just like motorcycles. You may be a blue-eye blonde then you discover someone else has found your Jewish roots! ;-)

Nay, the Israelis are quite a loud nation, and the stress-free education makes them a little bit annoying but I've been to many far worse countries.

Delphi, I had a pork cutlet Jewish style in Czech Republic ;-) I even took a photo of that ;-)
Milky, I'm a single earner for family, I listen to you intently?
31 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

so why are they selling American style food

Because it sells and you get the same quality everywhere, at any time.

In "Chlopskie Jadlo" prices are per 100g and you are waking up with expensive bill.
Besides: Sorry, if I have to make Mazovia -> Wroclaw in 4:30, I have no time for restaurants. Them STATOIL sell good hot-dog and serve excellent coffee.
31 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

i was not aware of that but read recently (and seen on some history channel too) (I am not 100 per cent sure if it is true but can imagine it is) that after the hyperinflation in Germany Jews (because they were connected to official spheres) owned 80 per cent of German property

I thought it were Chinese?
"Telewizja Cię zabije, ten Internet Cię zabije.
Twoje pokolenie ginie. Ha."
31 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Right, it must be a bloody revolution. You'll finally get your government position and you will be ripping off people ;-)
A mnie ogród mój zachwyca
31 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Gumishu, my only comment will be:

Enjoy life.

I'm terribly sorry for you. How miserable your life must be. You, a poor person, surrounded by starving people, ripped off from your potential wealth by crooks driving SUVs, and that conspiracy that only Jarek could damage... If I were you, I would look for nine grams of lead, why suffer?
31 May 2011
News / Warsaw is the natural capital of Europe, not Brussels [67]

Once, a drunk guy at my open-air party initiated a fight, blood was spilled and he also attacked me. I have driven him out with a broomstick. It was middle of the night, no communication to Warsaw. He and his loyal friend walked all the way to Warsaw along the railway track, which took them some 6 hours.

No buses, no trams, only the commuter train or a car. Still it is popular living place for "warszawka" and the Klan sitcom has been filmed here nearby. I appear to be one of the "aborigines", settling here only in 1990 (and we had this land already in 1974), the most of neighbours being well-doing Warsaw upstarts.
31 May 2011
Food / Poland's favourite meal? [11]

Schabowy z kapustą daily and bigos for Christmas.
Unluckily most of Poles prefer chicken nowadays. I do not eat poultry and suffer.
31 May 2011
News / Warsaw is the natural capital of Europe, not Brussels [67]

Even that is not right! It is just 25 km from the place I live to the city centre, yet you need at least 1 hour of driving or more, depending on the weather, for most of the day, for most of the year (Summertime is easier, many people having their holidays. With snowing or heavy raining the traffic just crawls).

People would be better off taking the WKD commuter train, 40 minutes and you are guaranteed to be in the city centre on time but then what do you need your SUV for? ;-)
31 May 2011
News / Warsaw is the natural capital of Europe, not Brussels [67]

live in a suburb of a capital city

Me, too.

and there's a lot going on here because it's the capital.

Haven't noticed that here. Yes, there are almost only SUVs in the parking place of our local supermarket and Andrzej Wajda does his shopping there, too; outside that I see NO benefits. Yes, Michałowice that are around 16 km in the direction of Warsaw are the richest place in the region but my Silesian friends laugh at that and say the concentration and size of light industry and small business is incomparably higher in their region -- and that's true. There is -- so far -- no leverage between the function of the capital city Warsaw and real richness of the region. Suburbs are rather bedrooms for Warsaw.
31 May 2011
News / Warsaw is the natural capital of Europe, not Brussels [67]

i hope that most of people of this forum feel this way. Europe would be better place with Warsaw as capital of this continent, for many reasons...
So true, Crow!

Funny thing, we Warsawers would happily give the capital city back to Cracow to enjoy fresh air, having vast parking spaces and little of traffic but Cracowers don't want to become the capital again. I wonder why.

If this ever come to make Warsaw the capital of Europe, I would vote NO.
31 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

In reply to Ironside, Dumbo et al.
A person unsuccessful due to own limitations will be unsuccessful in every country, at any circumstances. No convincing can convince the already convinced. Poor country.

If you do not see the registration plates, how can you tell it is a place near to Pszczyna, Poland?

I advice those whining to take a short trip over Poland and see how the country really looks like.
31 May 2011
News / Warsaw is the natural capital of Europe, not Brussels [67]

you won`t love idea when you learn that creation of Budapest (Buda was merged with Pesta) was inspired and financed by Serbians.

You mean at the break of centuries 19th/20th c. when both cities were merged and indeed developed? At the time Budapest was the second capital city of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy? I will read with interest about Serbian participation in the construction of the St. Stephen's Cathedral and of the Parliament. I also wonder if I'm wrong thinking Vojvodina used to be a Hungarian province for a long time?
31 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Monia: Poland is a land of many good opportunities but unfortunately for hard workers only .
Name some.

All those people driving new SUVs and building houses outside cities?

One name: Gino Rossi. I cannot help the fact all suit shoes I buy are magically Gino Rossi's ;-)
30 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Ironside, I cannot help noticing the people describing Poland as a "poor country" are trying to compensate for their own failures. There is so much talking on commies infiltrating business, crooks, etc. while it is just covering the jealousy for those more fortunate. I can bet that any of the complaining/whining would be very happy to get a position of TPSA Board Member but would not give up talking on moral things.

I live too long to not notice things like that.

I'm with Monia and her views.
30 May 2011
News / Warsaw is the natural capital of Europe, not Brussels [67]

Honestly, when our company needed to gather our clients from all over East Europe, we were always choosing Budapest. Great hotel base, equal driving distance and what can I say? Budapest is far nicer than Warsaw. Serbs need no visa to Budapest, something for Crow ;-)

Budapest bikers, April 2nd, 2011.
30 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Kluska was a crook (or call it a successful businessman -- at least for some time) because he used legal tricks to improve his business.

It is funny to call most of Polish driving SUVs crooks and at the same time admire Mr Kluska's talents only because he supports the right political party.

Do you admit it, Gumishu?
30 May 2011
Work / Chemistry jobs in Poland? [10]

Of course there are such jobs available. Do you expect someone will go and find job for you?
30 May 2011
Life / Why are Poles in other countries called "Plastic Poles"? [168]

Yeah, and
"czy się stoi, czy się leży, trzy tysiące się należy" (No matter you stand or lay, you'll get 3000 wage)

"Jak naprawdę jest nikt nie wie, elektronik kradnie w TEWie, a chłop pije - ale jazz!" (Nobody knows what's real, electronic engineer steals from own company, and the farmer gets hammered - that's the jazz!".

Beautiful times.

How old are you, Gumishu?
30 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

I though the basic idea behind the bank was a difference in interest rates on money borrowed and lent? We have so many banks and they operate OK. Meaning the buyers for their services can be found? Or is their existence kept by Invaders from Outer Space? ;-)

Regarding TPSA: Simple thought that instantly comes to mind is "Perhaps TPSA is a good solid business -- a golden duck -- so let us Treasury keep our shares in this golden business"? Why almost 50% of TPSA is owned by the French? For exactly the same reason!

Gumishu, read about the Ockham's Razor, PLEASE. Or even better: on Hanlon's Razor.