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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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15 Oct 2011
Travel / What are some of the "must do" activities when visiting Poland? [43]

Do you know of any Polish military museums that you would recommend?

It has to be the Muzeum Wojsko Polskiego in Warsaw, Polish Army museum, simply fantastic collection :) That and the Warsaw Uprising museum,also,surprise surprise in warsaw :)
15 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them" [195]

You are the greatest "pro-Empire" person I have read,

Quite simply bollox. But, I will not pretend to swallow the modern revisionist bull **** that swamps Britain these days.

I didn't ask if you were Irish, I asked if you had ever been to Ireland? I remember you saing something about your Dad being Irish but that doesn't mean you have been there and as you are talking on behalf of the Irish people, the majority at least, i feel the need to know if you have been or not.

Yes, and? Would a few weekends spent getting drunk and singing rebel songs suddenly make me forget how many times just I and family members just avoided being vapourised by some dumb boyo with a grudge? I dont ever claim to talk on behalf of any people....thats a terrorist/politicians trait.

All I can talk as is someone who grew up with bombs maiming and killing men women and kids every month,bombs planted by people with names like mine who claimed to be hard done by , I fcuking hate the lot of them, unionist and republican, all a bunch of fcuking psychotic dreamers. What gives Paddy in 2011 more right to feel at home than Billy when both have history going back hundreds of years there? Its total bollox and the lot of you ought to grow up, a line on a fcukin map is worth murdering un born babies for is it?

Did you ever stop to think that Polish people (Catholic or other, as if that has anything got to do with it...) know what an occupation looks like?

Again, complete bollox, one lot of irish "men" murdering another lot of irish "men" and at the same time murdering men women and children left right and centre, fcuk all like Poland. Were Poles murdering Russian civilians in Moscow?

Its funny, just like so many Poles you completly discount the fact that the majority in NI are " protestant" and a minority are "catholic". So, why should a minority have a right to decide the fate of the majority? Do you want democracy everywhere else but at home?

The irish were given everything on a plate, all the murdering scum bags are out on the street yet still its more more more,and how evil the brits are.

How many Catholic Irish point out to their admiring Polish audience that the British Army went in in 69 to protect the Catholics? My guess,zero, like I say, its the Hollywood/pissed up rebel version they get.
14 Oct 2011
Life / Poles - what do non-Poles just "not get" and why? [23]

Non-Poles just do not get why it is mandatory to stand no further away than one millimetre from the person in front of you in any queue.

Lols...I thought I was being over sensitive!! Its the same here in the UK, I wouldnt mind if this happened in say a long que,but it doesnt,bags of space and I still feel the waft of lech flavoured breath on the back of my neck. WTF is that all about?

Thanks for a possible solution,but Ive let out a beer fart in one que to no effect so Im not optimistic......
14 Oct 2011
Love / Do young Polish ladies 17-23 speak any English? [59]

oh I say Sir, there is really no need for this approach is there

Doesnt matter that much, I see its not only my Bull Sh!t radar working over time with this one. If it had been switched on in the first place Id never have got bogged down with this pointless thread :)
14 Oct 2011
Love / Do young Polish ladies 17-23 speak any English? [59]

Ok, my bad. He's disturbed that a non-white man wants to date a white woman. Better?

Not really ,but,if you want to think that,knock yourself out,I should care what another ID of the OPs thinks......
Pathetic really, I tell a pretend cocky young half caste that A, he will not be the first non white to set foot in Poland and that B, if he acts like the total prick, Mr smooth as Black man he comes across as on here in a Polish bar or club he is going to get a nasty surprise from a local skin head.............he might have the protection of ultra sensitive PC PCs in england, aint going to happen anywhere else in europe,especially Poland.
14 Oct 2011
History / Interesting memorial about 212 Polish soldiers [18]

I came across it after watching the bbc program "who do you think you are?"

Lols, damn it, I was going to post on this the other week :)
and, any regular viewers like me thinking, " Ok,any minute now surely some sad klezmer music and a shot of a synagogue or the railway tracks at auschwitz.." but bugger me sideways for once it wasnt Jew Do You Think You Are.

Len Goodman, TVs most surprising Goy !!

ps, Apparently they are considered Polands first official community in the UK :)
14 Oct 2011
Love / Do young Polish ladies 17-23 speak any English? [59]

Right, you may be a troll, but I will go with you are genuine.
If you intened to go to Poland and pull the smooth ............oh,ffs,Im going to sound terribly old whatever I say,so...... if you go to some bar in Poland and start playing Mr Cool Blackman John Shaft, can u dig it and hit on da bee atches left right and centre.................seriously, expect to wake up in a Polish hospital, not recomended.

Times have changed,but not that much.

Dont let that put you off Poland, no one will be waiting with burning crosses,but,well....................

And remind him the OP is 18 (17?) so to try and play nice :)
14 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Why English do not like Polish? [417]

why english do not like polish

Because despite it only being three friggin letters most of you still have not got the hang of using "THE" in any sentences !!!! :)
14 Oct 2011
Love / Do young Polish ladies 17-23 speak any English? [59]

definatly No4..............

Lols, your enthusiasm is infectious or id have ripped into you earlier :)
"exotic skin" LMFHARO , mate, its Poland 2011,they have TVs and evrything......and for mixed race people barreling up in Poland I think Obama probably beat you to it :)
14 Oct 2011
Love / Help me understand the different mannerisms and mentality of men in Przemysl area! [28]

Oh, Ive just noticed something else Vincent,sorry cannot let this lie. The Op claims to be origionaly from Tehran. Comes on a Polish forum and says how bad Britain was to Poles and how Iran gave them asylum (not true,but bare with me).

I found out that during the war Tehran helped thousands of Polish people (unlike the british

She can always tell when English people are lying she also claims,

I always know when English people are lying to me

yet, surprise sur friggin prise, guess where she fled to from tehran,presumably to seek asylum, thats right,A star for keeping up, yeps, that Evil britain...............FFS

Either the OPs post was a total flame or she just sums up why a percentage of British people have got sick to the back teeth with asylum seekers and economic migrants.

Also I want to know what the mentality of men are like in that area

Nice sweeping judgment on Polish lads too. Yes,maybe a good idea to leave britain, you obviously hate it here in leafy suburbia ,but something tells me that even if Poland rolls out the red carpet for you it wont be long till you look for greener grass and will no doubt be on line insulting your Polish hosts to the next target country...nice.
13 Oct 2011
News / Palikot or the Poles getting rid of the Polish society old Taboos in 2011? [30]

I remember the Catholic 6th form girls round here were well known to be,ahem, liberal ;)
I think its daft to say or think that one party has suddenly somehow created a liberal minority in a country, it was always there,just finding a voice (note "a" voice,not "its" voice) in a sea of right and centre right parties and outlooks.

I did say back in 04/05 that within months youngish Poles I knew had begun to moderate their views of "minorities" , working alongside and under people of different skin colour or religion deflated a lot of snobbery and broke the rubbish stereotypes many had been fed for years. Of course some of this was going to be taken back to Poland.

Greg' you for sure are a strange and not very bright creature aint you..... so if this ONE person had been replaced say with ONE other person who happened to be as inbred and servile and bonkers as you,do you think that would have solved all of Polands problems over night? plum.....
13 Oct 2011
Life / Polish general knowledge quiz.(for foreigners) [28]

All 3 were the candidates to become the Polish National Anthem. But only one of them was chosen. Which one?

Ahh, Well, easy then, A,Mazurek Dąbrowskiego
( What were the other ones called then? Was Bogwottsits ever? Or was I just mis translating "candidates for"? :) )
ps, glad this got seperated into its own thread, Top job Mod ! :)
13 Oct 2011
Love / Help me understand the different mannerisms and mentality of men in Przemysl area! [28]

without the British there the Poles could have actuallly marched with Hitler on Moscow

Well, frankly, a right wing military dictatorship with so many things in common with nazi germany at the time, yes,it is one of histories surprises that the Poles didnt just agree to a little road and railway and then jump on Hitlers coat tails in exactly the same way as all the other new countries in the east did.

So if you want to "Blame" britain for Poland doin the right thing,crack on mate. Personnaly I think thats a little unfair to the many Poles who would never have joined one devil to fight another.

I know you Brits are all angry for bita4u statement

No, not angry, she was obviously playing for her percieved audience, TBH, on a "Polish Forum" it would to new people seem a safe bet to slag off Brits and Russians.

Its just a shame that the tens of thousands of Poles who found a home here in Britain seem completly forgoten in the rush to butt kiss .

Like I said, an Iranian with bitterness over old history with Britain has far more cause and right than any Pole.
13 Oct 2011
Love / Help me understand the different mannerisms and mentality of men in Przemysl area! [28]

quite possibly she learned this anti British sentiments from her male consort

frankly Hythorn, the Iranians have far more "right" to hold ancient grudges against the British than the Poles will ever have......
Britain gave shelter to hundreds of thousands of Poles, at the same time it was carving up Irans oil fields and occupying the country. Mind,Poles shouldnt complain,without the British there the Poles would have been handed straight over to the nazis.
13 Oct 2011
Love / Help me understand the different mannerisms and mentality of men in Przemysl area! [28]

I found out that during the war Tehran helped thousands of Polish people (unlike the british

Erm, off topic, but try reading a history book not written by some mad Ayatolah..... Iran had its freedom in WW2 only until it decided to give shelter to hundreds of nazis,it was taken over for the duration of the war in August 1941 by a joint British /Soviet force. Polish soldiers only started arriving in Iran in 1942.

So, sorry to say, "your" government/people did zip for the Poles, they made there own way or were taken by Russians to the british sector of Iran and then supported by the british, so there :)

Edit ps, hadnt seen others had said almost the same, but,to restate Irans leader was pro Nazi, (or to be charitable, Anti british), Iran can take absolutly no credit for helping Anders Army, in fact, even the Russians can hand on heart be said to have done more.

Apart from all that nonsense. Hope all goes well for you, in matters of the heart petty things can be overlooked :)
13 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

how do you know Anna is a good politician?

She doesnt.

If Anna is a good politician

see that first word,its an "If",simple really,only two letters.
She might be crap, if so, she will be voted out democraticaly next time.
12 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them" [195]

Have you ever actually been to Ireland?

Wow, talk about dragging up an old post for no reason SeanBM............not that its relevent,but,I am Irish................and what part did you disagree with?

The fact that whenever the subject comes up a load of people with no connection whatsoever to ireland chip in with old republican bollox that they have no understanding of,just jump on the hollywood/plastic yank paddy bandwagon?

they are part of one island

So by that logic seanus, disolve the Scottish parliement and Welsh assembaly now because obviously the larger part of the island should rule over those inconvenient little bits at the top and side.
12 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Well I know a few who've promised before a priest they'll never drink again and are so far keeping their word,

SQ. How do recovering Alchoholic Catholics take communion then?
12 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

Jan Morris?

Lols, Ok, world war 2 veteren soldier turns female historian/travel writer, a complexe one that :)
But,with a simple answer really, because of the obvious pressure to " Be a Man" in the past,and probably still,many transsexual people went to extreme lengths to either make themselves "real men" or at least appear like "real men" to the outside world.

but you do agree about certain "Alpha males in frocks"?

Well, you cant really argue with the procesion of chauvanistic truckers dressed like hookers who have appeared on This Morning/Jeremy Kyle etc etc can you?

Many hetro transvestites get a bit carried away, they ,it would appear, try to "excuse" the fact they get off on wearing stockings by convincing themselves they must really be women on the inside. Most will not get past one assesment with a Therapist. Thats why the ones who seem the oddest (apart from that antique "expert" weirdo from record breakers who now looks like Monty Burns uglier sister...strange fish that one.)on these shows are always there to "break the news" for the first time to people before they go to their GPs .

On the flip side Im sure you have met as many women who were born completly female who have the personalities of Alpha males,though generaly they wear sharp business suits :)

I take your points about self referential language. Like in Rush Hour when Jackie Chan says, "wassup mah nigga"??

Thats really most of the point I tried to make, if a bit clumsily as you are not one of those on here who does throw around deliberate slurs :)

Sort of, when a wild animal acts like a wild animal you cant blame the wild animal but when a human acts like an animal you have to judge..if that makes sense? and Im not calling you a wild animal :)

oh she is OK, a really good person.....I would biff anyone who insulted her personally

Lols, Im sure she is :)
But, that doesnt mean that many trans people may not be complete arses, but like every other group of people sharing this rock there are arses and there are angels amongst them :)
11 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

I do not hate anyone.

Good for you.

I can only apologise if repeating the term used by the OP caused offence

You repeated the term of an obviously flaming OP, but you didnt just "repeat the term" did you, you added lots of neggy little extras of your own.

I never use words like nigger or paki or spastic. You really don't know me at all. Please stop making assumptions.

I know you dont roz, thats what surprised me TBH, I just used those terms (that you know I dont use either ;) ) to hammer home a point for the record :)

Yes I do have a very good friend of that persuasion,

You said some pretty horrible things about her,however indirectly, with your earlier posts then . With friends like these etc......

yes I do know some male to female transexuals who referred to themselves as 'trannies'

Ive got black mates who call themselves "nig ger" all the time, Ive used it a couple of times with them,but,in private,if that makes sense.

Its like gay people sometimes refering to themselves as Queer, its not like you or me are likely to use the term offhand is it.
11 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

seriously up their own arses bunch of Alpha males in frocks.hahaha finally we agree..;)

We agree only if you are speaking about the odd kook who appears on Daytime TV or Reality shows, people who by the very nature of wanting to appear on TV just to talk about themselves are obviously not going to be the norm or average person on the street.

Why would I lie? Some of my best friends etc etc...

Yes,and my Mum is Dolly Parton.

why are you changing my quotes? I never use language like that, but obviously you do

Roz, I'll give beeifit of the doubt here,but, you did, you used offensive terms at least twice if you dont count re quoting yourself, a term that just like paki nig ger and fag got are deemed hate terms under the hate crimes acts of UK law ( whether any words should be illegal is for another debate.), "tranny" and "trannies" are offensive terms which ever way you look at it,they are also ignorant and inaccurate as "tranny" can occasionally be a term used by straight male cross dressers to describe themselves, as you will know, cross dressers are not Transsexuals and share nothing more in common than some items of clothing.

All I did was, as this is a forum, offer an opinion

No, all you did was propagete the sort of vile, ignorant and bigoted views that have led to 681+ Transsexuals being murdered in Hate crimes since 2008, 3 here in the UK, none in Poland BTW.

(hate crimes,silly term, no murder is a love crime, but, it fits the bill,the reason they died was hate of transsexuals.)

which is why I would never use your kind of language

You did though, twice;

a fair few trannies

male to female tranny

Maybe you didnt realise it, but, I doubt it, its pretty obviously not a term of endearment is it? But you do now know those terms are just as offensive as nig ger and paki and fag etc you will no doubt not use them again, ball in your court really. 681 daughters/sons brothers/sisters murdered in 3 years just because people didnt believe in transsexuals or prefered to listen to negative sh!t stirring scare stories.

If you are not mature enough to use the word "sex" or "sexual" in a longer word, may I suggest " Trans people"? This seems acceptable from what I hear.
11 Oct 2011
Love / Are Polish Girls scared of English Guys [124]

At least most English girls actually have a chin, and dont make dogs ears bleed with the whinny screach between each word shouted into their mobiles..........
11 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

I dont really care if he/she whatever, is an mp as long as its not because they are a tranny.

Exactly Piast, unlikely to be a big instant vote winner though is it?

chill out isthatu, there's really no need to be abusive

How about taking your own advice then roz'? Would you call people fag gots and nig gers , Pakis or Spackers?

Am I guilty of 'thoughtcrime'?

If it could be defined as a lack of thought and careless slander,yes,whatever,if it makes you feel all righteously indignant....

Besides I have met a fair few trannies/niggers/pakis/spastics who had the surgery

Bet you are lying. Or do you make a habit of asking people what is in their pants?

nothing about them would change my opinion now

No,clearly, you much prefer to be entrenched in a narrow minded vision based on what? An ex husband into cross dressing?

oh they KNOW IT ALL about gender trust me

I will give you that,if you had said, "some of them..." as I have met "activists" who are a seriously up their own arses bunch of Alpha males in frocks.

I have noted your choice of vocabulary to abuse women..;)

Now, if that is true roz,that is just sad............besides, I wasnt aware of any gender bias in my abuse of bitter old bigots.

hahaha a bit like you then

and roz's Hail Mary play; Imply that I may have something to hide, oh, how droll roz,how very passive aggresive......as a lad from a northern pit town who went to Ballet classes in the 80s from aged 11 frankly that sort of bollox is water off a ducks back,note to roz', must try harder , and maybe check your next boyfriend isnt some transvestite,you know, someone completly different to a transsexual, sorry, you didnt know that, my mistake, of course you didnt,why would you............
11 Oct 2011
News / Will you be proud of tranny (transsexual) representing Poland ? [124]

And how many would accept...

A good point well made. While male politicions can look like a bag of potatoes after a tragic train crash and fire, female politicions are still judged on their looks.

The Adam's apple is a bit of a give-away.

if you think that whatever you do,dont look at side view photos of Zara Philips then :)