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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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20 Mar 2010
Work / Are you teaching English in Poland? [120]

I'm already contributing towards my retirement by paying 840PLN ZUS a month, jonni. I've been doing so since Oct last year and paying my own ZUS since Oct 2007. I don't get your point exactly, sorry.
20 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

Sokrates, they may go to the south-eastern part of Poland but it just depends if the schematics/specifications are right. Some can reach I think.

1Jola, I'll spell it out. Look at the lack of American success in wars they have fought. Almost every strategy in Afghanistan has been inefficacious. I bought The Art of War back in Jul 2008 when I was home and read it then. I can safely tell you that many lessons were NOT learned correctly from that book. It's just a status symbol, sth to make them look smart but their strategies did his book a total disservice. Asians know what I am talking about.

1Jola, I have learned more in 3 chapters of 'Modlitwa o deszcz' than many NATO troops seem to have in 9.5 years. An American troop candidly admits that the Taliban are winning due to knowing the best positions. Are you a Polish American that knows Polish well? If so, I recommend the book. It is written by Wojciech Jagielski and it is 20cms from my left hand at the moment.

Dariusz, I'm very aware of their statements. Ask yehudi, I posted him such stuff. Tusk and his merry men are Jewish sympathisers anyway. There's no chance in hell that Israel would attack given the leanings of PO.

Sky, you are right. I'm not gonna tag the IDF as modern-day Nazis, that would be wrong, but some parallels can be drawn and I've watched enough to know so.
20 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

1Jola, take the time to read what you have just written, please. I'll give you a hint, it has sth to do with Sun-Tzu. You can still edit.

Iranian missiles can't reach Poland. I think some Israeli ones can but Poland can buy Patriot intercepts for quite cheap, neatly neutralising the minor threat. Just think about it logically, Israel has had years in which to strike Poland and it hasn't which leads me to my conclusion, they are bored and lame academics who write such trash.

Sky, don't be so sure. America is making noises and gestures, e.g George Mitchell not meeting his counterpart on Tuesday. However, America is right behind Israel and won't even ask them to enforce a court judgement which expressly forbades the development of settlements. Clinton is a two-faced bi*ch who is right behind Israel, despite pledging support for the plight of the Palestinians. A classic American politician, playing both sides when the wind blows the right way.
20 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

I'm lucky enough to know many friendly ones who I would go out of my way for. They tend to have international connections and think outside the box a bit more. I know the unfriendly type you are referring to, though.

There is a certain type of Pole that makes educated Poles embarrassed. Their willingness to accept any work really tells us sth I'd say. Arrogance gets in the way of rationality sometimes. Look at Pudzianowski, a guy I really admire. He thinks he doesn't need a trainer now. That's absurd!

As a final comment, there is a fine line between resilience and being downright hardnosed. Some come down on the wrong side.
20 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

Dariusz, anyone can say anything. If those words came from the mouth of Netanyahu, then we would have cause for concern. That guy doesn't even have the status of a Brzezinski. Creveld, LOL
20 Mar 2010
Work / Are you teaching English in Poland? [120]

True enough. A CELTA is more than enough. Teaching has always been about the classroom, not about turning it into some academic elite activity by doing an MSc or DELTA in the background. That's when people start to disappear up their own jacksies and lose sight of leading from the chalk face (or marker face).

Truth be told, my 1-month CELTA was a token gesture as I had already 2 years of contact time with students and a firm grounding in the tenses. Scotland is full of that nonsense, do this course and we'll promise you gold. Here's sth, go f*ck yourself!

No more will any education institution get my cash. Full of 2-bit wan*ers and pseudo-intellectuals who are well wide of the mark.
20 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

Dariusz, even I don't buy into such wild accusations. He is some crackpot academic who is trying to make a name for himself. Let him have his day in the sun and be forgotten just as quickly. Europe has 2 major nuclear powers so I suggest he retracts his statements, pronto.

On a touristic level, there is much goodwill between Jews and Poles. Don't believe all the hype!
20 Mar 2010
Work / Are you teaching English in Poland? [120]

True enough. Interpersonal compatibility is often as important as what you know, though. Some students of mine I could have strangled and I even told one that if he didn't improve his attitude, he could look for another teacher. I don't do time wasters.

Some people here are too eazy-oazy. There is often an extreme between the bumblers and the stressheads. There is a happy medium, though :)

Oh, a caveat for would-be teachers. Check your contracts with a fine-toothed comb. If you do 45-min and 60-min classes like I do, make sure and get a different rate for both.
20 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

It's a risk worth taking, enkidu, I agree. I don't think they are anti-immigrant or even will be. That's the exclusive terrain of the BNP.
20 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

I think he was provoking a bit but not trolling, jonni.

Refusing on the grounds of nationality would be lame and Poles wouldn't lose business so cheaply. Tit-for-tat just isn't fitting here.

Vicki Pollard, LOL. Yeah but, no but, yeah but.....
19 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

Some would call it emphasis, jonni. I would like to see a record of that refusal. When reactions like that become known, you can expect reprisals.
19 Mar 2010
Work / Are you teaching English in Poland? [120]

Geez, you'd be a hit in Aberdeen City Council, delph ;) ;)

Seriously though, don't brush up too much on Business English. I did a degree in Management (joint undergrad with Law) and I rue the fact that I taught Mickey Mouse stuff. Business pros need tailor-made lessons. Should you get contracts with them, customise your lessons to their requirements and just make out that you covered the haphazard crap that some books demand.

Delph is right to say that you need a grounding, it's the same in MMA, chess or whatever else you care to mention. However, don't waste their money. Be a conscious teacher, be true to the teaching process and wheel out good lessons that can benefit your learners. Never forget who pays your way :)
19 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

Enkidu, why are you a UKIP supporter? I know why I like Farage but do you?
19 Mar 2010
Work / Are you teaching English in Poland? [120]

Yeah, of course we do. I always teach that, with the present perfect simple, we think about action completed to date and the experience under our belts, e.g I've been a teacher for 8 years. In such an example, we think about the accumulated exp of being a teacher. With the pres perf cont we think more about the continuous time aspect, e.g I've been teaching for 8 years (and I'm still teaching). You are still teaching in the simple tense but there is less emphasis on it.

It depends on the verb you use really. Think about that and you will see what I mean.
18 Mar 2010
Law / The Euro, is it a good idea for Poland? [66]

It would be a terrible idea for the reasons I outline earlier. It would be good for the bigwigs and rich gits. Property would spiral out of control. Prices for apartments are already ridiculous.
18 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / No job unless you're Polish [201]

RN, enkidu has a point if you are talking about factory workers. Many are the 'grin and bear it' types. They tend not to be too vocal about things which get under their skin. Those in the service industry are pretty mouthy.
18 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

I gather that oppression is reaching record levels in Iran. George Galloway was almost attacked by 2 Iranians for defending the regime. You are right, he is on the payroll and must be careful. Nonetheless, defending some of the more volatile actions of Messrs Ahmedinejad and Hussein was a step too far and ruthless profiteering.

Anyway, any more thoughts on Poland?
17 Mar 2010
History / What would they think of today's Poland...? [16]

They would be pleased for some very simple reasons:

1) National safety - needless to say, this has developed into a complex amongst the many who are determined never to let any trampling take place again.

2) Commitment to education - Poland has kept access to education very reachable for the great majority of people. They want to prepare people for the future in those areas that will make a difference.

3) Connections to nature - There are many cycling routes which allow people easy access to Poland's lovely forests and countryside areas (yes, Crow, devoid of Mujas)

4) Reduced unemployment - Ignoring the mass exodus to the UK, Poland has kept its unemployment numbers down of late. 11.5% is not that bad. It could be a lot worse really and it was once worse.
17 Mar 2010
Language / Also, Too - także, też, również [18]

I don't feel the formality when I say it. With some words you can but not those ones. I think they are often situation specific.
17 Mar 2010
Language / Also, Too - także, też, również [18]

I'd say nawzajem in that situation, Lyzko. You could say 'ja również życzę Ci miłego weekendu' but nawzajem is shorter.
17 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

Plus, the level of dentistry could be said to be higher in Poland than in the UK. They train for the same length of time but it has been said by many that the position above is a true one. My ex was a dentist and she lives in the UK now. She'd be well-positioned to comment.
16 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / Cigarettes in Poland (cost, brands). The situation in the UK? [57]

I was just sayin, walesboy. I guess they would be strict as they tend to be on most things. I remember they didn't allow any excess baggage on the flight from Hiroshima to Tokyo Haneda. They made an exception but at a price that no sensible person would touch.