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Posts by Avalon  

Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - S
Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
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28 Mar 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Do you not find it strange that nobody agrees with you?. What does an Irishman who does not even live in Poland, know about the residential market?. By the way, you always seem to post at obscure times of the early morning (01:44), are you working shifts or is this the time your local bar closes?

Have you noticed that the cost of living has been increasing at the fastest rate for 20 years, food, energy etc. I suppose that you think in your deluded mind that this will drive down the cost of construction, perhaps the workers will accept 50% cuts in their wages to build the new homes that are needed.

Shareholders in the largest building companies will decide that they no longers want dividends from the profits of the company and will invest, specifically to make a loss.

Dom Holdings, the largest house builder in Poland, recently announced that their sells last year were 75% up on the year before and expect to sell even more units this year. Profits are not so high but demand is still there. Stop looking at the Irish/American market and do som e research, it could stop you looking stupid.
27 Mar 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Again, for the 100th time, I suggest you look at my original post, there is a link.

"in the fourth quarter of 2010 shows that average prices fell over the year by 9.7 percent. in Poznan, by 7.1 percent. in Warsaw and Lodz and Wroclaw, about 6.9 percent., while in Krakow by more than 5.6 percent"

I still fail to see how you can make a "sweeping statement" that prices have fallen by 15%. Surely it would be more correct to say that prices have fallen by UP TO 10%, which, I and others have put down to a correction, not a crash. I am in full agreement that developers who built for the top end of the market are going to suffer big hits, but, for the average buyer, the developer will simply cut back on the "little extras" that make a project "really good", thus maintaining their profit margin.

Anyone that bought at the beginning of this year has no reason to feel "hard done by" as they will have bought at a discounted price. As long as the developer and the client are both happy I cannot see a problem. It seems pointless trying to blame the developer if the client borrows more than they can repay.
27 Mar 2011
Real Estate / Poland house prices recovered faster - Summary of 2010 [89]

"NBP: housing prices to remain stable in 2011
Date: 22.12.2010, Time: 14:52"

This according to the National Bank of Poland, can you site your source or link? or is this just wishful thinking again?
26 Mar 2011
Real Estate / Poland house prices recovered faster - Summary of 2010 [89]

You ought to have a look. Its some obscure, feminist, nutter who drones on about positive/negative thinking. Where is she from?, California, home of the fruitcakes!!! so this makes her an expert on the Polish property market. Talk about "off topic", what next? an archive film of Chairman Mao citing his views on the peoples movement, is that relative to house prices in Poland? If this is the only contribution that Milky can make to this thread, he must be getting desparate.
26 Mar 2011
Real Estate / Poland house prices recovered faster - Summary of 2010 [89]

"WAIT"!!!!. For how long?. Until/when/maybe, prices have dropped another 70%?. Lets really mislead people. I predict that petrol/diesel will fall back to 2PLN per litre, so don't buy any more at the inflated prices being charged at the moment. I along with all the experts (please do not ask me to cite sources as this confuses the issue) predict that OPEC will have to reduce their prices soon in order to comply with the wishes of the general public. You know it makes sense.
25 Mar 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

When prices rise by 70-80% over a 2 year period and then fall by 10%, it is not a "major fall", it's a correction. Ask anyone that bought prior to 2006.
23 Mar 2011
Real Estate / Poland house prices recovered faster - Summary of 2010 [89]

Since when have you allowed a little thing like statistics and facts to influence your comments. Still waiting for the 60% crash in prices? What has happened to the predictions Milky?
2 Mar 2011
Life / An example of what is wrong with Poland (fatal traffic accident and a tram) [55]

I seem to remember reading of a crash on a motorway in the UK a year or so ago, several cars were involved and there were a couple of fatalities. The police closed the mororway for 24 hours and caused a massive tailback of traffic, cars could not turn around and the police were handing out sandwhich's and bottles of water to trapped motorists, It was the first time that I had heard of a traffic accident being called a "crime scene".

Needless to say that people who wrote in to comment on the story thought the police actions were way over the top. I have not read of a similar incident occuring.
2 Mar 2011
Law / Healthcare for British Citizens living in Poland [30]


Unfortunately, you're not mentioning that signing up for ZUS is much easier said than done, if not paying ZUS contributions directly. While it is possible to pay ZUS as a private individual, it's a minefield - and certainly one of those "huh?" situations that Polish bureaucrats try to avoid at all costs.

I have mentioned before in previous posts that I pay a voluntary, monthly contribution to ZUS and it only involved one visit to their offices and obtaining a NIP number..

The cost was 290 PLN per month when I started 4 years ago but is now around 350 PLN. The cost is based on a percentage of the average Polish wage.

I pay online but you cannot set up a standing order as the cost can creep up a couple of Zloty in any month. If I need to see a doctor, I have to take a printout of my bank statement to show that my contributions are up to date. Private health insurance would cost me a hell of a lot more.
18 Feb 2011
Real Estate / Buying a flat in Krakow; prices are still falling? [200]

Harry, I have actually just bothered to read Biernut's website/blog. He states there that he has no experience with property, but, he has a Masters degree in economics. My ass!!!!.....he must have got the certificate in a packet of crisps. My 5 year old daughter has a better grasp of the English language and she is still in Kindergarten.

The bit I really like is his piece about "The best country to start a new business-Poland", he states that there is a well educated workforce available, with PHD's, masters etc who will work hard for 12 PLN an hour, no mention of the cost to the employer, "accountants cost pennies", yeah!! try hiring one!!!! He can also try to get a building tradesman for that kind of money.

I had my doubts about his posts on this forum, but, from what I have just read, he seems certifiable. The man will end up a legend in his own lunchtime.
18 Feb 2011
Real Estate / Buying a flat in Krakow; prices are still falling? [200]

Jonni, you are wasting your time. Milky is not interested in facts. He thrives in his dillusions. I mean, when you see all the television reports on the state of the housing sector in Ireland, the US, UK and Spain which have been shown over the past 3 years and then you see the television reports on the collasped Polish market?, oh thats right!!!!!, there have not been any reports on the collapsed Polish market. In fact, the only reports or comments on this so called price collapseI have been from Milky.

Read his posts carefully, look at the words he uses like "lacky". Classic socialist terms which underscore his hatred of anything to do with private enterprise. He has still not grasped that the governments are not going to build people free houses and so its left to developers (and God forbid that they should make a profit).

House prices should fall by 60%, the fact that the land, materials and labour to build them exceeds this price is irrelevant to Milky.
If I could buy land at 1960's prices and bricklayers, carpenters, plumbers, electricians etc, would go back to earning 15 GBP,s a week, it would be possible to keep Milky and his ilk, happy.

Unfortunately the "socialist" unions have pushed and pushed for ever higher wages, which, suprise!!, suprise!!, have caused house prices to spirial accordingly.
When I left the UK in 2004 it was difficult to find a carpenter to work, those we managed to get on site wanted 150 GBP a day (the day consisted of 1 hour to unload and pack up tools, 1 hour for breaks, 30 mins to read the newspaper and another hour to walk up and down the road, talking on their mobiles trying to find other builders who would offer them more money).

The cost of implementing Health & Safety regulations has added 10% to a site build, every aspect of work from lifting a bag of cement to putting on a roof tile needs a written method statement, men have to be trained to lift, climb a ladder, change the abrasive wheel on an angle grinder etc, trained and certified every 2 years. Forklift drivers have to be government tested every 3 years at a cost of around 400 GBP for a 30 minute test. Does the UK government make car and van drivers get tested every 3 years?

Milky has no idea of the hidden costs involved in building housing or the increased costs of financing/insuring projects. Unlike the UK which taxes you on profit at the end of the year, the Polish government taxes you on the first property you sell, so you are in fact, paying tax before you have recouped the money you have invested. The profits seem large but nobody takes into account the risk, the timescale or the stress involved in producing housing.

There are sharks in every industry but housing is a necessity, nobody bats an eyelid when car prices are increased by 10% or the government sticks an extra 2000 GBP in tax on them, yet, house prices are supposed to remain as they were when our parents bought their's.

Welcome to the real world, Milky.
17 Feb 2011
Real Estate / Buying a flat in Krakow; prices are still falling? [200]

Please don't tell Milky that!!!!......it would mean that his predictions of massive falls in property prices are wrong and we need at least one idiot on here to keep this thread going. I would hate for us to lose our resident expert.
15 Feb 2011
Real Estate / Buying a flat in Krakow; prices are still falling? [200]

Milky, "manipulating the technologies of distraction" is what you are trying to do, not the others on this forum. You post a link to a video that is 2 years old and relates to Ireland, NOT, Poland. The banks here did not lend or encourage sub-prime mortgages. Indeed, most mortgages were advanced on the basis of a hefty deposit and personal checks on the applicants.

Why don't you post a video of the refugee camps in Somalia/Darfur and say that this is the way poor prople live in Krakow?.

We all know the story about what happened in Ireland, people over extended their borrowing. You might be able to do this for a few thousand złoty in Poland, but, certainly not the figures that have caused the collapse of Irelands economy. The only people here in Poland who may have a problem are the ones who took out mortgages in CHF, this has been due to currency fluctuations and I still have not heard of homes being reclaimed by the banks. The banks here also never lent unlimited amounts to developers, usually its up to a maximum of 50-60% of the cost of the project so they were/are not exposed to the losses that the Irish banks suffered. The Polish banks have not had to be bailed out and have made healthy profits during this financial crises. If things are as bleak as you say, why are the banks willing to fund my next project?, you can call me a liar if you wish (you usually do) but it does not change the facts of what is happing in Poland at this present time.

Are they still building and starting new projects in Ireland?, they are here!!!!
If you are going to post this crap on here at least make sure its relevant to Poland, otherwise, do your ******** on an Irish forum.
11 Feb 2011
Real Estate / Buying a flat in Krakow; prices are still falling? [200]


lol, so 'developers'are known for truth?? Pull the other one buddy!!

It seems ironic that you should question anyones integrety while posting on the Forums under multiple identities and providing no proofs of the statements you make. My business depends on the clients, building inspectors and surveyors being happy with the product, thus, making any lies or exaggerations, (like your life) pointless.

It is very easy to criticize others when you have no experience yourself. I sold another apartment this tuesday to a young couple (no children) which was 79m2 with two bedrooms. They are very happy with their purchase and the whole buying process took 4 weeks.

By the way, "Buddy" is not an Irish or English term, so, another mistake you have made, along with all your statements on these property threads.

Milky, with my skills I can go anywhere in the world and earn money, you on the other hand will always be one of those twisted, resentful people who never get off their a** to do anything but complain and make derogatory remarks about others.

I suggest that you learn about the subject you wish to comment on, not listen to your mates down the pub who have little or no experience of the property market in Poland.
10 Feb 2011
Real Estate / Buying a flat in Krakow; prices are still falling? [200]

All they can afford now, on their 'Polish wages'.

Wrong as usual, its the 2 bedroom flats that are the most sought after, but thats just my opinion, I only build and sell them so I could be telling lies.
8 Feb 2011
Real Estate / Do any UK banks offer mortgages for Polish properties. [37]


Whenever Milky is asked to provide proof of his statements, he stays away from the forum for a couple of weeks and then comes back to reactivate these threads with the same old drivel as before.

One thing I am curious about. In November 2009 they held the first property auction in Warsaw, supposedly to stimulate the market, which is a common practice in both the UK and the States. The banks are able to get rid of "foreclosed" properties and get some of their money back.

The first (and last) auction in Warsaw, saw sales of 4 properties on offer out of 29 lots. Over 200 buyers/investors attended the auction but obviously, the sellers were not prepared to go below their reserved values.

I never thought that auctions would catch on in the Poland as the banks/mortgage lenders take around 2-3 months to make a decision and get the paperwork sorted. Most auctions demand a 10% deposit on the night and the balance within 30 days, this would be impossible for an average Pole to arrange. That leaves the people with cash who would be looking for a huge bargain, which, as the auction on the night proved, no sellers are going to drop their prices to that level. (So much for a buyers market)

The auctioneers predicted that these auctions would take place in all the major Polish cities but I have not heard of a single one since, which, as Milky is so convinced of a property crash, I would have expected.

It was the same with Mark Biernat, he predicted that prices would crash by 60-80 percent and that new flats would be sold for 1500PLN m2, SeanBM and I offered him a 5000PLN drink for everyone he could find for us to buy, we are still waiting to hear from him.

In conclusion, I have studied the property market in Poland for a long time and I have not seen the falls in price that Milky has predicted. What I have noticed, is the price of land escalating, especially building plots.
26 Jan 2011
Life / Are Poles bankrupt? [35]

Do not put the same label on all the English here in Poland. Many of us live in areas where there are no English people to speak with or Irish bars. I have many Polish friends and family and we discuss all aspects of life here. Not many English survive or thrive here, it takes a lot of patience and hard work, mentally and physically, especially mentally as there is no logic to anything that goes on.
25 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Buying a property in Katowice, Poland. A good idea? [7]


At least i don't get my lackey secretary to write my applies from the attacks of logic....!!!!!!

I take it you mean "replies" from the attacks "on" logic.....!!!!!

I have no need of a secretary. I can read and write in English, which, has enabled me to run my own business for most of my life. If English is your native tongue, it may explain a lot of your problems.
24 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Buying a property in Katowice, Poland. A good idea? [7]

There you are rdhir.

Advice from the expert, Milky. No facts no knowledge of the property market in Poland, just a Youtube video which is totally unrelated to the topic. Every time you ask him to provide proof of his statements, he changes the subject or resorts to personal attacks on anyone that questions him.

Anyway, if you have not bothered to read his previous posts, property prices are going to crash by 50-60%, he does not know when but his mates down the pub are agreeing with him, so, it must be true. We have followed his prredictions avidly for the past 2 years but as yet there has only been a correction in prices of around 5-8%. He states that there is a huge surplus of properties and that large developers in Poland will go bankrupt if they build anymore. This seems to contradict the articals being printed by the Warsaw business journal who are continously lying by reporting large housing projects that are being commenced both this and last year. This paper has obviously been paid by the developers (along with the building permits office) to lie to the public so that they can jump the market prices up to an all time high.

I cannot understand why these business people continue to build apartments and houses that are not needed when all they have to do is listen to Milky and his friends, they would save money, stay solvent and the Polish people can sleep on the streets to avoid paying rents to landlords.

There, you have your answer. The gospal according to Milky. Believe what you will.
24 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]

The people of Poland who rely on them to build new housing for them to live in. You are not very bright Milky.
23 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


Time will tell.

Lets give some validity to your prediction, some sort of time scale. Will it be in this century?
23 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Poland Housing prices in July 2010 [129]


The discussion was about the prices of newly built properties and the immeadiate state of the market. Even making allowances for your being an American, I am at a loss as to what you are trying to imply.

Could you please write in English and make your comments coherent so that we can all share in your wisdom?