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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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6 Jul 2012
News / SUNDAY WITHOUT MASS IN POLAND - Judaeo-leftist Wyborcza gloats [165]

But I do not really believe anything found in the New Testament.

But you believe what is found in the old one? Interesting. I wonder how you make your judgement about it. I wonder if there is any bias involved in this. Obviously I expect you to claim that there is not but to claim that one part of the Bible [the Jewish part] is fine but the Christian part is false just reeks of favouritism.

Could you explain it to me once more. Who is Jesus to a Jew, why was he crucified and who by exactly?
5 Jul 2012
News / SUNDAY WITHOUT MASS IN POLAND - Judaeo-leftist Wyborcza gloats [165]

What about the Jews that protected and hid Jesus?! You know the people in the Last Supper

Oh you mean that handful of, what was there, 11 of them?

Only a couple of people at the Hierarchy of the temple would have wanted him gone

This is just plain wrong. The Jews did not want to kill him themselves as it was wrong for them to kill him. They wanted it to be done by someone else. When asked if he should be released they shouted to crucify him. There was a big crowd of them, not a couple of people in the Hierarchy. Trying to say now, the Jews had no problems with him, it was just a couple of psychos who wanted to see him tortured and crucified is just trying to pass the buck now.
5 Jul 2012
Travel / Ryanair travel by air - subtle scams to be wary of [98]

As John said I have also never had a problem with time. Ryanair arrive on time and get to their destination on time as well [or earlier]. Yes they ass lots of extra costs on, such as baggage, but that is because the price of the ticket us usually very low. Easyjet is worse. I have seen lots of television programs about how poorly they treat customers when something goes wrong and they often have delays.
4 Jul 2012
News / SUNDAY WITHOUT MASS IN POLAND - Judaeo-leftist Wyborcza gloats [165]

It's ironic when someone makes fun a person with faith and says they claim something they have no proof of, when they do they same. You have no proof in your disbeliefs of God and you have no proof that the Bible is full of fairy tales and yet you state it like it is a certainty when it is not.

To be honest to call yourself an agnostic is the most honest you can be, whether you are a believer or a non believer. You can lean more to one view, be an agnostic who thinks there is a God or be an agnostic who think there being a God is very unlikely, but an agnostic, i.e. someone who does not know, is what you really are, if you admit it or not.
1 Jul 2012
News / SUNDAY WITHOUT MASS IN POLAND - Judaeo-leftist Wyborcza gloats [165]

True we cannot know these types of figures for sure. I non believer might go, a believer might not go. At Christmas and Easter I assume the figure rises considerably. This is not a debate on the figures though but rather that the article by Gazeta Wyborcza is clearly stating this a positive to be proud of.
1 Jul 2012
News / SUNDAY WITHOUT MASS IN POLAND - Judaeo-leftist Wyborcza gloats [165]

NorthMancPolak who says they are thinking for themselves? Perhaps Gazeta Wyborcza and friends are thinking for them and turning them away from Catholicism in the same way a pro Catholic media source tries to take people and convert/keep them. If someone turns Catholic you can use the same argument. 'Finally he/she is thinking and not listening to those atheists, finally he/she has seen the light.' Anyway it is not difficult to convince a person to turn away from religion, after all living a morally lawless life and doing whatever feels good sounds like a fantastic life, but it does not mean it is necessarily the right way to live. These days there is no honour or 'doing what's right.' These days what's right is whatever feels good, whatever suits me best and whatever I can get the most benefit out of. Shame really.
1 Jul 2012
UK, Ireland / British person entitled to see a GP in Poland at no charge? [10]

Here we go, another thread aimed at showing how good so many Polish people have it in Britain and how bad so many Brits have it in Poland. Seriously a country does not have to have the same laws as another country to make it fair for their people. I personally have thought for a long time that England is too lenient, tolerant and offers way too much. Only recently was it decided that to get citizenship you need to might have to actually know the language. Perhaps if England was stricter it would not have so many foreigners flooding in.
1 Jul 2012
News / SUNDAY WITHOUT MASS IN POLAND - Judaeo-leftist Wyborcza gloats [165]

Some of us non-believers do actually do interesting stuff, like reading books (or writing them). Some are probably doing volunteer work today, with no hope of eternal reward

That is a very idealistic and naive view. Look around you, what do you see? Don't kid yourself. Most people are probably lying in bed now trying to shake off a hang over. The slightly older ones might go shopping.
28 Jun 2012
Love / Are polish guys open to go out with other races? [11]

Well generally speaking yes it is frowned upon but people are different. Tell him and see his reaction. He might not mind [but then his family might never speak to him again].
28 Jun 2012
News / Bieganski, the Brute Polak and Debbie Schlussel (about the Polonia) [19]

As for Debbie Schlussel. All I can say is, she is the female Gross, same ****, different *******. Where as there is truth in the fact that some Polish people did treat Jews badly during the war, just like Gross's book, the idea here is to create a negative stereotype and only talk about one side. When someone reads that book or one of her blog posts on Poland, they immediately think 'ah so this is what was really going on? No, this is what went on in some places, in others, Polish folks did a lot for the Jews and saved many lives while also risking their own. Anyway the main aim for Gross and Schlussel was the same, to promote themselves and their work and get rich.
28 Jun 2012
News / Bieganski, the Brute Polak and Debbie Schlussel (about the Polonia) [19]

Actually gdyniaguy what I find funny is how your hatred of Polish people and Poland prevents you from using reason and logic, so far that you naively now consider Poland the only country in the world where people are patriotic, proud of their country and who they are, so they defend their country from attacks of foreigners, despite knowing in their heart that their nation has problems too.

I seriously have no clue why you live in Poland if you dislike it so much. I do not remember you ever talking about the nice qualities of Poland, you just ***** and moan. It reminds me of what Gary Neville said in response to Arshavin [A Russian footballer who play in England for those unfamiliar] constantly talking about how he does not like it in England and wants to leave. He said 'He doesn't like our food, he doesn't like our women, he doesn't like our weather. If he is so unhappy here then why not just go back to Russia. I feel that way about you.
27 Jun 2012
Love / Are Polish Girls scared of English Guys [124]

I think a lot of Polish gals went to this country [before Poland was in the EU] thinking that it would be full of gentlemen like they saw in the movies, wearing suits, opening doors, living in big houses and holding up their little finger when they drink tea. Now a lot of them know that many of them are beer drinking, pie eating, foul smelling, 'show us your tits love' shouting, yobs. But that aside I think the culture difference is the main problem. You cannot escape the fact that their is a big difference in mentality and that is the key and the reason that generally people prefer to marry in to their own culture [with occasional exceptions].
20 Jun 2012

There are different types of summer clothing that women can wear and some of them are definitely more 'ehem' than others. I mean seriously some women like to show a lot of skin, almost as if they use summer as an excuse to show off their body. Their back, their boobs, most of their legs, their belly. You can wear less and still keep your dignity. I can provide you pictures of the difference in wearing ordinary summer clothing and some revealing summer clothing. Anyway if she wants to be revealing it is up to her but she should not be surprised if it draws male attention. I assume that is what she wants though.
18 Jun 2012

Nope I think where you are from has nothing to do with it. There are money grabbing women here, there and everywhere, and decent women too.
15 Jun 2012
Food / Your favourite Polish foods! [180]

Oh pardon me I think that British food sucks and I prefer Polish food but I am told that it is wonderful so therefore my taste-buds must be wrong. My bad.

delph it is amazing just how much effort you want to try to prove me wrong? Sometimes I think that you must be jealous of me. Either that or you care about me a lot because almost every post I make is met with a post from you trying to correct me and get me to think more like you.

For the record I stand by what I say, British food sucks. I pick up an apple here and eat it, it's ok. I pick up an apple when on holiday in Poland and think 'oh so that is what an apple is supposed to taste like.' No comparison. I do not know why but the same food here just tastes worse than in Poland. It seems illogical but I dunno it could be the land is ruined and will no longer be able to produce nice tasting fruit and veg.

On a slight side-note I am definitely feel a lot of anti Polish sentiment from British people on this forums. Even in a topic on food you cannot give your own opinion, they immediately attack you and talk of how great their food is and how terrible Polish food is. Funny but this behaviour was to be predicted when it was known a lot of Polish people would be moving there when Poland got itself in to the EU but still is is slightly sad that some British people have signed up to this forum just to attack Poland over and over. I really do feel like saying, why do you care so much? I do not particularly care for some of the, what I consider, strange law in certain Arab countries, but do I sign up to a forum over there to attack people from there? Of course not. I do not care for Russia but again I have not signed up to one of the Russian forums to attack any Russians. Funny that it is considered so British to be tolerant and sensible and yet you make one comment and a British person sees it and goes 'ah that was by a Polish guy' and then starts to release verbal diarrhea on Poland and Polish people.
15 Jun 2012
Food / Your favourite Polish foods! [180]

@ gdyniaguy and teflecat

First of all I think I have a right to an opinion so keep your wigs on.

Secondly I am not discussing the high priced restaurants run by world known cooks where people can actually be bothered to make something nice and put some effort in. I am talking generally about food. To me, unless you mix it up and add a lot of foreign ingredients, British food is boring and stuff you get in the shops is often full of crap. Anyway I have heard foreigners talk about how great the food is in Poland. Honestly I never heard a person big up Britain for its great food. Oh and the weather, that is horribly bland and boring.
15 Jun 2012
Law / Poles think that Germans are the hardest working in Europe... [30]

Interesting that Polish do not consider themselves to be hard working. As for corruption, looking at what is going on in some other countries, Poland is absolutely not the most corrupt, though there is corruption in it, of course.
15 Jun 2012
Food / Your favourite Polish foods! [180]

Merged: What are your favourite and least favourite Polish and foreign foods?

What would you go for?

Favourite Polish food is probably most types of pierogi. Not strictly Polish food I think but often cooked in Poland. Most flavours are good. White cheese ones, yes!!!! Oh yeah and placki ziemniaczane. Oh man!!!!!!

Least favourite, not much Polish food that I dislike really. Probably flaki [a type of soup for those who are unfamiliar with it]. Even the look of it is horrible and having tried it once it was like eating a tub of grease with worms in it.

As for foreign food, well living in Britain there is a lot of it. Chinese and Italian is nice once in a while, but British food? Not a fan of it, it is very bland. I do like some of the puddings though, the crumbles with custard are nice, apple being my flavour of choice.
10 Jun 2012
News / British senior politician compares Poland to South Africa during apartheid [129]

Like I said, medication, take it regularly.

Using your logic that if you make a statement and someone wants proof for it, you have to provide it, otherwise they can deny it, it means I might as well not bother saying the earth is round or you're going to ask for some photos to back it up.
10 Jun 2012
News / British senior politician compares Poland to South Africa during apartheid [129]

I'm not the one desperate to find the footage so you can believe me and I can sleep at night. If you want to see, you go on youtube, or is it too difficult for you?

What is all this talk about trees by the way? Did you forget your medication today?

Back on topic [sort of]

When in Rome. Heard the saying? When people go to Poland then need to behave themselves. If I went to Saudi Arabia and got funny looks I would understand it. I would even wear what they tell me to wear. It is how they live over there and I accept that. In Poland you might get funny looks if you are foreign but if you shake up and try to fit in, you should be fine. You need to earn your place when you are 'new' somewhere. In Britain it is different since there are so many people of different races that they tend to form their own communities and it creates segregation, leading to tensions.
10 Jun 2012
News / British senior politician compares Poland to South Africa during apartheid [129]

Exactly look on youtube. I am not going to bother providing you with links dear sir. You do not want to trust me that is up to you. If you want proof, you can find plenty on the internet. Trust me he was racially abused, not just once. A lot of Italian fans also do not want him in the Italy team.
10 Jun 2012
News / British senior politician compares Poland to South Africa during apartheid [129]

OK so when the last time there were any problems during national team level matches in Poland ?

I too do not remember the last time Polish fans racially abused anyone or created problems during a Poland match. In fact one of the main reasons they got to co host the Euro was because the fans were so great.
10 Jun 2012
News / British senior politician compares Poland to South Africa during apartheid [129]

Balotelli was often racially abused in Italian league games. I should not have to prove. You obviously do not watch much football. If you saw Inter play when he was there you would see the abuse. You can probably find some clips on youtube. He does not talk about it much because he ignores it [or tries to]. He does not really want to give it any attention to talk about it in interviews so he generally stays clear of that type of discussion most of the time.
10 Jun 2012
Life / Best Polish production TV show [12]

Rybnik do check it out. I also find very little on to be funny on Polish television. Most of the Polish kabarety just do not make me laugh [with the exception of the off 1 or 2] but this show is funny, most of the time.