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Posts by gumishu  

Joined: 6 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 3 Mar 2025
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 6228 / In This Archive: 3025
From: Poland, Opole vicinity
Speaks Polish?: yes

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25 Oct 2016
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

You can be absolutely certain that primary schools were given quotas to fill by central government for the different types of secondary schools.

this is not true as far as I know
24 Oct 2016
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

I also know that there are many bright ones whose parents do not realise how capable their child is and the child can hardly be expected to judge that

that's the role of the teacher to find out the bright ones and communicate the fact to their parents - I am a child of working class people but because my teachers realised I was quite bright they made an effort to inform my parents about it and because of that I was able to finish a faculty in a state-run university (oh well to be honest I realised that I was more intelligent than my school friends myself - I was more intelligent - I am no more that very intelligent) -
24 Oct 2016
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

She was allocated a place at a vocational school which prevented her from taking the first step in that process, which was Matura.

she wasn't ALLOCATED a place in school - she chose her vocational school maybe her parents were partly responsible for this choice I don't know - never asked my mom about that - I don't know either if my mom was able to pass a Matura - she started a weekend school but quit along the way and I never asked her why - maybe she was overwhelmed by the home chores and work - anyway the vocational school system gave people real skills which nowadays system often does not
24 Oct 2016
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

Do you see the unfairness and elitism of a system which decided that your mother should be denied access to a full education?

- what do you mean by full education? - a university degree in every field? - as I said those brighter kids had a choice to go to Technikums not to mention Liceums - but of course there were entry tests there to sieve out the less intellectually capable - to teach everybody calculus is simply uneconomical
24 Oct 2016
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

Students who attended vocational schools did not get the chance to take the Matura exam which permitted access to higher education

as I have shown on the example of my mom that's simple ******** - people simply CHOSE not to follow a higher education in MOST cases - it was not necessary - most of these people would never pass a matura anyway - instead of filling them with unnecessary rote material the state offered them practical proffessions - you could always go to school later be it an evening school or a weekend school to get to pass matura - the brighter students chose Technikums if they wanted a matura and a profession anyway
24 Oct 2016
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

Poland at the beginning of the 1990s was the European country with the lowest participation in higher education.

and now Poland is probably a country with the highest percentage of junk diplomas that give you no job prospects and a country where qualified blue collar workers (like say lathe-operators) are more sought after than master degree holders
24 Oct 2016
History / Kaczynski's Legacy [88]

that only a minority of students were permitted under the Communist system to attend the kind of secondary school that allowed access to higher education

I seriously don't know where you take this from - maybe I lived too short under communism but never heard of such a thing

But the stats show that during the 1970s and 1980s more than half of secondary school students in Poland attended basic vocational schools which meant that they were effectively barred from ever receiving higher education.

they were not - my mom attended a weekend school that would end up in a matura if she didn't quit - she first finished a vocational school - you are talking bollocks Atch
14 Oct 2016
Language / Need Help Translating from Polish - a Figurine [18]

I think I get the joke actually because also the 'być' should be 'jest' shouldn't it?

I am not sure where this kind of humour originated but probably with the Henryk Sienkiewicz's "In Desert and Wilderness" where one of the characters a black African name Kali uses such 'infinitive talk' ('Kali ukraść krowa - dobrze; Kalemu ukraść krowa - niedobrze'. Kali steal cow - good, someone steal cow from Kali - not good)
7 Oct 2016
Genealogy / Surname Nowicki - but Jewish ancestors? [19]

Was the name Nowicki given to jewish people?

Jews who worked for Polish gentry often adopted the surnames of those they worked for - so there are Jews with surnames like Potocki this can be the case with your situation

other case when a Jew would adopt a Polish noble sounding surname was in the event of conversion to christianity - it was not always legal to do it though (there were laws passed sometime in the 19th century that forbid changing the Jewish surnames to Polish sounding ones in parts of Poland)
4 Oct 2016
Real Estate / Polish property at public auction and best exposure [21]

i wonder if you could help. im looking to sell land

what kind of land is this - if it's agricultural land then your options of selling it might be quite limited because of the new law on agricultural land
3 Oct 2016
News / Adam Michnik awarded for integrity, professionalism and high standards. Poland's No. 1 fascist? [321]

Michnik was a part of illegal commission that searched through the archives of Security Service (Służba Bezpieczeństwa) for a couple of months in 1990 - the commission was supposed to be secret but there were some leaks

it's the first link I found - I have read about the issue already in the 90's in a Mikke paper
27 Sep 2016
UK, Ireland / Why English do not like Polish? [417]

And you know why they can't learn the language cos the people put them off I'd rather visit Afghanistan then go Poland.

happy staying in Afghanistan Marther :)
16 Sep 2016
Language / Appropriate word selection to positively describe someone in Polish [10]

But the idea of a Polish person calling their adult child "wspaniały" seems kind of odd to me.

I can imagine people calling their children 'wspaniały' or 'wspaniała'. Some children (also adult children) deserve such adjectives. And well it is the best translation for 'great' as applied to children
8 Sep 2016
Travel / Help: Travelling from Gliwice to Zilina (Slovakia) [7]

he's wouldn't be able to find a better train connection even if he spoke both Polish, Czech and Slovak

and the connections are not bad - it's 4 to 5 hours connection with maximum one hour waiting time at the railway station
8 Sep 2016

. Google translate is dodgy lol. I need something u guys want to hear but in polish of course.. any help better than none !

Tell him : "Rafał, masz małego fiutka" hahah it means - Rafał, your weiner is so small.
5 Sep 2016
Life / I am moving to Warsaw. (Could anyone tell me about life there?) [49]

You can call me Huyen

Huyen is easy enough to type in the entry window of this forum so you can remain Huyen here - however your first name may sound funny to Poles (I don't say everybody will laugh openly but many people will snicker or smile at the sound of it - your first name is similar to the dirty name for penis in Polish) - you might consider going by an adopted name among Poles -( even though many people would not have issues with your first name and just accept it as it is)
28 Jul 2016
Life / Price/wage ratio in Poland - shocked! [16]

Have their properties shot up in value, and they've released equity? Or something more sinister?

last year over 80 billion PLN (circa 20 billion euro) were unlawfully extracted from the budget in fraudulent VAT tax returns and similar - here's the wealth that you are looking for - fortunately the new government is serious in trying to curb such illegal activities approaching the problem from multiple sides at once
1 Jul 2016
History / Poland in WWI [38]

Is there some measure of discomfort in Polish society about this, or is it simply a matter of indifference?

the latter