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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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19 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]


Being aware of ones surrounding and not to take things granted are signs of a mentally healthy person.

additional barriers

My Grandfather (RIP) on one Christmas eve told me "the barrier my son, is in the mind" ...

I think that marriages in same cultures are not safe in Poland or Europe aswell. We are not renowned for successful marriages mind you. Although as said and accepted, you have your right to think your way. To my experiences and all that I have witnessed, my discovery is that a marriage is successful through commitment and will, every relationship faces challenges ... the healthy person faces problems and tries to solve them intelligently ...

I do not wish to behave like an old great grand ma who was ofcourse, unaware - unaccustomed and had no need to pay attention to such new world behavior (not to mention that romances then also were quite breathtakingly forward, breaking barriers as some would say...).

Be well ... live your life as you wish to. But be respectful at all times. =)

was quite hyprocrital in terms of all his imagine/hippy stuff

I had no knowledge ...

Artists are as such ...

Do you know the inventor of Esperanto (a very renowned language that was once a top contender to be a world language)?? =)
19 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

related to John Lennon

No I'm not ... ofcourse.

Infact John Lennon has many other ideologies, I am not in accordance with all his sentiments. I pay special attention to my responsibilities towards my family, friends and society. I trust that there is always room for improvement, and that cannot always come out of rebellion, but from sincere commitment and education through logic.

Also, with all respect to Mr. Lennon, I know very less about him.

They are called Arabs

Persians like to call themselves Iranians or Persians. They do not like to call themselves Arab. This is what I have learnt through them. As for your other remark of Eurafricans ... infact I meant the Egyptian, Algerian or Moroccan. However, Nigerian or any other name you mentioned can have their share of good men and women. Unfortunately I did not meet couples consisting of them. But that doesnt mean there they do not exist ... afterall I am an individual with limits to knowledge and in a certain sphere. I cannot know everyone, or be at every place. Although to my good fortune I have been in many more places then many people, and met some wonderful human kinds.

Are you saying

You misinterpret me asik.

What I meant with the American couple was simply a coincidence where I met them. The woman was an average looking Pole, and they seemed to be in love. The couple had decent knowledge about history and destinations, had great discipline as well as decency - such qualifications for me are enough to say that those people have intellectual capabilities. I do not consider the debaters or arguers as necessarily intellectual.

I did not hint anywhere that only the most attractive Pole was to go with an American. Do not recreate situations in such a wild haste.

my private opinion is: if you don't want to destroy your marriage , you shouldn't mix with your in-laws

With all respect to your own skills and opinions ... I firmly disagree there.

It is not as though one must sit on the in-laws laps or stay with them 24/7, however being respectful must apply. I waited along with my better half for a considerable period to convince our respected families towards our decision. Both of us have warm families and we are respectful as well as aware of their sentiments.

The world is changing, and there is no meaning to push your old loved ones away. The best thing would be to convince them of a changing world, and the value of love in it. The educate them is also a great service to them. There is nothing more ignorant than to give up to ignorance.

I wouldn't recommend

I would recommend the subject to be in accordance with logic, love and joy. There is no reason a person should let oneself be bondage to skepticism and sadism. The world have garbage in it, which certainly needs alot to be taken care of (and I believe it will be). However, the flowers of this beautiful world are much more overwhelmingly fragrant and beautiful. No one should deny themselves of its beauty and promise.

and after 8 yrs

These days many more marriages in Poland last not more than a year or two. I am not saying that this is the rule of thumb ... because there are almost never any.

I have seen among my friends some of the warmest relationships. I have seen men treat women like as though they were not humans but fairies ... and this goes for the Polish man or any other foreign man towards their Polish wife or foreign wife.

A person need to be in balance with themselves, and choose according to a clean and potent heart. If you are firm and true, your choices might end up as reflections to your soul. Be the bearer of a good and refreshing soul.

About my married life ... it is something I know we must always be actively aware of. One always need to be aware of all their relationship. I have belief and I am in peace. I do not want to say anymore from here about my own. I am satisfied.

a free heart is one that i'm struggling with

A key is to smile ... and to allow being treated well with respect and affection. Heart is receptive to love.
19 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

=D ... you can go anywhere your heart takes you. No destination gives love ... no geography, no science, no calculation ... you can find your man in your neighborhood, or he can come from a million acres away ... he can be your childhood best friend, or he can be a person you once didnt like to see the face of! He can be of any race or any religion ... give your heart a chance to beat freely ... there is nothing more free and high than that. No stimulant, no breeze, no other moment can get a person higher then letting themselves free of walls and doubts and distortions created by the mechanical and material world ... and walking into the mystic yet simple and real world of true love.

I have seen Polish women with Easterners ... I dont yet know anyone with a South East or East Asian man. The ones I saw were with Eurasian men (Persia, India or Egypt etc).

Anyways ... good luck to you and your life ... just remember that there is no formula ... but just to rise above formulas =)
19 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

as for lodz.....

Ya Patty ... I'm not new here I know whats going on =D ... it used to be always like this isn't it? ... Its not the place to get motivation or solutions ... its just a place to discuss really ... sometimes you find good people, other times people mostly who will never vent out whats going on their heart in public (sometimes dark things). Thanks for your wishes Patty.

if we have to believe you, all 3rd worldlers coming to Poland have, for some mysterious reason, a "good personality"

I didn't say any such thing. Read again if you wanna, its clearly written that "THOSE WHO I MET ... were educated and of good personality" ... infact in a previous post in this same thread I mentioned how I never became friendly to many foreigners as our mentalities didn't match, I used to remain away from them.

Every nation have the good and bad ... so it our responsibility as humans to know the person's basic beliefs ... atleast their treatment of the next person ... before being friendly to them or actually sitting with them.

You know, when we have a heart which thinks of love and compassion, it somehow "mysteriously" drives us towards good things and good people. Then our experiences are good. It also makes the inner-self strong enough to pity those who misuse their opportunities to be happy in life ... rather than be angry on them.

Plus, there is no 3rd or second world Jarnowa ... we live in one world.

As for your stress ... I would like to tell you that nothing wrong is happening and you are not loosing your fare chances. The world is huge, and also there are many Europeans left single and lonely. Don't give yourself unnecessary pain through suffering from internal conflict in the main ... be well adjusted to your environment ... have a strong self esteem! Be happy.
18 Nov 2010
Life / The best of Polish stories, drama and art [7]

Well, not strictly as I mentioned in the Title of the Topic. It can be any kind of story: fiction or anything will do. Suggest the book, best if it is also available in English so that we can actually spread our literature around.

As for the drama, we can add the Polish TV series, plays ... or anything that tells a story through acting would do!

As for art ... you can add from paintings to movies, from sculpture to anything that comes to you mind...


Lets share how these strong cultural forces shape and were shaped by Poland!
18 Nov 2010
Life / Poems of love with a Polish Essence [3]

Here we go ... I'll write something in English for us all =)...:

When winter comes... and christmas is around ...
When the snow knocks ... and the heart dances in its sound ...
When my eyes see, one lone tree...

...~~~ Oh then I know then my love (just simply...)
... what a touch of warmth I found --- you are the girl for me ... all my life round ... allllll 'my life' - rouuuund.... =)

Might not be the best of poems ... but it is a start ... the essence I feel is there ... what does your heart say? ... just put the beats in words ... trust me it will light a thousand horizons ... you just sometimes dont know the fire it carried =). BE BRAVE, LEARN TO LOVE =)
18 Nov 2010
Life / Poems of love with a Polish Essence [3]

Hi people from Poland and abroad (interested in Poland) ...

You all discuss various topics, sometimes on Poland other times not. How about this new topic in which we can share our own skills in making our own poetry and poems based on LOVE with a Polish essence. These poems can be in Polish or English, but there must be LOVE surrounding it, with an essential POLISH touch =).

Let the background be Polish, the theme or the subjects ... Polish ... and make a poetry which sheds the veils of distance, helplessness, doubts and ignorance ... sheds to walls of that fear that keeps the lips silent from uttering those few words of magic ... IN THE POLISH PERSPECTIVE ... ON THE BACKGROUND OF POLISH CULTURE AND WAY OF LIFE...

Make it a unique poem/poetry ... your own creation ... even if two lines =)

... (should be either in Polish Culture/art or relationship section ... sorry for misplacement. But we need this, dont we?... ask ur heart =) ).
18 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

We are all born on one Planet

True ...

A quote from the initial thread....

True again ... infact this thread was written when I browsed PF after a long time, and found heated topics again on the same issue ... issue about Polish women going after foreign men and how bad it is and how intolerable ... etc.

Infact there are very few foreigners in Poland. When they come here, those who are educated and have a good personality generally attract good friends and even female friends. Among so many females in our country, they get close to one, and eventually they decide that they can be with each other for a life time. Where is the "out of the world" picture here? Isnt it just very common and simple?

For my case, I met the girl in an academic atmosphere, we were friends, eventually we married after a considerable wait due to both our parents (as I wanted to involve our parents, and she agreed).

THIS TOPIC CAME AS MY MEMORIES about the forum was refreshed from the same topic taking the frontline of every discussion. When I first started posting in PF in its initial days, there was a HUGE HUGE topic ... about interracial relations in Poland becoming more and more. The topic raced 10 pages a day ... and headed to become the longest ever, till it had to be closed by the Administrator for being racially ferocious due to some really undesirable skinhead posters everywhere. Since then similar topics kept on coming, and even after so many years, this seems to remain the primary obsession here!

Why is it wrong to be in love? ... Why should someone make walls?... SO WHAT? ... I never felt one bit threatened by some of my very good and respectable Polish friends (from school or university) to go and find a life with a man from another race or culture! It infact looked quite awesome and enchanted. There seemed to be a timeless feel about it. I've seen that among those who get angry are men and women who never got a chance to live such a beautifully decorated life ...

But Poland has very very very less immigrants of color! Infact we have the least in all of Europe I think. We like to welcome them ... and there is only RIGHT about it!

I have seen many relationships of my friends ... families ... and in all including my own relationship, I saw just 8 Polish girl and Eastern men, and 5 Polish men and Asian women relationships ... and till now (interestingly) all of them are considerably successful. Mostly among friends and classmates. Remaining story when you look around is still the same! ... Still the insecure is itchy!

Now lets come to same color ... Americans, Canadians, other European whites ... they are not always the most welcome either for some groups of insecure people. Then many small segments of racial purity of segmentation comes in. All baseless and counter-effective things that Poland itself escaped in the times of WW2.


The percentage of western women going for darker men compared to western men going for Asian female is still wayyyyy higher. So maybe you can ask the same question to the modern western girl?

As for the other way to look at it... Asian girls are not so free as the western girl to go and take what her heart truly wants. They are not so much liberated, and they wish to have a life which is assured in its security. Marriage is not just a ritual but something that must not fail. In our countries, the tradition of marriage is eroding at such pace that it can be said that this tradition is almost crawling for its survival. Lets face the facts with a cold heart... nothing to do!

The simplest thing would be that for a western girl its alot more easy to go to someone she finds more fulfilling for her DUE TO ANY REASON SHE CONSIDERS ... but its not the same for an eastern girl.

I've had a friend who loved an Asian girl, but never could marry. He even shed tears with me, and now is married to a Pole. We never talk about it, but I know him well - it will remain an unerasable mark on his heart forever...


Its around us ... we just need to look.
18 Nov 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

Is it derived from some Asian philosophy

It comes from the heart ...

We have great Polish, Universal and other Philosophies too. Asian philosophies are also great. Natasa ... smile to good things, it will make you feel a rejuvenated person. While doing something good for others around you will make you get a new life. The fountain of youth is surely the practice of justice and sincerity, the teaching of living!
18 Nov 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

If all of us concentrate on repairing our own inner selves ... it will have an impact on society. As for the hungry man example ... he should not get angry or snatch the food. However if the government is irresponsible, they should rise together. If its about him and a man with alot of food, he should work harder and try to earn his rightful share. There is no shortcut, there never was. Its a part of repairing the inner self...
18 Nov 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

They shouldn't build it at all...

Let the love that Jesus lived for be built into the hearts of men and women of Poland and the rest of the world.

By the way, had Jesus been alive he would never have gotten the VISA to most of the countries where He is followed. Infact, he would be abused for his goodness, and might even have to face racism by some skinheads in Europe... unfortunately.

Repair your inner selves ... a statue would do no good! ... Also, its not in the spirit of Christianity to build statues of Christ.
17 Nov 2010
Work / Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks). [387]

Lodz you wrote that you come from rich family with property

When was that? ... I have a good family with sound dispositions ... but I wonder when I boasted such a thing in here. I am quite surprised by this comment from you!

by the scam you mentioned

What are you talking about =S ... are u drunk or what? :s
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]


Strange .. my friend lives in USA ... he is a Pole and he actually gets Poles in USA! ... Thats basically his job. He is quite smart and earns very good =D ... in a short time he is rich enough! Lol...

I do not agree with his ways ... but as they call em' "Successful". Perhaps its like getting married to some American girl thing ... I mean thats what he suggested last time we met.

There are many Poles in USA doing good ...
17 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

COngratulations Lodz

Thanks =) ... Infact I saw all women equal. They all have their specialties ... its just that there was something in Asian (particularly SE Asian ... including Korea and Japan) that attracted me. Among them, my wife stands out for me. I always believe that this attraction is just an initial curiosity that introduces two people ... the remaining is the traditional staunch commitment. I have full honesty to it.

There are many mixed marriages and I wish you all the best:)

Yeah =D ... but mostly with Polish girls and other races =D ... not always do we see Polish MEN and another race =D ... why should the men be missing the action =P???

Met a lot of Koreans and they are great people.

Yep ... they are warm.

Infact as time goes forward ... I firmly believe that its bound to happen that races come closer and walls will start to fall. I believe on the next era of evolution.

There is a beauty is mystery ... there is a beauty in unveiling. There is surely a beauty in an enchanted kiss ... on the lips of love which journeyed over plains and seas and mountains ...

There is a beauty in simplicity ... which comes in the form of transparent and invisible reality ... the reality of LOVE ... as though water, life giving, yet colorless - odorless - shapeless and yet glittering, yet scented with life and yet carrying the shape of civilizations ...

Love is surely a touch of soul ... nothing else. As mysterious as it ... as divine as it!
17 Nov 2010
Work / Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks). [387]

Here I need to say something:

The Polish Economy Has Improved alot, and is consistently improving. I know this as growing up I have seen improvements ... There are definately improvement on all levels, although we ae known to grunt ... but the fact is fact.

There will always be some VERY RICH minority who actually pull the GDP per Capita very high, however the ordinary folks (the majority) have less, maybe not 5K but also not 1K always. Ofcourse we have poorer folks ... but the middle class is not so weak as in other East European places.

I have some of my friends who earn quite well. I myself earn a decent amount, greater than 5K which I am happy about. Although this is not anything ultimate, people earn more!

Apart from the Polish, there are Russians or people from other European nations who earn a decent sum aswell. There are Indians (I have some friends from University) who earn better than 5K themselves (actually all of those whom I know and are still in Poland). So? ... Where is the poverty? ... Poverty is for those who have not helped themselves ... ofcourse the government have a share of blame, still all of us still have an opportunity better than many countries.

Tell me ... how come people from India or Bangladesh earn more than 5K easily? ... They seem to have a life after that, driving nice cars ... having good lives! All of them are married here with children, no family problems at least till now! ... Whats going on?

I have my Polish friends from school and university ... even they are doing much better. I have one friend from school who is not doing anything good due to his own mistakes!

One very close friend moved to USA ... and now somehow arranges USA citizenship for aspiring Poles using his many formulas =D ... he is quite rich! ... Whatever he does... he says its always within legal frames =D ... but anyway ... my point is that people can make it - so why cant others?

16 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

I don't think that self descriptions that involve fractions are good for anybody.

There are no fractions really ... a human can be a human only. People have created divisions, national identities and what not ... so being politically correct, people use some of these things.

But its ur life ... live it.

What is THIS? :)

Its Laugh Out Loud ... used in internet communication mostly.

You seem new here ... anyways ... have fun! (everyone is mostly new compared to me anyways)
16 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

I think South Korea is quite good ... infact everyone should visit. Its a bustling place ... the city is beautiful, the people proud and efficient.

I found it to have a very good infrastructure ... there are things which Poland can learn from them.

Respectful people, nice little kids =D ... some interesting hair-cuts ... welcoming friendly people! What else can a man want? ... I mean specially when you have everything working perfectly for you, everything look beautiful anyways =D ... and South Korea is a lovely place to visit!
16 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]


I've been in Korea (by the way its South Korea I am talking about).

Her father is North Korean though ... her mother is near the North of South Korea as it goes.

I've met Japanese and Koreans as well as Thais in Lodz (where I am from ... and University of Lodz too). All were friendly ... some my type, others not!

I loved the way Asians look. But now this girl was (is) a total picture perfect =D ... I had a little fear when proposing her, I mean she takes great care of herself ... really perfect =). But she is quite innocent and we started dating.

Her parents were abit skeptical too... but I convinced them of my commitment, and they allowed. Infact I myself wanted that we would convince each other's parents for this. I know its not the usual way these days, but I somehow felt that I wanted to involve my parents and her parents too in this. I love my mom and dad, they are truly special for me ... and infact all my family. We are warmly knit...

The marriage was in Poland ... but we had a ceremony in Korea aswell.

I was careful in not making anyone uncomfortable ... and I can say that I have been reasonably successful =D ...

I guess you chose Korean girl because she could accommodate you and feel dimensions O.K.

Could you elaborate southern?
16 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

Children are always adorable for their parents. Those parent who sit to plan the child's color or race or religion ... are not the kind of parents I've come across as "good". Love cannot remain immortal when confined with the bondage of material ... it can only act as an attraction or detraction at a very initial phase depending on your personal attitude and value sets... in the long run it makes no difference, if Love is what have gotten you together.

The mathematics of tomorrow's world is not going to be skin deep. I am happy that some Poles are looking at love, not the color of skin, and I hope soon more will also not look at the religion of divide ... but the belief of unity and love to unite!
16 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

@SeanBM: She is ... beautiful to say the very least =) ... cute ... they look so innocent =D. Its been months of marriage and she is lovely, she now is more closer to my mom (something I always wondered if could happen).

My father was ok about it, my mom was nervous. My siblings and cousins enjoy that they have a Korean in the family =D ... and no one asked her offending questions! I guess I am proud of my family ... we have a very traditional one with respectable relations.

We have a wonderful time ... God bless ... The Christmas I am looking forward now!

I am happy ... life's alot different ... busy mostly ... I want to do my best with all my responsibilities and do as good as my dad did for me to my future children =)!
16 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

Let me see, last time I contributed here was ... so many months (or years) back! ...

I've been here with another ID since the day the forum started. At first a non-regular member (without a registered ID) and then a regular one (with the request of some friends I made in here).

Those times the most popular topics were "I need a polish girl" ... "Polish girls and interracial relationships" ... "Polish men and foreign girls"....

Today when I browse through ... its the same argument ... the same fight ... the same topic over and over again!

Polish men going for UK girls, Irish girls, Asian girls ... why and how and should they or shouldnt they? ... How they are betraying the foreign girl or their own girl!... I mean curiosity is one thing and making it a continental issue is another =D ... the worst part is when hate messages keep pouring in =(.

I used to chat here usually when I was single, a student and then when I got into a job. Since I got married (I'm a Polish and my wife a Korean) I didn't come here much. I remember how much hatred somedays will show ... so heart wrenching.

There were actually some of our dear European friends trying to imitate an Egyptian or Indian or Pakistanian and making silly beggings for Polish women ... One can see it easily!

Lol guyz ... there are enough Polish women for our own men and for other men who WOULD LIKE TO FIND LOVE anywhere they can! ... Love can be anywhere ... any place.

I just men an American couple ... I mean the man was an American and the girl Polish ... the girl was not the most attractive Pole ... but they looked happy. Infact they were interested in mixed couples ... any kind of mixture ... and were highly intellectual. They were both white but two different cultures.

Guyz it really looks good ... when you can fill some love in your heart and eyes! ... Anything made of love looks beautiful ... try and accept love as it comes ...

No Polish-Polish or Euro-Polish relationship has any better chance than a Polish-International relationship. Infact the latter one might just have more to offer. Open your minds, and open your heart ...
27 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]


We Poles are not racist. Some people are ... some have doubts of the unknown ... some are nervous ... others are just too defensive.

We are slowly getting exposed to many cultures and many people from all over the world...

Its all a process.

I dont agree that we are "racist"
27 Jun 2010
Love / Love without chemistry? (Asian in love with a Polish woman) [195]

Hey thank you so much.

I've been around alot ... just been too much busy with own life, work and trade. I've been reltively successful so didnt have the time basically.

Yes ... love is about simplicity. Complications come when things are not properly handled.

Mistakes are when we over do or under act on something. The optimum action is being simple and polite I feel.
27 Jun 2010
Love / Why are Polish women so sexy ? [390]

As long as sex is considered as the most important determinent of LOVE ... Love will never visit us in this life.

Love is beyond sex ... sex is just an expression ... righteous only when done with a person you love and married.