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Joined: 28 Dec 2018 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 29 Jan 2019
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 64 / In This Archive: 50

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24 Jan 2019
Life / Left-wing agitators in Poland [49]

Not defending the attack, but I'm not surprised that a German-speaking professor was attacked, and not a German-speaking family on vacation.
24 Jan 2019
Life / Left-wing agitators in Poland [49]

@Bratwurst Boy
Not patronizing to his colleague. I mean displaying condescending body language combined with speaking German triggered the attack.

Based on my observation, Poles tend to be much more reserved in public places, where many Germans have no qualms about being loudmouthed.

The conversation was probably held at a loud volume in a train where everyone else is silent.

I see academics doing this quite often in long-distance trains in Germany.
24 Jan 2019
Life / Left-wing agitators in Poland [49]

That's a bit of a stretch. I'm not advocating violence, and certainly not against Poles.

My point is that these two professors (one of whom is Polish) were likely acting in a patronizing and arrogant manner (typical of German academics) that triggered this person to attack them.
24 Jan 2019
Life / Left-wing agitators in Poland [49]

Those professors beaten up in the tram probably deserved it. Most German professors are self-righteous arrogant soy boys.

The Polish attacker warned him first, and the professor gave some response that enraged him.
24 Jan 2019
Life / Left-wing agitators in Poland [49]

Yes, it seems like Antifa basically serves as the deep state's political police in America.

This is encouraging to hear about Poland.

Any thoughts about what right-wing Poles would think about a right-wing German or American who moves to Poland to escape the leftist madness and makes an attempt to assimilate into Polish culture? Would this person be accepted?
23 Jan 2019
Life / Worst aspects of living in Poland? [82]

I would imagine it also varies within the city of Szczecin. The map shows Berlin as even more polluted now. Some parts of Berlin have much clearer air than others but the map doesn't reflect it. It may just be an average.
23 Jan 2019
Life / Worst aspects of living in Poland? [82]

When you write burning trash, does that mean just paper and untreated wood, or are they burning everything including plastic bags and old electronics?
23 Jan 2019
Life / Worst aspects of living in Poland? [82]

It looks like Krakow has plans to ban domestic coal burning starting September 2019. Any thoughts on whether it will be effective or sufficiently enforced, or if other cities will follow suit?
23 Jan 2019
Life / Worst aspects of living in Poland? [82]

Great insight, thanks. I like Polish food and would be keeping my German salary, so those are not concerns.

What about the issue of health and safety? I hear reports about the air quality in Poland, especially southern Poland, being bad due to the coal and trash burning. Have you noticed this?

Also, any known or perceived issues with unsafe building codes allowing for faulty electrics, asbestos, fires, etc.?
23 Jan 2019
Life / Worst aspects of living in Poland? [82]

As someone now living in Poland who is accustomed to life in a wealthy country like the US, Germany, or the UK, what are the major drawbacks of daily life in Poland (aside from the language)?

I realize there are many redeeming aspects too. Just looking for some insight on the unpleasant stuff here.
22 Jan 2019
Life / Left-wing agitators in Poland [49]

Those elements are certainly part of fascism, but the ultranationalist element would not apply to leftists. The Wikipedia definition includes what you wrote but also adds that fascism is a radical form of authoritarian ultranationalism.

Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc. were not fascists in my book.

It may be splitting hairs, and I'm certainly not defending Antifa in any way.
22 Jan 2019
Life / Left-wing agitators in Poland [49]

I know what you mean, but the term fascism is used incorrectly by people all over the political spectrum as an insult to mean totalitarian.

Antifa is in fact against fascism (as well as white people, men, Christianity, decency, etc.), but they're certainly not against totalitarianism.
22 Jan 2019
Life / Left-wing agitators in Poland [49]

Antifa and other far-left groups have made a habit of attempting to disrupt, shut down, and violently attack right-wing and even moderate conservative events in the US, Germany, UK, etc.

Are there any instances of this going on in Poland?
16 Jan 2019
Polonia / Pregnant Polish woman stabbed in Germany, loses baby [77]

Neither a reformed CDU nor the AFD are willing to go to the lengths necessary to prevent Germany from becoming a third-world country. At most they can slow the process down a bit.

I would hope that the people of Poland take note of what's going on in Germany, France, UK, etc. and will not be wooed by liberal political parties focused on short-term economic gains while selling out the country's future.
15 Jan 2019
Polonia / Pregnant Polish woman stabbed in Germany, loses baby [77]

A pregnant Polish woman suffered life-threatening injuries and lost her unborn baby in a knife attack by an Afghan migrant at a hospital in Germany.

Police said an argument broke out at St. Marienwörth Hospital in Bad Kreuznach, west Germany, at around 6 p.m. on Friday, after which the 25-year-old victim was stabbed several times in the stomach.

7 Jan 2019
Travel / Visiting the Polish Balitic Sea coast in the Winter [30]

I'd like to visit the coast in a few weeks. Any recommendations for which town to stay in? Just looking to have a relaxing family vacation near the sea and around nature and enjoy some traditional Polish food.

Right now I'm thinking of Miedzyzdroje. I'm wondering if the Wolin National Park will be open and accessible in the middle of the winter.

Any recommendations would be appreciated.
3 Jan 2019
News / Mass-media in Poland: which are left wing, right wing or centrist? [44]


Liberal/Left-Wing Politics in Poland

Are mainstream liberal/left-wing politcal views in Poland comparable to the SPD/Greens of Germany or to the Democrats in America?

What are Polish liberals' stances on non-white immigration, gay marriage/gay adoption, ceding national sovereignty to the EU, gender parity, transgenderedism, etc.?
29 Dec 2018
Life / Poland A, Poland B [75]

Is this map a good representation of how socially conservative or socially liberal the various regions of Poland are?

By socially I mean in terms of views on going to church, immigration, gay marriage, feminism, etc. and not on taxes, labor unions, etc.

Can anyone explain the blue island in southwesterm Poland? Is this Legnica?

29 Dec 2018
Life / Expat Communities in Far-Western Poland [46]

Yes, from Germany.

More good insight here. I had no idea that Poland is more socially conservative overall than the Czech Republic. I definitely don't want to be around the meth users.

Now what about gypsies in western Poland. Are any particular towns/regions known to have a lot of them?
29 Dec 2018
Life / Expat Communities in Far-Western Poland [46]

Thanks for the insight. Just what I was looking for.

Definitely not a troll. Not sure why you think I'm naive. I've spend a good amount of time in other parts of Poland. I'm just trying to gather some information before scouting out the area myself.
29 Dec 2018
Life / Expat Communities in Far-Western Poland [46]

There's no need to turn this thread into a political discussion. I could explain those things to you in detail, and you'd say none of it's true, and we could agree to disagree.

I would appreciate suggestions of Polish or Czech border towns that fit what I'm looking for.
28 Dec 2018
Life / Expat Communities in Far-Western Poland [46]

has been written up in the SPIEGEL for some time now

by Spiegel's star reporter Claas Relotius?
28 Dec 2018
Life / Expat Communities in Far-Western Poland [46]

If some German wants to find a place with conservative lifestyle, maybe it's better to search for some ...

The conservative lifestyle is under attack by the German political system. It will only be a matter of time before the villages catch up in their political correctness, as they cannot opt out of the modern school curriculum. Home schooling is illegal in Germany.

What I'm talking about is a society where young people actively embrace traditional values.... and not a backwoods region of reactionary retirees within a progressive country.
28 Dec 2018
Life / Expat Communities in Far-Western Poland [46]

So you want to live a more traditional society but keep the benefits of the German labor market amd maintain access to the German social security ?

Yes, exactly.

Why not dive in with both feet and use the Polish system ?

I don't view my salary to be high by any means, but it seems exorbitant by Polish standards based what I've read on this forum.
28 Dec 2018
Life / Expat Communities in Far-Western Poland [46]

The political situation in Germany is deteriorating quickly with the uncontrolled migration, violent crime, media dishonesty, etc., leaving many German families worried and wondering if they should get out. A number of people have made the abrupt decision to move to Eastern Europe (mostly Hungary) without considering the financial impact of this decision beforehand.

A potential solution could be to relocate to a Polish town near the border and commute to work in eastern Germany (Berlin, Dresden, Görlitz, etc.), ideally with the option of frequently working from home. This would allow these families to maintain their standard of living and to raise and school their children in a much more traditional, conservative society.

A major issue here of course would be acclimatizing to life in Poland and attempting to fit in. Poles living in this part of the country tend to speak at least mediocre German, and some speak it very well. However, I imagine it would be very difficult to fit in without speaking Polish to some degree of fluency. This is why it would be ideal to find a town with some likeminded expats so that there would be people to relate to from the very outset while gradually growing accustomed to the Polish culture and language.

Anyone aware of a Polish (or Czech) town close to the German border with a discernible English-speaking or German-speaking expat community?