Food /
Oils and fats in Polish foods [34]
Poor Johnny, you are very confused and seem to struggle in following a discussion.
We were discussing the false claim that you originaly made, which to remind you, was;
The main reason is that Margarine is but one molecule from being PLASTIC
By focusing on my comment that butter is just as close to plastic as margarine, all you are trying, and failing to do, is to deflect and obfuscate in an attempt to veer the discussion away from your original false statement.
But I will play along with you.
Now, lets see if you can manage to concentrate long enough to follow this.........
As you already accept that butter is far away from being plastic and that I have now shown you, beyond doubt, that margarine is too.
It follows that they are both far away from being plastic.
Are you still following Johnny?
If they are both as far away from being plastic then it follows that they are both just as close too.
Now Johnny, be a good boy and pick up those toys you threw out of your pram.........