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Joined: 7 Aug 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 6 - QQTTTT
Last Post: 31 Aug 2017
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 59 / In This Archive: 48
From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: yes

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9 Aug 2017
Life / Polish teen hotties, nastolatki article what they like [30]

its funny how americans like you call me a pervert for wanting either a mid teen girl who herself wants me or posisbly even a younger one if shes healthy and unusually forward for her age, but celebrate hugh heffner wnd kardashians and blakc rappers fuking white women like your tmz and media in Anerica do. you voted for a president who brags about groping younger women you moron.
9 Aug 2017
Life / Polish teen hotties, nastolatki article what they like [30]

its not though. it may be a boundsry for tou but i have absolutely no wuwrrels with it or see how it is wrong or against what they themselves want and fsntasize about in any way. its an artificial man made boundsry and its not even thst, its an american moralist crap boudnsry that really doesnt exist in europe. you do know its rude to ask girls how old they are in poland right? and you do know in poland because how they look and the fact young ones intemringle with others moreso thsn in u.s. and go to clubs or hang out at night in places like masowieckw or the siee strte there where I just got back from and saw two hot to trot teens walking by themselves (I was with my mom so ai couldnt pull no move). fact is 15 or 16 is the aoc here so what make syou the fgagot gay which you probably are and ugly fat american hick to try to control handsome guys like me from tsking advantage of this fact (if in fact they mthemselves go for me?).
9 Aug 2017
Life / Polish teen hotties, nastolatki article what they like [30]

here is a pic of me from today in warsaw (Nowy Świat):
And this is the concousion I came to, when it comes to my lifestyle, women or girls in Poland, and anywhere beside the u.s. land of paranoia and hypocrytes really. Here it is in a nutshell:

If the girl herself checks you out, if as you walk you see her eyes bright up a bit, if when you turn to wink at her or give a smile you see her look back multiple times with curiousity, shes old enough. she knows what shes doing. she has the attraction. That right there is my boundary. Am I right or wrong?
8 Aug 2017
Life / Polish teen hotties, nastolatki article what they like [30]

Interesting article for us men our here:


lol I really hope I can become one of their "problems". the older man bad boy in their lives.

"Polish teenagers like razors, fasting and sexting. They do not like it for themselves. And parents do not like it, because they stopped being interested in them.

"It all started with a secret group on Facebook, which for young women was founded by Beata Andrzejczuk, author of the bestselling series "Teenager diary". - It was supposed to be a positive experiment. The same teenagers and me, one adult, who trust enough to be able to tell me what they will not tell another adult, "the writer says. She was sure to write mostly about what girls were always writing about this age: boys and kisses. Possibly their old ones do not understand anything. Therefore, you must rebell against them. Meanwhile, the girls who write to me do not rebell, they just complain about life as a bunch of dogs. The teenager writes that she got her mother in the face for going to the gynecologist herself. She wanted to have pills, she was afraid of pregnancy. And now it cuts off. This is what they write - that when they are wrong, they wound themselves with razor blades - says Andrzejczuk.

Get such lists every day. Like this 15-year-old Zosia: "Please ask Lenka not to cut more." Or from Justyna: "I came across a razor in the street, bloody. I smiled slightly at her sight, because I knew what I could do at home and what I would do. "

Justyna admits she cuts herself regularly since September. Besides they do not eat it, it means it, but only once every two days. I burn a lighter. And her boyfriend Tomek too much sleep. Mom will not say that. My mom likes Tomek, he praises him for being nice and he is good at learning."

so do tou guys think I got a chance being kicked out of u.s. and all?
8 Aug 2017
News / Reports on gangs in Poland [21]

[Moved from]: Polish gangs from the '90s

Watch this documentary guys. This mofo from Lublin had multiple murders and even cop kills then escaped to germany to evade law and made a name there and even came to Ukraine to escape law there only to be deported back to poland by the Ukrainian cops (and you guys dlaim poland has law and order wnd we cant make sites or porn here the samy shady way?):


he even fuking killed some guy shot him over writing on his car at 18 and some other guy nicknamed animal tried to bomb his car lol. all sorts of deep **** there and you guys think its a small nation? fuking crazy its like reading about Kiev or Moscow.

Whats funny is he got a 10 yr sentence for his first kill at 18 but because of polish law you can get out yewrly on fourlough he ended up doing only 4.5 yrs, later he ended up with multiple life terms in a nation that officially doesnt even have life without parole how dangerous and motherfuking killer he and his gang were. he also tortured some gypsy princess which I loughed out loud at considering I just gone done doing time in cali for beating up a white (blond dude too but his wife was like half asian or dark they may have been wannabe gypsies) gypsy.

google translated:

"Crimes dating back years: "Ciolo" killed and tortured. He got five life sentences

Absolute bandit, beast ready for anything, number one on the list of most wanted criminals - so we wrote in Kurier about Robert K., better known as "Ciolo". In the 1990s local media called him the most dangerous criminal in Poland. What did he deserve? Robert K. spent his childhood in Lubelskie Bronowice. He quickly came to know the police as the perpetrator of minor theft. He soon gained respect in the criminal world of the Lublin region and headed the so- Gang Old Town. The group specialized in selling drugs, extortion and robbery. During one of them, in August 1992, Robert K. shot a Lublin sugar wholesaler, Krzysztof S."

lol apparently Massa or Mass found himself on the internet all of a sudden, after hiding his identity and being cooped up for years. Now hes making wuite a career move.




over 200 gangs still lol? I wonder if Legia is included in that number.

8 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]

oh trust me, there is no reswon to investigate me. like I said, resd that article on ther ukraińian guy. the ukrainian govt was trying to bring him back from the u.s. right away. in this part of europe its wild west and they dont care about that kind of stuff, plus im just throwin ideas out there, its free speech. i can say i blew buildings up online but unless you have proof it means nothing.
8 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]

ultras or pseudofan gangs are into smuggling, wtf r u talking about. same with mafia. how can you say they wouldnt tolerate me someone who is attracted to younger chicks when they themselves tske part sometimes in such porn (just resd up on the lordofthering gang). the link above shows ultras smuggling people for instance, and no im not into kids. i like girls 15 and up unless theyre already slutty and corrupted than i never was into anything below 12 and ive never succeded with sleeping with a teen girl anyway, so whats ur issue with me?
8 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]


i wonder if they smuggle young girls too maybe we can seriously make a great porn netwrok full of illegal girls or something?

maybe its time for polish to joun the ukraińians in this great business opportunity?


the only reason he was in trouble was because the u.s. went after him cause he wss too stupid and met them, if ukrainians dont care im sure polish domt either since the aoc and mentality is similar.
8 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]

"Specifically about his conviction and jailing for paedophilia with a lttle girl he groomed online. I wonder how well that would go down in 'the last bastion of Europe'."

why dont you ask Pruszków or the Ukrainian and Polish mafia what they think, maybe I could make some koney with a east euro based cp website?

I wonder if Ukrainian Angels should be reopened and maybe called Polish Angels? maybe just a modeling site with making out?
8 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]

getting back to the original heated discussion of the first page of this thread, this video says it all:

the person talking says the hope lies in the young people, who refuse to leave he country, who do not align themselves with any political country, who go to the sradiums with a message behind their movement.
8 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]

Crow, I love Serbians. My best friend in Santa Crews was a Serbian named Goron or Gigi, he was a bouncer.
8 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]

Because you are not in Poland or eu, there is something called the right to be forgotten law here and citizen privacy rights, esp after many yrs after the incident unlike in your country where you poke fingers at others like cowards all their lvies try to hold them down. go to polish or eu google and type the same thing and you wont see any results. by the way i smashed a pint glass over a coward american like you and am proud of it just like entire legia is proud of me, i was circled, surrounded, and some short fuk tried to punk me and all i did was hold him with one hand and he couldnt egen move so the coward later tried to attack me and got served. and the whole time all i was doing is sitting down and minding my own business when he came over like a lunk saying i was in his faggot chair. The cowards name is Kevin Markley for the whole web to see.
8 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]

legia gang for life vs state of Spain:


great stuff here too:
8 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]

lol black lives matter, what a homosexual movement even though those cops are even more filthy then them. they all should just be on an island and set up an ustawka.
8 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]

in poland it doesnt exist and we dont prey on our own race and set up what ifs. its called gdybywanie. you and your country have court systems that try to destroy people using gdybywanie tactics, we destroyed that with the solidarity movement. you made your bed doward now you have to life in a dount ry with laws where yiu yourselfes made and foted for. when you start poking fingers neighboor at neighboor and because or cowardice preying on your own and everyf amily having one person behind bars years one end, all I can say is you deserve it your whole country deserves it and when you end up behind those bars due to them wanting to make money off you and your american heritage and white skin dont save you eventuslly, all I can say is you made your own bed. here ir you google my name there is so much respect nothing in the polish or european google search even shows up but a little sign on bottom saying results ommited due to eu privacy laws. fuking coward.
8 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]

Welcome to Polska, even russians know what this means being brothers and all:

7 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]


like i said this is what were about, and this is what would happen to that hick american town and county if we were there and i wasnt a lone man in a sand full of pebbles with no countrymen near me, one man on an island. wed rip that ******* brady bar up too in santa crews where they ganged up on me and chased me later while calling cops and lying and snitching just like they are in Umerica. look up my name again and youll see i brought the ultra lifestyle to cali and made us a name there, im the only one. i did time for hooliganism not touching kids, the last two cases and more if you include duis were for straight up hooliganism including a gypsy who was choked out in the middle of a busy neighborhood in santa cruz.
7 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]

Oh by the way, as you can see from her facebuk profile (she may have blocked it now or made it private) her brother is in prison all tattood up doin 9 yrs, this is the sort of karma that hickville white trasj americans got for going after an uktra, a Legia warrior. i aint no snitch they are though, hence the karma and liers who use little power influences to go after someone foreign who had no intentions besides curiousity to meet someone who he thought was really into him (again look at my pics girls would check me out and still do all the time so dont act stupid like i had some plan besides feeling empowered or wanted).

oh. y the way unlike their fake media you fuking cowards found about me says from thst fske media country (trump is rught in this regard), they didnt mention the fact i never showed up the first time did they? and they than said "so now you wont talk to me anymore?" did they? fuking coward liers, i should have stabbed that motherfuking journalist in the stomach like our legia boys recently did in Roma to support Lazio, then theyd see who was laughing (but i was on bail and that shithole hick town has no exit roads outside main highways).

but seriously her mom looks like a straight bestiality porn star ive seen, her name is sandra lederer look her up she was in some meet the neighboors article from that shithole american county during my case to show me how important she was there or something with her pic displayed for all to see during when the case went on and she supposedly was protecting her daughter (from a guy who wanted nothing to do with those lowlife bestiality coward ******).
7 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]

In Polonia there is no paranoia like there is in USA, no background checks, drinking is allowed at 18 but really younger, cops are hated and fuked up by the ultras daily, a dream come true for me. I admit I do love younger girls (but I am honest about it unlike most Americans esp spics or those with southern tendencies like turks, arabs spanish and italians) as long as they check me out too so do something sbout it faggot, at least i aint a gay like you and your coutnrymen all over cali in west la sanf ran and most prisoj yards are full of fags even the skinheads there (esp sny) and I dont go for kids, but either girls already corrupted and who started esrly in smaller towns or 16 or so its fine. im already a lot older than when i had that case in the u.s. and i will be absolutely happy and in bliss with 16 and over, in fact i would do that just to say fuk you to umerica and their hypocryte (country of high heffner and kardashians) morality. i even look at 12-13 yr olds (13 not always as some still fuking look hot and no diff from 16 yr olds it depends) as kids because they jump around annoyingly and act stupid and are too young for anyone, but long time ago the reason i went for that because ive seen what they can do (you guys would be surprised unless you accidentslly saw some of those esst euro sites back in the day) and also cause in poland i met this one girl when i was 22 who fuking was just off the hook and that same age. she actually and her friend were in jasien talking to some other older guys at the time then walked ny me and she kept staring snd i said something and she came back wrote her gg on my hand and we ended up hanging out for a few days and making out at her parents home where she infited me and even wrote poems for me but all of a sudden dissapeared when she went with her family to austria for vacation (she probably revealed I was 22 to them and they got at her or met some other tuy). anyway, the girl in umerica i tried to meet (that was all there was no rape or attempt gdybywania of anything or even sex or nothing just me being curious if she actually wanted me or was into me as much as she claimed thats all whether you like it or not). fact is she or the cop who later took over her profile (because it was a hick town full of american good old boys and her family had cops in it or as we say psy dogs) she is a *****, look her name up on facebook it is shayla verry, and if you google it in u.s.-based google it says she graduated hs in 2010 the same year of my supposed case. fuk them and umerics and lier cowards who protect or do fsvors for their own. her mom looked like a straight bestiality ***** i saw online. anyway, the girl shayla now hangs out with some spic gangbangers (again look her up on facebook if you dont believe me), has a kid and looks older than me. she even said at the time she messed with some 16 yr old already, but like polanski why only go after the polak (in his case they didnt go after the girls 17 yr old br in my case the 16 yr old) so how is polanski any better than me (who did absolutely nothing than get asked to meet someone?)? fuk you guys if u think what they did was right just because I am Polish, a Polish ultra.
7 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]

if you guys dont believe i was gifted by godnto be he giggilo of young girls or their introducer to womanhood just take a look at this oic of me with two 16 yr olds ive recently met in Warsaw who I actually had the balls to talk to but only because they had "free hugs" shirts on (yea i got my free hugs alright but really they could have made some money and instead charged 2 zlote if they wanted to lol):


Like I said, I know how hot I am to younger girls and I know how when I was young they aleays prefferednolder guys to me, now I can be that older guy with some money and world travelled esperienceand toughness (ai survuved u,s. prison after all so am also a bad boy) they always choose over me and drewmed about. if its not me it woule be some other guy or some bladk or arab or maria member who would take advsntsge of them. i omly tive pleasure lol with my tounge if they would desire it, all day and night as lomg as its legsl why limit myselfz. what guy who could still get it or had the looks would deny himself the pleasures of life?
7 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]


what a hottie here, Im so glad 15 is the aoc here, but what makes no sense is how girls cant watch porn below 18 or can you get in trouble for sending them stuff over gg? but can actually do everything with you even give you a rimjob legally lol? laws are weird, im gonna study them so carefully that i will go as close to the edge as posisble while being untiuchable or trouble prone free. fuk america and cowards who discriminate or use the full power or their connections on you for being Polak or diff from them. by the way have you guys ever heard of the mafia smuggling girls and making porn sites? i wonder if pruszkow was wlwo involved along with the ukraińians or if there are any groups involved with this great trade? i think there is a lot of money to be made, hot girls willing who have the slut eye in poland just like in ukraine (its not hard in smaller towns or farms to be checked out or even hit on by younger girls even if youre in your late 20s so i domt know how in ukraine it would be any easier yet all the porn sites that are underground seme to be russian or ukraine based not poland for i dont know what reason esp with 15 aoc?).

teen hotties who are young and dumb and hormone prone, along with fighting, drinking and hooliganism = polak lifestyle to the max.

in America all the spics or mesicans are percerts anyway, they just act like theyre not and join gangs but in reality i used to live on the beach and these fat ugly spics would take pics of young girls on the beach all the time. As long as the guy is handsome and she wants him and isnt some black or mesican or arab and does nothing against the will i dont have absolutely any morality or problem with it. I recently went to Dębcowicy or some other small town and met three 16 yr old or something to that effect Drziry (one had missing tooth) who i gave the wrong gg to, but im sure as long as i dould get there id be having foursomes by now. they were so into me they even said goodbye and waved as i walked by with my mom and her friend and kept trying to add some other dudes gg number on their phone lol.
7 Aug 2017
Life / Poland: Last Bastion of Europe [54]

Check out this amazing video from our Slavic neighboors, Russian brothers, showing their solidarity and how what apoland is doing right now is unique (were the only ones) in all europe when it comes to toughness and patriotism and pride and toughness i mean against the enemies of our people. the hooligans dor instance are our arwnser of berzerkers against foreign gangs or wannabe toughnguys punkers or muslims coming in trying to punk us or change our cukture. anyway here is the russian brotherhood vid:

we Polish are simply anti Police and anti corrupt systems in general. revolutionaries and warriors through and through. watch this too:

I am so happy I am finally back home after all these years and that Trump "through me out" for being a hooligan lol and good street fighter lol. fuk the U.S and the fake cowardly cop czlling and lying people here. fuk the obsession about sexual morality and crap laws when in Poland the age or donsent is 15 lol and all girls are 10 times hotter and look young anyway up to 20 unlike the gold diggers in U.S. duk the weak white people in u.s. who are only shown being knockdd out on felony fights or tmz(remember the rapper Stiches).

any od f you slavs or whites out there look at Poland as an example of what a real mans man out to be like right now. warriors and ustawki (called up challenge fights of 10. s 10 or 300 vs 300) is what Poland is about.

on 6:10 the person speaking in Polish voice while the video run is saying:

We are polish and lets remember that this isnt jst a word only a nation that has its own identity card. This is a thousand years of our history. These arent only nationalists. These are all Polaks who gave their lives for free Poland and they all look at us today. What we are doing and how we carry ourselves. How we act. We have to give anexample to the next generation just like we remember our knights on horseback. In a thousand years they have to remember us that way. Us all. And this is only dependent on us all the Greater Poland.

Also, at 9:50 of the first vid above a speaker says:

"Let the world know that Poland will not be intimidated nor is afraid of any American or foreign corporations or influence."

said it right on the spot, we Polish need to look east at russia and not west at europe or america for our future so we never become part of any multi ethnic culture pot like there with women or girls getting assaulted by non polish and non europeans and like you see in cali paisas and black gang bangers seducing and tricking young underage white girls in malls and such to go with them who knows where. we Polish will take it to their throat and they csn try to bring their isis or their nortenos surenos bloods and cripps and our polish hools/ultras will be waiting.