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Posts by Bartkowiak  

Joined: 25 Nov 2015 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Dec 2016
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 114 / In This Archive: 79
From: Gorzów Wielkopolski
Speaks Polish?: Tak
Interests: Researching History, WW2, Solidarnosc

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13 Aug 2016
Language / What language is this? Kashubian or Silesian? [37]

found this writing on back of my family photos, I got told by my Polish grandmother that they weren't Polish. Anyone recognise any words? Sorry for smudges, this photo is 60 years old.

8 Aug 2016
Genealogy / Are the origins of Bernatowicz French? [23]

Merged: Research on my family

I did my research and have been doing so for the better part of the year. I learned some key information and facts, that I didn't even know before! Just out of interest, what part of Poland is the surname 'Bernatowicz' most prevelant in? I found ancestors in Gołdap and other towns around the area, would I be correct to assume that the surname is the most prevelant there?
8 Jul 2016
Life / Should I expect racism as a 'black' woman in Poland [149]

My2cents, your fault for being born there. Your fault for your parent's immigration. The reason why a lot of Poles, Slovaks and Czechs are 'different' is because they were isolated for over 60 years!

There aren't a lot of Asians or Black people in Slovakia, at least in comparison to Poland and the Czech Republic: where the attitude to different coloured people, different cultures, etc is more tolerant but not as tolerant as the West. However, Warsaw and Prague are equally as tolerant as cities such as Berlin, Amsterdam and Stockholm. After all, the biggest Vietnamese communities in Europe are located in Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic and their counterparts: Warsaw, Berlin and Prague.

So stop complaining you arrogant idiot, I don't see African countries, save for South Africa (which remains segregated to this day), taking in other cultures and skin colours.
18 Feb 2016
Genealogy / Polish Tatar People and Names. [8]

Merged: Polish surnames of Tatar origin

Could anyone list Polish surnames of Tatar origin? Also, could Bernatowicz be one? Not all of the people with the name, but the name in general. I was told that it could be of Tatar, Ukrainian, Armenian, Hungarian, Slovak, Silesian, Czech and German origin (depending on place of family origin).
10 Feb 2016
Genealogy / Chmielewski - INFO ON MY POLISH SURNAME [11]

No, not really. -SKI is more popular amongst Jews than -WICZ. My particular lastname though, is supposedly of 'Armenian' origin.
10 Feb 2016
Genealogy / Chmielewski - INFO ON MY POLISH SURNAME [11]

-SKI and -WICZ are usually patronymic endings, in this case both meaning 'Son of'. My own surname ends in -WICZ, also certain -WICZ families originate in Eastern Europe (Belarus, Ukraine, Russia or Lithuania).
6 Feb 2016

He's an Arab. Wannabe 'Englishman'. My grandma speaks better English than you. You raped your wife and are now asking for rights to see your son? You're lucky you didn't serve!
4 Feb 2016
Polonia / Moving to Lviv, Ukraine - mother is Polish [8]

Why would you move to L'viv? My family is from Warsaw, Masuria and Silesia. Shall I cut myself into 3 and move there because of my ancestry?
31 Jan 2016
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Truth be told, every Pole is a Nazi sympathiser and we all have SS runes embedded on our foreheads. You're right Harry, my own father served in SS Polnischer-Klein-FGH
19 Dec 2015
Genealogy / Bernatowicz surname - Could anybody identify where my grandfather could be from? Is he Polish? [42]

I wouldn't call him a Soviet agent, the Soviets shot my grandfather and his brother in the foot for no reason. Just for a laugh, they nearly executed my G Grandfather, I wouldn't call him a Soviet Agent at all. The Germans actually passed quite peacefully through the area without hurting him or his family, which may be a reason why he is of German origin.
15 Dec 2015
Genealogy / Bernatowicz surname - Could anybody identify where my grandfather could be from? Is he Polish? [42]

My grandfather was born there to the Breslau native, my great grandfather, and a Belarusian. He moved to Belarus with his parents and siblings and in 1946, he made his way to Gorzow Wielkopolski.

I think that my grandfather looks more 'Germanic' than 'Slavic'. And I know why, my surname is Polonised from 'Bernhardt'. My surname is of German origin.

Also, Bernat is a popular French name. Considering Walloons speak French, my surname could also house French/Walloon origin; consequently, my grandfather was of Walloon descent.