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Posts by PC_Sceptic  

Joined: 15 Jul 2014 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Sep 2014
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Posts: Total: 69 / In This Archive: 58
From: US, Forest Hills
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: History, geopolitics, Linux junkie, Open Source, Poetry, Graphics

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18 Sep 2014
Law / Giving notice that you are recording someone - Do they have this in Poland? [14]

- recording our own conversation is LEGAL. It doesn't matter weather the conversation is private or as part of work. So such recording can be used in a court and you don't have to warn anybody that you will be recording

You have no idea what kind of Pandora Box it means to/for me.
Sometimes you gotta to love to be wrong.
So I was duped....mhhh
18 Sep 2014
Law / Giving notice that you are recording someone - Do they have this in Poland? [14]

You do not need anyone permission to record a conversation- as long as you are taking a part in that conversation

If that was the case, you wouldn't hear warning about recording conversation (for whatever reason) while calling to all sorts of customer services

Publicizing that conversation is a different story

Well here we are. Recording for personal references is one thing since nobody knows that you have the recording.
But once someone knows, like I personally had such case, I was threatened with all kinds of lawsuits in Poland if make it public.
It was one on one telephone and skype (with video) conversation(s)/conferences.
I cannot talk about details since it concerns public figures (actually legends in their own minds but nevertheless public in Poland)
12 Sep 2014
Law / Everybody in my family holds dual Poland and Germany citizenship and I'm not being granted a Polish? [4]

My dad and everybody else in my family holds dual citizenship with Poland and Germany. My mom only has Polish citizenship,

You have enough to become Polish citizen and provided with the Polish passport. (PESEL is relevant while getting passport)
I am in very same situation as you are. Your mother Birth Certificate should be sufficient, as it was in my case.

For some reason however, I'm not granted citizenship until I "proof" that my ancestors 3 generations back are Polish and I have to write about what they did in their lives. These go back to the 19th century,

Never heard of such law/requirements. Unless the politicians in PL flipped.
Change the Consulate, ask to be seen by vice-consul. (you have the right for such request) And arm yourself with Polish Birth Certificates.
10 Sep 2014
Study / Discrimination & humiliation of non-white students by Polish professor at Med Uni [18]

Discrimination on what basis?
Nationality? Gender? Religion? or the color of the skin?
Racism applies only to the last one.and in certain situation it applies to Ethnic origin, like Hitler despised Jews.

Examples of Racism
the racism that was the basis of apartheid
Hitler's declaration of his belief in a "master race" was an indication of the inherent racism of the Nazi movement.
The recording career of the Henderson band was brief ... due partly to the racism of booking agencies that didn't take on black acts until the mid-'30s, when Henderson's career was on the downswing

8 Sep 2014
Love / Left Poland when young, did I leave half my heart? [7]

Consider renting your house instead of selling. Then you can easily come back.

I agree, that's is the best option for you.
I left Poland long ago, came back few times but I just don't see myself living in Poland. For some reason all is so different from what I remember growing up.

It is easy for me be to be a Polish patriot, but I just don't feel comfortable moving back for good.
So go there and test the waters, just go with the flow. See what happens. Beware of scammers
7 Sep 2014
Life / Could Poland become an immigrant country? [42]


This video is banned in the US :D
"The uploader (Al Jazeera) has not made this video available in your country
Sorry about that" :)
I see same trends from Polish Media uploading their videos on their flagship YT channels.
Watching this video I see not one bit of info that could corrupt an American mind.
I had to connect to VPN to see it.

Coming back to immigration coming to Poland it is more than certain that it will happen, not in 50 years but in 10+.
Very low fertility rate, with combination of Poles searching for opportunities elsewhere in EU or North America, it is plain mathematics that it will happen.

I know this for years that this scenario is coming to Poland.
2 Sep 2014
Food / Was Slonina (Lard) originally extracted from Elephant meat? [17]

`usoljeno` and `slano`

"Salty and salted"

But @Marysienka wins the argument;
Salted meat, cured with the salt to be exact - that then becomes eventually the słonina. Easy to keep in warm temperatures.
Same technique used with the fish and the cabbage > sauerkraut and many other products.

Long ago we had no friges so folks had to find other ways to "fix" the food for longer keeping.
Lard=Smalec > pure smalec, fat only just as the lard is.

Elephant is irrelevant in this whole argument.
25 Jul 2014
Work / Is it a good sign if a school seems desperate to hire me? Small town Kęty [15]

Is it possible for you guys to give me some advice for living in a small town? Especially since I am an African American.

Very good question.

Just be yourself, smile a lot, try to greet people on the street (you being the initiator) like How are you, how is your day, nice weather today basically simple pleasantries.

(Make a list in Polish lingo)
People in small town(s) in 99% white Poland might look strange at you at first, like being on exhibition.
Don't find this kind of behavior as aggressive, thus the reason to make preemptive strike by being polite, and spreading "Howdy" all over the place :-)

If you understand well Polish and/or feel like someone is talking about you in negative way ( racial or in whatever form) just ignore it and pretend to be deaf.

With time you will win their hearts.

Good luck
23 Jul 2014
Travel / DRIVING - CB RADIOS AND THE "PSY" aka - COPS - in Poland [12]

Interesting, CB radios are on decline in the US but a hit in Poland.

What I do (and I usually obey traffic laws) is either using smartphone app(s), that tells all about light and speed cameras locations, position of state troopers (yes trooper/police car is emitting by GPS his position which is/are intercepted)

But the best trick is spray, for license plate. it creates glossy cover and during snapshot all what camera is getting is the reflection, no numbers/letters, no crime :D

Must be sprayed every 3 days , more often if the is a rain or one goes to car wash. Works like a charm :-)

The only problem is with helicopters that calculate speed by how fast the vehicle is passing the middle 5 meters long white lines between the lanes.


21 Jul 2014
UK, Ireland / Why are Brits so left-wing? [60]

This has nothing to do with the title of this thread, please keep to the topic

With respect I strongly disagree,
Various events in human life either personal, casual, professional, religious are shaping human mind views. this includes political views.
Thus some are on the left some on the right and some are in the middle (center) spectrum of political scene.
The question in OP was "WHY" to explain why.. one must analyse all possible influences on WHY? That includes racial harmony, state of economy, education, social benefits (in this case UK)

and the way regular lad(s) feels about it.

My comment on immigrant from Malta is in-directly connected with the UK as main member and policy maker in the EU as they have the most votes.

Thus lefties policies of one government in EU with majority votes as a result is echoed in another country in the form of immigration (in this case Poland)

But as a respect to our moderator wishes here I will be very careful phrasing my comments in the future.
So they (the mods) can see the visible "link" in my comments to any topic that we are discussing here on the Forum (in particular thread, that is)
21 Jul 2014
UK, Ireland / Why are Brits so left-wing? [60]

(do you really need to post links to race hate sites)

I said Far East-Asian gangs.

What do you mean I post "race hate sites"? who decides which one is racist and which ain't

For example forum as on storm front is racial, but it is their right to express their opinion.
Nobody forces anyone to read them. I do because I want to know how they think

One needs to take look at the problem from any possible angle
Plus I do travel to the UK extensively and see what is going on there on my own eyes.
And I don't see any racial harmony there.

Here in US for some reason it works, (for now anyway)

One time in the pub while with my English m8's nursing beer, some their friends approached us we all exchanged high fives and I was introduced as a Yank, Well I correct them that I am really Pole,

They bursted out in laughter, saying "That's the good one"
F****k polacks, like roaches.. I stood up and told them that i am really a Pole, they were confused but left us alone.
Were they racists? We were all white..
And religion ain't no race.

Also I have read on some Polish Forum an outrage that Poland will accept refuges from Malta who arrived there from Africa..
{EU quota for immigrant distribution)
There was an outrage that the State will accommodate them at Poles expense.
The more it will happen the more far-far-far right Poland will become. Especially jobless young people with no hope of future.
Not everyone can have University degree,
20 Jul 2014
UK, Ireland / Why are Brits so left-wing? [60]

In the UK, the term Asian isn't really used for people from the Far East

Yes, so convenient excuse. How do they call them? Far East-Asian gangs? Chinese triads?

And enter this term in google search "Rapes in Sweden" UK is still behind Sweden in raping department.
20 Jul 2014
UK, Ireland / Why are Brits so left-wing? [60]

Gangs of Asians men

"Asian gang" is Politically Correct term.
They put all Asians to one basket... Never seen Chinese, Filipino, Thai, former Indochina countries Burmese, Nepali, Hindus, etc having raping gangs or pimping young girls in UK..

Most of them are Muslims, mainly Pakistanis, Somalis (not Pakis, this is P-Incorrect and Racist term)

Gerries, krauts, Gooks, Polacks is OK
20 Jul 2014
Life / Rules of Etiquette in Poland [22]

For example in China people bow

None of it in Poland.
As a new employee, and let me stress "new"

Don't show the boss (or anyone above you) that you are smarter and/ have better solutions.
Unless you have extraordinary diplomatic skills.
Poles tend to believe that they know best

Don't flirt in the workplace.
That goes for any country..

Be on time.

Avoid gossip about co-workers.

After 6 + months when you figure out who is who, you might bend/adjust those rules.
20 Jul 2014
Food / Where to buy "yerba mate" in Poland? [20]

No offense intended but you must be kidding me with this question.


compare prices, i find Czech and Slovak (euro) bit cheaper than the Polish ones
(I am talking in general, not about "yerba-mate")
18 Jul 2014
Work / Opening new college of computer science in Poland - how can I find lecturers? [13]

that 2000$+ is just min. base of our research in web

The salary is insulting, I was getting this per week plus accommodations while working in Indonesia.

Yes the Poles are excelling in IT in recent years, many migrated but they also know their value.
They have good reputation in the west, at least here in the US.

Maybe you would find someone 10 years ago but not today
(with your requested credentials)

In any case, good luck
17 Jul 2014
UK, Ireland / Why are Brits so left-wing? [60]

The UK technically has a "Conservative" party, but I think its an insult to conservative ideology for them to be called conservative.

That's why they are called CONservatives

And as for the British "Labour Party", I don't think any party like that would ever win an election in America.

That is why it is really called LIEBour Party.
17 Jul 2014
Love / Do some Polish women prefer older men for money? [57]

"If women did not exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning."
(Aristotle Onassis)

"In love, women are professionals, men are amateurs"
(Francois Truffaut)

"To get divorced because you do not love your husband is almost as silly as getting married him because you love him."
( Zsa Zsa Gabor)

"The only ambition of women is to inspire love."

"To win a man is an art. To keep him a profession."
(Simone De Beauvoir)

"In a couple, at least one must be a believer. Preferably, the other.
(Marcel Achard)

"The life of a woman is the constant search for a master."
(Fyodor Dostoevsky)

"There are three things I always loved and never understood: painting, music and women."
15 Jul 2014
Life / Client of T-mobile having an iPhone 4 & iOS 7.1.2 - problem with connecting to the Poland's network [3]

I never had an iPhone nor I ever will.
The problem you are having is as follows, during update your APN was erased.
Newer devices might not to be up to speed with the mobile provider(s) or vice versa,
plus devices like the iPhone only have a limited number of these carriers built in (usually the carriers which have an official relationship with Apple)

For example T-Mobile in US just recently started selling iPhone.. so in older iPhone devices T-Mobile network wasn't listed in APN.
APN=Access Point Name
BTW, is your iPhone jailbroken?

APN principle applies not only to iPhone but Android and other OS's

From what I understand T-Mobile in Poland is not that long---I judge this from conversation with my friend from Poland who never heard of T-Mobile before, about 2 years ago.

First get in touch with T-Mobile rep in Poland and see what he/she has to say.

Solution # 1 revert to previous OS version (i think there is a time limit that you can do so)
How to link : daily.bhaskar.com/article/GAD-unhappy-with-ios-7-here-is-how-to-downgrade-to-ios6-4380650-NOR.html

Solution #2a go to PDA/Smarthphone Forums and dig for answers. Do not settle for anything less then this following Forums. I give you a link to the similar thread for starters.

Do not pay attention about different devices, principle for APN is the same.. just Apple is messing things up.
link: forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2586058

Solution #2b go to iPhone Forum, regarded one of the top ones for Apple.
link: forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1642124&highlight=after+upgrade+lost+apn

Last but not least, use common sense, if not sure what you are doing, don't do it.
I take no responsibility whatsoever if you brick your phone. XDA Forum is for developers.
Good Luck.
15 Jul 2014
Law / Giving notice that you are recording someone - Do they have this in Poland? [14]

To the best of my knowledge recording phone conversations in Poland without consent is illegal.

Anyhow in the US of A is a very different matter. It depends in which state one lives in.. There are two laws, first "One party law" & "Two (2) parties law".

In the latter case one must inform the other party that you will record the conversation.
Example I live in New York state the "one party law" and I am not obligated by law to inform you that i will record our conversation..

If one lives in California then there is an obligation to inform the other party.

The law however becomes tricky how and if one can use such recording in court litigations.
And on international level it becomes mumbo-jumbo..

And I do record all phone conversation for almost 10 years (starting with pda's) same with Skype including the video.
Not to eavesdropping on people that I talk to but strictly for personal references.

Here is the link to hard data on the matter in pdf format

link: rcfp.org/rcfp/orders/docs/RECORDING.pdf

easier and shorter data
link: dmlp.org/legal-guide/recording-phone-calls-and-conversations

simple map of US states, how the law applies to various states

15 Jul 2014
Travel / Lake near Krakow (Zakrzówek Lake?) [12]

I am not from Krakow, but was going to school there.
And to my best recollection there are no lakes in the true sense of the word in the immediate vicinity of Krakow, with place to swim or have a picnic.

We (me and my school-mates) were going to artificial lake, very dirty, called "glinianka" (referring to mud formed) if my memory is serving me right.

I have found on this Forum another thread concerning the matter, hope you find the right information fitting your needs.
link: polishforums.com/travel-5/lake-near-krakow-zakrzowek-lake-44214/