Life /
Poles' atttiude towards broken Polish [9]
I am from the United States. My wife has her roots in Poland as her parents were from what is now Belarus. We visited Poland for the first time last year and loved it based on it's history, culture and most important the people. My wife is a fluent speaker but has trouble with some of the language of business. We liked it so much that we returned twice this year and purchased an apartment.
I do the best I can in learning to speak Polish. It is much easier when I am there and listening to the language all the time. I plan on staying for a month next year and attending school for Polish. In the states I have Rosetta Stone, dictionaries and other sources to help me. When in Poland I try to use what I have learned. I have not had anyone ridicule me. On the contrary they have congratulated me for getting something correct or helped with the correct pronunciation when incorrect.
Trying to learn and speak another language is a worth while endeavor even if done poorly at first. Realize that it takes time and hard work and feel good that someone thinks enough of Poland to want to be able to communicate other than just speak their own language in restaurants and hotels. So go easy on those who are trying.
As Mark Twain said: "Nothing so liberalizes a man and expands the kindly instincts that nature put in him as travel and contact with many kinds of people."