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Posts by grspring  

Joined: 10 Feb 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 7 Dec 2018
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 10
Posts: Total: 55 / In This Archive: 41
From: USA Maine
Speaks Polish?: Learning now
Interests: Photography

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8 Jul 2013
Travel / Car Service for airport pickup in Krakow? [4]

Could someone recommend a reliable car service for airport pickup in Krakow and transport to my apartment. We will probably use them several during the following two weeks and for return to the airport.

9 Jun 2013
Life / Inquiry about prescribed medicines in Poland - Xanax, benzodiazepines [30]

I hope it goes the same way in Poland

Since I am moving to Poland and only for a couple of years I have learned that things are not the same way there. After what I though to be through research in the area of apartment buying, including having a real estate agent and opening a bank account, the surprises were many. Some of this was due to being lost in translation and some to my not asking the correct question the correct way. On the home front there was also confusion as I tried to explain the Polish business matrix to my small town bank.

I would hope you do as much as possible on this end prior to moving. Get 90 supplies of your medication, a copy of your medical history and find a doctor as soon as possible after arrival. This is exactly what I had to do when moving to a different state after retiring.
9 Jun 2013
Life / Inquiry about prescribed medicines in Poland - Xanax, benzodiazepines [30]

With a year to go before moving I haven't really gotten to the problem of medication yet. I assumed I would have my written prescriptions from America and bring a 90 day supply of needed medication with me. I take common blood thinners. I thought I would find a doctor and present my medical history (which I travel with) and my prescription needs. I didn't think this would be too complicated. Am I wrong?
6 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

If you buy an investment with money that was earned from an investment it's still Capital Gains and Social Security is not involved. The tax codes were written by corporations and the extremely wealthy. There is no fixing the tax code, it has to be thrown out and a fair code written. However since tax bills are generated in congress this could never happen as outside lobbyists dole out the money for campaigns and pet projects. Congressmen who own family farms make sure they are eligible for subsidies. Wall Street reform is hard to since congressmen can do insider trading without much fear of penalty.

It's just a mess. Looks like my plan to move somewhere I have only a rudimentary knowledge of the language will work. Maybe I won't understand I'm getting screwed.

PS: You have to pay federal tax on Social Security and many states collect collect state tax on SS as well. Good luck with those twilight years everyone.
6 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

Capital gains tax (money earned from investments) are taxed like interest. You only pay FICA (Social Security) tax on earned income, not savings or investment earnings.

Long term capital gains (stock held for 12 months or more) is taxed at a capital gain rate. So if you get up in the morning and go to the factory, your tax rate could be around 28%. If you stay home and watch the stock market your tax rate is around 15%.

Before retiring I worked for a company that owned 3 sports teams. A bench sitter making $5 million a year, would finish paying Social security a week and a half into the year.
6 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

Too bad i'm not guaranteed to still be able to get social security with the way everything is looking and the way its going bankrupt

I wrote to my Senator and he agreed that the way to save SS is to (1) Remove the cap on earnings and (2) Treat money that earns money the same as labor that earns money.
5 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

OK forgive me for turning this thread to fat.

One of the major differences between the two countries is that we can live very well on our American Social Security while living in Poland.
3 Jun 2013
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

5th would be lower tolerance of especially older people.

My in-laws always told me that older people were respected more so in Poland than in the US. What I have not seen in Poland are fat people getting around on little electric scooters.
2 Mar 2013
Language / Secret to the Polish Rolling R [40]

American Marine

Just to set the record straight. I'm not a Marine. I live in the State of Maine.
2 Mar 2013
Language / Secret to the Polish Rolling R [40]

I have never been able to properly, what we call rolling the letter R. Anyone have a suggestion that would help? If I can't do this when pronouncing a word, will I still be understood in general?

3 Feb 2013
Law / Bank account - can I can online, without being in Poland? [8]

Yes, we had to be in Poland to open an account. Even then there were problems due to the language barrier. My Polish is only for ordering in a restaurant and getting directions and my wife has never dealt with finances in the Polish language, even though she grew up speaking Polish. Once we had an account it was not a problem to bank online or to get an English rep on the phone to answer questions.
10 Jan 2013
Study / Looking for Language School Suggestion in Krakow [9]

This summer I will have an extended stay in Krakow by myself (my wife who is a native speaker will return to the US) to attend a language school. My Internet searches found several schools so I'm wondering if someone can recommend one that has a two to three week intensive course. I do not need accommodations since I own an apartment in the town center.

4 Oct 2012
Life / Poles' atttiude towards broken Polish [9]

I am from the United States. My wife has her roots in Poland as her parents were from what is now Belarus. We visited Poland for the first time last year and loved it based on it's history, culture and most important the people. My wife is a fluent speaker but has trouble with some of the language of business. We liked it so much that we returned twice this year and purchased an apartment.

I do the best I can in learning to speak Polish. It is much easier when I am there and listening to the language all the time. I plan on staying for a month next year and attending school for Polish. In the states I have Rosetta Stone, dictionaries and other sources to help me. When in Poland I try to use what I have learned. I have not had anyone ridicule me. On the contrary they have congratulated me for getting something correct or helped with the correct pronunciation when incorrect.

Trying to learn and speak another language is a worth while endeavor even if done poorly at first. Realize that it takes time and hard work and feel good that someone thinks enough of Poland to want to be able to communicate other than just speak their own language in restaurants and hotels. So go easy on those who are trying.

As Mark Twain said: "Nothing so liberalizes a man and expands the kindly instincts that nature put in him as travel and contact with many kinds of people."
21 Jun 2012
Travel / Free wifi in wroclaw and krakow? [12]

Merged: Free WiFi in Krakow and Wroclaw?

Are the Internet Cafes or free WIFI places in Krakow someone can recommend? We will need internet access while setting up our Krakow apartment in early July.

31 Mar 2012
Real Estate / Lubicz Brewery - construction site in Krakow? [3]

If anyone has seen the construction site for apartments at the former Lubicz Brewery in Krakow, I would love to hear comments.
I received information through email from an agent but since I won't be there till May, I am curious as to the "word of mouth" about the project.
