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Free wifi in wroclaw and krakow?

polandabroad  4 | 2  
25 Dec 2009 /  #1
I will be traveling with my ipod touch. I would love suggestions for free wifi spots where i can check up on the news and email. In the U.S., wifi is free at any mcdonald's, is this also the case in Poland?
wildrover  98 | 4431  
25 Dec 2009 /  #2
wifi is free at any mcdonald's, is

Some friends of mine from Tel aviv contacted me free from Macdonalds in Lodz in Poland...so its available there...dont know if all macs in Poland do it though...?
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
26 Dec 2009 /  #3
Google is your friend OP!


All McFatFcukers have it!
convex  20 | 3928  
26 Dec 2009 /  #4
La Donna Cannone at Plac Grunwaldzki has free fast wifi...and really good pizza.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
26 Dec 2009 /  #5
Google is your friend OP!

But that's in the UK. He asked about Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Dec 2009 /  #6
He asked about Poland.

They have it here too, I think it's actually worldwide.
Adams14  - | 2  
26 Dec 2009 /  #7
So I take it most Mcdonalds in poland have free Wifi? correct me if im wrong, I will be traveling very soon, for real estate purchase and need a internet connection on the go.
NooNoo  - | 9  
25 Jan 2010 /  #8
Most cafes around the main square in Wroclaw have free Wifi - for sure Blue Boar Cafe on Plac Solny and Coffee Planet on Rynek. Starbucks in Grunwaldski shopping centre does, as does Mleczarnia. You'll have no problem finding a connection as long as you pay for a cup of coffee.
grspring  11 | 55  
21 Jun 2012 /  #9
Merged: Free WiFi in Krakow and Wroclaw?

Are the Internet Cafes or free WIFI places in Krakow someone can recommend? We will need internet access while setting up our Krakow apartment in early July.

21 Jun 2012 /  #10
Starbucks seems to be the location of choice in Warsaw (apparently it's 8zl for your first coffee and then 4zl per refill; I know somebody who has stopped renting an office and how just uses Starbucks!)
grspring  11 | 55  
21 Jun 2012 /  #11
Looks like a few lattes!

phtoa  9 | 236  
22 Jun 2012 /  #12
Hi Greg,

Almost every cafe in Kazimierz district has wifi, I believe the same goes for Rynek.
If you need wifi during the day hours, I can recommend going to Alchemia in Kaz very good atmosphere!

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