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Joined: 27 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Feb 2012
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 490 / In This Archive: 380

Speaks Polish?: yes

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6 Mar 2012
Travel / Kopernik Centre - worth visiting? [13]

For a high-tech centre as this you should be able to buy tickets on-line though.

You can book as a group of 10 in advance: kopernik.org.pl/en/about-us/rezerwacjegrupowe00/

instead of going for the individual daily tickets.
27 Feb 2012
Law / How do restaurants in Poland advertise [12]

How do restaurants in Poland get people in to eat?

It would seem to be done in one of two ways, big portions or go port side over starboard home, then let the Chinese whispers do the rest.
22 Feb 2012
Love / Polish girls want to be dominated. Fact? [63]

I just noticed that she's added her ex back on Facebook. This is a guy who broke up with her twice after one year of dating, who all her friends hated, who she said rarely could make her laugh, had real problems making her orgasm, and was a **** kisser

As I pointed out to you in ' post 12 of this thread' you gave it to him on a plate by leaving to go stateside. Out of sight out of mind, he worked his magic - you lost, you can't kick a man for ' carpe diem '
21 Feb 2012
Life / Warning: dog owners in Poland ('Flea solution') [8]

Three days ago I purchased a liquid ' Flea ' solution for my dog in Warsaw from a respected outlet. Following the instructions I applied the liquid between the shoulders of my dog, within two minutes she started to go into spasms. I decided to do more research and here is what I have found.

Preparat przeciw insektom dla psów Frontline Spot On S



It would seem the solutions all come from one manufacturer in the USA, who rebrand on behalf of its clients. There is now an investigation going on in the states after a number of pet deaths.
20 Feb 2012

you can freely practice your profession and all you have to do to do it legally (so far) is to register it for tax purposes

Not when it comes to the medical profession, A qualified doctor from the USA would not be allowed to practice in Poland before taking local exams.

You also have to qualified to practice Bio-energia therapeutic in Poland.

OP, try contacting these people they may be able to best advise: vegamedica.pl
19 Feb 2012
Love / Polish girls want to be dominated. Fact? [63]

It sounds to me as though her ex most likely put the kibosh on your relationship, you are away in ? She is going through a bad period and you are not there for her. Polish women are daddy's little girls they mostly want a Father figure in their life.

At 29 she is no spring chicken, she is thinking about children and being part of a family, the question they are asking at this age, is could he be the father of my children?
17 Feb 2012


In order for people to assist fully, you need to let your plan known. Firstly trees take quite a few years to grow, would your idea be a commercial venture or do you wish to give something back to the community or is it for a private residence. Furthermore 5 hectare would not be large for a park. The location of the land is very important. also if you start informing people of your commercial intentions before purchasing the land the price will go up. It may be better to find a local partner and lease the land.
15 Feb 2012
Life / Supermarket culture rules in Poland? [18]

on ul. Burakowska, just behind Rondo Babka/Radoslawa there's a great bakery. They have a window at the entrance selling hot bread and cakes 24 hours

Only ever get as far as Mielżyński Wine Bar or the enclave of shops there. Never seen a bakery there will look for the next time I am around that area.
13 Feb 2012
Life / Supermarket culture rules in Poland? [18]

Corner of Jana Pawla and Solidarnosci

You thinking of Lubaszka's, they have some excellent breads?

13 Feb 2012
Life / Supermarket culture rules in Poland? [18]

disappearance of butcher's, fishmongers and bake shops from the Warsaw scene

Sklep Mięso, wędliny is not really a butchers, when compared to UK standard. Furthermore are there any ' real ' fishmongers outside the supermarkets.
10 Feb 2012
Real Estate / How to sell residential land 40 km from Warsaw? [3]

The golf course is called 'Lisia Polana' being close to Modlin is not a good sales point, the price of land/property will be going down in this area. Unless you have a solid USP such as full view of the Wisla, it is going to be difficult to move. The size of your plot is small for the area, unless you are directly on the Gdansk road then it cold be interesting as commercial land.
9 Feb 2012
Work / I Want to offer a Telesales Job to 5 Brit Expats however... [19]

From what I have seen on this forum, most of the Brits/Irish in Warsaw are employed. If it is B2B there are plenty of Brits/Irish outside of Warsaw in small towns who would jump at the opportunity to do anything other than teaching. The structure would be very simple to set up.
8 Feb 2012
Love / Living with a Polish man, but he has a drinking problem? [60]

I need time to think because I have been offered a transfer at work and maybe that might get us away from this crowd, fresh start etc...

So he is a drunk and you believe that by taking a transfer it may help your relationship, you are a victim of his alcoholism,move on and give the guy a wide birth, if he is prepared to be honest and face his demons, support him.Otherwise bin him.
4 Feb 2012
Work / Got an offer from a business consulting company in Warsaw. 5000 zloty Gross? [8]

Is 5000 zloty GROSS salary enough for average life

You will have a basic average life on this salary.

Plus i wanna improve my russian, is there any language school in Warsaw which is teaching russian in english?


There are Plenty of Russians and Russian speaking Ukrainians in Warsaw.
4 Feb 2012
Work / Warsaw or Krakow - what is the better place to work in? [19]

Personally, I have never heard anyone from Warsaw making negative remarks about People from other cities in Poland, it would seem to me that most negative comments are aimed at people from Warsaw,rather than by people from Warsaw. My conclusion is that most people in Warsaw don't have the time or energy for the trivial matters of name calling, most are focused on holding down a job to meet the mortgage payments.
2 Feb 2012
News / Warsaw Modlin Airport is finally moving [29]

. What surprises me is that it's been planned so long, but the rail link won't be in place from day one.

The only thing that surprises me is that after being in Poland for so many years, you are still surprised. Par for the course JonnyM, why be efficient when you can get more more for being inefficient, the clothes may change, the car gets more expensive, but when you scrape the veneer of respectability, its still the same sh1t underneath.
2 Feb 2012
News / Warsaw Modlin Airport is finally moving [29]

a) Does Warsaw even need a second airport?

Modlin will be dedicated to low cost airlines, as a frequent flyer when spending my own money I select on price, so in my opinion competition is good for the consumer.

b) In what way is it a leg up?

Modlin should assist in bringing down prices for travelers, provide more low cost routes, as well as taking some traffic away from Okęcie.


c) Real second airports are places such as Gatwick.

I could not even begin to compare Warsaw to London.
Maybe Manchester or Birmingham in size of population.
2 Feb 2012
News / Warsaw Modlin Airport is finally moving [29]

Without a proper rail link, the airport in Modlin is going to be of very little use for several hours per day.

Progress Harry, Warsaw getting its second ' real ' airport is a leg up. Look at Aeroport de Paris Beauvais and Airport Reus- Barcelona, if they can survive so can Modlin. Don't know about the air traffic pollution for the local residents though.
2 Feb 2012
News / Warsaw Modlin Airport is finally moving [29]

They can't afford to run the Metro to Brodno or Tarchomin in the forseeable, so they hope more people will use the tarted up PKP stations at Torunska, Płudy and Praga. It's just a coincidence that this will benefit passengers to Modlin Airport.

At least the extra trains will help the crowd who moved out to 'Dzielnicy Białołęka' avail of better transport options.
2 Feb 2012
News / Warsaw Modlin Airport is finally moving [29]

Thats right the airport bus will go to Novy Dwor with new services from central.

The original idea was to run a line into Warsaw on the left bank of the Wisla through kielpin and Lomianki, the nature lovers put the kibosh on that idea, from what I have been informed there will be two routes out to Modlin from Warszawa, one going through central to Praga and on to Modlin and another going through Dworzec Gdański and on to Modlin.

Are any of them not bad?

If you have a problem with the Wisla strada go through Młociny and round the back of the cemetery and drop into Kielpin/Lomianki that way, cutting out most of the road congestion.
1 Feb 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

my guess is we haven't even hit the bottom so far - it may even take a year or more before we touch the groun

Last year saw a revival on the Warsaw housing market. Developers resumed some of the projects they had put on hold during the crisis. This was accompanied by increased sales of finished apartments. Foreigners have contributed to the recovery on the market by stepping up their investment in housing, including premium apartments, in Warsaw and other Polish cities.
1 Feb 2012
News / Poland and the European Union Fund Allocations [59]

What is the truth

The threads title is ' European Union Fund Allocations.' that would be a good point to start.

Another example...

"President Schulz must have misunderstood what the prime minister said," Rostowski told reporters, referring to a meeting Monday morning between European Parliament President Martin Schulz and Tusk.

"The prime minister was not talking about joining the euro zone in 2015," added Rostowski.

Schulz had earlier told a press conference: "Poland is a dynamic economy and its prime minister made a clear declaration that he wants to join the euro zone by 2015."

31 Jan 2012
News / Poland and the European Union Fund Allocations [59]

And I don't think it's just this forum, I don't even think it's Poland.

Its the Polish ' adage ' If we keep denying the truth, they won't take it away from us, therefore if we carry on denying the facts are a reality, they may give us more.
30 Jan 2012
News / Icy blast cleans the streets of the homeless in Poland.. [63]

If I see a homeless person, I normally talk to them for 20 minis or so, buy some food and try to make them feel like they can get back on track.

Good man, Irishguy11 - there should be more people like you out there.