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Joined: 9 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Sep 2016
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 1767 / In This Archive: 438
From: Europe
Speaks Polish?: Trying hard (sometimes) to learn...
Interests: Music, sport, history, geography, science, languages...and probably Poland too.

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22 Dec 2015
News / Polish government to allow kosher and halal methods of animal slaughter [29]

Make him bleed to death (Halal) or kill him with modern methods in milisseconds?

'Modern' methods are not always used. And slaughter house workers are rarely fully trained for that task (stunning (in theory) and killing animals). Plus, when you have to kill like 50-100 animals an hour, how can you expect animals to be treated 'decently'? Animals are nothing but objects/consumer goods from birth to death.

As Wroclaw1010 said, there is no good or better way to slaugther. It's all about murdering in the end. Halal is just another way to achieve the same bloody goal.
22 Dec 2015
News / Polish government to allow kosher and halal methods of animal slaughter [29]

and no it doesn't beat the cruelty of halal slaughter houses.

Doesn't seem so objective to me. How do you know? I have watched the movie Earthlings too, and numerous other movies and books on the matter. The way 'we' treat and kill animals is terrible. I would not say 'our' way is better. As long as we're comparing halal slaughter houses and 'our' industrial 'farms' and slaughter houses.

It's Christmas time. One of the best moments of the year for many people, one of the worst for animals. Clearly. Halal or not.
15 Dec 2015
Language / Polish minority languages [13]

Several young people still collect the remains of the language.

Fortunately, yes, and they're doing pretty well. I've been interested in this language for years. If I ever have the chance to visit Wilamowice, I will.

An example of Wilamowicean:

15 Dec 2015
Language / Polish minority languages [13]

You should try Silesian, or even weirder, Wymysörys (Wilamowicean).
14 Dec 2015
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

They where the winners of this elections, not the Socialist Party that ruined France and caused Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan with their so called Multiculturalism.

Les Républicains and the Parti socialiste are both liberal parties that support immigration and multiculturalism.

I'd rather say that the French (those who voted as well as those who didn't) showed how much they are wary and angry at their politicians.

The Parti socialist came to power because the French had had enough of Sarkozy's party (Les Républicains, formerly known as UMP). And now Les Républicains (and the Front national) are back to business because the French have had enough of this government. It's always the same story.

And in France they have these weird results in the first round and common sense prevail in the second.

Common sense and propaganda ;)

Many of them are business owners that support immigration to provide cheap labour, similar to the German CDU.


Would you play cards against two people who are fixing the game so you can never win?

8 Dec 2015
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

Considering the fierce media and state propaganda that French voters are facing and will be facing until next Sunday, Front National may not end up with so many regions in the end. Even tho French people are fed up with the political status quo and have lost faith in 'their' politicians. Which partly explains why FN is so high.

I mean, it was all meant to be. Considering the situation.
21 Nov 2015
News / US air base to be in Poland [193]

And by demography you mean we should fix the extremely low birthrates

That and emigration. Too many Poles still don't see their future in Poland, and that's a big problem. It means that even the Poles who make babies may leave the country (with their babies).
20 Nov 2015
News / US air base to be in Poland [193]

Where are Polish bases in the US? ;) If we are allies, it should work both ways. Poland could help protect the US against Mexican and Canadian threats.

It seems America is still willing to 'contain' Russia which is not good for Poland. Poland's national interest is to have good diplomatic relations with its neighbors, including Russia. Today, the biggest threat for Poland is the economic crisis, its demography, and ISIS (we never know). I really don't think Russia has any interest in Poland.
20 Nov 2015
News / US air base to be in Poland [193]

Because chicken-sh*t Putin may threaten, fume and rant but would not dare attack a NATO country, especially one with GI boots on the ground.

No 'especially'. Russia would not attack a NATO country either way. What would be its interest in doing so anyway? Tell me why on earth would Russia attack Poland? For its rich natural resources? To 'protect' its Russian minority? To defend itself from the deadly Polish army forces? I can't see any (reasonable) reasons for Russia to invade Poland.

Poland is a NATO member. That's more than enough. No need for a foreign occupation on its soil.
5 Nov 2015
Genealogy / Create gene bank of Slavic and therefore Polish people? [44]

Why say that blond hair and blue eyes are beautiful characteristics that should be preserved is considered racist?

It just doesn't sound so cool when you want to make genetically modified babies, that's the thing.
5 Nov 2015
Language / "Pan" or "Ty" - how people address each other in Poland? [55]

PS: for me "Eastern Europe" is NOT pejorative.

For you it's not, but it is for many people, even if they may not be really aware of it. It just doesn't sound good. There are many things related to 'Eastern Europe' and it's not just good stuff, if you know what I mean ;) Unless one has travelled throughout Europe, the picture we get from that part of Europe is not positive. Because we've heard/read/watched too many things in our media.

I know that this general 'feeling' about Eastern Europe is wrong, I mean it doesn't fully reflect reality, at all. But it will take time to finally change people's inconscious and overcome stereotypes.

Does not matter what it makes you think or what you associate it with, culturally Poland is an Eastern European country whether you like it or not or prefer otherwise.

Ktos, I posted that 8 years ago. I was young back then ;)
Still, since you want to speak 'culturally', do you think a Pole from Silesia or Poznan is as 'Eastern' as a Pole living on the Ukrainian border?
5 Nov 2015
Genealogy / Create gene bank of Slavic and therefore Polish people? [44]

This would help a lot, specially in cases of mixed couples where the couple wants to favour the Slavic genes.

That's what we call eugenics, which is ethically very... questionable.
We all have 'ideals' but sometimes it's better to just let Mother Nature work on her own.
A human being is not a car you can customize, that's what I mean ;)
22 Oct 2015
News / Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland? [390]

Poland's NATO membership and special security relationship with Ameirca are the best things that ever happened to Poland.

Until the first terrorist attack taking place in Poland. Hopefully not in a too near future...
Islamists would have no reason to threaten Poland if Poland hadn't accepted to come and destroy Afghanistan and Iraq with the US & co.
27 Sep 2015
Travel / Information on Gliwice needed [41]

Is there any good website for apartment rent in gliwice?

This one is in English, just found it.
If you want to try in Polish, here are a few links:




23 Sep 2015
Travel / Information on Gliwice needed [41]

1- My job offer is at Tenneco automotive, which is 5km from Rynek (a few hundred meters east of the Aeroklub Gliwice Trynek), do you know if there is any public transportation to the place (Tenneco)?

There is. It seems the closest bus stop to your future (?) workplace would be 'Gliwice Fadom' (lines 8 and 58).
Example: from 'Plac Piastów' (close to Gliwice's railway station) to 'Gliwice Fadom' => 12 minutes (line 58).
Look here.
(and choose 'english')

I worried about riding there by bike during winter.

If it's a snowy winter, that would be complicated I think.

2 - Is it better to rent an apartment once I'm at the city or before arrival?

You'd better start looking for offers before you go and maybe get some appointments.
When I went there, I found my apartment very quickly (a couple of days). A friend of mine lived there for a while too and she didn't speak a word of Polish. She didn't have much trouble finding a nice apartment either.
19 Sep 2015
News / Russia threatens Poland over monument [33]

what's the state got to do with various groups' sacred places, anyway?

Many Russians are Orthodox Christians, who were shocked by such a gross behaviour in a sacred place.
I'm not saying those girls deserved to spend some time in labour camps. But I'm not Russian, and I don't live under Russian legislation. And I don't wander around naked in churches.

And no 'evidence' that they're behind the invasion of Ukraine. They still pretend their soldiers are volunteer rebels.

I won't pretend I'm shocked. That's what every country does/says when intervening without UN approval. But only Russia gets 'punished' (with sanctions) for doing this. When we (the 'free world') do it, it's alright.

They do.

Are you saying the Russian government kills gays now?

With Russia, there are no grounds for Poland to respect them as a country and diplomacy where Russia is concerned only happens on their terms.

What has Russia done to Poland lately? Apart from (supposedly) threatening it for moving (or destroying) monuments away?
Many Poles seem a little paranoid when it comes to Russia. A little more perspective would be nice. They would realise there is no reason to be that scared.

Russia is the master of the "no evidence" assassination, after all.

You're aware that Russia is filled with billionaires who (at least some of them) are ready to do anything to protect their own interests, aren't you?

Some of them could even support and arrange the assassination of a political opponent or journalist and make everyone accuse the government for it. That 'strategy' was commonly adopted by the CIA in Central and South America last century to destabilise unwanted governments.

That's a bit much, but the Soviet Union did almost all the heavy lifting in beating the Nazis, had they not forced a bunch of countries into unwanted political and military alliances with them afterwards then maybe people would be more favorably disposed toward them.

That and massive Western propaganda I'd say. Here's an interesting poll that was held in France in 1945, 1994, and 2004. The question was: 'In your opinion, what nation contributed the most to Nazi Germany's defeat in 1945?'. The results show that most respondents in 1945 thought it was the USSR that contributed the most. Strangely, that vision changed totally with time.

Poll results.

18 Sep 2015
News / Russia threatens Poland over monument [33]

for taking their tops off in church

That and singing blasphemous songs in a sacred place (church as you said).

who assassinate journalists

Many people could have done that kind of stuff. There's no evidence that the government was behind these assassinations.

ban gay parades

I've seen stuff from Gay Pride parades that I really wouldn't want kids to see, honestly. Plus, Russia has its values, we shouldn't meddle into that kind of things. Unless they're killing gays, this is not our business. And do gays need parades? Well I guess that's another issue anyway ;)

sitting politicians who have seriously suggested blowing nuclear waste over the Lithuanian border.

I think I know who you're talking about. But from what I saw he's not taken seriously even by Russians ;)

Still, I'm pretty sure Russia wouldn't do anything. Especially if Poland doesn't destroy all these monuments and returns them to Russia.
Respect and diplomacy, that would be cool.
18 Sep 2015
News / Russia threatens Poland over monument [33]

If AP and Yahoo says it... And still, no idea what the "threats" and "most serious consequences" would be.

They could simply make sure that no-one visits Katyń.

We'll see.

they're literally just demolishing monuments in some cases, or dumping them in storage (like this one).

I agree. I think I read something like that in a Polish article. Russia suggested that Poland would just 'return' the monuments they don't want to keep. I think it's fair.

Visas, trade, a whole host of things.

For a monument? Let's be serious ;) It's not worth it.
18 Sep 2015
News / Russia threatens Poland over monument [33]

You'll call me a Putinist but it seems to me that this story is a piece of Ukraine propaganda. How come you read Ukrainian news websites, Jon? (just curious, not judging)

I just checked Polish news websites, and couldn't find anything refering to "threats" and "most serious consequences" from Russia.
What could they do anyway, seriously?
10 Sep 2015
Travel / Information on Gliwice needed [41]

I'm Brazilian and have no clue on how to speak spanish

Sinto mutíssimo! ;)

Is there many people in there who speaks english?

I'd say yes, especially among younger generations.

4000zl between 2 people would be pretty rough, like your rent would be 1/4 of that so you wouldn't have a lot of spending power.

Depends what their lifestyle is I guess. I don't spend much money, but that's just me. If Fernando and his wife want to buy a car, go to the cinema every Saturday night, play squash, and go to the gym, then yes, they'll definitely need more than what I said ;)
10 Sep 2015
Travel / Information on Gliwice needed [41]

Hi Fernando. I was in Gliwice a few days ago. There was that group of Spanish-speaking people talking and laughing on the Rynek (city's main square). I don't know if that's of any interest to you, it's just that your name looks hispanic, so...


1 - What would be an average good salary for living there? I have a wife and two small dogs :)

Depending on where you live in the city, I'd say 3,500-4,000zł (net) would be a good start for two persons (with two dogs).

2 - is there much difference in terms of costs and/or life quality between living in the city center and a bit far from it?

In terms of quality of life, the city center is probably a lot better. Nicer area, buildings, lots of public transportations, shops, etc.
In terms of costs (rents), I don't think the difference between the city center and the rest of the city is really important.
11 Jan 2015
News / Turkey abolished visas for Poles. [80]

Guys, please be very careful with any hasty interpretation you may get from what happened in France this week.
We don't want another (post-) 9/11.

Marsupial, 'ally' doesn't mean 'friend'. And please avoid personal attacks.
We need to stay calm and keep our thoughts clear. This world is already a freaking mess, no need for more fighting.
30 Jul 2014
Travel / Information on Gliwice needed [41]

It's a nice enough place but unfortunately one of the most polluted cities in Europe

Indeed. Upper Silesia in general... And Cracow too (how sad).
But the Sudetes moutains are not far. You can spend sometime there on weekends, in summer or winter ;)
29 Jul 2014
Travel / Information on Gliwice needed [41]

You're a good person, Polson!

Hehe, trying the best I can ;)

how much into the Piast games?

It's quite cheap. I think I paid like 20zł. Depends where your seat is, of course. And also on the game. Let me check.

Ok, it seems it's even cheaper than I thought. They're probably trying to attract more people every weekend.
For 1 person, apparently, from 9zł (almost free...) to 43zł... And a 'membership' would be even more interesting if you're planning on attending several games.

Do they sell beer in the stadium?

I think they do.
29 Jul 2014
Travel / Information on Gliwice needed [41]

I'm very impressed there is a vegetarian restaurant as in the east of Europe it is not exactly known for vegetarians.

Gliwice is a big city. wegebar.com is the link to the restaurant.
I think there's also an Indian restaurant. You may find vegetarian food there too.

What's the local beer/lager/alcoholic drink and local dish?

Lots of beers. Polish (Żywiec, Lech, Tyskie, etc.) and foreign.
If you want to discover Polish food, I would suggest Dobra Nasza Kasza, located on the Rynek (main square).
Polish cuisine is not vegetarian, but it's quite rich, so you will easily find a lot of vegetables. And Polish cakes are usually very appreciated ;)
29 Jul 2014
Travel / Information on Gliwice needed [41]

i like buildings with character and history.

So definitely city center. Only there you could find what you're looking for, I'd say. Plus, Chopin's Park is a nice place for a walk. And I think it has free wifi... Anyway.

And I also recommend the veggie restaurant called Złoty Osioł (Golden Donkey). Nice colourful hand-made decoration, cool staff, good music, and delicious food.

does the city have trams and trains?

It used to have trams, it doesn't anymore. Only buses now.
Trains yes, but for longer distances (next cities).
Where would your workplace be?

is it easy to get asian spices and ingredients in gliwice?

I would say so. Many supermarkets where you can find pretty much everything.
Are you Asian? (I'm curious, sorry)