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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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12 Jun 2018
Life / How do Polish people see homosexuality? [152]

Some time ago, Rafal Ziemkiewicz wrote an interesting analysis about how the left's narrative on sexuality has changed. He repeated it on television yesterday. He said, a few years ago, the left's argument was that you shouldn't be treated worse if you are homosexual, because people don't choose to be gay, they just are. The whole point being made was that people don't get to choose what they are, they just are what they are and can't do anything about it, so they shouldn't be made to feel bad about it.

Now, that argument has been made completely null and void, because the left is saying that you can be whatever sexuality you want and can be whatever you want, a man, a woman, both, neither, whatever other options there are. It's hilarious how twisted up in their own sh-t they get.
29 May 2018
Life / My Last Link To Poland Died - Why Leaving Poland Was My Best Decision [249]

We live in an uncultured and uncivilised way and only have benefited from our place in Europe and proximity to Western Europe.

Hah. Want to experience the benefits of a progressive forward thinking society, try moving to the UK. I'd be careful going out on your own as a woman though as people of certain culture might wish to take advantage and also remember, you can't say anything that isn't in line with the governments left-wing ideology, or you could be locked up for it. Then again, judging by your posts here, you already think the way they want you to think, so you should be fine. But remember, one step out of line, one wrong idea or thought, and your life will be over there. It's a shame people like you don't understand just how much freedom you have/had in Poland. You will probably only know when it is too late.
25 May 2018
Work / I want to teach English in Poland and I don't know where to start! PLEASE HELP! [23]

you need a university qualification to get a good job, or if you want to work in a public school

So what are your qualifications delph? Did you have to do a year-long teaching course or study something at university to get to where you are today?

I know that people who want to get in to media for instance, often do a 3 or 4 year degree in journalism, yet in the UK that qualification doesn't help much. The NCTJ qualification on the other hand, an intensive hands on course that lasts 3-4 months, is much more desired by newspapers than a degree in journalism, because it teaches wannabe reporters the exact skills they need, at least in print journalism.
13 May 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

I don't really see how the US benefits from Isreal. Politicians including Trump say that Israel is a great ally but I don't see it.

That's an easy one. Heavy Jewish influence in American politics.

America does not benefit from Israel in any way and it would make no logical sense for a country like the USA to care so much about Israel. Heck, the USA benefits more from a relationship with Poland than Israel, given how many EU countries don't like Trump or the USA right now. But as I said, Jewish influence, it makes a heck of a difference.
1 May 2018
Genealogy / 15th Artillery Polish Regiment in Scotland 1945-47 (Photographs) [6]

Hi Maria

It is quite hard to find typing in those words. I seem to get all sorts of other artillery divisions.

Could you give an address link? It must be possible. Not sure why you are having problems posting it.

Or at least give the exact 'http address' even if no link shows up, then we can just copy and paste that in to the address bar.
21 Apr 2018
History / A Quote from Polands' Past [11]

I seem to be going the other way with this.

Apparently most people start off socialist when they are young [as you say] and then gradually, as they make a bit of money in life, they become more capitalist and are less keen to share.

With me I started off more to the right financially but have become more sympathetic to socialist ideas over the years. It's probably the only left-wing ideology I agree with, and why I like PiS so much, because even though they are considered right-wing around Europe, they are fiscally very socialist.
17 Apr 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]

Not sure what my topic on Jonny Daniels has to do with Polonophobia rising in Israel, that's why created a separate thread, as it's a specific topic about him. That's why I didn't put it in the other thread I made. Whatever, I'm used to illogical things being done on this forum.
17 Apr 2018
News / Polonophobia rising in Israel. [144]


Jonny Daniels

I thought I would put this in a separate topic, as it isn't really about the 'Israeli reaction to Polish law' thread but every now and then he gets brought up there.

Some of us [me and delph] in particular] have given our fair share of thoughts on this guy. Anybody else want to comment? What do you think about him? What do you think his real intentions are?

Here is his latest interview for the Polish media, where again, he just cannot stop himself from talking about how so many Polish people murdered Jews.


Like I said before, he is too stupid to be a Mossad agent, because he can't keep his mouth shut when he should.

Funny how in the interview he says he has considered packing up and leaving it, because of the amount of abuse he gets from Polish people. Yes please, don't think about it mate, just go. But we know of course that he won't, because he has a job to do in Poland.
28 Mar 2018
Language / A mother yelling at her child in Polish [16]

No problem

I suppose if she is squeezing or holding her child with a mixture of anger and tearful relief that he/she is okay, with, as you said, an angry voice that sort of fades in to emotional crying or almost crying, then i suppose 'ty glupie glupie dziecko' could work.
28 Mar 2018
Language / A mother yelling at her child in Polish [16]

Agreed. Even a very angry mother would not shout 'stupid, stupid child.' It just doesn't translate well in to Polish. The examples by maf above are all good too.
28 Mar 2018
Language / A mother yelling at her child in Polish [16]

Yeah that's good too although it sounds like something a little more soft. 'Ty gluptasie, co wyprawiasz?' Almost like a friendly reprimand.
28 Mar 2018
Language / A mother yelling at her child in Polish [16]

An exact translation would be 'ty glupi, glupi dzieciaku' but I don't think a parent would say that to a child unless they were a very bad parent. I think something like 'smarkaczu jeden' or 'ty smarkaczu jeden' is more likely to be used, translating more or less as 'you little brat.'
11 Mar 2018
Feedback / What's with the + signs in front of threads? [8]

Doesn't it mean a new (unread by a given user) comment has been added to a thread?

It appears so - but I have never seen this before.


I use Google Chrome
7 Mar 2018
Travel / Anyone here use/used Ryanair? Flying from/to Poland [31]

I doubt he would ground them - it's just an empty threat in the hope of stopping Brexit. All it would do is lose him business and ruin Ryanair's reputation in the long run. O'Learly seems to have forgotten that other budget airlines do exist.
26 Feb 2018
Love / Marriage problems in Poland [50]

The reason I ask about nationality, is that since 'nope' isn't Polish and probably isn't even slavic, it could just be a mentality issue. Your mentalities are too different. Once you get over that honeymoon period [it can last months or even years, in your case] where you're in love [or think you're in love], you start to realise as time goes by, how different you are to the other person. It could be that this has started to hit her and she isn't coping with it well.

As Muhammad Ali said, that's why blue birds fly with blue birds and red birds fly with red birds. They aren't as smart as us yet they know to stat together.

At some point, you'll want Chinese food and she'll want Polish food or she will want to go to church and you'll want to go to the beach. Obviously these are just examples that might not apply to you, but the point is, once these differences start to add up, the relationship can go sour. The spark wasn't going to last forever and to some degree you have to be compatible. If that's what it is, she might have made up her mind already. Or she could just be going through a phase and she'll snap out of it. Who knows?
26 Feb 2018
Love / Marriage problems in Poland [50]

Hey 'nope' I take it your wife is Polish and you guys live in Poland? Where are you from?
23 Feb 2018
Life / Right-wing events in Poland [13]

Or you're a left wing journalist or agitator just looking for controversy
14 Feb 2018
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

Speaking of chosen people, there is a notable difference in the Jewish faith to other religions. That difference is that Jews do not seek to preach to people or convert then. People of other religions on the other hand, do this all the time.

Now for this reason, non-religious people might find Jews less annoying, because they are not trying to 'force' their religion on them, but what is more interesting is the reason they do not try to convert people and it is more to do with the fact that Orthodox religious Jews believe they are chosen.

If you aren't born Jewish, then they believe that perhaps you aren't chosen by God like them, perhaps you weren't meant to be a Jew - you were meant to be a gentile.

Other religions don't have this mentality. Anybody who converts to Christianity or Islam isn't considered not as good as those who were born in to the faith. That's why those religions preach their word and encourage others to convert.

At least, I think this is the case. Perhaps somebody can enlighten me? Can a convert to Judaism [like say, Ivanka Trump] be considered to be on the same level as an Orthodox Jew born of Jewish blood, or would she never be considered as Jewish as them?
11 Feb 2018
UK, Ireland / Living in a Polish/Gypsy community in Poland. People don't like me there. [25]

so why people don't like people like me?

I don't think it's just 'people like you.' Many Polish people, particularly patriotic ones, don't trust gypsies, Arabs, Jews and other communities stereotypically known for sticking together, swindling others just so they can be better off and generally having little to no respect for those who aren't part of their community and culture.

Gypsies for instance are often considered a group who don't assimilate particularly well. They have also been known to steal. I think rather than disliking you, it's more a distrust.
25 Jan 2018
News / Arrests made in Poland for Hitler birthday celebrations [35]

We should be so glad that there are such smart people in the world like Jon and mafketis, who 'know' that religion and patriotism are stupid.

How do they know? Because they are sensible - much more sensible and intelligent than us lowly gullible herd.

By the way, can we keep this on topic? This is about the people who celebrated Hitler's birthday, yet mafketis despises religion so much that he is trying to turn it in to a religion bashing thread.
24 Jan 2018
News / Arrests made in Poland for Hitler birthday celebrations [35]

I don't understand why gov is so easy riled by that and why is reacting like crazy. That new gov is sh.. methinks.

a] I think the government has always condemned this sort of thing - it's just troublemakers and lying media who try to act like they don't care about it and allow it to go on unpunished. They weren't really riled by it - they had to react. I know a few yobs being stupid might not be a big deal, but can you imagine if they had said nothing about it? Think of the media storm, not just from anti-Polish domestic media but also the foreign media, who were just waiting for the government to do nothing, so they could say that this must mean they agree with it.

b] So you don't like this government or just don't like it since the reconstruction?

Why is this the best time?

Well this isn't the best time. There was no best time. They were probably looking for a perfect time to release the footage and hit PiS hard, but couldn't find it, so after holding it for almost a year, they just decided, they might as well release it.

In hindsight, they're probably kicking themselves that they didn't release it just after the Polish Independence March. That probably would have been the 'best' time, when Poland was being attacked for having anti-Semites in the march.

To be perfectly honest, most of the filmed footage I saw looked staged, as if they were performing for a camera.

This shouldn't be ruled out.
24 Jan 2018
News / Arrests made in Poland for Hitler birthday celebrations [35]

For those unaware, TVN recently released footage of a group of people celebrating what would have been Hitler's 128th birthday, in some woods in Poland. The footage was apparently obtained early last year, but strangely they decided only to release it now [perhaps they were trying to pick the best time to try and shame Poland?].

Three people from this event have been arrested and charged. Of course the foreign media has been quick to latch on to the story, to try and show Poland in a negative light again, even though there were probably no more than a dozen idiots at this event.

The Times of Israel was particularly quick to try and stir the anti-Semitic pot again.


In the article above, they quote Leslaw Piszewski, president of the Union of Jewish Communities in Poland, who slams the Polish authorities for not doing enough to tackle anti-Semitism in the country.

The article also quotes World Jewish Congress CEO Robert Singer, who basically says anti-semitism is rising in Poland and incidents like this are not a rarity.

They also mention the Polish Independence Day march and once again repeat that there were xenophobic signs and anti-Semitic slogans [even though there were literally a couple] in that march, trying to re-state how awful Polish people are.

Look, it's a stupid thing to do and the people involved should be punished, as the prime minister and justice minister have said, but the attempt to once again try and tarnish the country is starting to get tiresome.
21 Jan 2018
Love / How long should i wait to romance a Polish girl after she broke up with her boyfriend of three years? [11]

Rumination, where are you from? I ask because your grammar is quite bad. So I assume not from USA or Britain? Unless you just made lots of mistakes because you had so much to type and wanted to do it quickly.

Anyway I generally don't like these kind of questions because this isn't a dating advice site, but I would definitely have said wait a while. Usually when a girl breaks up with somebody after such a long relationship, the chances are she had strong feelings for him and is still thinking about it.

In this situation that seems to be the case, as you said she got back with his guy recently, so even if you did try to 'move on her' she probably wouldn't have been interested, or even if she went on a date with you, she would have been thinking about him.

Time heals and if she had not been with him for a long time, perhaps many more months, then perhaps it would have been an occasion. Anyway that's my love advice, haha.