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Posts by Matt32  

Joined: 30 Aug 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 2 Jan 2011
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 83 / In This Archive: 72

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6 Sep 2010
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Tip: normally, it is long and soft.

some kind of kielbasa ?

Hints: its from 50s and those boys liked jazz and good fun

jazz-band ?
or jazz-lovers :)?
6 Sep 2010
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

I still haven`t eaten supper. Let`s switch to food riddles.

What is it?

rabbit ?
6 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'? [187]

Oh, people have the right to vote whomever they choose, but Polonia could really think better about it and stop interfering in our politics.

Interfering? I would say that whomever have a right to vote and choose to exercise his right,doesn't interfere into your politics, because it is as much his as yours politics.

You choose KaczyƄski and feel good about your patriotic self, we have to live with this paranoid idiot.

You are entitled to your opinion - however democracy means, that some people have a right to disagree with you -:)
6 Sep 2010
Life / Poland, maybe the world's last bastion of faith [67]

Baptist? Yet you take such a position? Odd!

Well, there I was a little boy, forced on them by their daughter ! Grandparents expected me to be Catholic, good people, they knew no better:). I have found my own way since and I don't need Church to believe in God.

Anyway its all off-topic and isn't interesting :)
6 Sep 2010
Life / Poland, maybe the world's last bastion of faith [67]

Yeah, my mother had the same and it was highly damaging! Harrowing even! Insistence is the worst way

It was even stranger provided that I'm Baptist after my father :)
at last I was Baptist then:)or I thought,so :)!
6 Sep 2010
Life / Poland, maybe the world's last bastion of faith [67]

I agree with that and there is much self-righteousness in such people.

When as a kid due to circumstances ( too complex to be discussed here)I was living with my grandparents, they insisted that I'm to be a good Catholic boy - it was strange :)
6 Sep 2010
Life / Poland, maybe the world's last bastion of faith [67]

They don't feel real kinship with their fellow parishioners?? What do you mean? How can you tell?

I mean that they don't really socialise with them,don't trust them and so on.
Well, I have family in Poland.
6 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'? [187]

are you surprised that I think their voters are idiots?

Its about politics, people have right to vote on whomever they choose. I don't understand your attitude toward voters which have chosen other party than you, must be european thing.:)

By the way - my family in Poland vote Kaczynski' party, are you calling them idiots? I would say that you aren't nice!
6 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Polish nationality? Which of the following (if any) determine being Polish. [231]

To me, the whole thing is just idiotic snobbery.

Tell that to American-Jews!
Sorry if I sound offensive but you cannot force your point of view down somebody throat, its lack of respect for the others and is about as useful as pogo stick in quicksand. You said your part, you can relax now.:)
6 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'? [187]

It was actually quite widely mentioned here that the Polish-Americans had gone against the rest of the world (including Poland) when it came to the election.

As far as I know the last election was a quite close thing, so, I don't understand your position - you are somehow prejudiced against Poles, at last those which don't fit your drawer.
5 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Polish nationality? Which of the following (if any) determine being Polish. [231]

Sure, if you can prove a clear unbroken line back to the days of the founding of the Piast dynasty

Why?Isn't enough if your ancestors were polish?

Well, you might find yourself in a jam in one of the bars

Telling people who they are or who they aren't could be tricky:)
5 Sep 2010
History / Today is the 1st of September (WWII start in Poland) [138]

Hitler later regreted his decision as the Wehrmacht occupation force met fierce resistance and constant battles not always galant from both sides).

So, his decisions were not rational but emotionally motivated.
5 Sep 2010
History / Today is the 1st of September (WWII start in Poland) [138]

Hitler let alll greek prisoners of war free as a recognition of the braveness of the greek soldiers

It makes no sense, you keep your brave and dangerous enemies locked up, enemies you don't afraid you let go, saving costs&bother of in-keeping.
5 Sep 2010
Off-Topic / Does anyone else find Cygans fascinating? [60]

You are a strange girl.

For something that will last the moment
plant a flower
For something that will last a lifetime
plant a tree
For something that will last for eternity
plant a church :)
5 Sep 2010
USA, Canada / PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'? [187]

The fact that North America was the only place where Jaroslaw Kaczynski won should tell you a thing or two ;)

It does tell me thing or two but only about you:) Your criteria of evaluating people according to their political choices is "nice" but tricky - lack of objectivity.