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Joined: 15 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jan 2014
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5 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Next time you want to talk about corruption, let's start with the somewhat systematic abuse by many "poor" people in society.

I don,t disagree with your statement, but ask yourself why the poorer do it. To make ends meet. Do they have a choice ?
Generally the country is rotten to the core. Corrupt from top to bottom. So where do you start to weed out this corruption. From the small fish, no one would take much notice, You have to make the examples from the hierarchy, the ministers, judges, prosecutors, mayors, police-chiefs etc. The country needs a total overhaul. When the judicial system is corrected and is just, then the small fish will be tackled accordingly. Slowly this would turn the country around and the old ways will be a thing of the past. But do the Poles want this ?

The Poland you talk about probably never actually existed.

Lets say my relationship with Poland stretches back over 30 years. So I know what I,m talking about. Poles used to have one common enemy. Russia. The people were united to get one over on them in whatever way necessary, by hook or by crook. Once communism fell, the common enemy was gone, so who replaced them ?

Yes, Poles themselves. Everything they learned, the tricks and scams, they started using in their own backyard. They are now their own worse enemy. The mentality has to change for Poland to change. That may take a generation or two. The Poles who travel abroad now will come back in the future with a new mentality and better ideas. I believe it,s already starting.
5 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Sorry, but when you want to talk about Polish reality, perhaps you might want to spend some time here before commenting. The Poland you talk about probably never actually existed.

I,ve been "HERE"over 10 years midden, how long have you been here ?
Seems I have a bit longer insight than you. What ?
5 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Salary at 1500 zł level is given to those poorer Poles you just mentioned

I,m not referring to the legal wage, I was referring to the triple under the table package you mentioned. This is your way of measuring wealth and poverty.

No, it is not normal , I am not judging anyone, but it is reality here

So until Poland changes lets all just jump on the band wagon and become magpies.
No. To change, people must stand up for their rights, not just go along with the flow, because if so, Poland will never change. Don,t let them get away with it. Ask yourself from where did the Polish elite obtain their wealth. Was it from honest hard work or from stolen assets or corruption.
4 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Have fun - without me here.

I should say nothing but I will answer this insult.

Oh ! Good to have you back. Sorry about the insult, but I thought you left for good, so I was just having fun.

Learn Hitman. It always helps:

Yes sir, thank you most honourable teacher.

I'm a unique expert in my professional specialty.

I have your answer sir . . . stick to your specialty.
4 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Foreign investors , banks and business people they all know that fact very well and thats why they keep coming to Poland because the market is huge not like that described by GUS data .

Absolute bull statement. Foreign investors, banks and ......... , Really ?

We all know the idea of a scheme : basic salary - 1500 zł and under the table salary which can double or triple the first one .

So what you,re saying is, 1500 zl is declared to the gov. and 3000 zl goes to the black economy. And in your opinion, that,s ok ?

So in answer to Grzegorz, everyone driving big cars and building houses, are doing it from undeclared money. I think you,ll find that most of these people are in positions where they can take advantage of this, I quote " scheme ". So what about the poorer people ?

Yes, they remain poor and enslaved to the fraudulent crooks.

I think I have written enough in this thread and I have no intention to repeat myself.

How do you top up your income ?
Let me guess . . . . do you do the final exams for students for a fee ?

All you smart asses who know how to cheat the system are corrupt as one another. That,s my opinion.
3 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

I’m ashamed of dumb Polish people.

We can all be ashamed of dumb ( stupid ) people, where ever we come from. English, German, American etc.
Thats life the world over. I understand it,s annoying because it riles me too, but you just have to take it in your stride and let them get on with it. After all, you can,t educate pork. They have to learn some way, even if it,s the hard way.
3 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Poles are not homogeneous (not to the level that they think) and I'd only hope that they help out their fellow Poles by not being snobbish and acknowledging the role of poorer people in the economy too. People have a role and bank balances are FAR from being the be all and end all of things.

Sensible comment. I agree.
3 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Good post. One of few.

With regards to No.1.
What people and who will actually vote for PO again and why ?
All the dishonest crooks and rogues getting away with blue murder, simply because the gov. turns a blind eye to what is REALLY going on.

Other than that it just leaves the stupid people, who know absolutely nothing about what is happening around them because they,re to wrapped up in their own illusory world.

You only have to read a majority of the previous posts on here to verify this.
Half of you must have the Walter Mitty syndrome.
29 May 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

I don't do anything immoral in business (all income declared, etc etc) and do just fine.

Whose talking about you ? Again that self-centered egotistic attitude. Try putting your equity to one side and starting with nothing you midden.

That's usually the line spouted by those who are just too damned lazy to actually work for a day in their life.

I don,t think you know the meaning of the word work, and as for lazy, well thats another you can add to the list.

You probably came to Poland with capital behind you, giving you the opportunity to start your business. A majority of Poles didn,t and don,t have such good fortune.

Post 11 probably gives the best reflection so far. Try discussing it with NomadatNet, instead of trying to have a dig at me.

In fact, I'd argue that 95% of poverty in Poland is due to parental neglect. Given that you can fill a basket with fresh produce for 10zl a day - there really is no excuse for the vast majority of children to ever go to school hungry.

Now you,re living in cloud cuckoo land.
28 May 2011
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

Exchange Rate Transaction Fee (ERTF).
Probably depends on who you bank with. Some banks still charge on maestro card transactions. Best to check with your bank before leaving.
27 May 2011
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

You can pay with your debet card (Maestro for example) or withdraw money at an ATM in a petrol station. No worries to get PLN's in England or wherever.

Ever check your statements ?

Very wrong. The border often offers the most competitive rates.

26 May 2011
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

Can we get currency as soon as we get into poland or do we need some before we leave.

Get it before you leave, the exchange rate on, or near the border could be crap. Plus it,s handy to have PL currency as soon as in Poland so you can have a good meal stop (better grub in Poland than Germany). Also fuel will be cheaper.

We have 2 drivers and are hopeful that we can get all the way without needing a sleep stop.

As long as the co/driver sleeps on route. Once in Poland though, he may be needed to assist with over-taking.

No idea about the toll-roads/prices.

Safe journey.
16 May 2011
Love / Expat marrying Polish - honest experiences [38]

Your thread is slightly confusing to say the least - many have pointed that out.

Come on guys give this person a break. The 1st post question " experiences of what it is like to be in an interracial marriage here in Poland ", gives you the gist of things. Lets stop playing hardball, if you don,t like it, don,t comment...... simple.
16 May 2011
Love / Expat marrying Polish - honest experiences [38]

apart from the obvious!

Are you looking for stories with happy endings ?
If so I don,t think you,ll get many posts here. Poland is not a multicultural nation yet. Unfortunately Poles are racists in denial ( majority ), a very caucasian nation.

When black friends have visited me in Poland, my Polish friends have treated them with dignity although regarding them as different ( in skin colour ).
Night life experience is somewhat daunting though. Going out clubbing or simply to a restaurant, I have experienced racial abuse towards my black friends, mainly from the younger Polish male generation, ( and they tend to form groups like a pack of wolves ) probably because they are too afraid to confront the situation alone ( how brave ). I think the problem is a male ego thing, where the Polish lads are jealous that their women ( who they don,t own ) may go off with a black guy.

Until a majority of Poles become to realise that all humanity comprises of white bones and red blood, then this stereotypical view on outer appearances will remain a problem.

On a personal note, I would like to add, that although I have many good multicultural friends, that I don,t agree with mixed marriages. This is a personal view that involves the offspring from such unions.. ( a very serious subject ).

Relationship yes, marriage no.

Food for thought: There is a reason why continents and areas on this earth are dominated by different races.

apart from the obvious!

Is it so obvious ?
15 May 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

I mean, who can afford some of these places?

I,m sure Poland is no millionaires paradise, so .......
People with funny money ?
or, they simply don,t sell. Anyone can put a valuation on their property but finding a buyer is the drawback.
Ultimately your property is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. A lot of the valuations in Poland are over inflated ( looking for a sucker ). This is one of the reasons holding back foreign investment.
11 May 2011
Life / Why are cars so expensive in Poland ? [23]

you'd have to be a blithering idiot if you couldn't get 1,600zl netto a month after graduating.

I will pay you that sort of money for cleaning bogs in England per week without graduating.
11 May 2011
Life / Why are cars so expensive in Poland ? [23]

It depends on the car , some are easier to convert than others , and it depends who is doing the conversion , and how good it is....

Yeh, don,t forget. A conversion requires left hand drive dashboard, seats, mirrors etc. so the price will fluctuate. Tip ? Get your components from France.

I don,t do anything on the quiet

Hey !! I was referring to the Poles, not you.
10 May 2011
Life / Why are cars so expensive in Poland ? [23]

Yes... not so long ago a Polish mans dream was to be able to have a Maluch..

I think the question we should be asking is ............ So this is your profession or this is your job, so what do you do on the quiet ?
10 May 2011
Life / Why are cars so expensive in Poland ? [23]

Everything has to be put in the right perspective, everything balances.

I don,t think so. And it,s not only cars or petrol that,s more expensive, most commodities in Poland are over priced. Do you want to talk about electricity, gas, telephones, clothing etc, etc ?

Start a thread on the topic, I,ll be glad to add my two pennies worth.
3 May 2011
News / "Poland is flourishing" [62]

Talk about Economic Illiteracy!! You win first prize

Jealous ?
3 May 2011
News / "Poland is flourishing" [62]

You seem not to do your Maths homework back in school days.

Does the individual recieve the quota ? ....... No.
You,ll be talking land mass next.
Think what the budget is given for ( in economic terms ).
Take it Economics wasn,t one of your subjects back at school.

Are you a teacher, too?

No. I,m a psychopath !!!
3 May 2011
Work / Price per day... private painting and decorating in Poland [23]

If you want to do good prep work, I suggest getting a 25kg bag of tetrion filler shipped too. Oh ! and a few different grades of green oxide sandpaper.

From experience, nothing worse than being here and not having some of the better quality gear to hand.
Good luck with your venture, hope I,ve been of help.
3 May 2011
News / "Poland is flourishing" [62]

How do you count it?

Well the chart says it all really. Nice to see you done your homework.
As for " The lions share ". My apologies, I didn,t think anyone would take it that literal.
Nevertheless, lets say Poland got " the biggest slice of cake " then.
Does it change the fact ?

Main Entry: lion's share
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: largest portion
Synonyms: advantage, better part, biggest share, biggest slice of the cake, body, bulk, chief part, gist, main part, mass, meat, most

Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition