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Joined: 1 Feb 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Mar 2013
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11 Nov 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

hese were built from 2002 - 2004,

Cool, so I was pretty close. Btw, if you already knew when these units were built, why are you asking me for my opinion based on, of all things, a google street view photo? Why are you even asking for my opinion at all in this matter, if you're some dude who flips homes in the US and should evidently have a better eye for these sorts of things? Did you forgot, or am I not a drunk-posting, frustrated, self-loathing internet tough guy with a demented set of social values and morals?
11 Nov 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Humm the tree does make it look fairly old but that tree may have been there before they built and they left it. I'd say that development is around 1998, its still classic Florida build quality, lots of wood and panels its not really going to last that long.

Sure, but a more detailed look shows you that tree is almost parallel to their neighbor's, i.e., it was planted. "Build quality" is another issue altogether, and shows you that real estate in most of America is treated as a consumable.

Last one - i promise, take a look at this, i reckon this is defo not more than 10 years old. What do you think?

I need a better picture as I can't really make the driveway, garage door or windows, but judging by the road, curb, mailbox, grass, hedges and their neighbor's tree, I'd say 20 years old (mid to late 1990s). But who cares, the house is still in Florida, a terrible place to live... ha ha..ha
9 Nov 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Judging by the tree, neighborhood and driveway it's probably late 80s/early 90s, recently renovated with new exterior trim, windows and garage door.
9 Nov 2012
Travel / Białka Tatrzanska lodging? [17]

Lift lines. Last year was a total disaster due to the lack of snow, most of the nearby resorts were closed and Bialka itself was only half open. Btw, that was the first weekend in January.

Oh yea, if you're gonna be driving on the infamous Zakopianka: early early morning (I'm talking about being on the road already by 6am) or late at night, the closer to midnight the better. I wouldn't expect much traffic on the 26th but returning on the 1st will be a nightmare.
8 Nov 2012
Travel / Białka Tatrzanska lodging? [17]

I stayed here bialka.tatrzanska.com/noclegi/gazda
and can highly recommend it. The breakfast and dinner was simply phenomenal. It's totally one-star but for me the most important is a) comfortable bed b) very warm room c) piping hot water d) good and hearty breakfast e) close or nearby the slopes.

Get ready to wait in line for about 30-60 mins though.
7 Nov 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

That is a typical single-story ranch, most probably from the 1960s/1970s. Im guessing southern mid-west US. If anything, the concrete, windows and garage door would be enough to tell you it's at least 30 years old. So.. ah-hem... that's "what they will look like in 30 years time"...

Today's new builds are contemporary versions of Colonial/American Four-Square and Cape Cod. For f's sake. Time to beat you up again.
6 Nov 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]



Took 10 seconds to find.
31 Oct 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Prices in Wroclaw already dropped below the 4000zl/m2 mark for decent, livable flats in good locations, which is quite incredible I must add.
31 Oct 2012
News / Kaczorowski should be reburied at Wawel [15]

hey you naked-ass, it is information about Poland. What your issue? Winter is coming and your titbits are cold?

God damn it. Why are posts like these allowed? I post the same thing and it's deleted within seconds. This bowel movement of a post has been here for over two days...

Anyway, "ironside', my retort:

What genius. My username... specifying the lack of a lower garment... the approaching climatic drop in temperature... a reference to my balls... it all equals comedy gold. Bravo user "ironside". I'll tell you what, we'll continue this conversation once your English improves above the "living for xyz amount of years in the UK and feigning being British due a massive inferiority-complex of being Polish" level. As by then your reading comprehension ought to improve. The answers your are looking for are in my original post. Shocking, I know.
28 Oct 2012
News / Kaczorowski should be reburied at Wawel [15]

And why are you posting this? I too can copy and paste meaningless "news" tidbits that have the word Poland in them with no personal feedback or even relevance to anything whatsoever. The difference is I have a life, and that although your post is absolutely devoid of any content, unlike mine, my post will soon be deleted for only yours to stay. Oh well.

But there is something of note in what you posted:

despite protests by anti-PiS circles.

Yup. "anti-PIS circles". So now I know where you get your news from. So PiS rules, Jews and PO sucks, what else...
28 Oct 2012
Life / Poland: When usually is the best time to change from summer to winter tyres? [42]

Why? Every single insurance policy will have a clause regarding the roadworthiness of the vehicle. Mine certainly does - and using summer tyres in diabolical winter conditions certainly means that the car isn't roadworthy.

No. Roadworthiness (i.e, having a valid inspection/MOT) is determined by having a valid badanie techniczny. And you probably know how worthless that is. Nonetheless, there is no law or case law or regulation that one should use winter tires in "winter conditions" in PL From what I remember, there are only two laws in Poland that cover tires: the first is on minimum tread depth and the second on using two tires of similar make/model on one axle. If you meet both requirements, you are "roadworthy". Other normal counties that do not have laws on the mandatory use of winter tires still include a clause that finds drivers at fault for not using them (Switzerland 100%, as I, but even in those countries you could probably go to court and win.

I personally believe that people who don't switch to winter tires and use summer or all-season tires are outright idiots and ought to be shot on sight, but unfortunately that's the way it is.

The winter tyres are working well on snow only.

No. A common and dangerous misconception. Again, winter tires are called winter tires and not snow tires for a damn good reason.
20 Oct 2012
Life / Poland: When usually is the best time to change from summer to winter tyres? [42]

Yep. They take it into account - if your tyres aren't appropriate for the weather, then they can get you on that if you cause an accident/are involved in one.

No they can't. They will try to use this excuse. Then you take them to court and win. End of story.

I always found that after the first snow fall the tyre (opony) garages were pretty much crammed full of cars all changing at the same time. Now would be a good time to change IMO.

Great advice. Ride around on winter tires for another month or two when it's 10-20 degrees. Oh wait, it's Wroclaw Boy, never mind.

Anyways, you use winter tires because of ambient air temperature, not snow.
16 Oct 2012
Real Estate / Buying a flat in Krakow; prices are still falling? [200]

Take it with a grain of salt, and I am slightly exaggerating, but:

Real estate agents in Poland are the biggest bunch of useless, lazy, clueless, rude bottom-suckingleaches you'll ever find anywhere in Poland. Their job consists of simply opening the door and telling you "here is the bathroom, living room, etc.". Zero leg work, most don't even have any basic building knowledge like types of thermal insulation or roof construction... and for pretty much nothing at all some still want a 2% or 3% commission, from both parties. Unreal. Some fraudsters even demand a 50 to 100zl payment to se e an apartment...

Oh yea, prices are falling like a rock and going to be going way way down, but that doesn't seem to faze most sellers who still believe their crumbling apartment is worth 15000zl/m2.
11 Oct 2012
Life / Cost of living in Wroclaw (rent price too) [119]

Is this amount, good for living (rent an apartment/flat, food, transportation)? Save for future?

That is a very good salary. If it's fair is another story depending on your position/work experience. But with 8400 a month you can pretty much do anything you want and still save money.
2 Oct 2012
Work / Teaching English in Wrocław - TEFL, fair pay? [40]

Perhaps when you wake up at 3:45 in the morning.

Wow. And you feel this is a badge of honor or something to brag about? How many hours do you work a week? And for how long have you been doing this? Probably a year or less. You're going to burn out and soon. Another overworked underpaid TEFLer.
29 Sep 2012
Work / An American studying in Poland - CELTA, SAT? [20]

Depends on the institution and/or the faculty. Blanket statements do not inform.

Well of course it depends on the school/department/faculty/course/year/funding/if the heating is working... etc. Ive met many excellent researchers and teaching professors, some cutting-edge research, some very bright and motivated students (half of which leave the country after finishing school), many universities expanding and building with very impressive facilities and providing excellent funding. And obviously I havent dealt with every university in PL... but I think the overall majority of it stinks. Disinterested professors who only care about their paychecks, the entire feudal hierarchy (and if you actually do work for a university you know exactly what Im talking about and how bad it is), bad blood between various departments, a massive massive problem with cheating/plagiarism/absenteeism/bribery, sheer laziness and mediocrity ... I could go on and on and on...

Not my experience at all. Perhaps you need a change.

No, personally Im very happy here. But that doesnt prevent from seeing the general modus operandi
28 Sep 2012
Work / An American studying in Poland - CELTA, SAT? [20]

If you did the legwork to find out that there are "61" colleges and universities then go find out yourself how their ranked. I personally dont care about rankings, Im speaking from personal experience, higher education in Poland is pretty bad, incredibly outdated and entirely focused on memorzation. Hmm I didnt want to say this but I also work for a public university cough cough.
28 Sep 2012
Work / An American studying in Poland - CELTA, SAT? [20]

So the University of Buttf^k Alabama is better than, e.g. Jagiellonian University in Kraków. OK, thanks for the information.

Yes. I've studied at the Jagellonian University btw. And the University of Wroclaw. Wow, and check out the rating of the University of (Buttfk) Alabama, not bad if you ask me.
27 Sep 2012
Work / An American studying in Poland - CELTA, SAT? [20]

Of course you're fluent in Polish, right? As how else would you expect to study in Poland where the official language is Polish.
You will probably need to get your H.S. diploma nostrified.
The SAT doesn't mean anything in Poland so don't worry about it.

Just btw, any no-name university in the US is lightyears better in terms of education and more "prestigious" than any university in Poland. And people change a lot after 4 years of college, you'll probably be a completely different person with different priorities and probably not with your girlfriend anymore. But you're 18, deeply in love and you know better. I was the same. Good luck.
27 Sep 2012
Work / Finding work in Warsaw / Poland as an English private tutor [63]

Pantsless, I have a huge favour to ask you! Next Summer after I have successfully completed my first year of teaching in Poland I will upload a picture of my backside 'pantsless'. Would you kindly kiss it for me?

While its apparent you have a big enough coconut to have discerned a mild tone of sarcasm in my post, my intentions were hardly ill-natured. But ok. Eleven months (August 27th, 2013) from now send me a picture of your hairy butt, but I'll need proof that you're still physically located in Poland... how about you buy a copy of your city's local newspaper and stick it in there so I could at least verify the date?

Anyway, if you're still around by then (which I doubt, most never come back after Christmas), maybe you'll be a bit more thick-skinned, teaching does that to you. Good luck and talk to you in a year.
2 Sep 2012
Law / Clocking cars and importation to Poland [47]

As long as it's not stolen and you give them something that purports to be insurance (along with a driving licence), they're happy.

That's it? The defining rule of being able to drive something with four wheels and an engine on Polish roads is that it can't be stolen and it needs "insurance". Well damn, I guess I'll take this up with Strasborg when they took my dowod rejs. for having my front windows tinted. And for my friend for not having MOT on a UK car even though hey, what does Poland have to do with British MOT? Ok, I'm exaggerating, but Delph..., when you say something like this:

One of the reasons why Poland is a nice place to live - far less obsession with this sort of thing. As long as the car is insured and the owner of the car has given his permission, they really couldn't care less.

I'd shut the hell up, ok? Try dealing with someone whose car was "insured" but really wasn't when he rearended you. And see how the police reacts. Yea, they don't care. So I guess I shouldn't either and pay for all the damage out of my pocket. Right? Because that's the "Polish way"?

also you can get 12 months European insurance you know, insurance can cover anything it all comes down to a price dummy. You should know that being an American.

Oh btw, the whole point of insurance is not to satisfy some stupid law. It's when you do cause an accident the insurance company is obliged to cover the damage you caused. There are people who buy OC on cars with German kurzeitkennzeichens and think they can get away with it, and the insurance companies don't mind because they make money. When push comes to shove guess who's forking the bill?

I've never met a Polish driver who actually obeyed all the rules on the road. Have you? And if so, can I meet them?

You know fine well that Poles don't respect rules that aren't enforced.

There's a huge difference between the "rules of the road" and having things like liability insurance. Don't confuse them.

They don't and can't. Data protection laws are insanely strict in the UK - there's absolutely no way the ferry/tunnel companies would share such records with insurance companies. In fact, if they dared to do such a thing - then they would be in a hell of a lot of trouble.

Yea, there's this country called France you see, and it doesn't belong to the UK, and it's at the other side of the Chunnel and ferry ports...
2 Sep 2012
Law / Clocking cars and importation to Poland [47]

To be fair, Poles don't give a damn themselves. There's plenty of UK registered cars where I live - all without valid tax discs, too.

Ah ha. The lowest common denominator routine. Hey, those Arabs, they're all terrorists right? I met a bum on the street yesterday. Therefore, all Poles are bums. Delph...

The car was registered to a UK address had full European motor insurance, UK mot, UK road tax, I don't really see what could have been illegal.

I just told you why it's illegal. Did you let your UK insurance company know you were using the car 12 out of 12 months abroad? I'm sure you did. You know they do check Chunnel records to see how long you've been out of country, right? Btw, the car is or was RHD wasn't it? My god. The nerve. Well, at least you decided to live in a crap country like Poland, in Germany you'd have the the city council hounding you within minutes to pay road tax.
1 Sep 2012
Law / Clocking cars and importation to Poland [47]

The less the authorities know the better as far as im concerned. Apparently at one point i could have had a pesel, fcuk that....

Then technically what you did is illegal. Having residence in Poland requires you to register your car within 30 days of ownership (of course when it's in Poland). So I wouldnt broadcast this fact.. or tell people this is something they can do.

edit: But somehow I get the feeling you dont really care. Pretty cool being a foreigner in a country and not giving a damn about its laws. Was your car right hand drive as well?
31 Aug 2012
Law / Clocking cars and importation to Poland [47]

Wroclaw Boy, I asked you this a few days, mind letting me know?

When you drove this UK plated car in Poland, did you live in Poland and have zameldowanie?

30 Aug 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

The problem is that the Polish nation will cease on its own if it is not backed up by immigrants.

Yea, I know, Poland's population will drop to like 30 milliion or so, and how can a country with 30 million people exist? I mean that's like impossible man.

This thread is the dumbest thing I've read on PF in a long time, and that's saying a lot.