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Posts by RonWest  

Joined: 6 Jan 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Feb 2011
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 120 / In This Archive: 89
From: USA San Francisco
Speaks Polish?: A little bit
Interests: Food, Travel, Wine, Vodka, Beer, Fishing, Golf, Old Cars

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10 Feb 2010
Food / Wolski Roasted Red Peppers - recipes [14]

I guess I'm supposed to take that as a complement????

Absolutely......your recipes and liquor knowledge is outstanding!
9 Feb 2010
Food / Wolski Roasted Red Peppers - recipes [14]

You can make a sophisticated sub sandwich----- simply layer roasted red peppers, goat cheese and peppery arugula on a crusty baguette

I seriously wish you were my neighbor! :)
7 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / Delikateski in Concord, California [6]

In that case, you'll have to check out Chopin Cafe & Restaurant in Pleasant Hill (only 20 minutes from the Deli) Chopin-Cafe.com the food is fabulous. Almost as good as my Mother-In-Laws' cooking. Of course, if you peek into the kitchen there's a couple of older Pani's in there cooking away and gabbing in Polish. We highly recommend this place as well. It will not disappoint!
7 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / Delikateski in Concord, California [6]

My wife Ania & I have been going to Delikateski in Concord for 10 years now. We were very dissapointed last summer when we wondered in and the shelves were bare and there was hardly any variety. We figured it was going out of business. My wife commented that it reminded her of communist times when she was a little girl in Poland.........empty shelves.

Well we're happy to report that it's now called Ted's Delikatessen and the shelves are packed with every Polish food product you can possibly think of not to mention that the freezers, coolers, bread shelves, and kielbasa areas are stocked full as well. What a delight it was last weekend to go in there and see my wife so happy to have all these products, spices, etc. available.

Polish beer, chocolates, movies, magazines and newspapers available also. So if any of you on this forum are in the Bay Area, we can highly recommend this place. 1980 Monument Blvd. in Concord.
4 Feb 2010
Love / English boyfriend coming to visit me in Poland [55]


More women should think like this. You'll make a great wife for some lucky guy someday!!!

Having my mind fixed on him would not arouse me to fall asleap. I would have to check on him to see how his body is reacting. Assuming that he's firm, I wouldn't wanna go to bed with my mind wandering on that I have some unfinished job in the house.


4 Feb 2010
News / Shouldnt Poland be invited into the G-20? [7]

Latest news shows that the World Bank now ranks Poland as the 18th largest economy in the world. (This is outstanding progress in my opinion, in just 20 short years).The article stated:

Poland's president says his country deserves to become a member of Group of 20 now that its economy has grown to become the 18th largest in the world.

President Lech Kaczynski argued that Poland, the largest of 10 ex-communist nations that joined the European Union in recent years, has grown in influence and belongs in the world's premier forum for discussing major economic issues.

"The place for my country is within the G-20," Kaczynski said Tuesday during a meeting with diplomats in Warsaw.

The G-20, which combines long-standing industrial democracies and emerging economic powers such as China and India, already includes fellow EU members Britain, Germany, France and Italy and the EU's rotating presidency.

While the G-20 represents a broad range of the world's regions, it also includes countries such as Argentina and Saudi Arabia whose economies are outside the top 20.

What say you?
4 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles. [289]

plasterers are Polish, great guys. I would have not had ventilation without them. English guys wanted twice as much money to plaster, and wanted to give me ceiling tiles. Bastards. Now have real ceiling

We'll gladly trade our Mexicans for your Polish!!!!!!!!!
2 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / What do the Poles hate and love about the U.S.? [170]

Good choices as well...........but I'm curious, what would be your ultimate choice, Zakopane or the New England States for skiing. What do you love and hate about each, since that is the topic?
2 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / What do the Poles hate and love about the U.S.? [170]

Only in Texas! ;)

Believe it or not.......liberal Vermont has the best gun laws in the country!!

ou gotta respect Texas and the Southern states for their laws about protecting yourself. They don't mess around.

That's where I'm heading if the shi* hits the fan. Bringin' my guns too!

old timer cars,

Can't beat them!

Lake George is beautiful. Was up there this past fall for a wedding. Leaves were turning, bright sunny day. Can't beat that...except for the work camps of course.

Next time you're up that way, wander over into Vermont. It's absolutely gorgeous. Too bad all the liberal lowyas from NY & MA ruined that state. Geographically though, it's beautiful.
2 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / What do the Poles hate and love about the U.S.? [170]

Well, now I have to report you two guys for criticizing the US. You will be reporting to a work camp in upstate NY fairly soon.

Lake George would be nice.
1 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / What do the Poles hate and love about the U.S.? [170]

We all know that the USA is a police state.

Yeah, it's just a horrible, horrible place. Worst place on earth, no doubt about it so from now on would every Tom, Jose & Maria that are trying to beat our door down just please go away and find another country to flock too. Stay away from the U.S. It's just a crappy

police state.
31 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / What do the Poles hate and love about the U.S.? [170]

Not debating heavily, just trying to show the data from the last census, yes that was 10 years ago. New census will be collected this year. I doubt seriously that you will see a dramatic increase in illegal Polish immigrants compared to 10 years ago. Get serious, the biggest increase will be from Mexico, Central American and Several Asian countries. Most of the Polish people I know are well educated with good jobs and SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!!!
31 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / What do the Poles hate and love about the U.S.? [170]

There does appear to be a prejudice against Poles. 30MM Mexicans who are here to stay but Poles are not welcome? What gives?

This is from the last census. The number of illegal Poles is very minor compared to other groups.

  • Chart
31 Jan 2010
Food / Polish Beer Recipes [39]

Well next time I'm going to Poland I'll let you know in advance. We go through Wroclaw on our way to Krakow but I've never actually had a chance to stop and visit Wroclaw. I hear it is a great place to spend some time. My wife says I would like it. We could have a few drinks together.
31 Jan 2010
Life / Hepatitis C in Poland...please help. [59]

Can you really not get free treatment in USA?

Trust me, all this individual has to do is jump on a plane, fly home to the U.S., go to the county public health clinic and get treated for $25-$50. That's all there is to it. Sheeeesh!
31 Jan 2010
Food / Polish Beer Recipes [39]

Do you know the laws for shipping alcoholic beverages from the US to Poland (and back)?

I believe you need to be a licensed distributor to bring alcohol into the U.S.

(Ron, if you do end up making some good Krupnik, I'm willing to make the mighty sacrifice and drink some of your moonshine :) I have some sloe gin going that might be right up your alley...

Sounds good to me! Where are you located? I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area.
31 Jan 2010
Food / Polish Beer Recipes [39]

Ronwest---here's you're recepie for "krupnik"

Awesome, thanks so much!!!!! Will let you know how it turned out.
30 Jan 2010
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

I got ripped off again at Polish construction supply center.

Kinda silly to ask if stealing has anything to do with ethnicity. There are thieves everywhere in every country. Be happy you're not in East Oakland, Calif. USA. That place will make your ladder thief look like an amateur!