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Joined: 30 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 Sep 2015
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From: Kraków
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28 Aug 2010
History / When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed? [557]

Between us it's clear who is the stronger, isn't it? Proven several time in recent history.

Isn`t. BB

Proven several times that it depends of situation. Remember about some slaps wchich you get in 1525. And begging for help in 1683. I show You my mercy and I won`t mention about Grunwald (1410) and battle in Byczyna 1588

As far as Danzing I would like to remind You that in 1454 citizens of Gdańska gave Poland money to create army and to incorporate their city to Crown. So did they feel conection with their german overlords???
27 Aug 2010
History / When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed? [557]

Bismarcks Kulturkampf being solely directed against Poles to opress especially them.

Poles was the biggest minority in Prussia, so Kulturkampf "touch" espescially them.

That being a Pole in Prussia had been pure terror...

Have you ever heard about Września? - pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strajk_dzieci_wrzesi%C5%84skich

or Drzymała-- pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micha%C5%82_Drzyma%C5%82a

In Polish sry. Deal with it ;)

That Germans eat polish babies for breakfast..
probably not true, but who knows ;) just kidding.

Yeah, well..there is a reason that Prussia was so advanced...all this infrastructure and industrialisations has to be paid by someone.
Also Bismarcks welfare laws (which had been also for polish workers) had been expensive...

Taxes went mostly for army wchich was smashed in battles with Napolean. Jena and Aurstadt.(?)

2) welfare is badddddddd ;)
27 Aug 2010
History / When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed? [557]

Danzig still stayed a german prosperous center of trade full of Germans under german law and speaking german (till 1945) that is!

maybe BB but in XvIII Those germans prefer to be part of Poland than go to Prussia.
Thi is the fact. Gdańsk/Danzing was the most loyal polis city, their citizens were loyal to Poland even after first partition when Prussia took the all cost. Only the "german" city stay polish ;)
27 Aug 2010
Love / In Poland - guys opinion about brazilian girls [21]

There is a opinion that girls from South America are easy in this meaning that picture of brazilian girl kissing with several guys on the same party is quite normal.

BUT. I have never been in Brasilia so I don`t know.

I met one brazilian girl and she was quite cute, but not captivating.

PS: I`m Polish ;)
24 Aug 2010
Love / How to find an English speaking boyfriend in Poland [110]


I'll say it slowly S H E L L E Y (the other S is optional)

My apologize, Lady.

I took it you were suggesting that Italian and Greek women were ugly..my mistake.. :D

I like them rather ;)
24 Aug 2010
Love / How to find an English speaking boyfriend in Poland [110]


You've evidently never been to Italy or Greece

I probably know better Italy than Poland, and in Greece I have been several times.

But what`s your point?

that there are MANY beautiful women that hail from these countries

Yeah I agree. But, read my post once again. The point of my post is not beaty of european women but discimination, and my prefernces were only examples, of discrimination wchich is present in our life. Discrimination in positive meaning.

If You still don`t understand , You should exchange the word " italian " and put there blond.

The sense won`t change. ;)
24 Aug 2010
Love / How to find an English speaking boyfriend in Poland [110]

Hey, guys what`s wrong with you? She prefers english speakers than others. Discrimination is normal. I discriminate ugly girls and prefer sexy. One day I may wake up and say to myself - "damn, Now I want to meet only greek/italian girls. And This is absolutely NORMAL".
24 Aug 2010
Love / Are Polish men dominating, controlling and emotional? [36]

emotional doesn`t mean that man cry, feel or act like woman, this is fagotty.;)
But Poles have some kind of romantic style in acting. As it said my english friend we are last gentlemen.
19 Aug 2010
Food / Nalewki, anyone? [11]

I make. Now i`m preparing miętówke and nalewkę herbacianą na brandy.
18 Aug 2010
News / Poland's elite more pro-US than society? [29]

"Well technically, Polish loyalty should be to" the better ally first. USA is more powerfull than EU. We have some interests ther and here in Europe. But as far as military issue EU is weak.
15 Aug 2010
Life / Why Aren't The Shops in Poland Open on Sundays? [82]

In shops wchich are opened can work today only owner.

Seanus your argument with nukes is ****. You don`t respect people who want to relax on holidays and on Sunday and this is more important for them than your posibility of buying chips today. Their property and they can closed it for one day a week.
15 Aug 2010
Life / Why Aren't The Shops in Poland Open on Sundays? [82]


Today is national day. We celebrate the victory in 1920 also is the day of polish army, therefore the shops are closed. On the normal Sunday shops are open, although I almost never buy then. IMO when is national celebrating, shops should be closed. I don`t see anything wrong with that some people ( shops owner) want to go on the holidays, and their shops are closed for 2 weeks. I don`t see anything wrong with that shops owner don`t want to work in Sundays, their shops so they can. If you wanna boycot them, here you are, I won`t
15 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Von Straski, Polish surname? [22]

you don˛t understand the term, sometimes polish poor or normal nobles was richest than western aristocrat.

in polish language

noble + man who can prove his noblness + some papers and acts from kigs dukes etc.

aristocrat+ noblman who have lands like small european country like belgium, andorra, or netherlands, very rich

this 10% were rightful nobles equel to radziwils, potocki, aristocrats who had lands as big as England
15 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Von Straski, Polish surname? [22]

Well, fair enough but if your assumption is correct then Poland must have had the highest percentage of nobles in the entire world. :)

Indeed Poland had the highest percentage of nobles in the entire world.;)

When in all Europe the common percentage of nobles in society was about 2% in Poland it was more than 10%. Therefore for foreigner nobles the aristocracy term is more apprpriate.

Polska szlachta was different than europeans aristocracy. when in france the king pay them and treated like slaves, in Poland rather we were talking that everzbody can be a king, so he is equel to us.
14 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Von Straski, Polish surname? [22]


I didn`t say that ski is/was reserved.

However, this is not exactly true indeed not exactly but mainly. There are people without ski etc. with noble roots, and also there are people with ski but they have nothing common with szlachta... But mainly ...;)

It could mean that but often it didn't. Probably a myth created by those who's names end with a -ski. :)

you are wrong, ski, icz is the end wchich show from where the family is, ( what village/ or town they posses)
14 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Von Straski, Polish surname? [22]

Von is like ski in the end in polish names, and like de or de la in french.
It was sign of noblness. In 1795 Prussia took some polish lands, and some families wanted the confirmation of their noblness. In the view of prussian germanization politics ;) there were created some strange names like von straski etc.

The secend theory is that polish man " straski" wanted to be noblman, but he didn`t have the proof ( the "ski" is not enough) so he buy the title of baron or other.
14 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Von Straski, Polish surname? [22]

But the "von" is definitely indicating something german!

NO BB. It used to be. But there are plenty of Polish nobles families wchich got confirmation of their nobleness from prussian king ...

My friend is an example so i know what i`m talking ;)
14 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Von Straski, Polish surname? [22]

Strawski or straski may be a polish name . "Von" could say us that Straski confirm his noblness in Prussia.
9 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

Crap...at least the germanic woman had a say in her marriage, could choose her husband and wasn't just a convenient bed warmer without any rights, forced to hide her face!

BB, In theory in theory. According to canonic law women also have right to choose a husband.

"force to hide face"

what are you talking about?

As far as polish chrisitianity we are talkin : POLONIA SEMPER FIDELIS.

aa as far as modern polish society like all society is divided , for example In my opinion the Cross should stay ( I don1t want obelisk ;)) but everybody have his own opinionm and I respect it.

What is more this Cross case is no important in comparison to the new VAT. The " liberal" goverment is not as liberal as I want it to be, so they have one vote less and UPR one more.
9 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

But please leave the rest of us alone.

According to statistic "the rest " in Poland is about 3%.

The Germanic law was not written on paper but more fair than anything the Christians came up with...and so on.

bulshit, German law was poor and un fair ( example: marriage started when it was consumed) when the man raped girl she automatically was her wife. It was impossible in Roman LAW and Canonic law.

That's why pagans and non-christians were burned on stakes or beheaded for centuries....

That`s why christians were burned on stakes or beheaded or killed on arenas for centuries....
29 Jun 2010
Language / Polish regional accents? [141]

For instance Franciszkańska Czy (Trzy) spoken by JPII would be an example. Or the hard '£' of Podlasie and Podkarpacie

Prenouncing "trzy" is a mistake