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Joined: 10 Jul 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 22 Feb 2011
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5 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Polish nationality? Which of the following (if any) determine being Polish. [231]

They can't speak for residents of Poland, but they can easily speak for people with a shared culture and language, if they adopted those aspects from their parents.

People adopt all sorts of things fromt heir parents, not all of which are part of the Polish culture. After all, there are Polish Americans who consider being racist and calling their grandma 'busha' to be a part of Polish culture.

Furthermore, not even bothering to learn the language is a spit in the face to our ancestors who struggled to keep it alive when Poland was partitioned.
5 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Polish nationality? Which of the following (if any) determine being Polish. [231]

If you ask me, being Polish is to live in Poland, to experience Polish life as it's lived by locals, to fully integrate with the society, to speak the language perfectly AND to life here long enough so that you become one of "them".

I agree with this. If a person has never lived in Poland then they can't know what life in Poland is like. They can be proud of their Polish ancestry but they can't speak in the name of Poles.
29 Aug 2010
Genealogy / One parent Polish, the other one German - their children? [16]

Is there a trait or intrinsic mannerism that is found in children of Polish & German parents?

Well, I went to high school with a guy I thought was a perfectly regular Pole, until I found out that one of his parents was German and the other was Ukrainian. So the answer is -No.
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

I think that many homosexuals in Poland hide in monasteries and become priests.

They're not doing it in order to hide. They're doing this under a naive belief that 'God will cure' them.
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Nothing against gay but the gender studies ideas are loads of bullsh1t.

That's an interesting opinion for a Polish woman. You are, of course, aware that gender pay gap in Poland is largest in Europe approaching 30%?
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

Great idea, Polonius. And while we're at it, someone should post address of a clinic offering medical treatment for men who enjoy prnography, anal and oral sex and - ew! - 'doggy style'. It's disgusting, immoral and against nature. The only proper sex is between man and a woman, in missionary position in bed and for the purpose of procreation.
27 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Mixed-Blood Poles in America (Do we count?) [118]

most of what you said is untrue with exception of some point which are debatable and will remain so in foreseeable future!

Yeah, sure. You have no arguments so you're being vague.
27 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Britain's youngest mum gave birth at 12 [70]

They still live with their parents and dont actually look after the kids..

She didn't finish her education. This clearly shows that she was forced to care for the baby all day long.
27 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Mixed-Blood Poles in America (Do we count?) [118]

Since we're having an argument over who has the right to consider themselves Polish, I'd like to remind you all that Poland's greatest astronomer was a German, greatest writer was a Lithuanian, greatest painter was Czech, and virtually all greatest leaders were either only half-Polish or not Polish at all. If you deny them all Polishness jsut because one (or both!) of their parents weren't Polish, then that would mean Poles had never achieved anything.
26 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Britain's youngest mum gave birth at 12 [70]

What if her family helps her?

No 12 year old should be forced to give up childhood. The youngest mother in history was 9, do you think she also should have put the toys away and start changing nappies instead? Did you miss the part where that woman said she's hoping that her daughter will have a normal childhood? This clearly shows that she wasn't happy with how her life turned out.
26 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Mixed-Blood Poles in America (Do we count?) [118]

I'm Polish (from Poland) and I consider you Polish. I can't speak for Polish Americans but I've seen comments about the actor Danny Pudi (half-Polish/half-Indian) and people are pretty proud of his Polish connection. I'm sure if you ever become a star the whole American Polonia will go out of their way to claim you ;)
24 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Britain's youngest mum gave birth at 12 [70]

12-year-olds are too young and irresponsible to care for children. They should have taken that child from her and let it be raised by a responsible adult.
15 Aug 2010
Love / India guy Polish girl [57]

If she wanted to date someone who knows Polish culture, then she would date a Pole. If you want to catch her attention it would be better to show her how interesting is YOUR country and culture.

No self-respecting woman will date a guy who keeps showing her that she's somehow better and more interesting than him. This sort of behaviour only reasserts her belief that she deserves more.
1 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Unknown Origins Dzikowicz [9]

Last time I checked, Ukrainians looked the same as Poles, so saying that you can't be Polish because you look "Ukrainian" sounds rather ridiculous. And of course there are Ukrainians with Polish surnames and Poles with Ukrainian surnames - we used to be one country for several centuries and obviously we intermarried a lot.

Things like surname or looks are not enough to tell if your ancestry is Polish or Ukrainian, you need birth certificates of your ancestors for that.
28 Jul 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

Oh, poor men! How they suffer with those terrible women! All those centuries of being denied human rights and of the inequality! And today it's not much better - rapes, assaults and domestic violence! Not to mention the constant threat of being targeted by people conducting human trafficking! I can always see terror in the eyes of men who are walking next to me on the empty, dark street! And they can't even be safe at home, which is why so many men are killed every year by their abusive wifes! They have nowhere to escape, after all they have no way of providing for themselves with the current system, in which they're often paid less than women or aren't hired at all! It's so tough being a man in Poland!
28 Jul 2010
History / Endecja - State Sponsored Anti Semitism 1935 - 1939. [138]

And to think that just yesterday I noticed with great pleasure that nobody has mentioned Jews for the past few days... Shame on you, MG!

As for Endecja - they were terrible nationalists, that's true, but aren't you going too far in demonizing the situation of Jews in Poland? Is it not true that nearly half of the urban population was Jewish and a third of the doctors, lawyers and other intellectualists were Jewish? Isn't it true that there were mostly-Jewish or even all-Jewish parties in the Polish government? There's nothing wrong with that, of course (although I can see why Poles saw them as a competition) but it does show that a Jew was likely to lead a quite decent life in Poland.
30 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / What do you hate about England and English people? [142]

I don't like what some of the English people say online. In real life they're all very sweet and friendly but once I go online I suddenly see only: "DEY TERK ER JEEEEERBS!"
24 Jun 2010
History / Wealth of the Polish nobility [29]

Ah, so that's where the tax money disappeared...

You're forgetting that the only rich nobles in Poland were the magnates and yes, they were RICH. However, most nobles were poor.
21 Jun 2010
Travel / Why do people say that Poland is so unsafe? [60]

Maybe it's because France and Spain only get news from Poland with headlines like "Black man beaten in Poland" and never "Black man not beaten in Poland, bought a postcard"
21 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

But following your logic, would you then accept that foreigners living in Poland, working and paying taxes there, have the right to vote?

I don't see a problem.
21 Jun 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

You can Israel watching self-destruct slowly but surely...

Sad but true... In just few months Israel managed to p*ss off EVERYBODY. WTF are they thinking!
21 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

This confirms my suspition about the views of Polish Americans. While Poland transformed they remained stuck in the old way of thinking.
18 Jun 2010
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Dear God, what is this?... Ok, now I get your point.

Just changing the wording won't change people's misconceptions, something more is needed.