History /
What happened from 1650-1795? [68]
That 'Christ among nations' crap still burns
Not really, no.
Even in 19th Century, there were more political streams in Poland than one - why the so-called West chooses only one, Dmowski's, for their view of Poland, is a mystery to me. Perhaps people have a hard time holding more than one contradicting things in memory at the same time, but that's how politics is.
Look at the US, you've got the Biblical Christians contrasted with gay movement, contrasted with Libertaians, with West Point families, with Mid West working people etc. They all have a different view of what life should be. I could easily say that 'it's a shame that in the US hate still runs rampant, becuase the KKK is as active as always' (I've even seen them on Jerry Springer).
In your assessment of Poland, you probably see only the national flag waving, but it's due to the racial and violent issues the West has suffered not so long ago. People were killed for having sex the wrong way, for Chist's sake! So all you see around you is what you are tuned in to see. If you look at them again, PiS, PO, SLD, AWS, SD, Solidarnosc, PLS, all that lot proves to be unformely red, socialist and demo-beaureaucratic.