sobieski 106 | 2111 11 Sep 2010 / #1Today we took part in the Ecco Walkathlon. 20.000 normal people taking part in this great charity walk. Yes OK I know Ecco is organizing for their own benefit, but in the same moment it is a great non-religious fundraising event. Very well organised. Very effective. And as I we were walking through KM... I was thinking... what a contrast. The modern Poland versus the primitive loonies.
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427 11 Sep 2010 / #5KrakowskiePrzedmiescie?Anyways, I think that the cross people (this is who you are referring to) got a bit too much press as of lately and the whole story has been blowed out of proportion.good for you:)
McCoy 27 | 1268 11 Sep 2010 / #6Today we took part in the Ecco Wankathlon. 20.000 normal people taking part in this great charity wank.what a great idea.
Polonius3 980 | 12276 12 Sep 2010 / #7Are 'non-religious fundraising events' somehow superior to religious ones. If so, in what way? I should think the main thing is for the funds raised to go and help those for whom they are intended. High-overhead charities -- regardless of whether religous or nonreligous -- waste a lot fo the proceeds on administartion, paid outsourcing, celerbations, etc.
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427 12 Sep 2010 / #8Are 'non-religious fundraising events' somehow superior to religious ones. If so, in what wayit this case - YES.
OP sobieski 106 | 2111 12 Sep 2010 / #9Here in Poland non-religious fundraising should get a statue (perhaps an obelisk). No place for bigotry.Anyway as it is, I like the Ecco event. Well-organised, civilized. Raises pots of money for worthy charities (none of them religious, bigoted or nationalistic). Gave me a chance to burn some calories as well :)
poland_ 14 Sep 2010 / #10I really do not see the point of this thread, apart from Sobieski telling us he took part in a walkathon, feels great for gaining some zlots for charity and as an aside - he walked passed the presidential palace.I hope it was a sunny day.
marcinbrowarcin - | 2 8 Oct 2010 / #13the point is it enforces a sense of community and goodwill while establishing the fact that not all charity stems from religious beliefs. if you have nothing but cynicism to contribute, don't post in the thread and go do something better with your time.
1jola 14 | 1875 8 Oct 2010 / #14I often have the same experience as sobiesky. I walk around saying: I am so cool and so different from everybody. Why haven't I thought of telling everybody here about it before?
Ksysia 25 | 428 8 Oct 2010 / #16I do too... but I prefer to marvel in my soul and let people go uninformed... it feels even beter, so try it sometime OP!
1jola 14 | 1875 8 Oct 2010 / #17lol Ask yourself why you posted this.I did and I said that I wanted to sound as conceited as the OP.