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Posts by ladykangaroo  

Joined: 2 Jan 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 6 Mar 2012
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28 Feb 2012
Genealogy / My dad's last name was Polak - Do I look in any way Polish? [57]

Wow this picture was definetly made by feminists

Feminists don't care how they look like ;)

I think it may be due to the fact that getting the "average" face means that the symmetry is taking over (and there is a strong correlation between facial symmetry and perceived beauty), the individual traits are lost (including the ones that could qualify a person more like a duckling and not a swan) and you get the pleasant, blurred, averageness :)
27 Feb 2012
Language / "Pamiętaj o śmierci" Is this correct? [24]

So I cannot capitalize the S or O?

You can, but it looks funny. I wouldn't do that.

Could I leave the whole phrase un-capitalized?

Yes, in my opinion.
27 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

Lets look at Magda

I would, as I have the original publication in front of me, but having in mind how many factual mistakes and misinterpretations are here (re: habitual residency, benefits requirements, percentages - you obviously have not checked the age groups for example)... My heart sank so deep that I really don't see the way to fish it out any time soon and respond to this.
27 Feb 2012
Genealogy / My dad's last name was Polak - Do I look in any way Polish? [57]

ut she DOESN'T HAVE a Facebook account! Remember?

Oh my my, I must have missed that.


I wonder if Miss Katherine Ramos knows her photos are being used here :]
27 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

They went there to work, not to milk the system.

Without working first there could be hardly any "milking".
How could you qualify for 99% of benefits available there if you hadn't worked (and paid taxes) for a good few years before that?
27 Feb 2012
Genealogy / My dad's last name was Polak - Do I look in any way Polish? [57]

This is why I don't like other women. Pft. *******, all of them.
you women are really insecure
Reason number one as to why I despise other women

Lovely stuff. So much good energy, positive thoughts and general appreciation of life and others... :D :D
(could you please write once again this precious comment about negative attitudes of other females? :D )

when they're not showing off that look at all.

Sorry. To me they do. And dealing with my impressions is YOUR problem. Obviously you do have one :D

Already a cat fight

Always a nice thing to keep you busy over the afternoon coffee :D
27 Feb 2012
Genealogy / My dad's last name was Polak - Do I look in any way Polish? [57]


...it's not the make-up.
It's the subtle facebook-duckface expression that makes it almost impossible to tell the difference between girls, regardless of their nationality and ancestry :D


You do look lovely on the photo, less lovely in your posts here, however to track any Polish traits you would have to post something less glamour- and more passport-type.
26 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

A person is entitled to family benefits in a competent Member State

Person working / living in Ireland.

including for members of his/her family residing in another Member State


I understand even now you are ready to provide an alternative explanation?
25 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

And say these "GP" practices in some village on the Polish border

"Local" as my previous post said. Local - as Irish. However having in mind how ridiculously understaffed Irish practices are there is a good chance the GP himself will be from India, Poland or France.

You cant work legally without a PPS number. NO reputable business would employ someone without a PPS number.

They would, they did and they will. The only ones hit really hard by the lack of PPS no. are the employees - the resulting emergency tax can be quite painful to the pocket.

Everyone, legally resident in the state, is entitled to a PPS number

True. That's why asking for a letter from employer can and will never get official.

Gosh, I start to doubt if you really live in Ireland. The complete detachment from the reality...

Show me EU legislation that pertains your view


Barnardos Ireland, please.
25 Feb 2012

Well, wouldn't you like that? :D

Dublin was actually supposed to be just a short stop on the way to New Zealand, one year max. Several years later I'm stll here. Intending to stay for a good while, even if only for the sake of annoying you :D
25 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

80% of child benifit to children not living here goes to Poland

You don't seem to be listening.

Nowadays to apply for a child benefit you are often asked to furnish the GP letter.
When applying for PPS number - you are often asked to provide a letter from employer confirming that you are working.
These are only two procedures (apparently aimed at cutting the social benefits people apply for) that I stumbled upon just recently, there may be more I am not aware of.

And although these internal measures sound reasonable and I could easily support them - they cannot be legally implemented. The cost of accessing EU 40 years ago.

€20.9 million in 2008

20 million? That's peanuts.
The new fancy court building in Dublin cost 7 times that.
25 Feb 2012

I don't know about your figures

I've had a chance to realise that you don't have a clue about figures (unless they fit your agenda) :)

As for your 2m Poles in the UK:


page 3 shows the total number of Polish people living in a given country at the end of each year 2004-2010. "Wielka Brytania" would be particularly interesting for you.

each time I reinforced what happened to the UK once the Poles were allowed in

You should have explained this better to them because last time I checked Australian agencies were recruiting hard at Polish universities. Where I was studying "open days" explaining how to study and work in Australia were organised at least twice a year :D
25 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

It matters not a jot if the child has never set foot on Irish soil

As far as I know recently for a child benefit to be received a local GP has to sign the papers confirming that he is taking regular care of that particular child. That would mean that he has to see them on a regular basis, am I right?

However logical it sounds it seems to be against EU regulations and someone will challenge this procedure sooner or later.
23 Feb 2012
Love / 'Seks po polsku' - the sex lives of Poles: [45]

'The lifetime average number of sexual partners for Poles is 4.28' That's it??

It seems a bit low, but not too low.
4-5 partners may be quite common having in mind that plenty of Polish people marry young, countryside is rather conservative (and gossips spread quickly) and people generally tend to be involved in long-term (>5 years) relationships.

The "average" however doesn't seem to be right. There are still people who are much more active - and as much as 100 may be too much but two-three dozens is quite likely, especially if someone spent a good few years "studying" in a big city.

Also, Warsaw from what I know is quite promiscuous which should increase the average for the rest of the country a bit :D