Life /
Alcohol problems of Polish people [141]
From article I've posted.
"Tylko 14 proc. badanych dorosłych Polaków, którzy pili alkohol w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni, robiło to częściej niż jeden raz w tygodniu. Przeciętny odsetek dla 25 krajów UE wynosił w tym przypadku 44 proc."
Only 14% of mature Poles have been drinking alcohol in last 30 days. Average fro EU is 44%.
"Jeszcze na początku lat 90. statystyczny Polak wypijał prawie 9 litrów czystego alkoholu rocznie. Od kilkunastu lat pijemy jednak coraz mniej i zmieniają nam się - co ważne - upodobania. Zamiast wódki sięgamy częściej po piwo i wino. W 6,7 litra pitego przez nas alkoholu 4 litry pochodzą z piwa, 1,5 z wina, a z wódki zaledwie 1,2 litra.
Consumption per capita decreased from 9 liters of pure alcohol on person (begining of 90's) to 6,7 liers per person. That gives us such a good place in europe. 4 liters come from beer, 1,5 from wine, from wódka - 1,2 liters.
Progress is noticable.
Continuing ths raport:
"Changing the model of drinking relates primarily to the young and the very young , who departed from the issue of drinking habits and customs of their parents generation " - notes Prajsner . This is confirmed by the results of the World Health Organization , which show that Poland 15 -year-old youth drink much less than young people in most EU countries.
Poles drink less frequently . Only 14 per cent . Polish adults surveyed who drank alcohol in the past 30 days, did it more often than once a week. The average percentage for the 25 EU countries was in this case 44 percent.Chanage of customs is especialy noticable when we look on young Poles. 15 year old Poles drink much less than teens in other european countries.
It is new tendention . More money, more opportunities ... we have results.