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Posts by Kazikowski  

Joined: 2 Oct 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Feb 2012
Threads: Total: 17 / In This Archive: 12
Posts: Total: 101 / In This Archive: 74

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28 Oct 2011
Australia / New here and in Australia :) finally Permanent Resident [5]

It actually is quite difficult to find real polish friends in OZ. not so difficult to find australianised poles as theyre almost all the poles I ever got to know. Even in uni, people of all races and nationality could find they're own, but not me, I was the ONLY frickin pole whom anyone ever knew. Actually at times.depressing, as it makes u feel like the mammoth from ice age, lonely in a way.

my suggestion,.is to find european and brittish friends, but good luck in finding polish friends. Maybe youll get lucky.
28 Oct 2011
Work / Englishman seeking non teaching work asap - to stay in Poland or ..? [37]

The way I see it, every new person who comes to poland must make a critical decision. That decision is either to: teach, to work, or to start a new business. Based on opinions, my personal views on poland have been shaped to make poland seem impossible to make a "decent" living in.

Incidentally, I consider my own thread on the topic unfinished still, and will return to it in due time.
15 Oct 2011
Travel / What are some of the "must do" activities when visiting Poland? [43]

Well that's the thing with Poland, essentially anywhere you go (cept maybe the east but I haven't been there) has got plenty of places to visit and things to do. I don't think the tourism industry is built up so well as it is here in Australia. But! Go anywhere in Poland and you'll be happy. Can't go wrong.

I also recommend 'Hel' at the tip of the peninsula (Must see Schleswig-Holstein). Also Wilczy Szaniec, A.K.A Wolf's Lair, A.K.A Hitler's Bunkers.

There are castles everywhere and anywhere you go, so lots of interesting history.

Even if you just go exploring into the forest, your bound to find something of interest, or at least have an adventure.
13 Oct 2011
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

This one tops the list. I was asked it by an incredibly stupid girl back during uni. Just so happens she was asian, so more than likely doesn't know where europe even is. Im not bad mouthing, its just from experience...no asians whom ive ever known where able to point out europe on a map. Heres the question:

"so how did you survive the war?"
10 Oct 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Would you believe I actually went to vote to our local "Klub Polski" here downunder, and they told me that I had to register 2 weeks prior for them to prepare for my vote. So as it turns out, surprisingly me and my friends (ahem, my friends and I) would have been the only PO voters, and all other people there were for Kaczor. Our group ended up goin to the pub, after having 2 Warka Strongs, good times.
8 Oct 2011
Work / Working Vs Private English Lessons Vs Starting a Small Business in Poland [33]

Here is a " Plan D" for you. Turn up with enough money for 2 months, do not severe your ties back home, use the period to look for a job or do R& D. If all fails you will return home a wiser man.

While I wasn't put off by any "negative" or as you say "realistic" comments, I am still in the same boat as before. Plan D which is here mentioned seems quite reasonable; to do R&D that is. But overall I think my original post when I started should have been more like "What to do with my life" rather than listing options for what I can do in Poland. Honestly, how do some people live with no goal in life? That's another interesting question.
23 Sep 2011
Work / Working Vs Private English Lessons Vs Starting a Small Business in Poland [33]

He'll just be another one that Poland eats up and spits out.

I'm standing right here...

And in Torun, a place rather popular with Americans and some Brits

If there is a high english speaking population, then surely it means that people whom are not as fluent in polish CAN live here.

To be successful starting you own business takes only one thing...commitment. That's it.

Optimism. I like it.

More thorough planning and realistic expectations

How else would I start off this thread? Should I have given these 3 options:

Plan A - Rent a flat while looking for work. Won't find any work because there is none to be had.
Plan B - Don't bother getting a CELTA because the private tutoring market in Torun is oversaturated allready.
Plan C - Start-up a small business which will probably fail, and even if it doesn't, will require myself to work 80 hour weeks.

Honestly, I have to keep up a positive outlook, otherwise I might as well just lay down and die. All I want to do is to have some sort of break, a "working holiday", go to Poland, find a partner, and just live a bit. But I have to become self-sustainable whilst over there. Here lies the dilemma: Work VS Teach VS Business.
22 Sep 2011
Work / Working Vs Private English Lessons Vs Starting a Small Business in Poland [33]

lol ok fine. I understand. But its good to be optimistic. Plus.....I should make this critical point here....I am going over to Poland for somewhat of a working holiday of undefined time. Thats my situation. I'm not planning for the next 10 years, or even 5 years. Just hoping to to secure myself there for some time, if that makes sense.
22 Sep 2011
Work / Working Vs Private English Lessons Vs Starting a Small Business in Poland [33]

Hiya! Just another similar topic...

Next year I'll be in Torun Poland, so I'm considering my income options. I'm proficient in Polish & English, though my Polish is only at a communicative level and NOT a professional level.

My "Plan A" is to find some work, though it's difficult with the current job market. Plus I would like the freedom to take vacation breaks when I want.

My "Plan B" involves getting a CELTA. I realise that teaching english is viable, though I'm not confident in my abilities (yet). Teaching privately should provide me with a decent income, plus the time freedom. I.e. When the holiday season comes around, I go with it, and put tutoring on hold. The problem with this option is initially building a customer base.

My "Plan C" is starting a small business. It will give me a decent income. Only downside is the time needed to nurture a new small venture. However, I'll be able to take a break together with the holiday season, if I want. Also, another downside is the current economic climate, and I hear businesses are dropping all over poland.

So whats Better?
2 Sep 2011
Law / How to search for Businesses & Services in Poland? [12]

In Australia we have Yellow Pages for example. But what do Poles use to search for tradies, businesses, services and the like? If I want to hire a gardner for example, where do I find him? and whats the most popular search medium in Poland?

Kind Regards,
18 Jul 2011
Real Estate / Good suburb in warsaw for house [23]

Following up on this post...

Which Warsaw inner-suburbs are safest to live/rent?

15 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

Not even a nuke would be able to stop the polish winged hussars. Much less, any enemy personell in tanks or even F22's would shiver at the idea of going up against our Hussaria. Poland needs to invest more in horses!
13 Jul 2011
Life / Drinking before clubbing in Poland? [25]

Mixed reviews:

4 for not drinking
7 for drinking

Updating the facts; there are now 5 people all up, so effectively its 100ml each, which is like 2 shots each. I dont want to get them drunk but I do want to show them a nice time clubbing, and the Australian nightlife in Brisbane. Or at least some similar imitation as it is Brisbane after all.
12 Jul 2011
Life / Drinking before clubbing in Poland? [25]

Easy to drink me under the table, thats why im not sure about it. Also is it polite?impolite?expected?norm? to offer vodka before heading out.

Only benefit is it will relax everyone, and lubricate (i know silly choice of words) getting to know each other.
12 Jul 2011
Life / Drinking before clubbing in Poland? [25]

So I meet these 2 polish girls here in oz, and they're visiting for a few weeks. I think "great", I can network with some real europeans. Im to take them out clubbing soonish with a friend. The unconfirmed plan is for us to pickem up from where they're staying and leave car at my place and bus it to the city. My friend suggested "poł litra" before we start the night. I got no idea if thats a good idea, whad'ya think? they're dziewczęta after all.
9 Jul 2011

Zloty Exchange Rate

Hiyaz. I can't believe that there is no "sticky" about current exchange rates for polish currency. I've found PLENTY of small posts about the latest exchange rates, but these age very fast.

Anyway, I'm trying to predict the direction of the polish zloty. Is it weakening or strengthening? I've found this:

Currently (July 2011) I would get 2.9zl for 1AUD. So I'm trying to determine whether to send capital now (while its high) or wait it out and see what will happen in 12 months when I go to Poland.

15 Jun 2011
Law / Your experience as a foreigner running a small business in Poland [43]

I would say that for anyone wishing to have a successful business in Poland, you need to live here for at least a year to become acclimatised to the environment first.

Resurrecting an old topic...

Is my quoted sentence for real? For those who have businesses, would u strongly recommend learning the ropes of the country first, and only then go into business? If there is no reasonable work or employment to be had, then the only option is to create work by creating a business, regardless of whether one is familiar to the country.
13 Jun 2011
Life / Theft of a Golden Mug in Poland [24]

If this guy is a well known thief

Petty thief who has no money.

Me thinks simplest option is to punch him in the face, though its awfully unlike anything I would do.

Best option. When I will finally get to Poland, I won't know anyone, except for a few distant relatives. It will be my responsibility to network with people. When I was at school, I became friends with like 97% of all people. Those 3% were the slum-type druggoes, who wouldn't dare touch me. So in Poland, and particularly in smaller communities, its important to become known in such a way that people won't even consider stealing from you or your friends or relatives.
13 Jun 2011
Travel / Gdansk - where to go and what's cool to see? [25]

There's a street off near the 'Zuraw" (the 1000 year old building which makes/loads ships), and its got store after store of amber and amber-jewelery. I strongly recommend it in Winter over Summer, due to less crowded German tourists.
13 Jun 2011
Life / Theft of a Golden Mug in Poland [24]

Population of 14,000 isn't exactly a village though. And yes wildrover, I don't care for political correctness.
12 Jun 2011
Life / Theft of a Golden Mug in Poland [24]

Play Hitman 1 or 2 for a while?

Too Dated. Not a viable option.

So one option is to retaliate in quantity. Could end up in a law suite..then again, Poland. In Oz you gotta be careful cuz everyone dobs in everyone else, or cam-records everything. In Poland perhaps this option is acceptable, but still need to be careful.

I actually agree with this attitude in this situation, not that I condone violence but with some people it seems to be the only thing they understand.

Wild West attitude. not politically correct.

teaching respect in the countryside

Sami Swoi. Love it!

I would deal with it outside of the law

This is probably most effective. But you know how it is with these situations, the Police won't do anything to help you but will do everything to bust you. I've been in a situation where I apprehended a arsonist. The police came and they we're gonna arrest us for intervening and for using force against the arsonist. We basically pinned him down to the ground.

IF you are a scrawny fellow, then you got no chance in Poland. Is that what it comes down to?
12 Jun 2011
Life / Theft of a Golden Mug in Poland [24]

Hi. I've learned of a situation which has developed, and I'm curious of what actions can be taken to deal with the issue. In Australia it would be no problem, but in Poland I wouldn't be sure what actions would be acceptable. Here goes (short short version):

* Set in a small town (18,000)
* A friends Grandmothers' ornamental golden mug was stolen by a local "penniless" petty thief
* This thief posed for a few days to help her with everyday tasks (i.e. to gain trust)
* He tricked the grandmother into borrowing the mug
* He sold the golden mug (apparently)
* He doesn't show his face in that area of town anymore

So, I told my friend that if I were in his situation, I would hunt down the guy. But my friend said he has a car and that the thief knows many people in the slums. So naturally my friend is worried that they'll bust his windows or something.

If I were there, I wouldn't know what my viable options are? Police won't do anything as they're no proof. What can be done?