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Posts by nunczka  

Joined: 13 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Feb 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 457 / In This Archive: 192
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Honky style
Interests: loafing

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5 Jul 2012
Food / Which type of sausage in Poland is closest to an American kielbasa? [23]

Bull crap Tex. America has some of the best Polish Kielbasa around. These recipe's have been brought over by the early Immigrants, and improved upon .. It.s true.. There is some junk around. BUT ! , Chicago

Michigan and the north east have the best. Same goes for our Polish music.. Polish music in Poland SUCKS.
3 Jul 2012
Life / Individualism in Polish culture...Is it almost Nonexistant? [170]

I don't know how life was in Poland in the early 1900's. But In America Poles were very close knit as families.. I remember growing up during the great depression. Money was hard to come by. All of my family

gathered together for all holiday's and would celebrate with what little they had.. This was true with most families of Polish decent. Poles in America settled in certain areas and celebrated all of the Polish traditions, led mostly by the churches.

It was not until the post WW2 years,that things began to change. The old folks grew older, and we kids returned to a prosperus growing America.. Some went to college under the GI bill of rights. Others got great jobs and advanced in management. Money started to roll in. This was the start of the break up of Polish families. We younger ones purchased automobiles which were unheard of in the Polish communities, Other than those owned by bankers.

America became a much smaller country.. Now with the advent of the automobile.people started to move into the suburbs with their new found wealth. It became a contest as to which cousin could outdo the other.. The old folks remained behind and died off. This was the turning point of close knit Polish families in America
1 Jul 2012
Language / How similar is the Italian accent to the Polish accent (when speaking English)? [34]

says that Italian people speaking English and Polish people speaking English sound quite similar.

well, i don't know... i've never noticed the Italian accent because every time i speak with an Italian, i have to pay attention to this person hands gestures to get out of the discussion with no bruises.

Beautiful!!!!!! Tex said it all.
26 May 2012
News / Marion Barry insults Polish people calling them "Polacks" [33]

Why is everyone so critical of the OP? I see nothing wrong with his post. Here is another liberal nut making fun of the Polish Dyngus holiday.. He has since apologized,after the American Polonia complained.

18 Mar 2012
Life / Multiracial Poles [154]

but another African desperately trying to promote out-of-race dating of Polish women with blacks.

That was obvious from the very start of this thread .But why does anyone even go through the trouble torespond to that nut?
29 Feb 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

WOW! You're tough. But to answer your question. I am really not sure. The same goes for kids in America today. The kids (And some others) think that the world owes them a free pass.

So given your contribution to the war then, do you think a Pole of the same age today which you were at that time be treated the same as an allied soldier from ww2?

WOW! You are tough. I see where you are heading.. And I cant find the answer to your question. We have the same thing in the states.. Our kids feel like they deserve the good life,even if it comes from the sacrifices of their parents.I also see where i too am first to criticize Immigrants that take advantage of things that were never offered to me. Since I cant find the answer..I will leave it up to some one smarter than myself.
29 Feb 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Maybe its because I come from another generation that the rest of you. I still recall the respect the British gave to all of its Allies.. In 1944 when I was there they gave up their homes to us. Nothing was too good to share. We stood shoulder to shoulder for a common cause. This is the way that I would like to remember it.
29 Feb 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

so in other words, all following generations get to ride the coat tails of their ancestors or, conversly, apologize for the sins of their parents, and grand-parents, and great-grandparents and so on?

There is no way that I could argue with that.. You made a good point.. There is a lot of truth in your statement
25 Feb 2012
USA, Canada / Polish communties in Washington or Allegheny county? [2]

What you are looking for is just about impossible to find especially in Western Maryland.Polish communities in eastern large cities no longer exist.. There are still some small areas where that are still hanging on. The same thing that happened to Detroit is happening here. (Need I say more?)You might want to try Western PA. There are still a lot of Poles that moved from Pittsburg living in the counties
23 Feb 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

no Brit is ever allowed to say even a single word bad about anything Polish, even if all Poles themselves criticise that thing.

You have to be a complete idiot. Did you ever read about the Red Poppies of Monte Cassino?

For the entire operation to close the Falaise pocket, the 1st Polish Armoured Division's operational report states 1441 casualties including 466 killed in action...

How about the Fate of the Polish Parachute troops in Operation Market Garden. How many of them died because of Montgomery folly?
23 Feb 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Number #1,, The Poles alone did not save England.. It was a joint effort.The same as all other Allies.
My complaint is that the Poles earned their way by contributing their service in a time of need . Where were the other immigrants? All that I ever see on here is condemnation of Poles.
28 Dec 2011
Life / Polish-American Polka Music in Poland [60]

I as a 1st generation do not consider any ties with Poland or their music. I am a Polish American and I do things they way that I grew up with. Some where along the line our Immigrant parents started doing things their way. Even our Polish language is a lot different than in Poland. Maybe it was because our (uneducated Eastern Polish parents{

LOL! had trouble learning the English language that they used a lot of slang words. We kids did the same as we learned the Polish language.. We danced to our own music. I have no trouble speaking Polish to a Polish American, but have a lot of trouble with people from Poland. The same with our music and dances.. We do the Polka hop.. Even on an Oberek.. Chech you tube on a polish American wedding and then check on a wedding in Polands.. They look like a bunch of hicks

25 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / If America is so bad, why move here? [254]

I would love to see the boat spend one night in an American ghetto. He would be greeted with an ALOHA one shot from a 45 ACP and it would be hello and goodby
24 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Polish Christmas on the 24th? [87]

A Polish Christmas in America is all but gone.Growing up in America with Immigrant Parents,we were exposed to the culture that they enjoyed in Poland. After WW2 the 1st generation started to prosper and move into the suburbs. The old folks remained behind. By now they started to master the English language The Polish language spoken in the street, all but disappeared.

As the older generation died off the Polish neighborhoods began to disappear. Along with most Polish customs. My school St Casimir's no longer taught Polish. The Archdiocese replaced our Polish Pastor with an Italian.. The congregation were limited to one Koledy by the church choir on Christmas day.Many people just left the church.

There are many Polish American's in America. But the culture and language all but disappeared
23 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / If America is so bad, why move here? [254]

I am afraid that Seanus is right. America has seen it's greatest successes from WW2 to the late 1900's.. There was a lot of money made during those years.. I have seen immigrants from all nations prosper. My Dad was one of them.. He earned a meager living as a tailor.. During WW2.. The Goverment sent my Dad to school to learn machine work.. After the war he opended his own business and became filthy rich. In about the year 2000 that all changed.Today, the older folks and most college grads have all the money. Who knows what will happen in the future.
23 Dec 2011
Life / Why is Polish Christmas on the 24th? [87]

Sir you should know that Christmas Eve is a day of a fast. We don't eat meat or drink alcohol in that day.

Rules are made to be broken. At one time Friday was a meatless day.. What happened to that rule? I recall that it was changed during WW2. I forgot the excuse that they gave. I think that it had something to do with feeding the troops. America is different than Poland. That was one reason that my Parents came to America.. We make our own rules.

As a kid I attended a Catholic School ran by Nuns.. Over the years I saw just how most of what we were taught was a lot of crap.. I started to see the light when the Catholic Clergy sextually abused young boys.

Tomorrow is Christmas eve.. We will party with loads of booze until the broad daylight.
23 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / If America is so bad, why move here? [254]

So - let's assume he was there as an 18 year old, plus 67 years - that makes him 85 at least.

AWW shidt, you guys are killing me.. YUP this old fart is 86 yrs old..

I always did have a way of pi$$ing people off.
23 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / If America is so bad, why move here? [254]

respect my ass, my grandfather was a vet - you show some respect. Hes a twat singing the same tune all those old brainwashed dudes do.

Oh My! Now sit down and catch your breath little boy.. You are getting siii excited.

Just remember that you are a Moderator and are expected to be above such tirades
23 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / If America is so bad, why move here? [254]

Question away i will fcuking own you in any debate, discussion or whatever.

As i said you'll be back when it suits, and that goes for all you fcuking Polams.

MY,My such language.. TSK,TSK. Did I hit a nerve? Aww! I did not mean to upset you.
23 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / If America is so bad, why move here? [254]

t is indeed a sad day when a so called (what ever) citizen totally turns his back on his country in allegiance for another. You'll be back..

WB; Why dont you stop and think about what you say before you make an A$$ out of yourself.. Now if I recall it was you that stated that you returned to Britain only to find that you did not like what you saw and returned to Poland.. Read your statement above. Sometime I question your intellegence
23 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / If America is so bad, why move here? [254]

Alternatively we could have joined in Hitler's plan in the position he envisaged: the two great empires of the world defeating the USA.

Trust me.. With your attitude your a$$ would have gone up in smoke
23 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / If America is so bad, why move here? [254]

There are a number of countries in the world which have never been occupied, Canada is one of them, and so is Great Britain.

Great Britain.. Lol! If it were not for America and lend lease, not to mention the American GI.. You would all be wearing stripped pajamas today. ( Smirk)
23 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / If America is so bad, why move here? [254]

Although you do hold the distinction of being the only country to get its arse kicked by Canada twice (and once, now that I think about it).

lets not forget about Vietnam.

If you read what I wrote. I think you will find that I said (OCCUPIED)
23 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / If America is so bad, why move here? [254]

Which is why Polish-Americans will never be Polish.

You are probably right. Could it be that our immigrant Parents could not survive in Poland,so they sought refuge in America.. There is a Statue in New York Harbor stating to send us your poor and hungry and opressed. So why should they hold any alliegence to Poland.? They are a complete new breed of Polish Americans, they got away from all the hardship that they faced in Poland.

My Dad told me about the hardship and hunger that they lived with in Poland. America was the promised land. I was never in Poland. I got as far as Germany.. Yes it was beautiful. But it could never beat America.

We have two oceans, the Gulf of Mexico ,Great Northern neighbors. Our Mtn's, the great lakes.. And we were never conquered.