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Joined: 3 Mar 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 1 Jun 2008
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3 Apr 2008
Life / Fashion and Style in Poland [174]

what's wrong with the maxi dress

Paris Hilton

To me, she can be wearing the most beautiful dress and make it look cheap. She's gifted that way.
3 Apr 2008
Life / Fashion and Style in Poland [174]

sometimes expensive can look very cheap...ie look at anything that Paris Hilton wears.
3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

awful spelling of course what i meant there was anal energy, uuummm no actually i think i'l stick with analogy, hahah.

LOL! How do I mistaken analogy for anal energy?

ouch, that hurts, its like when you say to your mate, 'thats a new shirt is it mate, who are you trying to impress tonight??' and he goes 'nah, i've had it for ages you just haven't seen me wear it'

and you know its a lie. Just fess up people! :)
3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

lol i guess its like guys talking about the best football boots to get:) thats the only analergy i can think of!!!

Yes, thats probably a good analogy. I just hate it when they say they got it years ago :(

i wasn't slagging it off just asking why, thats all, no harm or offense meant

Don't worry, I know you didn't mean to offend and I wasn't offended.
3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

you find shoes more interesting than faces??? lol, do you look down at peoples feet when your talking, haha, imagine that :) sorry i'm just having a chuckle to myself, i understand what you mean though, i think :) Girls are always so proud of their shoes yet guys just buy them and ruin them and throw them away again

If a girl has cute shoes I always notice (and sometimes ask where she got them). I definitely prefer to look at other people's faces over shoes, but I see my mug all the time so I figured putting up shoes will be a good idea. Plus, I get bored having the same pics up so I'll probably be changing both soon :)

Yes I am.

Of course you are...
3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

p.s. i was just checking out Justysia's comment on the pictures being bent in the profiles and looked at yours, you have a picture of your shoes??? did that photo go wrong, maybe somebody forgot where your head was, lol, what is that about?? or are they just new or something, haha

LOL!! Yes the pictures are definitely off. The appear huge and blurry until you click on them and then they are tiny and off-center.
The pic is of my shoes. I love them :) Plus, I'm sick of my face so I thought putting up a pic of my shoes would be more interesting lol. I just wish that the pic wasn't so blurry, because it ruins the appearance of my pretty shoes :(
3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

couldn't agree more, he's always complaining how people box and categories the Polak's, hay greg take a look at your own words :)

I seriously think he's doing this just to irritate people. No one can be that hypocritical.
3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Your business needs cheap labor as your own people are often too lazy or stupid and once this "mess" ends, the new one will begins.

Just stop with the 'lazy British people' stereotype. Its annoying.
3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

you would be surprised just how badly some other British people spell in English...

But its not even bad spelling....its just plain BAD. He doesn't seem familiar with the language at all. But then, there are lots of stupid people all over the place.
3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]


LOL! Bri-shen...

Judging by ur English pal, maybe that's why u r on half ur wage. Be thankful the other half wasn't swiped too.

what really ****s me off you can't be bothered to speak english half off the time

Apparently, you can't be bothered to write in English.

you eastern european

A new meaning to the 'solidarity' movement?

are yourself this question how would you like to take over your country

I am myself, but I'm not planning on taking over any country.

ETA: No way this guy is actually English. He has to be some kind of new immigrant from somewhere other than E.Europe because his spelling and grammar is too awful for him to actually be English. I refuse to believe that the education system would let someone like him pass.
1 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

*post topic by itself*

But it sounds sooooo much like the others. I say we consolidate!

financial and economic statistics dont lie, nor does the testimony of people whos lives are being ruined by hordes of immigrants

and what about the lifes the british have ruined over the years????

I say we hold noimmigration personally accountable for all of it.


i like to bum men in front of my dad while he video tapes it and my mum jerks off to home and away

noimmigration you naughty boy!
25 Mar 2008
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Yes noimmigration he is Polish, does this cause you a problem? It does?

LMAO!! I hope he doesn't know where you live!

Avoid RockyMason in particular.

Great advice!

Mr. Szarlotka, that was amazing! LOL
19 Mar 2008
Food / Cooked Fruit in Poland - Fruity Fillings, Flan, Pies, Tarts and JAM [85]

hehe, so do i! i would gag as a kid when i tried to gulp it down... just something bad about seeing the plums floating in there like that... yuk
Plum butter, on the other hand!

I know! Such a difference.

hmm, thats odd.. what region are you from?

Kielce. Swietokrzyskie province

no kidding, they are proboably at it as we speak:)

Of course they are. no time to waste

sure, plum kompot, if we are speaking about kompot.

right. bleh

Osiol, this thread should be extended to Fruit use in Poland. Jam is just to damn limiting:). What about friut wines widely made in Poland???

I'm interested...
19 Mar 2008
Food / Cooked Fruit in Poland - Fruity Fillings, Flan, Pies, Tarts and JAM [85]

Still, I thought the idea was it was something you cooked and ate hot rather than sold in jars.

They're both good.
Home made is obviously better, IMO. However, the jars are more convenient.

The others are grave, accent and cedilla I believe.

accent aigu = é
there's also tréma which is the two dots on the i, e or u
19 Mar 2008
Food / Cooked Fruit in Poland - Fruity Fillings, Flan, Pies, Tarts and JAM [85]

Sour Miranda, nah, she's just bitter cuz she doesn't speak Scottish, LOL.


Has anyone ever had strawberry or blueberry, or both together, in kompot form, with some kluski (noodles) as a soup? mmmm, I had a grandma from southern region of Poland who made the best strawberry soup..
i don't know if this is just regionally though?

I've never heard of that.
19 Mar 2008
Food / Cooked Fruit in Poland - Fruity Fillings, Flan, Pies, Tarts and JAM [85]

I think my Polish friends are being too kind, as they tell me I speak good Polish when I know myself its rubbish. I only tend to try to speak it with friends I know well and dont speak it around Pl people I dont really know.
This can be quite funny when another Pl joins the group and starts talking in Pl thinking the Scots guy nie rozumie.

Learning a language is always difficult (unless you happen to be a small child) so be happy with any progress you make :)

Yeah, when the mood takes the fancy, I jot down random Scots.

Its an eye sore but I think I got the gist of it :)
But then, I'm Polish so I can't make fun of any other language (or dialect as the case would be)
19 Mar 2008
Food / Cooked Fruit in Poland - Fruity Fillings, Flan, Pies, Tarts and JAM [85]

I like pączki z dzemem z rozy (rose jam), and with powdered sugar... nothing better : )

I like the glazed ones. sooooooo yummy and sweet. :)

PS. I like orange jam and I had some made of ginger I belive but the wirdest one I had was made from carrots:). I guess I am a jam Mama.

Carrots? bleh
Orange is yummy though. Pineapple too.
19 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

I am absolutely sick of poles claiming that brits are lazy. Have a look at the figures above and compare this with polands astronomical unemployment levels.

And I'm sure Poles are sick of you calling them lazy.

You are one narrow-minded individual, noimmigration.
19 Mar 2008
Food / Cooked Fruit in Poland - Fruity Fillings, Flan, Pies, Tarts and JAM [85]

This is a very important thread.

My grandmother makes the best strawberry dzem (when its in season anyways) but I guess that doesn't help you :(

Polish made Powidła - plum butter - it is to die for

especially when it is stuffed inside a delicious pączek :)

Congrats Miranda on the 4000 posts :)
14 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Polish people should come to Canada. In my unprofessional opinion, we are a vast empty land that needs more people. Welcome :)
At least they can come without a visa for 3 months now. Just don't expect any free handouts and you'll do fine :)
12 Mar 2008
Language / pronounce "Kocham Cię" [57]

'Cock Armchair'

cock amateur

I think the 'armchair' sounds a little closer. 'Amateur' has too many syllables.....although its more fun to say.

What would a 'Cock Armchair' look like? lol