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Is the Administrator of the P.F. a Native Pole ? [80]
I could say my real name is Alfred E. Newman. (google that one kids)
'Thanks' to such attitudes and cluelessness the good grassroots movements that would benefit the people get killed before they even start. Because there's always an idiot who will claim that 99.9999999999% proof is not quite 100%. Well, some of them are paid trolls but I assume you're not one of them.
Only if you pay the extra to have it made anonymous
Let me repeat it again because: Nobody paid anything extra, the WHOIS info has never beed anonymous.
has been privatized where it wasn't the previous time Ilooked. So YES IT HAS.
Again, it has never been privatized. There are dozens of tools to check it; some of them require login to see the full info, but I'm not here to educate you; go and research it online if you want to waste more time.
I just didn't care to have been called a liar which I am not. Got it !
Then don't use the tools you don't know how they work or if they work at all. If your goal is to take a picture of Jupiter but you don't care to invest into professional equipment to achieve that - do not announce to the world that Jupiter doesn't exist because your disposable camera didn't catch it.
So YES MAdear, You did in fact say that.......there it is, written in stone not to be denied.
Now I'm not even sure if you know what a WHOIS info of a domain name is. There is nothing to be denied; IF the WHOIS info was anonymized, you'd see the domain registrar's (or host) address. Please don't mention it any more unless you educate about the basics of domain names and WHOIS info.
Our mods were doing just fine only with that :)
I know a forum that has more moderators than actual users; if you need a link PM me ;)
Furthermore, here I'm just a user and I'm free to write things I want and take sides if I want, but I couldn't allow myself to do that when I was an admin/mod at my forum.
Well, thank you. That's the goal of PF - to allow anyone to have their voice. Let's say, you are a devout Catholic - no problem, express your extreme opinions (that meet the forum rules); but at the same time allow others who don't always share your views to tell their side of the story.
Who are "we"? Is your name Legion? :))
Moderators (both the current, past, and the future ;).
Sorry, Admin, but you don't know me and you don't know what I'm capable of ;)
You may be right; I don't track or am interested in forum personalities.
why was this thread deleted?
It was (as far as I can tell) corrupted when DB was rebuilt a few days ago..
have been here since 2007 starting ONLY ten threads.
Good moderators do not have to post much; just the opposite.
British moderators
As expected.. You hear someone is 'British' then he/she must be...{enter_stereotype}.. or that someone is POLISH then he/she is {enter_stereotype}.. it's like discussing with a brick.
This forum will never be "Polish run".
Could you elaborate what you mean by being "Polish-run"? Based on your posts, I'd guess the leading points would be something like that:
1. If it is Polish or Poland-made, it's the best in the world, no questions asked. Period.
(for example, if there were 10 moderators formally based in Poland but none of them has been on the site for a week to do the moderating job it would still be better than 1 moderator from Germany who actually shows up and does the job well)2. All discussions that confront the established status quo in Poland should be avoided.
3. All complaints or bad experiences about Poland should be avoided or deleted.
4. Posters who share personal views of moderators or administrators should be treated with utmost respect and, when possible, given moderator privileges.
5. To make the moderating process simple, a list of stereotypes about nationalities and religions should be created and followed (this would be especially useful to those who have been given moderating privileges but really aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer).
But I live in Poland. So? Why should I move to another country? To learn the opinions and views of other people? I have the internet for that :)
I believe that's the gist of the problem. Look at the point #1 above.. you will never find out about the real life from the Internet or the media; the only things you'll have left are stereotypes or 'research' done by inept people.
Polish media quite often inform what is said, written abroad about Poland, Polish politics.
It is not about information; it's all about experience. Now you have a certain stereotype about Black, Asian, Muslim, Indian people.. it's all from second-hand and static information (or misinformation). But have you actually worked or gone to a wedding party or a funeral ceremony and sat with a Black, Asian, Muslim, or Indian people? I did and it has been much more truthful experience than even the most objective media can present. It's not even only about people - in fact most stereotypes brought to you by the official knowledge are twisted (do you think you know Mexican or Chinese food just because you visited 100 Mexican or Chinese restaurants in Poland? - then go to a restaurant in Mexico or China to realize how brainwashed you were ;).