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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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20 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

... by expressing holy outrage at the life choices of others, you attempt to influence them and everyone around to follow your philosophy

A grass-roots discussion such as this is nothing but 'ordinary people sharing ideas and expressing their opinion which may or may not influence someone. What about the professional brain-washers -- the advertising and entertaiment industries, media. lobbyists, and propagandists, inluding the 'poltiically correct' establishment, who are shoving their view of the world and of what is right and wrong down other people's throats. And in many cases they do it through subtle social engineering, and subliminal psychological ploys cleverly used to glamourise cheap, tacky popcultrure, degeneracy and unscrupulous, publciity-seeking celebs. The number of PF-ers who seem to buy into what they're peddling only shows how succssful they have been.
20 Jan 2012
History / Warsaw - under whose occupation in late 19th century? [16]

A question to the historians and history buffs on PF.... I believe Warsaw was in the Prusuian partition zone and in 1918 Poles in Warsaw disarmed German soldiers (who afctually let themselves be disarmed). That all makes sense. However, why were all the shop signs in Wokulski's Warsaw in Polish and Russian? Did a border shift occur between the partitioning pwoers at that time?
19 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

Not physically, but you can stand on principle and refuse to sign. Then only she is the perjurer, reneger, liar and faithless home-wrecker.
Incidentally, ethical principles are never outdated. Even though the laws of the Third Reich said it was OK to kill and torment Jews, that didn't make it right. And the inception of quick and convenient online, no-fault divorces does not make oath-breaking any more good, ethical or commendable.
19 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

To those who do not beleive in sacraments marriage is still a legally-binding civil contract. Divorce means reneging on the marriage oath and breahing the contract so the divorcee is still a liar and perjurer. It is a filmnsy excuse that the other side initiated the divroce proceedings. I don't belłieve the law of any country can force someone to get a divorce agaisnt his/her will.
19 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

Matrimony is more than a piece of paper, it is a holy sacrament. Anyone who divorces is a faithless, disloyal, irresponsible liar and perjurer. Amen.
18 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Polish relatives of the name Kocinski [10]

Admitteldy kocina in the meaning of cat meat is extremely rare, (usually it is empathetic: poor, pitiful, little kitty), but it may have occurred as in the sentence: Rozbitkowie odżywiali się psiną, kociną i czym się dało (The castaways ate dogs, cats and whatever else they could find.)
17 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Polish relatives of the name Kocinski [10]

KOCIŃSKI: root-word kocina (empathetic: poor, sad, little cat or pejorative: miserable excuse for a cat); probably topo tag from Kocin or Kocina (several such localities in Poland) Catville, Felineburg, etc.

The word kocina in Polish can also mean cat meat like psina, gęsina, indyczyna, etc.
16 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Wozniak / Tometchak - Were my grandparents Jewish? [5]

No-one can say solely on the basis of that information. Jews were known to take on on the names of the countries in which they lived. The two you listed are perfectly good Polish names.

WO-NIAK: patronymic tag for the son of the woźny (court crier) or woźnica (carter).

TOMCZAK: patronymic tag for the son of Tomasz (Thomson).
16 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

This has do with treating animals with respect as God's creatures, not negelcting or inflciting pain oro suffering on them. IT WAS NOT AN INJUNCTION TO ACT LIKE AN ANIMAL!
15 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Rębielice Szlacheckie [10]

PELIKANT: variant form of pelikan (pelican).

WYDMUCH: Old Polish word for sand dune (in modern Polish: wydma); or topo nick from Wydmusy (Duneville).
15 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

Those who don't believe in 'higher things', must therefore believe in 'lower things'. But how low can you get? Is homo sapiens no different from the dog that eats, drinks, excretes and sniffs about for the nearest ******* in heat? Some people act as if they do. Some people seem to have their brains between theri legs.
15 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

Proof is all about us. Take a classroom 30, 20, even 10 years ago -- there has been a steady increase in the percentage of youngsters from dysfunctional homes srtciken by divorce, signle parents, new daddies, live-in boyfriends or that increasignly 'popular' but often unhealthy family arrangement comprising his kids, her kids and our kids. Not to mention custody battles and even abductions when the judge rules the 'wrong' way. And why? All because people are increasignly selfish and obsessed only with their own pleasure and convenience. You must live a sheltered or horseblinkeredd life if you don't see all this.
15 Jan 2012
Food / Polish recipe for booyah [26]

I have never sampled booyah. Is it a strictly Wisconsin boonies kind of thing?
15 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

Never forget that only dead fish and sewage go with the flow, because neither have a functioning brain...
It is true that shop-lifting, cheating on spouses, out-of-wedlock bastards and broken families have always existed...on the margins of society. Nowadays people are trying to normatise them, using freedom and private-morality slogans. Standards of interpersonal behaviour are therefore constantly dropping, and moral anarchy is replacing majority ethical consensus.
13 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

Some on this thread have gone off on tangents not intended. In hardly any situation is something ALWAYs or NEVER the case. You could probably find a loving bixesual threesome raising a healthy, happy kids, but that should not lead to the conclusion that this is a good or preferable arrangement to normal sacramental marriage between a man and a woman.

My point was not that married couples NEVER create pathological situations nor that unmarried arrangeemtns ALWAYS do. The point was that informal arrangements tend to cause more dysfunctional situaitons in terms of:

11 Jan 2012
Genealogy / I'm half Polish American, but I'm very Patriotic about my ancestry [47]

It is not unusual for those that persistently knock people who appreciate and activley cultivate their ethno-religious heritage to secretly envy them. All too often the detractors come from broken homes devoid of any real traditons, are at loggerheads with their families and are gauled at the thought of those who come from big,tight-knit, loving families that gather for Chrsitmas, Easter, engagement parties, weddings, christenings, First Holy Communions, anniversaries, graduations, funeral banquets, etc. No pub crawl with drinking mates can match that sense of togetherness, belonging and fellowship!
10 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Polska - Czahoroski [9]

CZACHOROWSKI: topo nick from Czachory or Czachorów; root-word probably now obsolete czahar/czahor (dwarf tree, scrub vegetation, mixed thicket).
8 Jan 2012
Genealogy / I'm half Polish American, but I'm very Patriotic about my ancestry [47]

This is a highly subjective area. Attitudes towards one's ethnic roots in America range from total indiffernce (who cares about all that quaint Old Country stuff?!) to the strong patriotic attachment you apparently feel. Those are the extremes and there are countless intermediate shadings in between.
8 Jan 2012
Genealogy / The Last name "Mack" [5]

These are some but not all of the Polish surnames someone may have shortened to Mack:
Mackała Mackałło Mackało Mackan Mackaniak Mackanić Mackaniec Mackanis Mackań Mackaszwili Mackay Macki Mackiel Mackiełło Mackier
Mackiera Mackiewicz Mackin Macko Mackos Mackoś Mackowski Macków Mackuj
Mackuła Mackun Mackus Mackusz Mackuś
6 Jan 2012
History / Lithuanians hate Poles? [156]


One-in-two Lithuanians don't want a Pole living next door
PR dla Zagranicy Peter Gentle 05.01.2012 16:40 A new survey finds that half
of Lithuanians would not like to have a Polish neighbor, in a new indicator
that relations between the two geographical neighbours have soured.

According to the opinion poll by GfK Custom Research Baltic, 51 percent of
Lithuanians expressed distaste at the idea of having a Polish neighbour,
with 27 percent saying "not under any circumstances," and a further 24
percent declaring that they "would rather not."
5 Jan 2012
Life / Ephiphany - Święto Trzech Króli [12]

Friday, 6th Jan, is the Feast of the Three Kings or Ephiphany, also known as Twelfth Night. How do you celebrate this occasion in Poland?

In addition to it being a holiday day of obligation* for Catholics, Warsaw and other major Polish cities hold Three Kings cavalcades (orszak Trzech Króli) attended by thousands. How widely is the Migdałowy Król custom practiced in today's Poland?

For the past few years it has been a work-free public holiday in Poland as it was before the Second World War.

*For the benefit of the heathens, apostates and otehr assorted godless types amongst us, failure to attend Holy Mass on a holy day of oblgaiton constitutes the same kind of grave sin as missing Sunday Mass.
3 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Searching for a village in Southern Poland (Baddi?) [11]

There are 2 localities in Poland called Bajdy, one is in the SUb-Carpathian region not too far from the Slovak border:

Bajdy - wieś w woj. podkarpackim, w pow. krośnieńskim, w gminie Wojaszówka
Bajdy - wieś w woj. warmińsko-mazurskim, w pow. iławskim, w gminie Zalewo.

Considering the Austro-Hungarian-Slovak-Polish lingustic confusion and the widespread illiteracy of East-Central Europe in the 19th and on into the 20th century, could it not jave been Bajdy?
3 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Searching for a village in Southern Poland (Baddi?) [11]

Could Baddi have been the Hungarian version of Baden (Baths), a term frequently used in the German-speaking world for medicinal mineral springs. A well.known exmaple is Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary in Czech) in the Czech Republic.
31 Dec 2011
Language / Etymology of Dupa [11]

Possibly dupa is a variant from of żopa???
29 Dec 2011
Food / New Year's EVE/Day foods in Polish tradition? [4]

In Polish tradition are any special dishes associated with the New Year's holiday? I have heard of the nowolatki figural cakes baked in the Podlasie region. Anything else?
28 Dec 2011
Po polsku / Magicznych Świąt!? [5]

Przypomina mi stary dowcip o tym jak ponoć w Moswie NA Placu Czerwonym rozdają ludziom za darmo samochody. Z tym że, nie w Moskie no w Leningradie, nie na Krasnoj Płoszczadi no na Newskom Prospekcie, nie awtomobile no lisopiedy, i nie dajut no woriat (excuse my Russian).