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Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
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7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

LOve our terrible economic situation

Say that to the Greeks, Portugese, Americans, English, Irish etc Polands growth is at 4%, no austerity measures, wages increasing (for those that work), jobless numbers falling. What the hell do you expect Mark, a free house and 1000 PLN per week in unemployment benefit, that is how these countries got into debt. You keep mentioning how poor Poland is compared to the West, you fail to mention that America (growth 1.5%) is 14 trillion dollars in debt, the UK (growth 0.5%) is about 3 trillion pounds in debt (excluding pension liabilities for the public sector). All you do is *****, why not tell us something constructive, what is your vision for Poland?
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]


May I ask you about your own scientific degree, University, and graduation year?

'05 CIS, Upenn, what about you?


"I already told you once, I joined the military because my family was poor and I couldn't get a loan or a scholarship to go to college."

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when err we seek to deceive"

Yet you feel you have the experience to criticize the universities in Poland. This from a grunt.
7 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Economics Professor at Upenn, who worked on Wall Street for 15 years.

Would that be for Leaman Brothers?
6 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

'think' hahah,...ulterior motives sing from your every word.

Sorry Mark, I do not understand gibberish, try explaining that comment to me in English. What alterior motives?
6 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

TB used to be rife, and comparatively recently, too.

And have you ever heard of any Polish people being screened for health reasons on entering the UK?
6 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]


well, why is there mass emigration in Poland and not in France etc, why is there 2 million Poles in the Uk,why were Poles fllocking into Ireland.

Because they can!!!!...Last year, for the first time in their recorded history, more Dutch people left Holland (as opposed to those moving to the Netherlands) to move to such places as New Zealand, Australia etc. These people were professionals of 30+ with children who cited reasons for leaving as "safety" and not being willing to accept the "multi-cultural society" that was being forced on them". There were no "financial reasons" given for this exodus. A lot depends on which governments allow this freedom of movement. Ireland and the UK permitted anybody from the EU (and most of the rest of the world!!!), Australia and New Zealand restricted residence to people with the skills and a clean bill of health who would benefit their new homeland and not be a drain on public finance resources just after they arrived. For some strange reason, the EU and the UN has virtually accused Australia of being "racist", because they are selective about who they let in (asylum seekers are usually deported immeadiately).

One of the reasons cited by Australia can be explained By the following artical:-


You may notice that Poland is not on the charts as an area of high infection, probably due to the difficulty and non-encouragement of Asian and African immigrants. Unlike the UK and Ireland, Poland does not give away free housing and cash benefits which also explains why Poland does not have thousands of asylum seekers clamouring to enter the country.

So Mark, if people want to move abroad and try and find a better quality of life then fair play to them, but, its not only the poor who do this. There are many reasons to uproot and they are not necessarily all about money. I thank God that people think that Poland is a poor country with no free handouts, it means that there is more chance that they will not try to come here.
5 Jun 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Place like Lublin and Puławe have seen little or no price reductions, due to the mass emigration in these areas.

Mark, you call me a "Thatcherite" as if I should be ashamed of that. I know the following artical is meant to apply to the UK, but, I also believe this is what should be happening in Poland.

"It is more important that the young should have the chance to buy an affordable home than that their parents should be able to call themselves nominal house-price millionaires.

Housing is a difficult political issue that is not being handled well by the Coalition. If they were Thatcherites they would take the obvious step and release more sites to bring down the price of development land and, ultimately, of houses.

The present situation has become intolerable. The best the Government could do now is set a target of 260,000 houses a year to be built and sold - and at an affordable price and at a profit to the developer".

Read more:
5 Jun 2011
Life / Driving across Poland (zigzag style) [15]

An odd practice on Poliand's 2-lane highways is an added half-lane on either side

That lane is for Maluchs or so I was told when I first came to Poland.
3 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Don't forget this developer is a Thatcherite

This is the only true thing you have ever said on this forum Mark, my business in the UK really took off when Maggiie was in power, she encouraged people to work hard and let them keep what they earnt with minimum interference.( I have always voted Tory and left the UK when the people on benefits voted Labour in for a second term ) I can understand why the concept of work is alien to you and why you still yearn for the socialist revolution, all your posts are directed towards the so called Utopia that "should" exist for people with no ambition and who think that eveyone owes them a living.

I do not speak Polish, but, I have worked here in Poland, invested and made money. If I can do it at the age of nearly 60, what is your excuse? I know you are mentally challenged but that should not stop you gaining physical employment or is that beneath you?

I have just bought some more land for a new project of 12 apartments, its not all about money Mark, I need to be doing something to feel useful and to contribute my skills here, both business and building, not spend all my time spamming forums under different alias's and criticising everything about my adopted country. Many things are wrong here but if you willing to work, most things are attainable.

Have you ever thought that your attitude might be the problem?
3 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

If you invest in your house and get new windows and appliances, e.g., you fetch a better price. a kid knows that.

Wrong, Polish people are only interested in the price per m2 and they take their appliances with them when they move, I have seen places stripped out, kitchen, bathroom and lelectrical fittings.

I call it property bubble - so many people earned so much they had no idea what to do with the money but buying a property - I say the good percantage of that money must have been made in shady ways (or otherwise abroad)

You would.

If you really want to know how to make property more affordable for the poor or not so rich, its easy. Make all NEW BUILD exempt from VAT, price immeadiately goes down 8%. What about the lost income to the government?, no loss, more jobs would be created in construction, thus these workers will pay tax and ZUS and spend their money in Poland, to offset the VAT. Benefits to the government, unemployment would go down, defective housing stock would be replaced, more private investment, housing more affordable.

What a vote winner for the party with the cajones to put this in their election manifesto next year.

3 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

I think it is the second scenario rather than the first one and the prices will eventually drop by some 20 per cent

Interesting theory, so lets say the reports were correct and prices did rise by 198% between 2004-2008. In the past 3 years we have seen a correction/reduction in prices of around 10%, you say that they will fall another 20%, so, overall a 30% decrease only leaves profit of 158% on any building acquired prior to 2004. You would think that people selling would be happy with such a profit, why not knock another 58% and be happy with a 100% profit.....ah....if only life was so simple.

The only way out is for the government to build social housing and rent to the poorer people who cannot afford to buy. To build and be able to offer homes at the rents the poor can afford would mean higher taxes which in turn will affect the people with mortgages who will be expected to subsidize said rents.

Meanwhile, the construction workers who will be building this new social housing will be happy to return to the wages they were paid prior to 2004 because there is no work in Poland.....ah if only life was so simple.

The drop you have suggested would have this effect in Poland.
3 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

if the government don't start governing the country and dealing with the main issues like housing and wages.

Come on then Mark, explain how the government is going to solve the housing problem. I could do with a laugh.
According to your previous posts, there are too many houses/flats, the market is saturated with unsold properties. Are you advocating that the government seizes them from their owners and gives them to people like you for nothing?
3 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

So if your employer asks you if you feel that your monthly salary is overgenerous, you say yes?
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

the Polish national bureau of statistics publishes their findings

The only thing I would believe is the date on the report, even then, I would check that twice.

Saying that you had the money to do and buy these things is begging the government to put up taxes.
Take DVD players, what do expect Joe-public to say, "yes, I have one in the car, one on the computer, one with the television and oh yes, I forgot about the one in the kids bedroom".

Those kind of surveys are worthless, especially when you ask the generation that lived under communism, they might brag to friends or family but they certainly would not admit anything to the government.
28 May 2011
Life / Moving to Poland - Checklist / Things to Consider [33]

but if i want proof of address do i not need to register?
and does not registering mean no tax???
off the radar to me is no tax no known address etc.

You will need to register every 90 days until you get the permanent residency permit (first one lasts 2 years, second one, 5 years, third one, 10 years)
(before you ask why its called a "permanent" residence permit, welcome to Poland!!!!
After the first 90 days you will automatically be issued with a Pesel number (but they will not tell you this so you have to ask for it)

If you wish to join the Polish Heath care scheme (ZUS) you will need Pesel and a NIP number, your P45 or proof of up to date NI payments in Ireland.(This will allow you the same free medical care as a Pole, consultations, hospital care, reduced cost of prescriptions etc)

Birth certificate, Education, trade qualification certificates, marriage, divorce papers (decree nisi) etc must all be originals, no copies.
The blood samples, DNA and complete life history from the womb to the present day are only necessary if you want to apply for a credit card or mobile phone contract.
27 May 2011
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

There are plenty of Bars and good restuarants around the "Rynek". When will you arrive here and will you be here midweek or on the weekend?
23 May 2011
Law / Healthcare for British Citizens living in Poland [30]

As I understood it at the time, when you join the voluntary Polish heath scheme, they take into acount your NHS payment history. If you are up to date then the transfer is straight forward. I had missed the last years contributions due to being in Poland so had to pay around 1,200 PLN on joining. I was told that if I had missed the last 3 years of payments it would have been substancially more, probably around the 6000 PLN mark.

As the average Polish wage increases, so will the amount of your monthly contributions. Medicines are subsidised (not all) and if you need a large amount of repeat prescriptions on a monthly basis, this can in some circumstances work out more expensive than the UK.
19 May 2011
Life / The rising costs of food and fuel in Poland and the effects on disposable income/economy [177]

I'm just looking for a balanced view

No, you are not. Vitually everyone has disagreed with you as you have not provided any links or proof with regard to the property situation here in Poland. The first request fo you to substanciate your statements and you disappear for a week, only to come back and spout the same rubbish. You have lied and used so many alias's on here that anyone with a limited amount of intelligence would never take your posts seriously.

I honestly cannot figure out why you bother with Polish forums, your hatred of anyone that disagrees with you and the constant spamming, negates any discussions about real estate. Some of the people moving to this country might like to receive genuine information about buying or renting, yet all you do is come out with ridiculous figures and assumptions which have no bearing on what is really happening here. Where is the price crash?, where is the bubble?, why are developers still building? Why have you not got a job yet?
13 May 2011
Work / Moving to Poland: is 100 000 PLN good for a start? [12]

You can work as a native speaker :) many native speakers here in Poland do not know Polish language.
And the money is good, too.

Is there much call for an Arabic teacher in Poland?
24 Apr 2011
Real Estate / Poland house prices recovered faster - Summary of 2010 [89]

The fraud is the fact that the architects, manipulate the transaction, in order to give an illusion of fair play.

I thought you were just stupid and ignorant until I read this, now everyone is able to see what an idiot you are. What the hell has an architect got to do with an agreed price between a buyer and seller? An architect designs a building, its of no interest to them what the building sells for. Perhaps, you meant the "estate agents", no matter, you usually get all the facts wrong anyway.
7 Apr 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]


"The report notes that developers have gradually become less optimistic about being able to earn a lot of money from selling houses."

And this is news?..talk about stating the obvious!!!..tell me a business that has not factored in the financial crises and expects to make less profit. Its taken the NBP experts 3 years to realise this?