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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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26 Aug 2012
USA, Canada / USA time zones [6]

There are only 2 right, or am I wrong? I know Russia supposedly has like 11 or 12 different time zones. Yet it is such a wide country [continent?]. So where is the cut off point and any idea why?
26 Aug 2012
Life / Do Polish people like Turkish people? [66]

Dude it depends on the person. It is strange for a Turk to be in Poland, some will not care, others will not be fond of you, but not because you are a Turk, some people just generally do not like foreigners in Poland while others could not give a crap and then you have a few who might even be interested to chat with you as they find people with different cultures from different countries to be very interesting and exotic. So yeah, 2 types, I mean 3.
25 Aug 2012
Life / Why are Poles in other countries called "Plastic Poles"? [168]

It seems if you do not live in Poland you are known as plastic although I know a lot of people who do not live in Poland feel more proud of their Polish heritage than people who are from Poland and want to leave ASAP. It might be that if you do not pay taxes in Poland you cannot be considered a true Polish person, or at least some people think.
25 Aug 2012
News / Nude females in Legnica centrum [5]

Yeah Panie means ladies, it can also be male, if you say Panie! Like you might if you are speaking to God or something. You know, 'Panie, błagam Cie.'
25 Aug 2012
Off-Topic / I am a Pariah: My Horror Story [44]

You're a pretty girl and sound intelligent so I am surprised that you have so many problems with men. Not wanting to sound like a pick up line but if you I lived near you I would probably want to meet you, if nothing more, to chat about Poland and do some Polish stuff, so you do not feel so bad in your area. I personally am not in any way ashamed of my Polish background. I mean look at the different cultures and ethnic groups that prance about, proud of where they are from and what the believe, you can be proud too, and if you are happy with that, then honestly, you cares what people think. I am sorry to hear about your past but if anything, try to look at it as a toughening up process, not a miserable time that you have problems forgetting.
25 Aug 2012
News / Poles, Polonians and aliens on Pussy Riot? [182]

No problem with the girls trying to demonstrate against Putin but not keen on them personally. 2 years is a bit harsh, although it is Putin, so not surprised.
24 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / Crap parenting in our UK youth today (in Poland it's a little better) [52]

Funny how people jump to the conclusion that it is a man who must punish physically. It was actually my mum who did this and I still love her very much. I wonder if you react just as badly to a woman who spanks her child as you do to a man who does this?
24 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / Crap parenting in our UK youth today (in Poland it's a little better) [52]

what makes me laugh is parents begging their children to stop doing something unacceptable.
like getting into a negotiation. there is no negotiation, i am the parent, i said no, end of conversation.

Exactly and yet you do not see enough of this in public. It normally ends with the parent just letting their child scream their lungs out, getting louder and louder and not considering that their child, you know, might be bothering others. Oh but it is a child so we should just accept it. That is why I hope for the day when I do not every have to take public transport again. Unfortunately some places are more [like the centre of London] are more convenient to get to via public transport.

Respectful? Ever considered that your unemployment woes might be actually linked to those beatings you received?

Why are you altering what I say to suit your case. I did not get beaten, I got an occasional belt on the bum. I never had to go to a doctor, nor did I have any marks from it, yet it was enough to make me not want to do what I had had done, again. BTW what on earth does my physical punishment as a child have to do with my current search for a job? What you think they can tell that I think it is okay to hit a child due to the answers I give? Did you have some alcoholic drink as you wrote this?

Would you tolerate your boss at work bending you over and giving you such a smack? No?

No because he or she is a stranger. In the same way it is unacceptable to hit someone elses child, since they are not yours and it is not your business.

an adult man hitting a small child round the head in temper isn't really on, is it?

No and that is why you do not hit a child around the head, or an adult [unless you are boxing or something].

I think it's pretty obvious that the beatings you got have had some sort of effect on you

Yeah yeah, good old delph. As soon as someone has a different opinion to you they are either not right in the head or some wellington boot wearing poor sap who not education. Get in the real world man, people have different ideas and ways of life, your views and way of life is not the guide to follow. Sometimes I think you did not get hit enough as a child.
24 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / Crap parenting in our UK youth today (in Poland it's a little better) [52]

But answer me this - why is it acceptable to beat a child but not an adult? Is it because, in reality, the adult would kick your ass?

Not many adults could kick my ass buddy.

I suppose we just have a different view. The only reason I would smack my child would be to teach it what is wrong and what is right. I would use other punishments as well [e.g no TV, no toys etc] but if they do not work then a smack on the bum might have to be used. If you hook up a piece of cheese to electricity and it shocks a mouse when it tries to get it, that pain will teach the mouse not to go near it. If you try other ways like frightening the mouse whenever it goes near it, when you are not there, it will still try to get it. Okay it might not be a fantastic example, let's just say, personally I feel there is not a lot wrong with hitting a child. It does not happen often and I honestly think the more disciplined children turn out better than the softy soft, explanation receiving ones. Children learn to manipulate as well. If they know that doing something bad only gets an explanation of why it is wrong, they'll 'listen' to it with their short attention span and then go off and do it again and again. Bring up your kids how you want but do not tell me a smack in the bum is something I can not do. Know the saying 'I put you in this world and I can take you out of it?' Well obviously I would not be as extreme as that but it makes sense. You look after your children and they have a duty to listen to you, not negotiate stuff with you. They only survive for the first few years of their life thanks to you, so they least they can do is have some respect. It is up to you to then teach it to them. Anyway this went off topic. The main topic was crap parenting, not just hitting your children. I mentioned that and people jumped on it. The main problem I have is with the parents that have children in public who blatantly disregard them and they do not do anything about it.
24 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / Crap parenting in our UK youth today (in Poland it's a little better) [52]

I have never nor will i ever smack/hit or use physical strength in a way that will physically hurt my children.

You are just twisting this in to something that makes me look bad so that you can prove your point. Common sense idiot! You do not hit a child in the legs, on the head or back or stomach, you usually give it a smack on the bum [it hurts but does no damage] or to a lesser extent a clip around the ear. That is what I mean by hitting a child. If hitting your child gets them to be proper decent respectful adults and they do the same with their children, no problem. As for me needing a smack, let me tell you I am the respectful person I am today, why is that? I was physically punished as a child, with a belt to the backside and it certainly taught me not to do the wrongs I did ever again. I can say as a fact that discipline has taught me so much good and the times where I did not fear any consequence I was not as good a person. You have to get it right, the aim is not to damage the child physically but to do enough so that it does not want to be hit again and often stops with the mere mentioning of a smack, as p3undone said. Sometimes when I see a parent explaining stuff to 4 year olds it makes me laugh. You know what the result is, they usually listen to what is said to them, then just do whatever wrong they were doing, anyway, since they are not able to understand the explanation. The punishment method is simple to understand, do this and you get this, be good and you get this [obviously you can reward for good behaviour as well, not just punish them].
23 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / Crap parenting in our UK youth today (in Poland it's a little better) [52]

To be honest for me it is common sense that there is a difference between hitting your child and beating them to a pulp. I am all for smacking your children if they misbehave and would not frown if I saw it in public. In fact some children I see need a good smack. Obviously if they get beat so hard they have to go to hospital, that is unacceptable, but a parent with common sense knows that and if they do not then they are not fit to be a parent. It is my belief [at least from personal experience] that the children who were in the strict households turn out to be better more respectful adults than the children who never got hit and could do what they wanted, as their parent would let them, because they 'love' them.
23 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / Crap parenting in our UK youth today (in Poland it's a little better) [52]

Is it just me who sees an effect of crap parenting in our youth today? It is funny, so many people are so bright and good at what they do. They can make money and live luxurious lives, they have lots of achievements to boast about professionally, yet the one simple task of bringing up their children to be respectful adults is often beyond them. In shopping centres, in Church, on public transport etc. Screaming children with a parent who looks at them with that 'he/she is just a child so it is normal' look. No, what is normal is for you to explain to them why what they are doing is wrong. The worst part if if you say anything then you are the bad stranger who sticks their nose in, so you just have to sit there like a lemon and try to ignore it. I know a lot of parents want to be good to their children. I hear many explanations of how they were not treated well as a child and how their home was very strict and they do not want to be like that for their child, they want their child to know they love them. Well just letting them do what they want, when they want, is not love. If anything you harm them. You teach them that they can do what they want and get stuff if they make a little noise for a while. Despite this we wonder why so many youngsters today have absolutely no respect, just doing what they want. Sometimes I want to take some of the parents and shake them. You must have had it, you see a child misbehaving and you look at their parent, wondering if they will do anything, and often, they do nothing. I think in Poland it is a little better, although with many people now moving away and turning more liberal, it seems they go for the very softy soft approach as well.
23 Aug 2012
Love / A Polish womans relationship with her mother in law. [44]

People like to give their opinions so here is mine. As mentioned before, your son sounds like a real 'douchebag.' All you have done in your post is show him in bad light. He is a druggy who forced a girlfriend of his to have an abortion, then gave his other girlfriend a disease and decided he did not want you to be involved in their life, sending you an email with terribly abusive language. This is going to be out of place but you have not brought this guy up right. If you thinks it is okay to speak to you like that then he obviously did not have enough discipline as a child. You seem to think it is something to do with his Polish girlfriend, I think you'll find it is probably him who decided he did not want you involved. Since she loves him, she probably does what he tells her and protects him. Honestly I would question here too, the fact that she is with a guy like this does not say much good about her either to be fair.
6 Aug 2012
News / Poland has its first super hero - The White Eagle [11]

It is a nice idea but me thinks it is just another idea to make money. You know for the same reason that so many super hero films were released recently. They know people like superheroes so the movies are going to make lots of money. Now if there are Polish people that are fans of comics and superheroes, then this comic is going to make a lot of money.
27 Jul 2012
News / Polish newspaper websites to start charging for access in September [9]

Sites that charge for usage are not going to get many readers, simple as that. People do not like to pay for Internet and then have to pay for services on the internet unless it is a very good service. Charging for news is simply going to mean people check the news somewhere else where it is free.
25 Jul 2012
Love / Best way to find a Polish husband...ideas? [120]

whether they don't want to associate with certain people because they're from a different walk of life, ethnicity, crowd etc.

I for one totally understand that. I think there that there is absolutely nothing wrong in wanting to keep your ethnicity going and being proud of it. A black person can say that they are proud to be black so why can this not be the case for a white person? If they want to keep their ethnicity, culture and religious beliefs going, great for them. There is nothing racist or backward about that, you can mix with others and be friendly with them, but why do you have to get married to someone like that?

Muhammad Ali on racial integration

22 Jul 2012
Love / Best way to find a Polish husband...ideas? [120]

I want someone who is sane to the core, responsible/moral, classy, tall, white, and has his life on track but not overly religious

Well you pretty much described me although I am a bit of a religious psycho + I don't live in the USA so, slight problem there. Plus you do not like it when a man pulls a cute/funny face to lighten to mood so we are just too different girl.
20 Jul 2012
Life / Is it McPoland? [63]

we're not even allowed to "supersize". Not that I want to anyway - they only give you more fries and more drink, when what I really want is a supersized burger

So do you want to or not? Speaking of supersize, how about 'fat assing' your meals?

20 Jul 2012
Law / Rights of a consumer when dealing with faulty goods in Poland? [65]

My orange mobile phone has just stopped allowing me to send texts or read what is in the texts that are sent to me. I called orange today but was on hold for so long I hung up. I'll try again tomorrow when I get free calls.
20 Jul 2012
Life / Is it McPoland? [63]

People watch supersize me, it'll give you a little bit of insight. The guy who made that film later hosted a TV program where people took part in eating challenges, you know life stuffing their faces with crappy food as fast as possible. Gotta love the irony.
15 Jul 2012
Life / Is it McPoland? [63]

McDonalds serves it's purpose for those who want a quick bite or tummy filler on the go. It's hardly a place someone would go dine out in everyday.

But you would be surprised just how many people do go there on a regular basis [3 or 4 times a week at least]. Why? It tastes good to them. It's cheap. The fact that it is actually, for the most part, absolute crap, has no meaning in this case.

Anyway Poland is not the only country to be attacked by a worldwide fast food chain, many countries have, even the very poor countries where you would be surprised to see this type of restaurant have them. Since this freedom stuff got so very popular, the most we can do is educate people as to why they might be better off avoiding fast food restaurant, cigarettes, etc. Evidence so far suggests that this 'education' does not get through most of the time.
13 Jul 2012
Life / A taste of Polish mess [10]

Yeah we cannot make the call so our friend has to but it gets tiring. You have to fight for something you are supposed to be entitled to. When they finally sort it out you feel relieved that it is okay but you should not have had the problem in the first place. It's like having a homeless guy sleeping on your front door step. When you finally manage to get rid of him you're happy, then you realise 'What on earth was he doing on my front doorstep in the first place!!??'

As for TV, I often think the same, why bother having it since there is hardly anything decent on there and you can watch stuff on the internet now. I think TV licenses could be a dying breed, then again the same was said about newspapers when radio, TV and finally, the internet, appeared, and yet, they still make sales. Probably the comfort zone. Yeah you can read stuff online but there something about sitting back with a newspaper or book that is just more relaxing. It hurts your eyes less.
13 Jul 2012
Life / A taste of Polish mess [10]

I often hear on the news or from other people who have lived in Poland how badly so much stuff is organised there. Well recently we got a taste of the disorganised bullshit. We have Cyfrowy Polsat and had a message recently on the television that said that we have not paid for the last month so it is going to be shut off. We have a close friend of the family who pays in to an account every month [with money we give him] in Poland since officially the box is supposed to be used over there. He said that he was confused because he paid so he went over to the Polsat store to talk to them [since they blocked our satellite within a few days]. They told him that the reason we owed money was because as of a few days ago they added a few channels and now the monthly cost was more.

Apparently we had to opt out of the new package, that they force on you, by a certain date, and if we did not, then they would give us the new package and we would have to pay more. That is like buying sky in Britain with a tiny print on page 300 of the long terms and conditions packet that says, after every year you get your package upgraded to a more expensive one that you you have to phone up and opt out of.

Surely you should get to choose when and if you want to upgrade. Anyway our friend paid what we supposedly owed and informed them that we do not want the more expensive package but the one we had. They unblocked our channels. Now after just 1 day since this was 'straightened' out they keep on putting up a message on our TV screen [every 15 minutes or so] that we need to pay back the outstanding some, that our friend went and paid and supposedly sorted out. I constantly here ******** about the 'bałagan' in Poland, it gets tiring to listen to but I totally understand why people are mad.
6 Jul 2012
News / SUNDAY WITHOUT MASS IN POLAND - Judaeo-leftist Wyborcza gloats [165]

And how exactly did Catholicism get started?

Jesus, you know him? Son of God, built the Church on one of his disciples and that is where it began. If you believe in Jesus and his disciples and what they stood for then surely the best religion to follow that is based on them is the one they officially started. It has gotten passed on from Pope to Pope who is supposed to be the modern day apostle. Although some people go for the one started by some dude or dudes in America, England or Russia who decided that some of the rules do not suit them so they altered it and decided they would be in charge.
6 Jul 2012
News / SUNDAY WITHOUT MASS IN POLAND - Judaeo-leftist Wyborcza gloats [165]

Oh come on genecps. Some of your posts are very much unlike your other posts. Some have a lot of detail in them and seem to be based on some sources while others are very anti Catholic agenda type. To say that is is a rule rather than an exception is madness. Oh what if some pedophiles are doctors, would you say that it is a normality that doctors are pedophiles? What if lawyers are pedophiles? Again would you generalise. Oh no but some of the Catholic priests were found to be pedo's and suddenly Catholicism is nothing but pedo's. It's an argument so stupid I don't even know where to being explaining just how flawed it is. There is just so much wrong with it. I prefer Catholicism than a Christian religion run in America by some average dude with a family who has made up his own Church and now wants to feel important.